Collaborative Visualization of 3D Point Based Anatomical

Collaborative Visualization of 3D Point Based Anatomical
Model within a Grid Enabled Environment
Ian Grimstead, David Walker and Nick Avis; School of Computer Science, Cardiff University
Frederic Kleinermann; Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit
John McClure; Directorate of Laboratory Medicine, Manchester Royal Infirmary
We present a use of Grid technologies to deliver educational content and support collaborative
learning. “Potted” pathology specimens produce many problems with conservation and appropriate
access. The planned increase in medical students further exasperates these issues, prompting the use
of new computer-based teaching methods. A solution to obtaining accurate organ models is to use
point-based laser scanning techniques, exemplified by the Arius3D colour scanner. Such large
datasets create visually compelling and accurate (topology and colour) virtual organs, but will often
overwhelm local resources, requiring the use of specialised facilities for display and interaction.
The Resource-Aware Visualization Environment (RAVE) has been used to collaboratively display
these models, supporting multiple simultaneous users on a range of resources. A variety of
deployment methods are presented, from web page applets to a direct AccessGrid video feed.
1. Introduction
Medical education has to adapt and adjust to
recent legislation and the reduction in the
working hours of medical students. There is
already some evidence that these changes are
impacting negatively on students’ anatomical
understanding [Ellis02, Older04].
1.1. Pathology Specimens
The University of Manchester Medical School
has over 5,000 “potted” pathology specimens
(3,000 on display at any one time) at three sites,
which is typical of a large UK teaching school.
These specimens have been collected, preserved
and documented over a number of years,
representing a valuable “gold standard”
teaching resource. The restrictions on harvesting
and use of human tissue, coupled with the
problems and logistics associated with the
conservation of the collections, result in large
issues for the planned increase in medical
students; something has to change.
New computer based teaching methods and
materials are appearing which include
anatomical atlases to assist the students’
understanding of anatomy, moving away from
the more traditional teaching materials. The
availability and use of the Visible Human
dataset is a good example of how computer
based teaching is predicated on the availability
of high quality primary data. However, the
construction of high quality teaching material
such data requires tremendous amounts of
expert human intervention. There is therefore a
compelling need to discover ways of simply and
quickly creating and sharing digital 3D “virtual
organs” that can be used to aid the teaching of
anatomy and human pathology. This is the
motivation of our studies.
1.2. Point-Based Models
It is difficult and time consuming to create a
library of 3D virtual organs to expose the
trainee to a range of virtual organs that represent
biological variability and disease pathology.
Furthermore, such virtual organs must be both
topologically correct and also exhibit colour
consistency to support the identification of
pathological lesions.
A solution to obtaining accurate organ
models is to use a point-based laser scanner.
The Arius3D colour laser system is unique, as
far as we are aware, in that it recovers both
topology and colour from the scanned object.
The Arius3D solution is also compelling as it
produces an accurate and visually compelling
3D representation of the organ without resorting
to more traditional texture mapping techniques.
Whilst the above method eases the capture
and generation of accurate models, the resulting
file sizes and rendering load can quickly
overwhelm local resources. Furthermore a
technique is also required to distribute the
models for collaborative investigation and
teaching, which can cope with different types of
host platform without the user needing to
configure the local machine.
2. RAVE – the Resource-Aware
Visualization Environment
The continued increases in network speed and
connectivity are promoting the use of remote
resources via Grid computing, based on the
Figure 1: RAVE Architecture
concept that compute power should be as simple
to access as electricity on an electrical power
grid – hence “Grid Computing”. A popular
approach for accessing such resources is Web
Services, where remote resources can be
accessed via a web server hosting the
appropriate infrastructure. The underlying
machine is abstracted away, permitting users to
remotely access different resources without
considering their underlying architecture,
operating system, etc. This both simplifies
access for users and promotes the sharing of
specialised equipment.
The RAVE (Resource-Aware Visualization
Environment) is a distributed, collaborative
visualization environment that uses Grid
technology to support automated resource
discovery across heterogeneous machines.
RAVE runs as a background process using Web
Services, enabling us to share resources with
other users rather than commandeering an entire
machine. RAVE supports a wide range of
machines, from hand-held PDAs to high-end
servers with large-scale stereo, tracked displays.
