On Advanced Scientific Understanding, Model Componentisation and Coupling in GENIE Sofia Panagiotidi,

On Advanced Scientific Understanding, Model Componentisation
and Coupling in GENIE
Sofia Panagiotidi, Eleftheria Katsiri and John Darlington
London e-Science Centre, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK
Email: lesc-staff@doc.ic.ac.uk
Abstract. GENIE is a scalable modular platform aiming to simulate the long term evolution of the
Earth’s climate. It’s modularity lies in the fact that it consists of a separate module for the earth’s atmosphere, the oceans, the land, the sea-ice and the land-ice. Such models need to be coupled together to
produce the ensemble model. As new modules are actively being researched and developed, it is desirable that the Genie community has the flexibility to add, modify and couple together GENIE modules
easily, without undue programming effort. Despite significant progress by the Genie community the
desired result has not yet been achieved.
This paper discusses a methodology for parametrising Genie, i.e., annotating the coupling semantics
and coordinating the coupled model execution in a Grid environment. This is not trivial due to technical
constraints such as global variables and large, shared data meshes, as well as semantic dependencies,
such as complex interpolations, extrapolations and model-specific execution flows. In order to address
these issues, we present the OLOGEN ontology for GENIE. The proposed scheme, consists of a set of
semantics for coupled model development and execution; the latter simulated with functional skeletons.
Last, OLOGEN supports component coupling and promotes distribution.
1 Introduction
The Grid ENabled Integrated Earth (GENIE) System Model is a scalable modular platform that aims
to simulate the long-term and paleo-climate change
of the Earth. Distinct earth entities such as the atmosphere, the oceans, the land, the sea-ice and the
land-ice -referred to, from now on, as earth modules, are modelled separately, using large meshes of
data points to represent each entity (finite elements)
and abiding by the natural laws of physics that govern the exchange of energy fluxes from one entity to
another. The entire climate is simulated by coupling
together the above modules according to a number
of scenarios. The resulting model is often referred
to as an ensemble.
For example, a minimal model is the one that
comprises an atmospheric module and an ocean
module, as portrayed in Figure 1(a). A more advanced model includes the coupling of also the seaice and the land-ice components (see Figure 1(b)).
Coupling the modules together is not trivial, as
even when the individual models are correct, when
coupled, the ensemble may be incorrect, i.e. nonconvergent. We mentioned before that each model
is constrained by the laws of physics that govern the
energy in each module. Coupled models, exchange
energy fluxes from one to the other. Unless the natural laws are applied correctly at the exchange process, the ensemble will not be correct. Although we
appreciate that this is an important issue, it is not
addressed in this paper. There are however several
scientific coupling systems that are used currently
in order to guarantee correct coupling.
Additionally to the existence of a variety of simulation scenarios, the scientist can select among different implementations for the same component, or
ensemble models, such as the c-Goldstein1 There is
scope to include and the EMBM models. However,
those implementations differ significantly from one
another and so does the way that they are coupled
together. The EMBM model requires that data is interpolated first when passed from one module to the
other and there are several choices of interpolation
functions that can be quite complex.
Once the ensemble model is built, it is initialised using a set of initial parameters and then,
it is run forwards in time, simulating a time period
for which actual climate data exist through observations. Those observations are used in order to validate - i.e., check the precision of the results of aplying the model against the real data - and tune the
model -i.e. select a new set of input parameters that
produce more accurate results. The latter is a computationally exhaustive process that needs to be repeated iteratively, producing exceedingly more accurate values for the input parameters. Last, having
validated and tuned the model, it is used for making
predictions for the future.
GENIE currently supports -among others- four ESMs (Environment System Models), called IGCM, c-Goldstein,
EMBM, Glimmer and fixed atmosphere. Throughout the paper we refer to these systems as models. We refer to the
ESM components (atmosphere, land, ocean, sea-ice and land-ice) with the term modules. For reasons of clarity, we
refer to the model that results from the coupling of the individual modules as ensemble model.
latent energy
sensible energy
sensible energy
latent energy
latent energy
sensible energy
Fig. 1: Two GENIE ensemble models.
Furthermore, new modules and ensembles are
being developed as we speak. Ideally, GENIE
should be able to include the new models and use
them in stead of, in addition to or in comparison to
the existing models.
