No. 134 Calendar 134 Calendar No. 73D CONGRESS SENATE 5 REPORT No. 119 1st Session OREG. NEWPORT,OREG. BRIDGE ACROSSYAQUINA YAQUINA BAY, BAY, NEAR NEWPORT, BRIDGE ACROSS printed to be be printed 1933.Ordered to JuNr 6, 1933.-Ordered JUNE 6, submitted the the on Commerce, Commerce, submitted Mr. SsnppaRn, from Committee on from the Committee Mr. SREPPARD, following REPORT REPORT S.17461 17a6] accompany S. [To [To accompany referred the bill bill The Committee to whom whom was referred The Committeo on Commerce, Commerce. to of Oregon Oregonto to (S. 1746) granting granting the the consent consent of of Congress Congresstoto the the State State of acrossYaquina Yaquina Bay Bay bridgeacross construct, maintain, and operate operateaa toll toll bridge construct,-maintiin, consideredthe having considered at or Lincoln County, County, Oreg., Oreg.,having or near nearNewport, Newport,Lincoln pass thebill bill do dopass ea,me,report favorably thereon,and and recommend i6comfrend that the same, favbrably thereon, without amendment. arnendment \{ar and andAgriculAgricultheDepartments DepartmentsofofWar The bill approvalof of the bill has has the the approval although the the communications,although ture as communications, bythe theannexed annexed aswill will appear appearby enactmentunnecessary. unnecessary. War Department Departm6it believes beliovesits enactment or Acnrcur,runp, AGRIcULTuRE, Dppenrupxr or DEPARTMENT 26,'1933. Washington, May 26, 1935. Washington, Eon. HUBERT Hon. Eluspnr D. D. STEPHENS, SrppnpNe. (Jnited Benate. StatesSenate. on'Commerce, Chairman Commerce, United States Chai.rnan Committee Committeeon 23, transmitMay 23, transmitof your your letter letter of of May acknowledged of Dnr,n Snxeron: Receipt Receipt is acknowledged DEAR SENATOR: furnished with be furnished with the committee committee be tins a copy 1746. with ting with request request that that the conv of a bill, bill. S. 1746, passageas Depropriety of its passage as the Desuch touchingit's its merits merits ind and the propriety sudh suggestions sug!6stions toirching partment appropriate. might deem might deem appropriate. - and operate operate This bill authorize tlie the State of of Oregon to to construct, construct, maintain, maintain, and This bill would w6uld authoriz-e or near Newport, Lincoln Lincoln at or nearNewport, a bridge across Yaquina Bay at bridge and approaches thereto across Yaquina Bay approaches -The the for the the use useof of the tolls for Countv. Oreg. authoiized to to charge chargetolls County, would be be authorized Oree.-The State Statewould piovide aafund to fundsufficient sufficientto asto to provide bridge, iire the rates tolls to to be be so soadjusted adjustedas rites of such tolls of such sufficient sinkingfund fgnd sufficient meet maintenance, repair, aasinking meet-riraintenance, andcreate cre-ate and operation operationcosts, iosts, and repair, and Thereafter the to to amortize within not not to to exceed 15 15 years. years. Thereafter the amortize the cost tfre bridge irf the triage within cost of have of toll toll would would have ratesof bridge would bridge or or the rates as aa free free bridge bridge would have have to to be operated as opert-tioncosts. costs. provide only for maintenance, to be maintenance, repair, and operation b6 such such as as would wotrld provide pioposed bridge bf Federal-aid svstemof Federal-aid 6n the ihe system The location indicated for the proposed bridee is on indicateh for so far far as asthis this DeDehighways approved objection so is without lt'ithout objection highways apprtved for The bill bill is for Oregon. Oregon.- The cof,cerned. partment Partment is cocerned. youra, Sincerely yours, Sincerely Acting Secretary. Secretary. R. G. B.. G. Tuownu', TUGWELL, Acting