The CIMSS iPad Library and ESIP Teacher Workshops Steve Ackerman1, Lin Chambers2, LuAnn Dahlman3, Nina Jackson4, Margaret Mooney1 and Tom Whittaker1 1Cooperative 2009 Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, SSEC, UW-Madison 2NASA Langley 3NOAA’s Climate Program Office 4NOAA NESDIS 2010 2011 AMS 2013 2012 About CIMSS Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies CIMSS is a Cooperative Institute between: – University of Wisconsin-Madison – NOAA – NASA CIMSS operates within the UW-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) CIMSS scientists conduct research using remote sensing systems for meteorological & surface-based applications. CIMSS Education and Outreach efforts prioritizes weather and climate literacy – ESIP Teacher Workshops Earth Science Information Partners • • • • Funded by NOAA NESDIS Started in 2009 at the ESIP conference in UCSB Main theme - Earth Science Data Regional teachers & a lighter carbon footprint CIMSS Climate Literacy Ambassadors • Funded by NASA GCCE (NICE) • Added a dedicated climate literacy theme to ESIP Teacher Workshops starting in 2010 Knoxville TN 2010 Santa Fe NM 2011 Madison WI 2012 CIMSS iPad Library In 2012 CIMSS launched a new initiative to engage teachers and students in data acquisition and regional climate studies. The CIMSS iPad Library, loans iPads to science teachers for an entire school year! The first units were distributed at the ESIP Teacher Workshop where educators learned about climate-related Apps, including SatCam, where users collect observations of cloud and surface conditions coordinated with a satellite overpass. FREE Let’s walk through the four main SatCam screens Settings To start, you’ll need to register (sign in) with SSEC You can turn voice cues on to be notified 10 minutes prior to a satellite overpass You can also set the start & stop time for voice cues Passes The top of each screen indicates time remaining until next overpass If you click on a satellite, you’ll get a new screen showing the orbit path! Sweep your finger on the screen to see passes for the next 7 days History Eventually you will have a record of your observations, each one shaded based on user-classified sky conditions Regardless of what screen you’re on, (or whether your iPad is open) the voice cue will notify you 10 minutes prior to an overpass For 5 minutes, a satellite will move along the top of your screen with a countdown clock Let’s make an observation! Click on “Make Observation” to read the directions on subsequent screens, SatCam will guide you through the process You can make a manual observation (and take a picture of the sky) or set your unit down and let SatCam take the picture automatically Manual Point and Click! Automatic Set your unit down and let SatCam take the picture Next, point your iOS device at the horizon to take a picture and classify your surroundings About an hour after you submit your observation, SSEC will send the corresponding satellite image to you, indicated by a badge (red-bullseye) near the History icon. The badge will have a small white number inside indicating the number of new satellite images. You will see • Your sky observation • Your ground picture • Your sky classification • Your ground classification AND - the corresponding satellite image! Click on the satellite image to enlarge! CIMSS iPad Library iPads with bar codes & loan agreement forms Wait, what about the CIMSS applets? iPads cannot run Java or Flash, so applets we want to share must be re-coded into HTML5 to run on web browsers iPads will only run media & apps distributed via the APPLE online store So, are the teachers using the iPads? results from a recent survey Never (please elaborate) • • My school will not give me the password to log onto WiFi because it is not a school iPAD, even though I have explained it to them. I plan to use it when i cover earth science second semester. Please share specific way(s) you've integrated the CIMSS iPad into your teaching or augmented your curriculum with the iPad. • Weather unit using various apps, showcasing images and taking photos. • I am able to project apps related to climate and weather. Students can view data collected with vernier sensors in the ipads • Useful in accessing web information while teaching/presenting. Useful for incorporating visuals into small group discussions • OMG ... I use many apps like itunes university, and Morfo etc. to enhance both the richness of the content and presentation to my classes. • preview lab activities and use calendar for assignments • Use the projector connector to share apps that I have downloaded • At the beginning of each Atmospheric Science class (elective), we spend about 1015 minutes looking at the latest surface conditions, weather maps, and news. We also used app called "Solar Walk" and "NASA" to find and locate the satellites that we would take pictures of using "Sat Cam." In Regents Earth Science, I used the "Coordinates" app to have students check their answers to a lab on latitidue and longitude. The students got "carried away" locating points of interest in the satellite function (Eiffel Tower, Mt. Rushmore, Grand Prism Springs, etc.)- I turned it into a lesson where they had to record the coordinates of these places so their classmates could find them! I also used the "MyTopo Maps" app to enhance a lab in the topographic maps unit. Please share specific way(s) you've integrated the CIMSS iPad into your teaching or augmented your curriculum with the iPad. • • • • • • • • • • • • Students have watched current weather related stories. We also watch science films When kids are using Khan it allows me to have instant feedback. students collect data for satcam For my each unit I have something to show to the students from apps. For intro i shoesd the satellite paths and their contributions. For topography we used google earth maps and satellite pictures and for the Astronomy (star, bigbang, galaxies and celestial objects) unit that I am on right now I am looking for a perfect app. i am going to use it as a data resource when i get to earth science second semester. The Element app on the smartboard to illustrate elements I have used "keynote" to create presentation for the classroom. Have added topographic maps to ipad. Allows more clear presentation of maps on white board. Finding apps pertaining to specific lessons. While i dont have ipads available to the classroom, i am able to share