A Patient - Centred NHS - How MCN’s Do It Carole Morrison, Diabetes MCN Manager Caroline Craig, Diabetes Specialist Nurse SHIFTING THE BALANCE OF CARE INFORMING THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERMEDIATE MODEL OF DIABETES CARE – A NEEDS ANALYSIS Structured Patient Education Patient Held Records/Self Management DIABETES MCN Referrals back to Primary Care/Stable Patients DSN Posts Complex Therapies NEEDS ANALYSIS AIMS • To determine the current diabetes service provision/standard within General Practices in order to determine how DSN’s can best support the needs of General Practices in order to enhance services to patients with diabetes • To obtain views from General Practices on how future diabetes services should be provided locally in order to shape and shift the balance of care in the most appropriate way RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF NEEDS ANALYSIS Informed our understanding of the level of service provision Highlighted specific reasons for referral to secondary care and how this can be better managed Identified a number of barriers within general practices which impinge on their aspirations and ability to provide quality diabetes care Contributed to how DSN’S can effectively support general practices and work effectively in partnership with them Education and training needs of general practices identified RECOMMENDATIONS: FURTHER ENHANCE INTEGRATED INTERMEDIATE MODEL OF DIABETES CARE TO DELIVER IMPROVED SERVICES FOR PEOPLE WITH DIABETES. ACHIEVING THE SHIFT • • • • • MCN objectives and priorities now better aligned to planning group agendas – BOC/Service Redesign/LTC Performance Management – clear objectives /timescales/reporting format required of MCN Need for Quantitative data as well as Qualitative data to provide evidence of shift Influencing change within MCN through appropriate representation Influencing change at CHP level through MCN Management representation on CHP groups • • • Involvement of MCN patient focus group members in service re-design and priority setting – listening and responding to what is important to them Effective relationships / team working and clinical leadership Improved recognition of the role and skills of the DSN and other members of the MDT and their contribution to the work of the MCN