Automated reconstruction of LAr events at Warwick Morgan, YR

Automated reconstruction of LAr
events at Warwick
J.J. Back, G.J. Barker, S.B. Boyd, A.J. Bennieston, B.
Morgan, YR
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers
Single electron, 2 GeV in LAr:
● Easy 'by-eye' in isolation
● Challenging for computer
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers
Spot the electron!
2 GeV e- as before
81 cosmic muons in
14x14x20 m3 volume
in 1.4 ms readout interval.
Analysis 'by-eye' becomes
A big challenge for any
automated analysis.
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers
Automated reconstruction at Warwick
Raw data:
incl. charge quench
in Genie/Geant4
DBScan event noise filter, dEdx filter,
charge smoothing, masking structures,
feature finding, utilities
Being validated
segmentation decision
Exists, tested
Track segmentation
Shower Segmentation
- Cellular automaton
- LPC algorithm
LPC shower
finder, total energy,
direction, extent
Physics Structure container
Clusters of hits, each a reconstructed particle
Vertex finder
Particle Identification
Six discrimination variables
and multi-variate analysis TMVA
Truth value validation, track length calculation, observables, ...
LPC – vertex finder
Post-recon analysis
Kinematics calculator
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Kalman filter fit
Y. Ramachers
Current status
Shower / Track decision code being validated
Track analysis automated, validated for CA, LPC not yet
Shower analysis exists, no validation yet
Particle ID, finished
“Interest point detection for reconstruction in high granularity tracking
detectors”, B. Morgan, JINST 5 (2010) P07006
“Electron-Hadron shower discrimination in a LArTPC”, submitted
CA paper in preparation
Local Principal Curves (LPC) paper in preparation
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers
Current status
Code structure:
Module catalogue:
● Hit filter:
● Number of hits
● dE/dx filter
● DBScan Noise
● DBScan clustering
● Boolean cuts on truth values (for simulated data)
● Charge smoothing (for sim. Data)
● Cluster merging and stitching
● Feature point finder
● Hit/Region masking
● PCA transformation
● Cluster range calculation
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers
Automated reconstruction at Warwick
Raw data:
incl. charge quench
in Genie/Geant4
DBScan event noise filter, dEdx filter,
charge smoothing, masking structures,
feature finding, utilities
Being validated
segmentation decision
Exists, tested
Track segmentation
Shower Segmentation
- Cellular automaton
- LPC algorithm
LPC shower
finder, total energy,
direction, extent
Physics Structure container
Clusters of hits, each a reconstructed particle
Vertex finder
Particle Identification
Six discrimination variables
and multi-variate analysis TMVA
Truth value validation, track length calculation, observables, ...
LPC – vertex finder
Post-recon analysis
Kinematics calculator
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Kalman filter fit
Y. Ramachers
Cellular Automaton (CA) for tracks
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Validation on low energy
CCQE muon + proton events and
CCQE muon + proton + pion events.
Y. Ramachers
Cellular Automaton (CA) for tracks
Muon efficiency
Muon purity
Combined muon, proton factors
Have two dominant parameters:
● CA-angle
● Stitching angle
Overall particle efficiency / purity is at:
Muon Proton
Eff. 95-97% 95-98%
Pur. 91-92% 95-96%
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers
Automated reconstruction at Warwick
Raw data:
incl. charge quench
in Genie/Geant4
DBScan event noise filter, dEdx filter,
charge smoothing, masking structures,
feature finding, utilities
Being validated
segmentation decision
Exists, tested
Track segmentation
Shower Segmentation
- Cellular automaton
- LPC algorithm
LPC shower
finder, total energy,
direction, extent
Physics Structure container
Clusters of hits, each a reconstructed particle
Vertex finder
Particle Identification
Six discrimination variables
and multi-variate analysis TMVA
Truth value validation, track length calculation, observables, ...
LPC – vertex finder
Post-recon analysis
Kinematics calculator
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Kalman filter fit
Y. Ramachers
Most versatile: LPC
LPC on low energy electron showers.
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers
LPC capabilities
On tracks: N-dimensional feature finder
● Track separation at feature points
● Vertex finder (Blue point, top left pict.)
On showers:
● Shower/Track discrimination decision
● Shower finder / analysis
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers
LPC on vertex finding
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Segment event structure at feature point
Fit line to segment ends
Calculate line intersection or closest
approach for vertex finding
Better than 1 cm resolution on low energy
muon + proton CCQE events here.
Y. Ramachers
Automated reconstruction at Warwick
Raw data:
incl. charge quench
in Genie/Geant4
DBScan event noise filter, dEdx filter,
charge smoothing, masking structures,
feature finding, utilities
Being validated
segmentation decision
Exists, tested
Track segmentation
Shower Segmentation
- Cellular automaton
- LPC algorithm
LPC shower
finder, total energy,
direction, extent
Physics Structure container
Clusters of hits, each a reconstructed particle
Vertex finder
Particle Identification
Six discrimination variables
and multi-variate analysis TMVA
Truth value validation, track length calculation, observables, ...
LPC – vertex finder
Post-recon analysis
Kinematics calculator
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Kalman filter fit
Y. Ramachers
Particle ID
Assumption: Isolated hit structures obtained from a previous step, i.e.
assume to analyse single clusters!
Step 1: Principal component transformation of hit cloud.
Step 2: Calculate 6 discrimination variables:
(1) Lateral structure – Core-to-Total ratio ('lat')
(2) Hit concentration – Coulomb energy of hits as a measure of concentration ('con')
(3) Initial dE/dx – slice cluster longitudinally, take starting part only, ('dedx')
(4) Spatial extent - Calculate convex hull, get spatial extent of structure in all
three principal axes, ('extx, exty, extz')
Step 3: Multivariate Analysis – run TMVA4 and pick best method
(typically boosted decision trees)
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers
Particle ID
Example low energy π0 shower and PCA transform
Core 9.61cm x 9.61cm
for 'lat' variable
Main p
l axis
Lateral projection plane
Axes units in [mm]
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers
EM/(all pions+protons+muons)
Signal is an isolated EM shower; background all muons, protons, pions, other mesons
Signal/Background distribution
from CNGS neutrino beam
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Signal/Background distribution uniform
between 10 MeV and 4.5GeV.
Y. Ramachers
Fully automated reconstruction of LAr events is possible with this
software, how well is not known yet.
Step-wise validation is ongoing.
Most promising algorithm so far: local principal curves (LPC)
All methods at Warwick are N-dimensional – can run on 2D images,
not only full 3D.
Two more publications in the pipeline: CA and LPC, particle ID is
submitted and on arXiv.
Final target would be to build a physics reconstruction study.
IOP meeting Manchester 28/11/2012
Y. Ramachers