Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 An Empirical Investigation of Mutual Fund Performance in Different Economic Cycles under Alternative Fund Objectives Giovanni Fernandez, Chaiyuth Padungsaksawasdi, Arun J. Prakash and Therese E. Pactwa In this paper, we investigate the abnormal returns of 13,232 mutual funds by applying four well-known asset-pricing models, namely the CAPM, the three-moment CAPM, the Fama and French (1993) three-factor, and the Carhart (1997) four-factor models in different economic cycles, and under different fund objectives. Our results show that the economic cycle does affect mutual fund performance especially, in bear periods. However, the results from different fund objectives are inconclusive, implying that abnormal returns are not objective-specific. Moreover, meta-analysis shows that the abnormal returns are statistically significantly different across deciles and models, meaning that each decile and model yields different abnormal returns. JEL Classification Codes: G10 (General Financial Markets), G11 (Portfolio Choice; Investment Decisions; Mutual Fund Performance), G12 (Asset Pricing) Beginning with Sharpe (1964), there have been hundreds of empirical research papers published in the literature regarding mutual fund performance. However, there have been questions raised that investors still do not optimally allocate their funds to those mutual fund managers who consistently outperform the market, nor do they use any process to properly select the individual superior funds. While some studies have shown that there exists a subset of managers who consistently produce positive abnormal returns, or „alpha,‟ many investors do not truly know what types of mutual funds fall into this category, and when to increase their asset allocations into these particular mutual funds (Kosowski, Timmerman, Wermers and White, 2006). Mutual funds have been (falsely) sold as the „cure-all‟ investment vehicle due to their instant, low-cost diversification, and the implied superior skill of mutual fund managers. However, for the managers or mutual funds which outperform the market, is this alpha skill specific to a fund‟s objective, or is it due to economic cycles? In this study, we attempt to answer these important questions. ____________________________________________________________ Giovanni Fernandez, Stetson University, DeLand, FL, E-mail: Chaiyuth Padungsaksawasdi, Department of Finance, Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, E-mail: Arun J. Prakash, Florida International University, Miami, FL, (O) 305-348-3324, E-mail:, Therese E. Pactwa, St. John‟s University, New York, NY, E-mail: Page 1 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 The most important portfolio performance measure was given by Jensen (1968, 1969), and is known as Jensen‟s alpha. This tool is essentially a risk-adjusted performance measure that represents the average return on a portfolio over and above the rate of return predicted by the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), given the portfolio's beta and the average market return. There have been other portfolio performance measures that have appeared in the literature over the years, however Jensen‟s alpha remains the preeminent measure due to its adaptability and extendibility.1 Another empirical asset pricing model was introduced by Fama and French (1993). This model is also a factor model, but adds two factors to the CAPM. These factors are the “SMB” factor, which measures the difference between the return on a portfolio of small cap stocks and that of large cap stocks, and the “HML” factor, which measures the difference between the return on a portfolio of high book-to-market stocks (value) and that of low book-to-market stocks (growth). Several studies have found that the Fama-French (1993) three-factor (“FF3”) model displays a strong ability to capture cross-sectional excess returns not explained by the CAPM (see, for example, Jagannathan and Wang (1996)). However, there is still some predictable variability not explained by the model. The Carhart (1997) four-factor model (“F4”) includes the “PR1YR” (momentum) factor, which is the difference between the return on a portfolio consisting of buying the top performing stocks and selling the bottom performing stocks of the past two, to twelve, months (Jegadeesh and Titman (1993)). The average pricing errors of the CAPM and the FF3 are significantly greater than those of the F4 (Carhart (1997)). Since mutual funds account for a substantial portion of individual investors‟ assets, it is vitally important to accurately describe the performance of these types of investments. The recent literature investigates the performance of mutual funds by employing the F4 model with monthly data (Kosowski et al. (2006)). In the past, the methodology utilized in studying mutual funds involved studying past one-year returns, and forming portfolios every year (see Elton, et al (1996), Carhart (1997), and Kosowski, et al. (2006)). With the “lost decade” of portfolio appreciation, investors are now updating their beliefs more frequently than in the past.2 Therefore, the methodology used in the past does not accurately capture the landscape of the present. Rebalancing mutual fund portfolios on an annual basis, the recent literature finds that persistence of the top mutual fund decile exists. More importantly, in practice, mutual funds report arithmetic mean returns, which misleads investors to believe that the arithmetic returns are their earned benefits. However, in reality, since their holding period returns are typically long term, investors earn the geometric return (DeFuscso, et al (2007)). In addition, by mathematical construction, the geometric mean is always less than or equal to the arithmetic mean, which (when less) overstates the actual return earned by mutual fund investors. To 1 Other measures include those by Treynor (1965), Sharpe (1966, 1994, 2007), Fama (1972), Lo (2002), Treynor and Black (1973), Goodwin (1998), Sortino and Price (1994), Grinblatt and Titman (1993), Daniel, Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers (1997), etc. Chapter 25 in Reilly and Brown (2012) provides a nice summary of the various measures. 2 The 2000s decade has been labeled as a “lost decade”for American consumers by several economists, because there was “zero economics gains for the typical family.” For more, see: Page 2 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 mitigate this risk, we use geometric mean returns as holding period returns rather than arithmetic means to avoid overstating mutual fund performance while employing monthly data in each model. We employ the daily CRSP mutual fund database (which is free of survivorship bias) from January 1999 to December 2009. The data consists of 13,232 mutual funds, which include slightly over a third large-capitalization (“Large-Cap”) funds, about a third midle-capitalization (“Mid-Cap”) funds, and slightly less than a third small-capitalization (“Small-Cap”) funds. During this period, there were two stock market bubbles, followed by severe recessions (as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research). As shown by Ferson and Schadt (1996) and Kosowski (2011), mutual fund abnormal performance differs across economic cycles for various reasons, such as higher redemptions and more pressure on fund managers during troubling times, and higher mutual fund inflows and pressure from higher expectations during prospering times. As a result, we break the data into periods of bull and bear markets to study mutual fund performance. This should provide an answer to whether or not the behavior of the top and bottom „alpha‟ (outperforming) funds changes during different economic cycles. Furthermore, we study the abnormal returns by fund objectives and market capitalizations, which allow us to test the existence of market anomalies (i.e., the size effect and the value effect) in the stock market. Finally, we employ meta-analysis, which tests the statistical differences in abnormal returns across portfolios, models, timeperiods, and objectives. This allows us to test whether or not our findings are statistically significantly different from prior studies, along with testing for performance differences during different economic conditions, under different objectives and, across different pricing models. The most important finding is that positive and negative abnormal returns are not completely dependent on economic styles, or on fund objectives. Top performers and worst performers continue to have statistically significant positive and negative returns in all economic cycles and style objective subgroups, respectively. However, our metaanalysis demonstrates that the under and over-performances are statistically different across bull markets, and between bear and bull markets. The abnormal returns are not significantly different across bear markets. Furthermore, the meta-analysis of the style objective subgroups demonstrates that while all bottom performers have statistically significant negative abnormal returns, the returns are different across styles. Our paper proceeds as follows. Section I discusses the relevant literature and issues regarding mutual fund performance, while Section II describes the mutual fund database that we utilized in our study. Section III describes the methodology used to implement our analysis. Section V provides the empirical results, and Section VI concludes our analysis. I. Review of the Literature Grinblatt and Titman (1992) created a multiple performance benchmark that is formed based on the basis of securities characteristics to test how mutual fund performance relates to past performance. They find persistence in differences in performance, which is consistent with the ability of fund managers to earn abnormal returns. Hendricks, Patel, and Zeckhauser (1993) find persistence in the performance of Page 3 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 no-load, growth-oriented funds in the near term (one year). Poor performers also persist, but this persistence is not attributable to known anomalies or survivorship bias. Grinblatt and Titman (1993) introduce a new measure of portfolio performance that uses portfolio holdings and does not require a benchmark. They find that aggressive growth funds outperform from the years 1974 to 1984. Goetzman and Ibbotson (1994) find that past performance and relative rankings are useful in predicting performance and ranking, but they do not control for survivorship bias.3 (Brown et al. (1992) Brown and Goetzman (1995) find that mutual fund performance persists, but is mostly attributed to funds that lag the S&P 500. Also, poor performance increases the probability of disappearance. Persistence is due to a common strategy amongst managers that is not captured by standard stylistic categories or risk adjustment procedures. Elton, Gruber and Blake (1996) find persistence in risk-adjusted returns. Using modern portfolio theory techniques, rather than past rankings, improves the selection, and allows for the construction of portfolios of funds that outperform. They construct a portfolio of actively managed portfolios with the same risk as a portfolio of index funds, but with higher mean returns. In a groundbreaking paper, Carhart (1997) demonstrates that his four-factor model almost completely explains the persistence in equity mutual funds‟ mean returns. The best performing funds‟ results are mainly driven by momentum. On the other hand, individual fund managers do not actually earn higher returns by pursuing the momentum strategy. They typically are just holding these stocks and get „lucky‟ on the given year when these stocks outperform. The persistence of the bottom decile in the performance of funds is left unexplained. Carhart concludes that fund managers do not appear to possess a unique skill. Continuing with the theme of “luck,” Kosowski, Timmerman, Wermers, and White (2006) show that after choosing the Carhart (1997) model as the best fit according to standard model selection criteria,4 the alphas are non-normally distributed due to nonnormal individual funds alphas and heterogeneous risk taking among different funds. Because of this, they examine mutual fund performance controlling for luck, without imposing an ex ante parametric distribution from which funds returns are assumed to be drawn. They compare the distribution of actual fund alphas with those that would be expected after creating an empirical distribution using the bootstrap methodology. They find that significantly more funds provide larger alphas than would be expected only because of luck. Therefore, they conclude that a sizable minority of managers picks stocks well enough to cover their expenses, and this performance persists. Barras, Scalliet and Wermer (2010) find that 75% of mutual funds exhibit zero alpha, and that almost none have positive alpha after 2006. Thus, they argue that almost all mutual funds do not demonstrate positive abnormal returns. 3 Survivorship bias is an error resulting from only including firms that were not removed from the dataset during the sample period. If survivorship bias is present, it can lead to false conclusions (mostly overoptimistic results). 4 Specifically, the Schwarz (1978) Information Criterion method. Page 4 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 II. Data The mutual fund data is from CRSP, which is free of survivorship bias.5 Daily returns for active domestic equity funds are obtained from January 1999 through December 2009, as well as each mutual fund‟s stated objective. There are a total of 13,232 funds, and an average of 3,989 mutual funds each month. These funds are classified into nine groups by both the objective of the mutual fund and by the stock market capitalization. These include: Large-Cap Core, Large-Cap Value, Large-Cap Growth, Mid-Cap Core, Mid-Cap Value, Mid-Cap Growth, Small-Cap Core, Small-Cap Value, and Small-Cap Growth. Appendix 1 presents the definition of these mutual fund types. There are slightly over a third Large-Cap funds, about a third Mid-Cap funds, and slightly less than a third Small-Cap funds. The other daily factor returns (SMB, HML, and PR1YR) are also collected from CRSP. III. Methodology We begin by computing daily geometric mean returns each month from the daily returns of each mutual fund, which represents the holding period returns of mutual fund investors: [∏ ] (1) where and is the rate of return and the daily geometric mean return on portfolio i for month t in excess of the daily one-month Treasury Bill geometric return, respectively. We rank mutual fund performance based on the previous month‟s daily geometric mean. The mutual funds are then grouped into deciles for each month, creating ten equally weighted portfolios.6 This leads to each portfolio having 132 observations over our entire sample. Therefore, there are a total of 1,320 observations for all portfolios. To investigate the abnormal returns of mutual fund portfolios we employ ex-post versions of both theoretical (the traditional CAPM and three-moment CAPM) and empirical asset pricing models (the Fama-French (1993) three-factor and Carhart (1997) four-factor models) as follows: CAPM (2) ( ) 3-Moment CAPM (3) ( ) 3-Factor Model 4-Factor Model ( ( ) ) (4) (5) 5 Further details on this mutual fund database are available from CRSP: 6 As shown by Lessard (1976), Roll (1981), Grinblatt and Titman (1989), and Korajczyk and Sadka (2004) equally weighted portfolios attain higher returns and volatility than value weighted portfolios. Page 5 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 where and are the