Proceedings of Annual Paris Economics, Finance and Business Conference

Proceedings of Annual Paris Economics, Finance and Business Conference
7 - 8 April 2016, Espace Vocation Haussmann, Paris, France
ISBN: 978-1-925488-04-3
Telephony Sector Performance in Brazil: A Study after the
Privatization and the Financial Crisis of 2008
Nascimento Divane Dias dos1, Corrêa, Isabela Vieira2 and Alves, Lucas
The telecommunications industry has undergone significant structural transformations in
Brazil and in the world, such as the change in the technological acquis and the changing
of the forces that regulate the competitive dynamics and business relationships in the
productive chain. Thus, this article has as objective the analysis of Telephony companies
in order to check and demonstrate the development of the economic and financial
performance after the privatizations, occurred in 1998, and after the financial crisis of
2008 until 2014.The sample is based on three companies of the Telephony industry listed
in BM&FBOVESPA (São Paulo Stock Exchange) and the data base collection were the
consolidated financial statements from 1998 to 2014, in order to process and analyze the
indicators ROA (Return on Assets), ROI (Return On Investment) and ROE (Return on
equity), which are related to the profitability of the companies analyzed in the period.
Methodologically this research is characterized asqualitative and quantitative; content
analysis; longitudinal and ex-post-facto.The results demonstrated that privatizations in
Telephony industry contributed to the improvement of the economic and financial
performance of these companies, and that the financial crisis of 2008 did not affect the
profitability of the companies studied, due to the economic-financial indicators showed
that over the period, the companies submitted, in general, positive developments. After
the data processing and analysis it was found the company that had achieved the best
results, it was Telefônica Brasil S.A., its economic and financial key performance
indicators was calculated based on the sum of the absolute value of the financial
statements of the analyzed period and was obtained the following result: ROA of 8,76%,
ROI of 11,88% and ROE of 12,69%, indicating that the company had achieved economic
success accomplished by the invested capital and investments.
Keywords: Telecommunications, Privatization, Financial Crisis of 2008, Financial
Name of the Track: Finance
Prof.Msc.Nascimento, Divane Dias dos. Department of Accounting and Business Management,
Instituto Federal do Paraná.Brazil. E- mail:
Miss.Corrêa, Isabela Vieira. Instituto Federal do Paraná.Brazil. E-mail:
Mr.Alves, Lucas Ferreira. Instituto Federal do Paraná.Brazil.E-mail: