GGF17: 10-12 May 2006, Tokyo Japan Attendees: A Stephen McGough, William Lee Main areas of focus: HPC profile BOF, SAGA, OGSA, OGSA RSS, OGSA EMS, JSDL, OGSA Information model BoF for the HPC profile group At this GGF the main focus for the JSDL group was on the definition of a parallel job extension. Five projects, including GridSAM, presented their extensions to the JSDL specification for parallel jobs. This information was considered and evaluated in terms of what the wider community would really require from parallel job submissions. This was work that we were able to contribute fully to and provide insight from our prior work in developing a parallel extension for GridSAM based on requirements from our users. This also brought up a discussion on how JSDL documents should be extended as this would be our first extension. By the end of the meeting we had a draft schema for a SPMD extension. From work that happened at the last OGSA face to face meeting, focusing on the HPC use case, a birds of a feather meeting was held to form a new group to work on interoperation between different Grids. This work would be based on profiling down the BES and JSDL specifications. This is obviously highly relevant work for what we have been doing already and something that we are taking a full and active role within. The plan was set out to hold an interoperation session at SuperComputing 06 in November. The next iteration of the BES specification was worked upon which removed some of the complexities that had been added from the previous iteration, thus bringing it back more to what we already had with GridSAM. The information modelling group continued its efforts in modelling the BES service and an overall information model for the Grid. Again this is relevant as a better way for describing resource requirements within a JSDL document. The EMS effort at this event were looking at the overall architecture and specifically how CDDLM would fit within this. We continued to feed into the efforts of the SAGA and RSS groups.