daily geometric mean returns of the one-month Treasury Bill and on the CRSP equally weighted index portfolio for month t, respectively. and are the daily geometric mean returns on the size factor, the value factor, and the momentum factor for month t, respectively. is the error term of portfolio i for month t. IV. Results 4.1 Summary Statistics We first call our attention to Table 2, which provides the factor summary statistics. The first obvious observation is the difference between our excess monthly returns when compared to those of the previous literature. With two recessions included in our sample period, the worst performing portfolios of funds have much lower excess returns than in the previous literature. The five lowest deciles exhibit negative excess returns. Table 2 also shows more of what is evident of this past decade; mainly, the monthly market excess return is negative. Since negative excess returns violate assumptions underlying the theoretical models, we expect to find conflicting results when compared to the previous literature. Observing possible multicollinearity, it is evident from the correlation matrix that the factors from our sample period are more highly correlated than those of the previous literature (Carhart, 1997). The momentum factor is negatively correlated to the market factor (-0.41899), and slightly positively correlated with the size factor (0.08765). This can be explained by the flat decade of returns. With two short bull and bear markets, contrarian strategies were profitable during these ten years (see Kim and Wei (2002)), which implies that the market factor would be negatively correlated with a momentum factor (i.e., positively correlated with a contrarian factor). The relationship between the momentum factor and the size factor might have more to do with risk. Since returns were highly volatile during this decade, and returns of small stocks tend to show relatively more volatility than those of other stocks (Copeland and Copeland (1999)), small stocks had amplified rallies during the bear and bull periods, leading to momentum in these stocks. During the period examined, the value factor was now negatively correlated to the size factor (-0.35588). This could be specifically due to the two bubbles during this time period (technology and real estate/financial). 4.2 Overall Mutual Fund Performance Next, we look at the overall mutual fund performance. We start this part of our analysis by ranking mutual fund portfolios into ten deciles based on the previous months returns. We then analyze the abnormal performance of each decile, using the CAPM, three-moment CAPM, three-factor model, and four-factor model. Table 3 presents the equally weighted mutual fund portfolios ranked by the previous month's geometric excess returns over the entire period. Obviously (and evidenced in the table), mutual fund performance differs significantly across deciles. The alphas, a measure of abnormal return, monotonically increase from the worst performers in decile one (significantly negative alphas) to best performers in decile ten (significantly positive Page 6 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 alphas) in all four models. The alphas range from -0.255% to 0.001% for the CAPM, 0.209% to 0.118% for the three-moment CAPM, -0.258% to 0.113% for the three-factor model, and -0.258% to 0.113% for the four-factor model. The adjusted R2 values for each decile across models are almost indifferent, which shows that the market risk premium is the most significant factor. (The adjusted R2 does not automatically increase when more variables are added to a regression, as it is adjusted for degrees of freedom). However, the adjusted R2 value in decile one (worst performers) of the three-moment CAPM is approximately 2% larger than those of the other models, and the adjusted R2 values in decile ten (top performers) of the threefactor and four-factor models are approximately 5% larger than the CAPM and threemoment CAPM. More importantly, the skewness variable in the three-moment CAPM is more significant for poor performing mutual fund portfolios, which shows that poor performing mutual funds load on negatively skewed stocks, causing the performance to suffer. This can be evidenced by the t-statistic values of worst and top performers, which are -4.89 and 0.36, respectively. This is expected since successful funds would overweight on stocks that are positively skewed. For the three-factor model, the size factor is less significant for worst performing mutual fund portfolios (deciles one and two), implying that the worst performing mutual fund managers do not exploit the size effect as successfully as those of the better performing funds. The HML factor best captures the excess returns in the middle decile groups. Surprisingly, the momentum factor does not play an important role in explaining the excess mutual fund portfolio returns. Thus, our finding on the four-factor model differs from Carhart's (1997) evidence that only poor performing funds show significantly negative alphas, while the top performing funds show insignificant positive alphas. In conclusion, the traditional CAPM is the best model to detect mutual fund excess returns. Even though other factor loadings show significance, their explanatory power is not as important during our sample period when compared to the previous studies by Carhart (1997) and Kosowski et al. (2006). However, all performers do overweight on small firms, while top and bottom performers steer clear of distinguishing between growth or value stocks. During the period studied, the momentum trading strategy does not play an important role in explaining the performance of mutual fund portfolios. Our finding reinforces the fact that returns were flat over the past decade, leading to the vanishing of momentum profits. 4.3 Mutual Fund Performance under Different Economic Cycles Next, we look at mutual fund performance under different economic cycles. Ferson and Schadt (1996) argue that it is logical to assume that varying economic conditions affect mutual fund performance. Tables 4 and 5 show mutual fund performance over bull and bear periods, respectively. The bull-bear periods are determined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). 7 Over our entire sample period from 1999 to 2009, there were two bull periods: years 1999 through 2000 (Table 4, Panel A), and years 2002 through 2007 (Table 4, Panel B). There were also two bear periods: year 2001 (Table 5, Panel A) and years 2008 through 2009 (Table 5, Panel B). In general, the mutual fund alphas are not statistically significantly different, 7 See: Page 7 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 but are economically significantly different, during bull markets. The alphas of worst (top) performing mutual fund portfolios over the 1999-2000 bull period, as shown in Panel A of Table 4, for the CAPM, three-moment CAPM, three-factor, and four-factor models, are -0.455% (0.243%), -0.297% (0.219%), -0.458% (0.233%), and -0.442% (0.226%) respectively, Whereby those of over the 2002-2007 bull period, as shown in Panel B of Table 4, are -0.162% (0.075%), -0.124% (0.075%), -0.164% (0.071%), and 0.166% (0.071%), respectively. The market factor loadings are still positive, but are less significant than those during the overall period (as provided in Table 3). Interestingly, the SMB factor over the 1999-2000 bull period is less significant than found in the overall sample in deciles 1 to 5, but is more significant than over the 2002-2007 bull period. This implies that that during the 1999-2000 bull period, only successful managers loaded on small-cap stocks. This is consistent with what occurred during the technology bubble, since the successful technology firms of that time were young, small firms. The 2002 through 2007 bull period is