The rest of the paper is as follows: First, Section 2 discusses previous work. Section 3 discusses
in more detail the motivation and Section 4 the
issues that lie behind componentising and gridenabling systems such as Genie. Section 5 explains
the more specific problem of high-level model coupling by investigating the current architecture of the
GENIE software suite. Section 6 summarises the
semantic dependencies that are existent in the GENIE code and Section 7 presents OLOGEN, an ontology for GENIE that enables high-level development and correct usage. Having annotated the semantics through OLOGEN, Section 8 presents a solution for coordinating the execution flow for coupled model without undue programming overhead,
through the use of functional skeletons. Last, Section 9 concludes and discusses further work.
2 Previous work
Several milestones towards the advance of the GENIE framework have been achieved. The first task
was to separate the mass of Fortran code into
distinct pieces each representing an environmental module (atmosphere, land, ocean, ocean-surface,
chemistry, sea-ice etc). The main piece of code handling and coupling the modules was disengaged and
formed the so called ”genie.F” top program.
Many efforts in gradually moving GENIE towards a grid environment have been made. Previous
work also includes research into the way the ICENI
framework [1] can be used to run parameter sweep
experiments accross multiple Grid resources [5].
Accordingly, GENIE was represented as a single non-componentised Binary executable within
ICENI and a service-oriented data management system and a portal submitting to a Condor pool a parameter sweep experiment, consisting of many instances of the binary executable, was successfully
implemented. [4, 6]. Using Condor, allowed several pools residing in different locations (London
e-Science centre, Southampton Regional e-Science
Centre) to be combined into one single computing
resource using the flocking features within Condor.
In such a way, it was made possible for scientists
to run many ensemble experiments in parallel and
monitor them, dramatically reducing the overall execution time.
Two other important works exist in the area of
model coupling frameworks. The General Coupling
Framework [3] and the APST [7] software suite. Although they are both considerable pieces of work,
neither fully addresses the above requirements.
3 Motivation-Vision
In emerging grids and Grid Computing, shared,
distributed, and heterogeneous resources make scientific progress possible through collaborative research among scientists. Unfortunately, as many
of the scientific applications like GENIE are still
built in monolithic structure, mostly due to the lack
of technologies at the time they first started being
developed, restructuring them into a collection of
reusable components is a major architectural effort.
When moving from monolithic towards modularised applications, the main flow-of-control logic
must remain at the wheel at all times. All the components are developed independently and the interactions should only occur at a higher level. The
main coupling framework should be able to flexibly handle any data exchange between components
(component coupling). It should be relatively simple in order to provide different presentation layers
and/or varying sets of end-user functionality.
In general, monolithic applications are usually
strongly platform dependent and difficult to maintain and develop. GENIE belongs to a vast set of
ESMs, largely implemented in Fortran 77 and Fortran 90. As the GENIE earth modules are low-level
Fortran subroutines, there is no space left for Gridenabled execution of the whole model, including
features such as distributed component execution,
optimisation, parallelisation and application steering and monitoring. Thus, we can conclude that it
is essential for GENIE, as typical legacy code application, to be advanced into a Grid based architecture. In order to do so, layered semantic knowledge about the joints/links between the modules is
neccessary to reside in the framework. It is also desirable that the simulations can produce results under tight deadlines. Therefore, semantic annotations
of the behavioral and executional/computational aspects of the components should be additionally encapsulated. It that way, correct and optimal execution are insured, since the exploitation of optimisation techniques becomes possible.
4 Problems-Difficulties faced
GENIE currently supports several components including ocean, atmosphere and land surface modules. These modules are separate Fortran files but
cannot be considered as independent components
as Fortran is unable to support the desired objectoriented and distributed programming features. The
interaction (exchange of energy and fluxes) between
them as well as the generalised control of the behaviour of each one is done by a separate program,
”genie.F”, which is responsible for interpolating the
data passed from one to another through interpolation functions.
There are several issues making the task of the
componentisation of the earth modules complex.
The first and more important is that the separate
Fortran subroutines, representing the earth units, are
implemented in such a way that they share the same
memory space. This is imposed by Fortran in the
way that arguments are exchanged between subroutines. That is, whenever a simple or complex stucture is passed to/from a subroutine, it is always done
by passing its memory reference, rather than a copy
of itself. This leads to the need for the existence
of global variables in the application representing
attributes, which are considered to be part of the
modules. Consequently, their existence creates mutual dependencies since they are accessed by various
contexts within GENIE. Such complex dependencies add extra complexity and make it harder to create an environment where different modules could
be distributed and run across multiple resources.
Another direct consequence is that somebody
needs intimate knowledge of the system in order to
identify which of these attributes are input, output,
or both input and output, something which is essential in an interface-based environment. Thus, in
cases where variables are shared by more than one
module their scope must be made explicit. Therefore, the determination of their input/output nature,
in physical as well as technical terms, is a significant
task to be completed.
GENIE scientists have been working on models representing different aspects of the Earth system (e.g. ocean, atmosphere). At the same time, for
each of these entities there have been implemented
various physical components, each taking into account and expressing different parameters at varying weights and considering the earth at varying grid
resolutions and topologies. Thus, an attempt to create a common interface for every earth entity in respect to the existing Fortran components is far from
At present, when a GENIE experiment under
some configuration runs, each component is initialised, executed and finalised through distinct Fortran subroutines, called from ”genie.F”. What is
more, in the case where, possibly after a system failure, one component needs to be reconfigured/restarted, another subroutine responsible to do
so is called. Envisioning a component-based GENIE
architecture, where multiple instances of the same
component will exist at the same time, it is essential
that these phases are included within the life cycle
of each one. As such, reusability and resource disengagement/management can be achieved to the best
extent, during and after the completion of a component task.
Based on the above, a last issue that is of great
practical interest in our case is the use of the wrapping environment in order to acquire dynamic and
flexible earth components. The two technologies
which have been under research in LeSC are the
JNI (Java Native Interface) wrapping tool and the
ICENI binary components. Table 1 shows the most
important efficiencies/inefficiencies (+/-) of each of
the two is depicted.
JNI binary ICENI
exposed interf ace
M eta − Data assignment +
easy implementation
code optimisation
component support
Table 1: JNI vs. ICENI
5 The current GENIE
Currently GENIE consists of several components
glued together through a routine called genie.F.
Those components are wrappers on top of the Fortan routines that implement the earth modules, providing in this way a separate entity to each module and generating a dual-layer architecture in genie.F. In fact genie.F acts as the top layer, gluing the
wrappers together in a hard-coded manner. genie.F
contains hardcoded configuration parameters in this
layer, i.e., the frequency of the coupling (timestamp), the grid sizes, the atmospheric resolution,
and a set of validity flags that show which combinations of models are valid and which not. The bottom
layer, consists of the code that is contained in the
wrappers themselves, including execution routines,
for calculating the linear and non-linear grid points,
average statistics, printing histogram and NetCDF
files and configuration parameters, such as the precision of the floating point variables, the type of the
interpolation functions and (in duplication with the
top layer) the grid sizes for each model.
In this way, genie.F appears to be a glorified
dual-layer meta-file, a huge case statement that covers all possible execution scenarios with flags and
several configuration files.Figure 2 portrays the different layers of abstraction in genie.F for the IGCM
ensemble model. It is quite obvious at this stage that
repeating the same abstraction process for all models can reveal several opportunities for parametrisation, while at the same time, is is worth annotating
the dependencies among the variables in the various
layers with appropriate semantics and coordinating
the modification on these variables, in a way that we
ensure that the dependencies are maintained.
land_surflux iatmos_diab
taken from the component literature, such as Component, Interface, Method, ComponentImpl (see
Figure 4). We use these semantics in order to define component coupling, component wrapping and
the execution flow abstractions. On the other hand,
because in GENIE components represent scientific
models or parts (routines), we need to provide semantics that corresponds to the scientific nomenclature as well. We define the entities Model, Topology,
Module, IGCM, c-Goldstein, EMBM, Glimmer, atmos, land, ocean, seaice, landice . The entity Model
referes to the type of scientific model used, i.e., cGoldstein, Module refers to the parts f the planet that
are modelled and Topology, to the combination of
modules that form the ensemble model.
6.3 Component Wrapping
Using the component nomenclature, we propose to
semantically annotate wrapper input/output interfaces as opposed to local module input/output interfaces or local variables. The former are accessible in the higher layer, where the coupling needs to
take place, whereas the latter are accessible in the
lower layer. The same applies for interfaces that are
assigned a value during the configuration stage. We
need to annotate the ones that are exposed to the
users as wrapper control interfaces and those that
belong to the lower layer as local control interfaces
or local variables. Each wrapper needs to be associated with the names of the underlying routines that
are used in it’s implementation.
6.4 Late binding
accum_means mgrmlt
Fig. 2: The ensemble layer (a) and the individual module
layer (b).
6 Coupling Semantic Dependencies
In order to derive the semantical dependencies, we
refer to the requirements of Section 1. Figure 1 illustrates the fact that modules can be coupled together
to form different topologies.
