Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference

Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
5 - 6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0
Factors for Successful Cloud Computing Adoption by
Organizations: Experience from a Developing Country
Omar Al-Hujran*, Lina Tbakhi**, Nour Al-Bajjali*** and Sarah Bkairat ****
Cloud computing refers to on-demand delivery of information and communication
technologies (ICT) services in the form of software, platform and infrastructure using internet
technologies. Cloud computing promises real costs savings, therefore, it could be viewed as
a cost-effective choice to organizations, especially in developing economies. Most of
organizations in developing economies, expressly small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
and startup companies cannot afford to invest heavily in ICT services due to their limited
resources. Despite the numerous advantages of cloud computing, the adoption and diffusion
of such ICT-based innovation is still limited and surrounded by variety of issues. Therefore,
the main objective of this research is to identify the main challenges facing the utilization of
these services in developing countries, particularly Jordan. To achieve the above-mentioned
objective, five in-depth interviews with ICT officials and experts in the domain of cloud
computing were used as the main data collection method. Findings show the stressing need
for utilizing cloud computing services in Jordan but that several impediments exist in the face
of the adoption of such services. These mainly classified into technological, organizational
and environmental factors.
*Dr. Omar Al-Hujran, Department of Management Information Systems, Princess Sumaya University for
Technology, Jordan. Email:
**Lina Tbakhi, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan. Email:
*** Nour Al-Bajjali, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan. Email:
**** Sarah Bkairat, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan. Email: