Corporate Taxes and Firm Capital Structure: A Pooled Cross-Section and Time-Series Analysis Abu Taher Mollik Accounting, Banking and Finance Faculty of Business and Government University of Canberra Building 6, Room: 6C26; Phone: (+61) 0422 239 066 Abstract This paper examines the effect corporate taxes on the use of debt capital or leverage in a firm’s capital structure. Several capital structure theories argue that changes in the rate of corporation tax should directly affect the debt-equity ratio of a firm, such that an increase in the corporate tax rate should increase aggregate debt-equity ratios. Most of the previous empirical studies tested the effect of corporate tax rates indirectly by using non-debt tax shields. Unlike previous studies, this study used the corporate tax rate on its own as a determinant of capital structure in a pooled cross-section and time-series analysis. Applying the fixed effect model the results reveals that a firm’s financial leverage is an increasing function of corporate taxes, market structure, free cash flows, collateralizable asset value, firm size, and dividend payouts and a decreasing function of profitability, growth opportunities, uniqueness of the products, business risk or volatility, interest rates, non-debt tax shields and reputation. However, the significance and, in some cases, the direction of the effects of these variables vary depending on the type of debt, measures of leverage and the model specified. The findings of the study have important implication for policy makers, corporate executives and academics alike. Keywords: Capital structure; Corporate Tax Rate; Panel Data; Fixed effect model. JEL Classification: G32, P34