6.1 Validation
After the topology has been defined, it is essential
to validate the compatibility of the components that
have been selected. E.g., c-Goldstein uses a set of
interpolation routines that are not used in any other
model. EMBM also uses interpolations. genie.F currently has a set of flags that model this.
6.2 Component and Model Semantics
Given the motivation of Section 3, i.e., to componentise Genie, it is essential to introduce semantics
Some interfaces are only set by components that are
executed later on, and so their values are assigned
during the following iteration. Such variables are
typically initiated by initiation modules. We refer
to such variables with the term late-binding variables. An example of such a variable is the netsolar
variable of the igcm land surflux component. This
is calculated by the netout2.f subroutine called inside the igcm diab.F component that follows. For
this reason, this variable needs to be initialised by
the initialise atmos.F subroutine.
Fig. 3: IGCM execution flow
6.5 Interface Scope
It is essential in GENIE to be able to annotate the
scope of an interface. Currently, all modules share
the same memory space. Furthermore, each time a
new component is designed, the designer will need
to know, which variables/interfaces are shared and
declare the new variables/interfaces that are introduced by each model. The same applies when two
models are coupled, as their coupling often introduces new variables. It is therefore essential to distinguish global variables that are common and useful to all modules, such as the mesh of discrete
points that model the whole planet and the ones
that are specific to each module, e.g., the grid interpolation atm is specific to the c-Goldstein module. We define the former as common and the latter
as module-specific. The matrix iland mask is a variable that is common to GENIE as it contains information about the globe, namely the land is denoted
by 1 and the sea by 0. On the contrary, the variable
interpol grid, is a variable that is specific to the cGoldstein model. In Figure 4, the above semantics
is associated with the entity Interface, in the OLOGEN ontology that is introduced later on.
6.6 Abstract components
We can classify abstract components in the following categories. Generic modules, specific module
wrappers, interpolation components, grid manipulation components, initialisation components. Ideally, generic components could be used to create
abstract scenaria such as the ones of Figure 1 and
specific implementations could be chosen later on.
6.7 Execution flow
We mentioned in Section 1 that different ensembles
are coded quite differently. Figure 3 portrays the execution flow for the IGCM model. The c-Goldstein
model follows a different execution flow, containing
an interpolation component between each module.
We have developed the following semantics to annotate execution flows: binary data flow, binary execution flow, data flow, execution flow, interface coupling, thread coupling, distribution model. The coordination of execution flows is the subject of Section 8. Section 7(see Figure 5) discusses the OLOGEN ontology that implements the above semantics.
7 OLOGEN: An Ontology for GENIE
We have designed an Ontology for GENIE called
OLOGEN, using Protege[8]. OLOGEN provides a
very detailed controlled vocabulary both for GENIE
users and developers as well as tree-like structure of
semantic dependencies, covering both the components, their communication and the execution flow,
while GENIE runs. Requiring scientists to provide
semantic annotations in their code in the appropriate
manner ensures that the integrity of developing GENIE models, coupling them and experimenting with
GENIE. Furthermore, OLOGEN is designed with
support for Grid execution by providing a distribution model (see Figure 4). Currently GENIE runs in
a single host. However, there is scope for distribution and parallelism. OLOGEN supports both.
OLOGEN has been designed based on our observations and in collaboration with the GENIE
team. However, we feel that it will only reach it’s
maximum value when tested in action and reviewed
by the GENIE developers.
OLOGEN consists of two main modules. First,
we have designed a class hierarchy of GENIE entities that aim to capture the development needs
of the GENIE community. Figure 4 portrays the
development-related class hierarchy. Second, a hierarchy of relations that implement execution-flow
related entities, such as execution flow, data flow,
interface coupling, component coupling, component
nesting, component wrapping, thread coupling. Figure 5 shows these classes in Protege. The relations
Component Wrapping and Thread Coupling can be
seen as algorithmic skeletons and are discussed, as
such, in Section 8. For example, the Execution Sequence relation, maps a binary execution sequence
to a component, thus enabling the creation of an execution flow with more than two components. The
IGCM execution flow can be modeled in this way.
A Data Flow is a binary mapping from a set of
components to another component that receives input from the former, plus an interface coupling. The
igcm land blayer.F is such a component. Non binary data flows can be built from the binary ones
as above. To illustrate OLOGEN with an example,
consider the class Interface, as shown in Figure 4.
We define an entity called a Method that is illustrated in the Wrapper skeleton, discussed next.