less discriminating: both successful and poor performing funds all loaded up on small-cap stocks. Next, we turn our attention over to the HML factor loadings. Over both bull periods, these loadings are less significant than those over the entire sample, meaning that the value factor plays a smaller role in determining mutual fund performance than found during the entire sample period. In addition, the momentum factor loadings are still not significant, which implies that during up markets, mutual fund managers follow neither momentum nor contrarian strategies, but stick to a buy-and-hold technique. Focusing on the efficacy of the models, the R-squared values for all deciles and models over the 1999-2000 bull period are smaller than those over the 2002-2007 bull period, especially at the extreme levels. The difference in length of sample period (two years versus six years) may be causing this issue. During both bull periods, the R 2 values of the three-factor and four-factor models are larger than those of the CAPM and three-moment CAPM for the top performers but are smaller than those of worst performers. Again, the difference could be attributed to sample size. For the middle decile groups, the R2 values of the models are not much different. It is natural to assume that during down markets, positive alphas should be difficult to attain. However, we find that the dispersion in alphas (as presented in Panels A and B of Table 5) does not, in general, drastically change from our entire sample to bull market periods. The co-skewness factor plays a slightly less important role during bear market periods than over the entire sample period. As shown in Panel A of Table 5, the SMB factor is not significant for all deciles over the 2001 bear period. Interestingly, the momentum factor loading is negatively significant for better performing funds during the 2001 bear market (Panel A), but positively significant for the worse performing funds during the 2008-2009 bear market (Panel B). From this, we can conclude that, during bear markets, funds that follow momentum strategies underperform, while funds that follow contrarian strategies over-perform. There are two possible explanations. First, stock prices do not follow either momentum or contrarian movements during down markets, generally moving downward regardless of their past performance. Therefore, managers trying to follow either strategy would not be able to add any more alpha to their portfolios. Second, managers tend to overreact to preserve capital, forcing them to abandon certain strategies they Page 8 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 used during up markets. Since investment strategies do not assist managers, the dispersion in mutual fund performance may be caused by differences in mutual fund objectives. Again, focusing on the efficacy of the models, the R2 values of all models during the 2001 bear market period are smaller than those during the 2008-2009 bear period, especially at the extreme levels. This potentially is from the smaller number of observations. Nevertheless, the R2 values of all models during the bear periods are larger than those of the bull periods, demonstrating that both the theoretical and the empirical models perform better when stock markets are more volatile. 4.4 Mutual Fund Performance by Different Fund Objectives and Market Capitalizations Our next step is to examine whether mutual fund performance is consistent among different fund objectives and market capitalizations. We categorize the funds by market capitalization (large, mid, and small) with three fund objectives (core, growth, and value). Tables 6, 7, and 8 and their corresponding Panels A, B, and C present large, middle (“mid”), and small market capitalization (“cap”) mutual fund portfolios with their corresponding core, growth, and value fund objectives. In general, the abnormal returns of the large-cap funds (Table 6, Panels A, B, and C) are consistent with the overall results. The relationship between excess returns and the negative SMB factor is as expected (since SMB is a portfolio long small cap stocks and short large cap stocks, a negative relationship between large cap stock returns and the SMB factor is expected) for the large-cap core (LCC) and value (LCV) subgroups. This result is not as strong for the large-cap growth (LCG) funds. The relationship of the positive (negative) HML factor with the LCV (LCG) is also as expected, since the HML is a portfolio long value stocks and short growth stocks. (EXPLAIN) The momentum factor of LCG funds is positive but insignificant, while that of LCV funds is negative and strongly significant. This implies that growth funds slightly follow momentum strategies, while value funds do just the opposite. For the mid-cap funds (Table 7, Panels A, B, and C), the efficacy of the models is inferior to that of the large-cap funds, providing lower R2 values, especially for the worst performers of the mid-cap value (MCV) funds. The co-skewness factors are negative and strongly significant, especially for poor performing portfolios for the mid-cap core (MCC) and MCV funds. The relationship between mid-cap fund excess returns and the SMB factors for all models is positive and significant, demonstrating that these mutual fund managers are not closely following their stated objectives, with mid-cap fund managers buying small-cap stocks. The momentum factor is negatively significant for the mid-cap growth (MCG) funds but positively significant for the MCV funds. This opposes the results for large-cap funds, again exhibiting that mid-cap fund managers do not invest according to their stated objectives. For the small-cap funds (Table 8, Panel A, B, and C), like the mid-cap funds, the efficacy of the models is also inferior to that of the large-cap funds. In general, the relationships between returns and the size and value factors are as expected (by construction, as stated above). However, the value factor of the small-cap core (SCC) is positive and significant, demonstrating that these funds are deviating from their „core‟ Page 9 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 objective. The momentum factor of the small-cap growth (SCG) funds is positive and significant while that of small-cap value (SCV) funds is negative and significant. This shows that SCG funds follow the momentum strategy, whereas SCV funds follow the contrarian strategy. In conclusion, the abnormal returns detected by all of the models are not economically different, but the factor loadings do play an important role for different fund objectives. Specifically, the HML loadings of the MCC and SCC are more important than that of the LCC. The results of the mid-cap funds contradict with our expectations. Furthermore, the empirical models are superior to the theoretical models in explaining the abnormal returns of style-objective funds (value and growth). Interestingly, while we find that mid-cap and small-cap funds have slightly higher alphas than other subgroups, we cannot conclude that a fund‟s objective determines dispersion in fund performance. 4.5 Meta-Analysis While we observe some differences in performance when focusing on economic cycles and fund objectives, we are further interested in whether the abnormal returns are significantly different across subgroups for investor decision-making. As a robustness check, we employ meta-analysis, which is a statistical procedure used to compare several studies or results with the same hypothesis (Sheskin (2007)). Previous studies have shown that the significance of alpha depends upon which model is employed. Yet, no study exists to show whether the significance of alpha is homogenous across models and deciles. The same level of statistical significance does not mean, in fact, that the models perform equally well in detecting the abnormal returns. To test whether there is any difference in the significance level of alpha (abnormal returns) across models, and across deciles, we hypothesize as follows: H0: The t-statistic numbers obtained for the k studies are consistent or indifferent with one another. H1: The t-statistic numbers obtained for the k studies are inconsistent or different with one another. To test the hypothesis above, the following equation is required: ∑( ̅ ) (6) where and ̅ are the t-statistic for jth study and the average t-statistic values obtained for the k studies, respectively. The statistic follows the chi-square distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom. We start our analysis by comparing our results with Elton, Gruber and Blake (1996) and Carhart (1997). The meta-analysis shows that our findings for the entire sample differ significantly from those in the previous studies.8 This is expected since we find that mutual fund alphas monotonically increase from negatively significant to positively significant, while the prior literature concludes that overall mutual funds 8 For the sake of brevity, we do not include the results for the entire sample. These results are available from the authors upon request. Page 10 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 perform poorly. The more interesting findings are those found when studying our subsamples. Table 9 displays the results from the meta-analysis performed on our subsample periods (bull and bear markets). Panel A shows the results when comparing the two bull market periods (years 1999-2000, and 2002-2007), the two bear market periods (years 2001, and 2008-2009), and the more recent bull and bear market periods (years 20022007, and 2008-2009). Surprisingly, the performance of top and bottom performing mutual funds differs significantly when comparing the two bull periods and (to a lesser extent) when comparing the two bear periods. During the 2002-2007 bull market, mutual fund alphas were more amplified for both the top and bottom performers than for those in the first sub-period. Since the second bull market lasts longer than the first, the „good and the bad‟ are further weeded out. Furthermore, the top and bottom performers show significantly different alphas across the final bull and bear periods. This means that, even after controlling for the risk factors of the given period, managers are able to better perform during the bull periods than they are during the bear periods. While the overall results are similar, this does demonstrate that the economic cycle does have an effect on a manager‟s perceived skill. As expected, the performance of the ten portfolios for each model shows significantly different results (Table 9, Panel B). Table 10 presents the results of the meta-analysis performed on our subsample of fund capitalizations and objectives. While bottom performers within large- and midcap funds perform differently across objectives (core, growth, and value, as shown in Panel A), most other portfolios do not have significantly different abnormal returns. Small-cap funds all perform relatively the same across fund objectives. This makes it difficult for investors to determine in which objective to invest. Clearly, other factors play an important role in distinguishing between the top and bottom performers. Again, as expected, the results are significantly different across the ten portfolios for each model, capitalization group, and objective group (Panel B). In Panel C, another finding worthy of note is that, across the different capitalizations for the core objective, the performance is significantly different for almost all deciles except for the top performers. The same is only true for the growth subgroup‟s middle to worst performers (when focusing on the CAPM and three-moment CAPM results). For the value subgroup, this is only found for the worst performing decile utilizing the three-factor and four-factor models. On a final note, the worst performing funds generate different abnormal returns across market capitalizations and objectives, while top performing funds do not. It is also interesting to find that the meta-analysis results do not differ drastically across the different models for value funds. V. Conclusions and Suggestions for Further Research In this paper, we utilized the daily CRSP mutual fund database to compute excess geometric mean returns, which should be considered to be the holding period returns by mutual fund investors. To investigate mutual fund performance, four wellknown asset pricing models were employed, namely the CAPM, the three-moment CAPM, the three-factor model, and four-factor model. We examined various aspects of mutual fund performance. First, we looked at whether or not mutual fund performances Page 11 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 depend on economic cycles, and stated fund objectives. Then, we analyzed the efficacy of the asset pricing models for mutual fund performance. As part of our analysis, we employed meta-analysis to test the homogeneity of the mutual fund performances across models and deciles. Our results show that the dispersion of abnormal returns holds under different economic conditions and over different style objectives. While the magnitude of positive and negative performance slightly differs across subgroups, abnormal returns monotonically increase from significantly negative to significantly positive in all subgroups. While certain factors do assist in explaining portfolio excess returns, the factors play a much more subdued role than found in previous studies. The theoretical models performed well during this sample period. However, the empirical models explained the excess returns of mutual funds by objective better than the theoretical models. Furthermore, the use of meta-analysis demonstrates that the abnormal performance of mutual funds significantly differ between bull and bear periods. This means that managers benefit from upward trending markets, but they are not as well suited to counter downward trends. This is a disadvantage to investors since protection on the downside is more important than overly achieving on the upside (Tversky and Kahneman (1991)). The meta-analysis also demonstrates that while all bottom performers have statistically significant negative returns, these returns significantly differ by style objective. It is also important to note that mid-cap funds do not invest according to their stated objective. We found that most mid-cap funds are heavily invested in small-cap equities. Using daily data rather than monthly data, we test mutual fund performance using different models. We find that a certain subgroup outperforms during all subperiods and in all sub-samples. We conclude that mutual fund performance is managerspecific, and not market-cycle or objective specific. While the previous literature found momentum to be an important determinant of mutual fund performance, the momentum factor plays a much more subdued role in our sample. 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Page 14 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Appendix 1 Mutual Fund Type Large-Cap Core (LCC) Definition At least 75% with market capitalization greater than 300% that of the middle 1000 of the S&P Super Composite 1500 and average price-to-cash flow, priceto-book, and three-year growth Large-Cap Value (LCV) At least 75% with market capitalization greater than 300% that of the middle 1000 of the S&P Super Composite 1500 and below average price-to-cash flow, price-to-book, and three-year growth Large-Cap Growth (LCG) At least 75% with market capitalization greater than 300% that of the middle 1000 of the S&P Super Composite 1500 and above average price-to-cash flow, price-to-book, and three-year growth Mid-Cap Core (MCC) At least 75% with market capitalization less than 300% that of the middle 1000 of the S&P Super Composite 1500 and average price-to-cash flow, price-tobook, and three-year growth Mid-Cap Value (MCV) At least 75% with market capitalization less than 300% that of the middle 1000 of the S&P Super Composite 1500 and below average price-to-cash flow, priceto-book, and three-year growth Mid-Cap Growth (MCG) At least 75% with market capitalization less than 300% that of the middle 1000 of the S&P Super Composite 1500 and above average price-to-cash flow, priceto-book, and three-year growth Small-Cap Core (SCC) At least 75% with market capitalization less than 250% that of the middle 1000 of the S&P Super Composite 1500 and average price-to-cash flow, price-tobook, and three-year growth Small-Cap Value (SCV) At least 75% with market capitalization less than 250% that of the middle 1000 of the S&P Super Composite 1500 and below average price-to-cash flow, priceto-book, and three-year growth Small-Cap Growth (SCG) At least 75% with market capitalization less than 250% that of the middle 1000 of the S&P Super Composite 1500 and above average price-to-cash flow, priceto-book, and three-year growth Page 15 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Table 1 - Summary Statistics This table presents the number of mutual funds over the period of 1999-2009, along with the number of mutual funds by fund objective. The average number of funds column denotes the average number of mutual funds in each month over the period of 1999-2009. Portfolio Number of Average Funds Number of Funds Total 13,232 3988.7 LCC 2,617 764.84 LCV 1,440 414.12 LCG 2,220 651.61 MCC 1,013 268.97 MCV 835 231.8 MCG 1,399 455.67 SCC 1,620 496.22 SCV 857 261.83 SCG 1,231 443.64 Page 16 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Table 2 - Factor Summary Statistics This table presents the correlation matrix between the different factors. MKT represents the market risk premium. SMB, HML, and PR1YR are size, value, and momentum factors, respectively. Factor Correlation Matrix Portfolio MKT SMB HML MKT 1.00000 SMB 0.28895 1.00000 HML -0.22308 -0.35588 1.00000 PR1YR -0.41899 0.08765 -0.07040 PR1YR 1.00000 Table 3 - Ranking Portfolios Employing Mean Excess Geometric Return This table presents the equally weighted mutual fund portfolios, over the period of 19992009, sorted into deciles. The portfolio ranking is based on the previous month's geometric mean excess return. MKT and SKEW represent the market risk premium and the squared market risk premium (co-skewness), respectively. SMB, HML, and PR1YR are the size, value, and momentum factors, respectively. The variables in the regression equations are the daily geometric mean for each month. The equally weighted portfolio reflects the disappearance of mutual funds over the sample period. Deciles one and ten denote the best and worst performers of mutual fund portfolios, respectively. The adjusted R2 and alpha () (abnormal return) are in percentages. The t-statistics are shown in parentheses, with the italic and bold numbers indicating significance at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Page 17 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Port. CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT 2 Adj. MKT SKEW R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -0.255 1.420 (-16.93) (22.50) -0.127 1.137 (-16.18) (34.36) -0.086 1.080 (-15.11) (45.39) -0.054 1.040 (-12.29) (56.30) -0.028 1.009 (-7.25) (63.11) -0.003 0.989 (-0.88) (63.44) 0.002 0.976 (5.17) (55.16) 0.049 0.969 (9.12) (43.32) 0.080 0.965 (11.30) (32.57) 0.001 0.970 (12.60) (24.29) 79.41 90.01 94.02 96.03 96.82 96.85 95.87 93.47 89.00 81.80 3-Factor Model 2 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML R -0.209 1.287 -2.442 (-12.50) (20.04) (-4.89) -0.115 1.101 -0.669 (-12.32) (30.69) (-2.40) -0.076 1.051 -0.529 (-11.34) (40.95) (-2.65) -0.046 1.017 -0.422 (-8.91) (51.11) (-2.73) -0.022 0.992 -0.319 (-4.79) (57.19) (-2.36) 0.001 0.977 -0.222 (0.20) (57.17) (-1.67) 0.024 0.969 -0.132 (4.77) (49.56) (-0.87) 0.049 0.967 -0.047 (7.67) (39.01) (-0.24) 0.079 0.966 0.021 (9.29) (29.43) (0.08) 0.118 0.977 0.125 (10.21) (22.08) (0.36) 82.50 90.36 94.28 96.22 96.92 96.89 95.86 93.43 88.91 81.68 2 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.258 1.378 0.180 -0.011 -0.003 (-16.94) (18.30) (1.93) (-0.12) (-0.05) -0.130 1.096 0.131 0.022 -0.029 (-16.52) (28.12) (2.73) (0.47) (-1.07) -0.088 1.053 0.099 0.049 -0.024 (-15.67) (37.82) (2.87) (1.49) (-1.22) -0.057 1.023 0.076 0.068 -0.020 (-13.15) (48.06) (2.90) (2.68) (-1.37) -0.030 0.998 0.072 0.081 -0.016 (-8.35) (-8.35) (3.25) (3.76) (-1.29) -0.006 0.978 0.081 0.082 -0.012 (-1.77) (56.41) (3.77) (3.95) (-1.01) 0.018 0.963 0.111 0.085 -0.005 (4.63) (49.49) (4.64) (3.65) (-0.38) 0.044 0.950 0.160 0.085 0.002 (8.98) (39.13) (5.35) (2.94) (0.12) 0.074 0.935 0.229 0.082 0.011 (11.58) (29.58) (5.85) (2.18) (0.49) 0.113 0.926 0.316 0.064 0.024 (13.29) (22.05) (6.10) (1.27) (0.83) R -0.258 1.380 0.179 -0.010 (-17.01) (20.92) (1.96) (-0.12) -0.130 1.115 0.121 0.028 (-16.54) (32.54) (2.57) (0.60) -0.088 1.069 0.091 0.054 (-15.67) (43.59) (2.68) (1.64) -0.057 1.037 0.069 0.072 (-13.14) (55.21) (2.68) (2.86) -0.030 1.009 0.067 0.084 (-8.36) (63.68) (3.05) (3.93) -0.006 0.987 0.076 0.084 (-1.79) (64.70) (3.65) (4.10) 0.018 0.966 0.110 0.086 (4.64) (56.68) (4.67) (3.73) 0.044 0.948 0.161 0.085 (9.02) (44.61) (5.50) (2.96) 0.074 0.927 0.232 0.080 (11.63) (33.47) (6.08) (2.15) 0.113 0.909 0.325 0.059 (13.33) (24.66) (6.39) (1.18) Page 18 of 36 79.79 90.35 94.28 96.31 97.19 97.29 96.55 94.70 91.34 86.05 R2 79.63 90.36 94.30 96.33 97.20 97.29 96.53 94.65 91.28 86.01 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Table 4 Ranking Portfolios over Bull Periods Panels A and B provide mutual fund performance over the bull market periods from 1999-2009.. The definitions of variables are the same as in Table 3. The t-statistics are shown in parentheses, with the italic and bold numbers indicating significance at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Panel A: Years 1999-2000 Port. CAPM 3-Moment Model 3-Factor Model 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT 2 Adj. MKT SKEW R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -0.455 1.399 (-11.00) (7.83) -0.213 0.990 (-9.02) (9.69) -0.135 0.941 (-8.66) (13.96) -0.077 0.904 (-7.35) (19.97) -0.030 0.886 (-3.85) (26.13) 0.013 0.885 (1.72) (27.13) 0.058 0.903 (5.67) (20.60) 0.106 0.932 (6.93) (14.06) 0.165 0.971 (7.23) (9.86) 0.243 1.047 (7.37) (7.37) 72.41 80.14 89.40 94.54 96.74 96.97 94.85 89.53 80.70 69.85 2 Adj. MKT SMB HML R -0.297 1.198 -8.904 (-4.23) (6.83) (-2.65) -0.149 0.908 -3.607 (-3.45) (8.38) (-1.74) -0.107 0.905 -1.611 (-3.59) (12.18) (-1.13) -0.077 0.905 0.024 (-3.78) (17.61) (0.02) -0.047 0.907 0.930 (-3.17) (24.52) (1.32) -0.013 0.918 1.464 (-0.99) (27.78) (2.32) 0.027 0.943 1.740 (1.46) (20.66) (1.99) 0.074 0.974 1.844 (2.55) (13.48) (1.33) 0.133 1.011 1.796 (3.03) (9.21) (0.85) 0.219 1.077 1.323 (3.42) (6.71) (0.43) 78.34 81.81 89.53 94.28 96.84 97.47 95.46 89.89 80.47 68.69 2 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.442 1.396 0.245 -0.018 -0.187 (-9.71) (5.04) (1.10) (-0.06) (-1.03) -0.203 0.984 0.136 -0.034 -0.135 (-7.88) (6.28) (1.08) (-0.20) (-1.31) -0.128 0.977 0.097 0.022 -0.010 (-7.56) (9.49) (1.18) (0.19) (-1.47) -0.072 0.968 0.065 0.059 -0.072 (-6.57) (14.47) (1.22) (0.80) (-1.63) -0.028 0.968 0.063 0.095 -0.46 (-3.66) (20.59) (1.66) (1.86) (-1.48) 0.013 0.967 0.076 0.112 -0.028 (1.74) (21.28) (2.08) (2.25) (-0.94) 0.054 0.986 0.117 0.143 -0.005 (5.42) (16.16) (2.38) (2.15) (-0.12) 0.099 1.011 0.185 0.184 0.020 (6.93) (11.60) (2.64) (1.93) (0.36) 0.153 1.026 0.270 0.211 0.050 (7.60) (8.37) (2.74) (1.58) (0.62) 0.226 1.048 0.375 0.213 0.086 (8.20) (6.25) (2.78) (1.16) (0.78) R -0.458 1.377 0.145 0.034 (-10.66) (4.98) (0.72) (0.11) -0.215 0.970 0.064 0.003 (-8.68) (6.09) (0.55) (0.02) -0.137 0.967 0.044 0.049 (-8.31) (9.15) (0.57) (0.43) -0.078 0.961 0.027 0.079 (-7.26) (13.83) (0.54) (1.05) -0.032 0.963 0.038 0.108 (-4.28) (19.95) (1.10) (2.08) 0.011 0.964 0.061 0.119 (1.51) (21.33) (1.86) (2.45) 0.054 0.985 0.114 0.145 (5.86) (16.60) (2.65) (2.26) 0.101 1.013 0.196 0.178 (7.65) (11.91) (3.18) (1.94) 0.158 1.031 0.297 0.197 (8.42) (8.56) (3.40) (1.52) 0.233 1.056 0.421 0.189 (9.07) (6.38) (3.51) (1.06) Page 19 of 36 70.90 78.79 88.52 94.33 97.08 97.43 95.85 92.42 87.27 81.96 R2 70.99 79.52 89.16 94.77 97.25 97.42 95.63 92.08 86.87 81.60 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel B: Years 2002-2007 Port. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT -0.162 1.239 (-18.47) (23.61) -0.091 1.107 (-15.01) (30.41) -0.064 1.066 (-12.86) (35.90) -0.043 1.038 (-9.98) (40.45) -0.025 1.023 (-6.35) (43.43) -0.008 1.011 (-2.10) (44.26) 0.009 1.002 (2.36) (42.11) 0.028 0.999 (6.28) (38.11) 0.049 0.993 (9.48) (32.41) 0.075 0.992 R2 88.68 92.86 94.78 95.84 96.37 96.50 96.15 95.34 93.66 Adj. MKT SKEW -0.124 1.160 -3.863 (-11.42) (24.14) (-4.97) -0.066 1.054 -2.557 (-8.64) (31.15) (-4.67) -0.045 1.027 -1.911 (-7.03) (36.28) (-4.17) -0.028 1.008 -1.482 (-4.97) (40.21) (-3.66) -0.014 0.999 -1.151 (-2.55) (42.31) (-3.01) 0.008 0.993 -0.887 (0.15) (42.32) (-2.34) 0.016 0.988 -0.651 (2.82) (39.67) (-1.61) 0.032 0.989 -0.467 (5.14) (35.65) (-1.04) 0.051 0.987 -0.292 (7.00) (30.26) (-0.55) 0.991 -0.060 (25.83) (-0.10) 91.46 3-Factor Model R2 91.55 94.50 95.77 96.46 96.75 96.71 96.23 95.34 93.60 91.34 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML -0.164 1.194 0.249 0.018 (-19.33) (22.60) (3.27) (0.20) -0.093 1.077 0.183 0.042 (-16.14) (29.89) (3.53) (0.67) -0.066 1.045 0.135 0.044 (-13.73) (35.09) (3.15) (0.85) -0.045 1.023 0.107 0.048 (-10.70) (39.46) (2.88) (1.08) -0.027 1.010 0.097 0.048 (-6.98) (42.44) (2.83) (1.17) -0.010 0.998 0.098 0.053 (-2.68) (43.70) (2.99) (1.35) 0.007 0.987 0.116 0.060 (1.96) (42.44) (3.45) (1.50) 0.025 0.979 0.144 0.070 (6.27) (39.41) (4.03) (1.63) 0.046 0.966 0.191 0.081 (10.13) (34.54) (4.75) (1.68) 0.071 0.957 0.242 0.089 (13.83) (29.87) (5.24) (1.61) R2 89.99 93.89 95.41 96.29 96.76 96.94 96.79 96.34 95.39 94.09 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.166 1.236 0.225 -0.012 0.067 (-19.35) (20.08) (2.89) (-0.13) (1.31) -0.095 1.107 0.166 0.020 0.049 (-16.24) (26.42) (3.13) (0.31) (1.39) -0.067 1.071 0.120 0.025 0.042 (-13.87) (30.95) (2.75) (0.48) (1.43) -0.046 1.046 0.095 0.032 0.036 (-10.87) (34.72) (2.48) (0.70) (1.44) -0.028 1.028 0.087 0.035 0.029 (-7.12) (37.06) (2.47) (0.83) (1.26) -0.011 1.013 0.090 0.043 0.024 (-2.83) (37.92) (2.67) (1.05) (1.06) 0.007 1.001 0.108 0.050 0.023 (1.75) (36.77) (3.13) (1.21) (0.99) 0.024 0.993 0.136 0.060 0.022 (6.00) (34.10) (3.70) (1.35) (0.91) 0.045 0.979 0.184 0.072 0.021 (9.80) (29.81) (4.43) (1.43) (0.77) 0.071 0.968 0.235 0.081 0.018 (13.45) (25.68) (4.94) (1.41) (0.56) 0.075 (12.42) (27.60) (8.71) Page 20 of 36 R2 90.09 93.98 95.48 96.35 96.79 96.95 96.79 96.33 95.36 94.03 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Table 5 - Ranking Portfolios over Bear Periods : This table shows the mutual fund performance over the bear market period. The definitions of variables are the same as in Table 3. The t-statistics are shown in parentheses, with the italic and bold numbers indicating significance at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Panel A: Year 2001 Port. CAPM 3-Moment Model 3-Factor Model 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT 2 Adj. MKT SKEW R 1 2 3 4 -0.349 1.605 (-6.68) (10.11) -0.180 1.299 (-6.00) (14.20) -0.119 1.190 (-4.94) (16.24) -0.073 1.116 90.19 94.80 95.98 96.31 2 Adj. MKT SMB HML R -0.261 1.566 -4.527 (-2.90) (9.83) (-1.18) -0.130 1.277 -2.619 (-2.50) (13.93) (-1.18) -0.087 1.175 -1.652 (-2.04) (15.56) (-0.90) -0.055 1.108 -0.941 90.55 95.00 95.91 2 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.360 1.468 0.361 -0.298 0.124 (-5.75) (4.52) (1.12) (-0.88) (0.48) -0.201 1.137 0.226 -0.041 -0.040 (-5.77) (6.28) (1.26) (-0.22) (-0.28) -0.141 1.012 0.140 0.045 -0.110 (-5.25) (7.24) (1.01) (0.31) (-0.98) -0.096 0.931 0.085 0.106 -0.156 (-4.26) (7.93) (0.73) (0.87) (-1.66) -0.060 0.853 0.042 0.162 -0.199 (-2.98) (8.12) (0.40) (1.48) (-2.37) -0.028 0.802 0.010 0.165 -0.215 (-1.49) (8.28) (0.11) (1.64) (-2.78) 0.004 0.748 0.011 0.195 -0.240 (0.21) (7.46) (0.11) (1.86) (-3.00) 0.039 0.692 0.010 0.226 -0.276 (1.74) (5.97) (0.09) (1.87) (-2.99) 0.017 0.259 -0.316 (0.12) (1.74) (-2.77) R -0.369 1.368 0.303 -0.211 (-6.47) (5.81) (1.07) (-0.78) -0.119 1.170 0.245 -0.069 (-6.32) (9.00) (1.57) (-0.46) -0.134 1.101 0.192 -0.032 (-5.19) (10.34) (1.51) (-0.26) 1.057 0.159 -0.003 (10.68) (1.34) (-0.02) -0.046 1.014 0.136 0.023 (-1.91) (10.07) (1.13) (0.20) -0.013 0.976 0.112 0.015 (-0.52) (9.73) (0.94) (0.13) 0.021 0.942 0.125 0.026 (0.80) (8.71) (0.96) (0.21) 0.058 0.916 0.142 0.032 (1.93) (7.34) (0.95) (0.22) 0.102 0.895 0.167 0.038 96.03 90.35 95.32 96.21 96.27 R2 89.32 94.71 96.19 96.94 -0.085 (-3.37) (16.96) (-1.39) (15.90) (-0.56) (-3.57) 5 6 7 8 -0.035 1.049 (-1.65) (16.18) -0.004 1.007 (-0.17) (15.94) 0.031 0.971 (1.39) (14.22) 0.070 0.947 95.95 95.84 94.81 -0.030 1.047 -0.272 (-0.76) (15.01) (-0.16) -0.009 1.009 0.272 (-0.23) (14.86) (0.17) 0.021 0.976 0.556 (0.50) (13.33) (0.31) 0.956 0.986 (11.43) (0.49) 0.944 1.432 92.90 95.52 95.39 94.30 92.32 95.64 95.31 94.19 92.02 97.24 97.46 97.09 95.99 0.051 (2.71) (12.04) (1.08) 9 0.116 0.932 90.00 0.089 89.31 88.74 0.080 93.86 0.639 (3.79) (10.00) (1.59) (9.59) (2.86) (0.60) (6.05) (0.94) (2.90) (0.22) (4.46) 10 0.176 0.930 (4.82) (8.38) 86.29 0.138 0.947 1.956 (2.10) (8.13) (0.69) 85.54 0.160 0.878 0.195 0.030 (3.75) (4.98) (0.92) (0.15) Page 21 of 36 84.51 0.136 0.596 0.030 0.274 -0.348 (3.82) (3.24) (0.16) (1.42) (-2.37) 90.17 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel B: Years 2008-2009 Port. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT -0.269 1.386 (-8.73) (15.62) -0.117 1.118 (-8.45) (27.98) -0.080 1.082 (-6.40) (30.02) -0.052 1.056 (-4.50) (31.68) -0.028 1.034 (-2.53) (32.85) -0.005 1.015 (-0.47) (32.92) 0.018 1.001 (1.62) (32.07) 0.41 0.992 (3.66) (30.39) 0.068 0.982 (5.66) (28.44) 0.102 0.976 (7.99) (26.49) R2 91.35 97.14 97.51 97.76 97.91 97.92 97.81 97.57 97.23 96.82 3-Factor Model Adj. MKT SKEW -0.162 1.141 -2.465 (-6.95) (18.62) (-6.92) -0.094 1.066 -0.528 (-5.40) (23.21) (-1.98) -0.060 1.036 -0.464 (-3.79) (24.90) (-1.92) -0.034 1.014 -0.417 (-2.31) (26.24) (-1.86) -0.012 0.999 -0.353 (-0.87) (26.92) (-1.64) 0.008 0.986 -0.293 (0.55) (26.65) (-1.37) 0.027 0.979 -0.224 (1.89) (25.66) (-1.01) 0.049 0.975 -0.172 (3.20) (24.16) (-0.73) 0.074 0.968 -0.144 (4.55) (22.56) (-0.58) 0.106 0.967 -0.097 (6.09) (21.02) (-0.36) R2 97.24 97.48 97.78 97.98 98.06 98.00 97.81 97.52 97.14 96.69 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML -0.283 1.305 0.502 0.032 (-9.38) (12.79) (1.97) (0.18) -0.125 1.075 0.288 0.007 (-9.83) (24.96) (2.67) (0.10) -0.088 1.037 0.268 0.024 (-7.82) (27.33) (2.82) (0.35) -0.059 1.012 0.249 0.028 (-5.75) (29.03) (2.85) (0.45) -0.034 0.993 0.231 0.029 (-3.51) (29.97) (2.78) (0.48) -0.012 0.974 0.228 0.030 (-1.24) (30.18) (2.82) (0.53) 0.011 0.958 0.237 0.032 (1.11) (29.72) (2.93) (0.56) 0.034 0.946 0.256 0.031 (3.46) (28.47) (3.08) (0.51) 0.060 0.933 0.279 0.033 (5.83) (26.94) (3.22) (0.53) 0.093 0.921 0.312 0.039 (8.80) (25.74) (3.48) (0.60) R2 92.15 97.72 98.10 98.31 98.41 98.44 98.40 98.27 98.09 97.95 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.259 1.410 0.465 0.124 0.163 (-8.54) (13.09) (1.95) (0.71) (2.05) -0.108 1.148 0.262 0.072 0.114 (-10.82) (32.31) (3.34) (1.24) (4.36) -0.074 1.097 0.247 0.077 0.094 (-7.90) (33.01) (3.36) (1.43) (3.84) -0.048 1.062 0.231 0.072 0.078 (-5.20) (32.43) (3.19) (1.35) (3.22) -0.025 1.033 0.217 0.064 