The local display device may render all, some
or none of the data set remotely, depending on
its capability and present loading. The
architecture of RAVE has been published
elsewhere [Grims04], so we shall only present a
brief overview of the system here.
2.1. Architecture
The Data Service is the central part of RAVE
(see Figure 2), forming a persistent and
centralised distribution point for the data to be
visualized. Data are imported from a static file
or a live feed from an external program, either
of which may be local or remotely hosted.
Multiple sessions may be managed by the same
Data Service, sharing resources between users.
The data are stored in the form of a scene tree;
nodes of the tree may contain various types of
data, such as voxels, point clouds or polygons.
This enables us to support different data formats
for visualization, which is particularly important
for the medical applications reported here.
The end user connects to the Data Service
through an Active Client, which is a machine
that has a graphics processor and is capable of
rendering the dataset. The Active Client
downloads a copy of (or a subset of) the latest
data, then receiving any changes made to the
data by remote users whilst sending any local
changes made by the local user, who interacts
with the locally rendered dataset.
If a local client does not have sufficient
resources to render the data, a Render Service
can be used instead to perform the rendering
and send the rendered frame over the network to
the client for display. Multiple render sessions
are supported by each Render Service, so
multiple users may share available rendering
resources. If multiple users view the same
session, then single copies of the data are stored
in the Render Service to save resources.
2.2. Point-Based Anatomical Models
To display point-based models in RAVE, the
physical model is first converted into a point
cloud dataset via an Arius3D colour laser
scanner, retaining surface colour and normal
information. This is stored as a proprietary
PointStream model, before conversion to an
open format for RAVE to use. The three stages
are shown in Figure 3, presenting a plastinated
human heart; point samples were taken every
200µm producing a model of approximately 6
million datapoints.
The flexible nature of RAVE enables this
large dataset to be viewed collaboratively by
multiple, simultaneous users – irrespective of
their local display system. For instance, a PDA
can view and interact with the dataset alongside
a high-end graphical workstation.
Figure 4: Plastinated human heart, data viewed from PointStream and corresponding RAVE client
2.3. Collaborative Environment
RAVE supports a shared scenegraph; this
basically means that the structure representing
the dataset being viewed is actually shared
between all participating clients. Hence if one
client alters the dataset, the change is reflected
to all other participating clients. A side-effect of
this is that when a client navigates around the
dataset, other users can see the client's “avatar”
also move around the dataset (an avatar is an
object representing the client in the dataset).
Clients can then determine where other clients
are looking/located and can opt to fly to other
client's positions.
If a client discovers a useful artefact in a
dataset, they can leave 3D “markers” for other
users, together with a textual description entered
by the client. These can be laid in advance by a
client (such as a teacher or lecturer), leaving a
guided trail for others to follow.
RAVE also supports AccessGrid (AG)
[Childers00], which was demonstrated at
SAND'05 [Grims05]. A RAVE thin client was
running in Swansea, along with an AG client.
An AG feed was also launched from a Render
Service in Cardiff which was then controlled
from the Thin Client in Swansea.
2.4. Ease of Use
To simplify the use of RAVE, we have created a
Wizard-style Java applet that can be launched
stand-alone or via a web browser. The applet
uses UDDI to discover all advertised RAVE
data services; these are then interrogated in turn
to obtain all hosted data sessions (and hence
datasets). The GUI also enables the user to
launch a client, and contains a notification area
to see progress messages.
To collaboratively view a dataset, the user
simply selects the dataset in the GUI, enters the
size of the visual window they require, the name
associated with their avatar and the minimum
frames-per-second they are willing to accept.
The Wizard then determines if the local host can
display the data as an Active Client; if so, it
verifies there is sufficient memory to host the
data and that local resources can produce the
requested frames per second..
If insufficient resources exist at the local
host, then a Thin Client will be used instead.
The applet searches (via UDDI) for available
Render Services; for each responding Render
Service, we examine the available network
bandwidth to the client, memory available for
datasets, remote render speed and if the
requested dataset is already hosted on this
service. The most appropriate Render Service is
then selected, and a Thin Client is spawned in a
new window.
Render Services contain resource-awareness
for Thin Client support. During image render
and transmission at the Render Service, the
image rendering time is compared with the
image transmission time. Image compression
over the network is adjusted to match
transmission time with render time, to maintain
the maximum possible framerate. As this will
induce lossy compression, an incremental codec
is used; if the image does not change, then the
lossy nature is reduced, building on previous
frames to produce a perfect image over
subsequent frame transmissions (forming a
golden thread as [Bergman86]).
3. Discussion and Conclusion
We have presented systems and methods to
allow the creation of 3D virtual organs and their
use in a collaborative, distributed teaching
environment through the use of various Grid
The availability of high quality datasets is
the beginning of the process in creating
compelling and useful anatomical teaching
tools. Whilst commodity graphics cards are
increasing in their performance at more than
Moore’s Law rates, their ability to handle large
complex datasets still presents barriers to the
widespread use of this material. This coupled
with slow communications links between
centralised resources and students who are often
working remotely and in groups (using problem
based teaching methods) and these facts quickly
erode some of the advantages of digital assets
over their physical counterparts.
To this end we have sought to harness grid
middleware to remove the need for expensive
and high capability local resources – instead
harnessing remote resources in a seamless and
transparent manner to the end user to effect a
We have presented methods to allow both
the quick and relatively easy creation of 3D
virtual organs and their visualization. We
maintain that taken together these developments
have the potential to change the present
anatomical teaching methods and to hopefully
promote greater understanding of human
anatomy and pathology.
[Grims04] Ian J. Grimstead, Nick J. Avis, and
David W. Walker. Automatic Distribution of
Rendering Workloads in a Grid Enabled
Collaborative Visualization Environment, in
Proceedings of Supercomputing 2004, held 6th12th November in Pittsburgh, USA, 2004.
[Grims05] Ian J. Grimstead. RAVE – The
Resource-Aware Visualization Environment,
presentation at SAND'05, Swansea Animation
Days 2005, Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea,
Wales, UK, November 2005.
[Nava03] A. Nava, E. Mazza, F. Kleinermann,
N. J. Avis and J. McClure. Determination of the
mechanical properties of soft human tissues
through aspiration experiments. In MICCAI
2003, R E Ellis and T M Peters (Eds.) LNCS
(2878), pp 222-229, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
[Older04] J. Older. Anatomy: A must for
teaching the next generation, Surg J R Coll
Edinb Irel., 2 April 2004, pp79-90
[Vidal06] F. P. Vidal, F. Bello, K. W. Brodlie,
D. A. Gould, N. W. John, R. Phillips and N. J.
Avis. Principles and Applications of Computer
Graphics in Medicine, Computer Graphics
Forum, Vol 25, Issue 1, 2006, pp 113-137.
5. Acknowledgements
4. References
[Avis00] N. J. Avis. Virtual Environment
Technologies, Journal of Minimally Invasive
Therapy and Allied Technologies, Vol 9(5)
pp333- 340, 2000.
[Avis04] Nick J Avis, Frederic Kleinermann
and John McClure. Soft Tissue SurfaceScanning: A Comparison of Commercial 3D
Object Scanners for Surgical Simulation
Content Creation and Medical Education
Applications, Medical Simulation, International
Symposium, ISMS 2004, Cambridge, MA,
USA, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
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Metaxas (Eds.), pp 210-220, 2004.
[Bergman86] L. D. Bergman, H. Fuchs, E.
Grant, and S. Spach. Image rendering by
adaptive refinement. Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 86), 20(4):29--37,
August 1986. Held in Dallas, Texas.
[Childers00] Lisa Childers, Terry Disz, Robert
Olson, Michael E. Papka, Rick Stevens and
Tushar Udeshi. Access Grid: Immersive Groupto-Group Collaborative Visualization, in
Proceedings of the 4th International Immersive
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[Ellis02] H. Ellis. Medico-legal litigation and
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This study was in part supported by a grant
from the Pathological Society of Great Britain
and Ireland and North Western Deanery for
Postgraduate Medicine and Dentistry. All
specific permissions were granted regarding the
use of human material for this study.
We also acknowledge the support of
Kestrel3D Ltd and the UK’s DTI for funding
the RAVE project. We would also like to thank
Chris Cornish of Inition Ltd. for his support
with dataset conversion.