8 Execution Coordination through
Functional Skeletons
We simulated the execution flow of the GENIE
topologies using the algorithmic skeleton programming paradigm. Algorithmic skeletons, proposed in
[2] as part of SCL [2], for cordinating parallel execution, are ideal for coordinating the execution patterns of GENIE models, without undue programming effort. Indeed, due to their iterative nature
and their periodic communication, executing GENIE components resemble co-routines, or in threadenabled languages, interleaved threads. In order to
distinguish between the various distribution models that exist in the Grid we define a configuration
skeleton, called distribution model that describes
the different options under which GENIE can execute. We define four distribution strategies: samehost, remote-host, distributed and parallel. We also
define two skeletons, the Wrap and the ThreadCoupler skeletons, discussed next.
Fig. 4: Development Ontology in OLOGEN
Fig. 5: Relations in OLOGEN
8.1 The Wrap skeleton
The Wrap skeleton is a higher-order function that
given a component c, it generates a component C
and that can be coupled with other components
through a clearly-defined interface. The Wrap skeleton uses the following semantics: input, output and
input/output variables, the base component name c
Fig. 6: The OLOGEN wrap relation(b)
and a list of control interfaces. The syntax of the
Wrap skeleton is the following:
W rap (c, list of wrapper input interf aces,
IterF or koverall
{IterF or timestamp1 step A
iterF or timestamp2 step B
list of wrapper output interf aces,
list of local input interf aces,
where stepA = threadA.execute
list of local output interf aces,
threadB.notif y(interf ace1 )
list of control interf aces) = C
step B = threadB.execute
threadA.notif y(interf ace2 )}
As an example, consider the application of
the skeleton wrap on the GENIE component
igcm atmos adiab.F, resulting in the component
igcm atmos adiab wrapper.F. The new component
is portrayed in Figure 6. The export wrapper variables is a generic interface, that is implemented depending on the configuration.
8.2 The ThreadCoupler skeleton
The ThreadCoupler skeleton is a higher-order function that given two components c1 and c2 and a
set of configuration parameters, it returns two interleaved threads (Thread A and Thread B)in some appropriate implementation. The two threads are interleaved so that they simulate a coroutine execution.
While thread B listens, Thread A executes a number
of iterations according to a predefined timestamp, it
then notifies thread B which starts executing a number of iterations defined by component c2 , while A
listens. When B completes its iterations, it notifies
Thread A which repeats the previous steps, and so
on. Each notification between A and B is associated with access to shared data-structures, e.g., the
mesh that represents the heat fluxes from the atmosphere to the land. The way by which data is exchanged during the notification is implementationspecific and it depends on the distribution model.
The ThreadCoupler component returns a (coupled)
component thus enabling nested coupling. The syntax of the ThreadCoupler skeleton, is the following:
T hreadCoupler(C1 , C2 , interf ace1 , interf ace2 ,
timestamp1 , timestamp2 ) = C3
The notify interface, is an abstract interface that
is implemented depending on the distribution model
and the specifics of the interface. For example, in
the case where large meshes are used for intercomponent communication, the distribution model
should be set to single host. Else, for example when
coupling the check fluxes.F routine with the IGCM
ocean component, a flag may be enough to communicate whether the checking was correct or not.
In this case, the the coupled components can be
run on remote hosts and communicate via message passing. The notify interface can be implemented through standard I/O functions. As an example, consider the application of the ThreadCoupler
skeleton to the following components that compose
a complete IGCM atmosphere-land-ocean model.
Figure 7 portrays the result. The components are executed from top to bottom.
nents, such as component iteration and component
composition. This should be done always in respect
to the specified by the GENIE framework semantics.
Fig. 7: OLOGEN Thread Coupler relation (a) IGCM
ThreadCoupling (b)
9 Conclusions
The main contribution of this paper has been to
identify the difficulties faced when trying to technically advance a legacy environment. OLOGEN encapsulates the semantic knowledge underlying component coupling and our algorithmic skeleton coordinate the realisation within a grid environment. Although created for GENIE, our tools are applicable
more generally.
In addition, we have been currently investigating into extending the ICENI framework so as to
include the neccessary tools in order to provide the
coupling functionality of GENIE. This would need
further development of the meta-data layer concerning the meaning (types, semantic constraints) as
well as the compositional application workflow. The
last had been implemented based on the YAWL (Yet
Another Workflow Language) [9], though partly
providing its functionalities. It would be feasible to
extend the workflow so that it supports the extra operations involved in the coupling of GENIE compo-
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