Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1(1): 23-26, 2009 ISSN: 2040-7505 © M axwell Scientific Organization, 2009 Submitted Date: July 13, 2009 Accepted Date: August 09, 2009 Published Date: September 23, 2009 Estimation of Reliability in Non-accumulating Damage Shock Model for Two-component(non I.i.d.) Parallel System 1 1 S.B. Munoli and 2 M.D. Suranagi Department of Statistics, Karnatata University, Dharwad-580 003. India. 2 Department of Statistics, Karnatata Veterinary, Anim al and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar-585 401. India. Abstract: A parallel system of two com ponents is su bjected to a sequence of shocks causing dam age to both the components of the system. The maximum likelihood estimator and Bay es estim ator of reliability function are obtained un der no n-acc umu lating dama ge shock mod el setup . The com putation of estimators and their comparison is also considered. Key w ords: Bayes estimator, fatal shock, life testing experiment, maximum likelihood estimator INTRODUCTION Arrangement of com ponents in parallel is one of the basic methods of increasing reliab ility. The interest in two-component parallel system currently is exhibited by health scientists, engine ers, mathem aticians, economists and adm inistrators. W e com e across several twocomponent parallel systems in our day-today life such as pair of eyes, pair of kidneys, pair of hands and legs, pair of elevators, pair of engine s in aircrafts, pair of directors and depu ty directors to run a firm, etc.. So, it is necessary to develop mathema tical methods to assess the reliability of the two- component parallel systems. There have been several formulations of bivariate exponential and related distributions. These include the distributions of (Gumb el, 1960; Freu nd, 19 61; M arshall and Olkin, 1967; Dow nton, 1970; Basu, 1971; Haw kes, 1972; Block and Basu, 1974; Weier, 1981 and Klein and Basu, 1985) mo dels. Esary et al.(1973) studied some shock models and their properties. Barlow and Proschan (1975) have considered shock models yielding biva riate distributions. Kunchur and Munoli (1993) have considered the estimation of reliability in cumulative dam age shock mo del. Suppose the system of two-components each with thresholds u 1 and u 2 is subjected to a sequence of shocks from a single source causing damage to both the componen ts. Shocks are occurring randomly in time as even ts of a Poisson process of intensity 8, 8 > 0. Let X j and Y j denote the damages caused due to j-th shock to the two components respectively and X j , Y j have exponential distribution with means 2 1 and 2 2 , 2 1 , 2 2 >0. The com ponent fails whenever the damage due to a shock exceeds the threshold of the comp onent. If the damage does not exceeds the threshold of the component, then the component works as good as new one. After failure of one of the two components the surviving component receives shocks with the same intensity. The system fails when bo th the comp onents fail (parallel system). The reliability function and the life testing experiment are considered in Section 2. Estimators of reliability function and their computations are considered in Section 3. Findings of the study are discussed in Section 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS Reliability Function: The life distribution of the model discussed in Section 1 is given by (1) whe re Corresponding Author: S. B. Munoli, Departm ent of S tatistics, K arnatak University, Dh arwad-580 003. Ind ia 23 Res. J. Math. Stat., 1(1): 23-26, 2009 (5) with (2) Using (5), the maximum likelihood estimators (MLE )s of parameters are obtained as Substituting this probability in (1) and interchanging the order of summations over n and k, we have (6) RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Estimators of Reliability Function: Using the invariance property of MLEs, the MLE of reliability function can be obtained. In order to obtain the B ayes estima tor of the reliability function R(J), consider the prior distributions of 8, 2 1 and 2 2 (Box and Tiao, 1973) as (3) (7) and the reliability of the system at mission time J is given by R(J) = 1 – H(J). (4) (8) Life Testing Exp erime nt: Suppose r systems each of two com ponents (say A and B ) havin g life distribution H (t) given in (3) are subjected to life testing experiment. The experiment is conducted un til all the systems fail. The ith system fails when both the components of the system fail. Let for i-th system, component A fails due to mi -th shock and component B fails due to n i -th shock. Let and be dam ages due to and (9) whe re k i ’s are obtained such that ,i= 1,2. Using (5), shocks to the two components A and B respectively. Let X ij ’s and Y ij ’s be exponentially distributed random variables with means 2 1 and 2 2 , 2 1 , 2 2 >0. When component A of i-th system fails due to mi -th shock, we have X ij < u, j = 1,2,… ,m i -1 and (7), (8) and (9), the is given by > u 2 (fatal shock). Let s i = max(m i , n i ) and be the time pdf of (10) > u 1 (fatal shock). Similarly, Y ij < u, j = 1,2,… ,n i -1 and joint with respect to 8, 2 1 Integrating epochs at wh ich the system