Proceedings of 20th International Business Research Conference 4 - 5 April 2013, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-22-1 Identifying and Ranking Effective Factors Which Promote Technical and Engineering Services Export to CIS1 Countries Seyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini The present research addresses the subject of identifying and ranking effective factors which promote technical and engineering services export to CIS countries. The export of services has already gained great international significance in recent years and thus the volume of its commerce-oriented exchange, indication a 3.6% growth rate, presently amounts ¼ of the world’s total volume of trade. Promotion of the export of services provides the interested countries, processing the entire required infrastructure, with quite enough opportunities to compensate for possible reduction of their exported goods and stabilizes their currency revenues basically through exporting of technical / engineering services. Considering that services are having more importance in the economy of developed countries, transferring projects build and operation activities to lower wages countries, opening of the gates of potential markets in CIS countries and their needs to utilize services of other countries plus some other advantages like: strengthening political and economical relations with CIS countries, exporting internal produced goods accompanying technical engineering services export, increase in production of internal products, improve in the quality of the products, all expresses the importance of subject of this research. Population of this research includes 33 exporters of technical-engineering services which had work experience in CIS countries. The research questionnaire has face validity and the achieved Kronbach Alpha equal to 0/866 expresses high reliability of the questionnaire too. In order to reach to the objectives of this research 1 0 hypotheses have been introduced and after data analysis and applying hypothesis tests, it became clear that all 10 factors presented in the research model affect on promotion of technical-engineering services export to CIS countries having %95 confidence level. The results of this study show that based on the importance priority, the role of State in establishing effective international diplomacy, facilitating in finance, perceived quality of services, professional expert human resources, advanced technology and machinery, giving export subsidies, inter-bank correspondence, export insurance coverage, knowledge of international marketing, engineering services consultancy have basic role in promotion of technical and engineering services export to CIS countries. Key Words: Export, Technical Engineering Export, Economic Growth, Export promotio Seyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini EMBA, Head of engineering export promotion Dept. in Iran TPO, Email:;