with the students apps i have that they can get on their smart devices I use it mostly to search for new information, either on-the-fly, or in a more focused session. It's so handy whenever I need it. specifically showing an animation or how an app works, lab work, class agenda, internet display Please share specific way(s) you've integrated the CIMSS iPad into your teaching or augmented your curriculum with the iPad. • research, and I am trying to learn how to use the iPad as a smartboard substitute • I use the google earth app. I also us the podcast to view lectures. VideoScience has some great videos for students who are getting done early. I will be starting my earthquake unit soon. I am going to try using the Popular Mechanics QuakerTracker app. • I regularly use short video clips and podcasts illustrating specific science concepts. Dr. Carlson Science Theater is a favorite. As I taught weather I used many weather apps with students. We often use the iPad to find information on the Internet. We have used the camera and video camera to take pictures and videos during lab experiments. We have used a word processor to write notes about a lab and then used the pictures taken to illustrate the lab write up. • Taking photos of the sky and horizon as closely to the satellite pass as possible Never (please elaborate) • I haven't needed to project since I have such a small group. • I'm still trying to get it to work. • I plan to, but I haven't figured out how to connect to the SMART Board unit yet. • This is probably very easy, but when all students have iPads (I have a class set), it hasn't seemed to be a problem that I haven't displayed on the big screen. • I have yet to upload an app to control my smart board. • I show students personally • I plan to use it in upcoming units. I have not used it yet. • Still working on it. I have a projector hooked up to the computer, but I am trying to learn ShowMe and Educreations to use the iPad as a smartboard substitute. • My district also said they will put Notebook software on the iPad for me. • Have not had time or training to implement i-Pad use Never (please elaborate) • • Am used to android tablets so i am saving this for 2nd semester. It was stolen about 3 weeks ago by my students Never (please elaborate) • I am always using it at home. Never (please elaborate) • • • • Most of the applications for which I am using the iPad require more than one iPad in the classroom Students don’t have access to it They won’t use it until second semester I want to, but I haven’t had time to learn yet Please share any problems, limitations and/or complaints you might have related to the iPad technology. • • • • • • • • • • No flash player I would love to have one for each kid Trying to figure out how to use a cart of 30 for individual use The iPad does not work with my smartboard. I have difficulty to show the iPad app as we cannot attach it to overhead projector and show it visually I have to give instructions to them to go on computer and look for it. Many times they cannot down load as the district have some restrictions on the websites It is difficult to print at school without WiFi There are too many ways for students to get lost with the technology in their hands. Too many buttons and many of the students’ knowledge of the iPad is much stronger than my own internet not always available if the tech guys are not here to put me on-line It would be great to be able to link to the computer wirelessly when projecting on the big screen. Cannot use it for any word processing capability. Please list 3 to 5 science-related apps that your use that you would recommend to other teachers. App General Topic Price Compasses Dual Level- (Level) Educreations Environmental Science Buddy Google Earth iTunes U Just Science Keynote Lewis Dots Living Eath MS Earth Science Buddy MyRadar Weather Radar MyTopo Maps NASA Nova Elements Compass Level Education Environmental Science Maps Education Earth Surface Temp Presentations Chemsitry Satellite Weather Education Weather Topographic maps NASA Elements Free Free Free $1.99 Free Free Free $9.99 Free $1.99 $1.99 Free Free Free Free Please list 3 to 5 science-related apps that your use that you would recommend to other teachers. App General Topic Puzzling Plates pxSatellite Tracking (ISS Tracker) QuakeFeed Earthquakes Science 360 Science Fridays ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard Solar Walk - 3D Solar System Model Space Junk Lite Spacecraft 3D (JPL) Stars new Synthesizer The Night Sky The Weather Channel Vernier Video Physics World Bank Climate Change DataFinder xperica Tectonic Plates Satellites Earthquakes Science Science News Education Solar System Game NASA Spacecraft Stars and Constellations Music Stars and Constellations Weather Physics Climate Change Education Price $1.99 Free Free Free Free Free $2.99 Free Free Free Free $0.99 Free $2.99 Free Free Anything else related to the CIMSS iPad Library that we should know? • • • • • • • • • • • • • I have been enjoying the iPad and my students' learning has been improved. Thanks! Thank you! We are working to get our staff more comfortable using it and hope to use it more frequently! I am very much enjoying the Ipad and learning so much every week by using it!!! i'm not going to want to gvie it back :) I LOVE this program- GREAT idea for teachers!! we will appreciate if we can keep ipads for longer time so that my next year students will take advantage or if you could make it available for low price that our school/teachers can afford to buy and keep it I'm very grateful to be a part of the program! SplashTop app has been useful for physically disabled student(s) to be more involved with lessons/ notes by being able to change Powerpoint slides, etc it is a nice resource. Would it be possible to be issued another? would another one be available for purchase? I LOVE it, and thank you so much for the opportunity to use it. Thanks for letting us use them. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this opportunity. Next Steps • Two teachers are creating lesson plan(s) they are tentatively calling “Change over time” (middle school & high school version) using the SatCam App • We’ll send another survey out in the spring • Current plan is to collect the iPads in June and redistribute at the 2013 ESIP teacher workshop (UNC – Chapel Hill) You can contact me at Margaret Mooney Thanks to NOAA & NASA for supporting this work!