experiences the shocks. The and 2 2 over their respective ranges, we get the distribution inter-arrival times (t i1 -ti0 ), (ti2 -ti1 ), … , of are exponential random variables w ith parameter 8, 8>0. The joint pdf by of the random variables and . posterior distribution of 8, 2 1 and 2 2 as for all the r systems is given by 24 Dividing , we g et the Res. J. Math. Stat., 1(1): 23-26, 2009 Tab le 1: ML 8 J 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 and B ayes Estimates of Reliability Function for r=5 R (J) 0.923336 0.835859 0.745601 0.657538 0.880388 0.745601 0.615569 0.498264 0.835859 0.657538 0.498264 0.369335 10 14 13 16 13 17 16 18 14 17 16 19 Tab le 2: ML and B ayes 8 J R (J) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.923336 0.835859 0.745601 0.657538 0.880388 0.745601 0.615569 0.498264 0.835859 0.657538 0.498264 0.369335 10 13 15 18 10 14 17 18 12 18 19 18 13 18 19 22 16 18 20 21 17 20 21 23 12.4280 13.4484 22.4426 16.2156 38.7023 31.3741 28.5975 31.1767 40.1067 54.7594 40.0278 42.3420 20.8479 58.0395 36.5732 46.7337 34.7397 42.0189 37.4217 47.1506 29.0491 46.5177 65.8046 74.5037 36.5819 41.7865 46.8039 58.3465 38.9291 56.7635 63.0554 56.4729 30.0447 53.1609 60.6969 54.7478 0.934617 0.853412 0.761387 0.674114 0.901435 0.758610 0.629468 0.521027 0.854241 0.671283 0.523316 0.382510 0.931290 0.843165 0.751539 0.667124 0.893712 0.752301 0.621752 0.510712 0.846290 0.664745 0.512532 0.379254 59.05271 106.6064 106.7447 112.4792 84.8767 102.4893 98.2047 124.3527 98.0504 100.9998 109.4305 146.8477 0.932453 0.846291 0.760012 0.674134 0.900601 0.758238 0.625618 0.513602 0.847652 0.661325 0.518763 0.37326 0.930148 0.839618 0.750227 0.663217 0.889216 0.751423 0.620008 0.509453 0.842130 0.660254 0.511643 0.371252 Estimates of Reliability Function for r=10 17 30 22 29 24 32 39 46 30 40 43 47 15 33 34 35 27 33 31 41 33 39 37 51 22 40 37 46 33 38 47 53 41 49 52 58 25.1719 36.6543 30.1548 38.2738 37.7926 47.4437 67.4226 75.0378 72.4744 84.6124 92.5674 98.7631 40.3888 73.4136 65.1581 72.5011 77.4924 92.9269 98.9399 109.8564 72.1991 87.7343 90.7577 101.8654 amount of damage due to 1-st shock to the 1-st component of the i-th system. If (x i1 < u 1 = ), then the procedu re is repeated until we generate an exponential random variable xij > . The values of m i and x ij , j = 1 , 2 , . . . m i -1 are noted. Step2: Step 1 is repea ted w ith , u 2 = u 2 " and the values of n i and y ij , j = 1 , 2 , . . . n i -1 are noted. Step 3: Set s i = max (m i , n i ) and s i number of exponential random va riables each w ith parameter are generated. That is si number of inter-arrival times (ti1 - ti0 ), (11) (ti2 - ti1 ), . . . The Posterior expectation of R(J) is the Bayes estimator of reliability function and is given by are generated. Using these inter-arrival times, the time epochs t i 1 , ti2 , …, at which the shocks arrive are generated. Thus we have obtained data on m i , n i , s i , ti1 , ti2 , . . . , , x i1 , x i2 , . . . , (12) , y i1 , yi2 , . . . , . The whole procedure is repeated r number of times and the statistics Com putation of Estimators: For the i-th system, the random variables m i , n i , s i , ti1 , ti2 , . . . , , x i1 , x i2 , . . . , , y i1 , y i2 , ..., are generated as follows: , Step1: Initialize m i with zero. A uniform random n umbe r V 1 is generated from U(0,1). m i is incremented by 1. For given value of are computed. With the help of these statistics, the MLE of parameters of the model are obtained. Using these MLEs in the ex pression for reliability function, the MLE of reliability function is obtained for J = 0.5 (0.5) 2.0, of , an exponential random variable x i 1 is obtained as . Here xi 1 denotes the 25 Res. J. Math. Stat., 1(1): 23-26, 2009 8=0.5(0.5)1.0 with u1 =3.0, u 2 =4.0, ,. For these parame tric values, the reliability function is also obtained. The Bayes estimator of reliability fun ction is obtained using the simulated values of and in (12) Block, H.W. and A.P. Basu, 1974. A continuous bivariate exponential extension, J. A mer. S tat. Assn., 69: 1031-1037. Box, G.E.P. and G.C. Tiao, 1973. Bayesian Inference in Statistical Anaylsis, Addison Wesley. Downton, F., 197 0. Bivariate exponential distributions in reliability theory, J. Roy. Stat. Soc., Ser. B, 32: 408-417. Esary, J.D., A.W. M arshall and F. Proschan, 1973. Shock models and wear processes, Ann. Probab., 1(4): 627-649. Freund, J.E., 1961. A bivariate extension of the exponential distribution, J. Amer. Stat. Assn., 56: 971-977. Gumbe l, E.J., 1960. Bivariate exponential distribution, J. Am er. Stat. A ssn., 55 : 698-7 07. Haw kes, A.G ., 1972. A bivariate exponential distribution with application to reliability, J. Roy. Stat. Soc., Ser. B., 34: 129-131. Klein, J.P. and A .P. Ba su, 1985. Estimating reliability for bivariate exponential Distributions, Sankhya: Ind. J. State., 47(B): 346-353. Kun chur, S.H. and S.B. M unoli, 1993. 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REFERENCES Barlow, R.E. and F. Proschan , 1975. Statistical theory of reliability and life testing, Holt. Rinhart and W inston, Inc., New Y ork. Basu, A.P., 1971 . Bivariate failure rate, J. Amer. S tat. Assn., 66: 103-104. 26