0.062 (-2.68) (30.85) (2.93) (1.17) (2.52) -0.005 1.004 0.217 0.057 0.046 (-0.51) (28.86) (2.83) (1.00) (1.81) 0.015 0.978 0.230 0.049 0.030 (1.46) (26.79) (2.85) (0.82) (1.11) 0.036 0.954 0.254 0.037 0.011 (3.27) (24.67) (2.97) (0.58) (0.38) 0.058 0.926 0.282 0.027 -0.011 (5.12) (22.98) (3.16) (0.41) (-0.36) 0.088 0.898 0.019 -0.034 (7.74) (22.27) (0.29) (-1.16) 0.320 (3.59) Page 22 of 36 R2 93.23 98.80 98.88 98.85 98.75 98.60 98.41 98.19 98.00 97.98 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Table 6 - Ranking Large Capitalization Mutual Fund Portfolio with Different Objectives This table presents large capitalization mutual fund performance classified by fund objectives. The definitions of variables are the same as in Table 3. The t-statistics are shown in parentheses, with the italic and bold numbers indicating significance at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Panel A: Large Capitalization Core Equity Port. CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT 2 Adj. MKT SKEW R 1 2 3 4 5 6 -0.149 1.107 (-18.99) (33.53) -0.068 0.962 (-15.06) (50.48) -0.047 0.948 (-10.54) (50.85) -0.032 0.937 (-7.30) (50.19) -0.021 0.931 (-4.73) (49.85) -0.011 0.923 89.55 95.11 95.18 95.05 94.99 94.91 3-Factor Model 2 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML R -0.118 1.016 -1.663 (-14.50) (32.42) (-6.83) -0.063 0.945 -0.312 (-11.55) (45.40) (-1.93) -0.044 0.940 -0.149 (-8.22) (45.66) (-0.93) -0.031 0.934 -0.070 (-5.79) (45.15) (-0.44) -0.021 0.931 0.008 (-3.93) (45.02) (0.05) -0.012 0.927 0.074 92.27 95.21 95.17 95.02 94.95 94.87 2 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.148 1.178 -0.144 0.068 0.049 (-19.52) (31.27) (-3.09) (1.51) (1.88) -0.067 1.003 -0.139 0.050 0.005 (-16.95) (51.35) (-5.74) (2.15) (0.34) -0.045 0.984 -0.144 0.048 -0.006 (-12.07) (53.19) (-6.29) (2.16) (-0.47) -0.031 0.971 -0.148 0.047 -0.011 (-8.32) (53.34) (-6.56) (2.16) (-0.87) -0.019 0.962 -0.145 0.044 -0.015 (-5.18) (52.59) (-6.43) (2.03) (-1.14) -0.009 0.950 -0.142 0.041 -0.018 (-2.31) (51.60) (-6.25) (1.85) (-1.42) 0.001 0.942 -0.137 0.039 -0.020 (0.37) (50.69) (-5.96) (1.77) (-1.52) 0.012 0.934 -0.126 0.036 -0.018 (3.27) (49.85) (-5.43) (1.62) (-1.36) 0.026 0.925 -0.115 0.032 -0.017 (6.63) (47.51) (-4.76) (1.40) (-1.22) 0.047 0.912 -0.092 0.031 -0.016 (10.58) (41.70) (-3.42) (1.20) (-1.03) R -0.148 1.144 -0.127 0.058 (-19.29) (34.21) (-2.75) (1.29) -0.067 1.000 -0.137 0.049 (-17.00) (58.42) (-5.80) (2.13) 0.045 0.988 -0.146 0.049 (-12.12) (60.93) (-6.52) (2.24) -0.031 0.979 -0.151 0.049 (-8.35) (61.19) (-6.87) (2.28) -0.019 0.972 -0.150 0.047 (-5.20) (60.36) (-6.77) (2.18) -0.009 0.963 -0.149 0.044 90.35 96.45 96.71 96.73 96.65 R2 90.53 96.42 96.69 96.73 96.66 96.55 96.52 7 8 9 10 (-2.37) (49.41) -0.000 0.916 (-0.11) (49.27) 0.011 0.911 (2.45) (49.92) 0.024 0.904 (5.62) (49.34) 0.046 0.895 (9.81) (45.91) 94.88 95.00 94.89 94.15 (-2.22) (44.83) (0.46) -0.003 0.923 0.126 (-0.53) (44.91) (0.79) 0.007 0.920 0.176 (1.41) (45.75) (1.12) 0.020 0.917 0.251 (3.79) (45.66) (1.61) 0.038 0.917 0.387 (6.96) (43.31) (2.35) 94.86 95.01 94.95 94.34 (-2.34) (59.22) (-6.63) (2.02) 0.001 0.955 -0.144 0.043 (0.33) (58.17) (-6.34) (1.95) 0.012 0.947 -0.132 0.040 (3.23) (57.24) (-5.79) (1.79) 0.026 0.936 -0.120 0.036 (6.59) (54.59) (-5.09) (1.55) 0.047 0.923 -0.098 0.035 (10.56) (47.97) (-3.69) (1.34) Page 23 of 36 96.41 96.31 95.97 94.87 96.44 96.33 95.99 94.88 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel B: Large Capitalization Growth Equity Port. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT -0.199 1.378 (-12.28) (20.30) -0.096 1.121 (-11.80) (32.77) -0.067 1.091 (-9.18) (35.40) -0.048 1.074 (-6.88) (36.70) -0.031 1.059 (-4.59) (37.57) -0.015 1.048 (-2.25) (37.67) 0.000 1.038 (0.03) (37.19) 0.017 1.031 (2.42) (35.63) 0.036 1.026 (4.92) (33.22) 0.063 1.024 (7.71) (30.01) R2 75.83 89.12 90.53 91.13 91.50 91.54 91.34 90.64 89.38 87.29 3-Factor Model Adj. MKT SKEW -0.173 1.303 -1.390 (-9.01) (17.71) (-2.43) -0.095 1.117 -0.080 (-9.60) (29.47) (-0.27) -0.069 1.095 0.061 (-7.72) (32.06) (0.23) -0.051 1.083 0.162 (-6.05) (33.45) (0.64) -0.035 1.072 0.235 (-4.35) (34.44) (0.97) -0.020 1.064 0.291 (-2.55) (34.72) (1.22) -0.006 1.056 0.342 (-0.78) (34.44) (1.44) 0.009 1.053 0.399 (1.11) (33.17) (1.62) 0.027 1.052 0.486 (3.09) (31.17) (1.85) 0.052 1.056 0.589 (5.34) (28.38) (2.04) R2 76.71 89.04 90.46 91.09 91.50 91.58 91.41 90.76 89.58 87.59 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML -0.187 1.310 -0.090 -0.517 (-12.82) (20.64) (-1.03) (-6.04) -0.088 1.084 -0.099 -0.350 (-13.53) (38.46) (-2.54) (-9.21) -0.059 1.059 -0.100 -0.323 (-10.34) (42.34) (-2.91) (-9.57) -0.040 1.044 -0.102 -0.309 (-7.41) (44.28) (-3.15) (-9.73) -0.023 1.029 -0.092 -0.298 (-4.48) (45.32) (-2.94) (-9.74) -0.008 1.017 -0.079 -0.289 (-1.51) (44.87) (-2.54) (-9.47) 0.007 1.004 -0.065 -0.282 (1.29) (43.47) (-2.04) (-9.06) 0.023 0.993 -0.047 -0.284 (4.13) (40.92) (-1.40) (-8.68) 0.042 0.983 -0.030 -0.289 (6.96) (37.16) (-0.82) (-8.08) 0.068 0.975 -0.003 -0.293 (9.89) (32.37) (-0.08) (-7.22) Page 24 of 36 R2 80.99 93.36 94.39 94.82 95.04 94.96 94.66 94.07 92.98 91.09 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.188 1.383 -0.127 -0.495 0.106 (-13.04) (19.42) (-1.44) (-5.83) (2.14) -0.088 1.103 -0.108 -0.344 0.028 (-13.59) (34.49) (-2.74) (-9.02) (1.26) -0.060 1.075 -0.109 -0.318 0.024 (-10.38) (37.86) (-3.09) (-9.37) (1.19) -0.040 1.059 -0.110 -0.305 0.021 (-7.44) (39.51) (-3.31) (-9.53) (1.13) -0.024 1.045 -0.100 -0.293 0.024 (-4.52) (40.58) (-3.14) (-9.54) (1.31) -0.008 1.033 -0.088 -0.285 0.024 (-1.55) (40.23) (-2.76) (-9.28) (1.35) 0.007 1.022 -0.074 -0.277 0.026 (1.26) (39.07) (-2.29) (-8.86) (1.43) 0.023 1.013 -0.057 -0.278 0.029 (4.11) (36.87) (-1.67) (-8.48) (1.51) 0.042 1.005 -0.041 -0.282 0.032 (6.96) (33.58) (-1.11) (-7.89) (1.54) 0.068 1.002 -0.017 -0.285 0.039 (9.92) (29.42) (-0.40) (-7.02) (1.63) R2 81.51 93.39 94.41 94.83 95.07 94.99 94.71 94.13 93.05 91.20 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel C: Large Capitalization Value Equity Port. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT -0.137 1.035 (-11.52) (20.66) -0.067 0.901 (-7.96) (25.47) -0.045 0.879 (-5.59) (25.78) -0.030 0.862 (-3.79) (26.17) -0.016 0.851 (-2.13) (26.62) -0.004 0.843 (-0.56) (26.84) 0.008 0.837 (1.03) (26.88) 0.020 0.831 (2.72) (26.63) 0.035 0.821 (4.72) (26.13) 0.055 0.811 (7.36) (25.83) R2 76.48 83.18 83.52 83.92 84.38 84.60 84.63 84.38 83.88 83.56 3-Factor Model Adj. MKT SKEW -0.101 0.928 -1.971 (-7.61) (18.26) (-4.99) -0.056 0.869 -0.579 (-5.59) (22.50) (-1.93) -0.038 0.857 -0.412 (-3.86) (22.85) (-1.41) -0.024 0.846 -0.295 (-2.56) (23.28) (-1.05) -0.012 0.839 -0.230 (-1.29) (23.74) (-0.84) -0.001 0.832 -0.191 (-0.07) (23.98) (-0.71) 0.011 0.829 -0.154 (1.17) (24.05) (-0.57) 0.022 0.825 -0.114 (2.48) (23.87) (-0.42) 0.035 0.821 -0.004 (3.91) (23.58) (-0.02) 0.001 0.818 0.133 (5.81) (23.54) (0.49) R2 80.13 83.52 83.64 83.93 84.35 84.54 84.55 84.29 83.76 83.47 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML -0.142 1.158 -0.225 0.433 (-16.35) (30.65) (-4.33) (8.50) -0.070 1.002 -0.206 0.332 (-13.66) (45.08) (-6.74) (11.06) -0.048 0.979 0.198 0.331 (-10.22) (47.64) (-6.99) (11.95) -0.033 0.958 -0.186 0.329 (-7.37) (49.56) (-6.98) (12.62) -0.020 0.944 -0.169 0.328 (-4.54) (50.44) (-6.57) (12.99) -0.008 0.932 -0.158 0.327 (-1.82) (50.60) (-6.22) (13.15) 0.004 0.925 -0.151 0.325 (0.95) (49.76) (-5.89) (12.96) 0.016 0.917 -0.140 0.327 (3.71) (47.80) (-5.28) (12.65) 0.031 0.905 -0.128 0.327 (6.73) (44.68) (-4.58) (11.98) 0.051 0.888 -0.107 0.318 (10.08) (40.47) (-3.52) (10.74) Page 25 of 36 R2 87.89 94.02 94.62 95.01 95.19 95.22 95.07 94.69 93.98 92.78 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.142 1.156 -0.225 0.432 -0.002 (-16.28) (26.82) (-4.22) (8.40) (-0.05) 0.069 0.975 -0.193 0.324 -0.039 (-13.82) (39.19) (-6.27) (10.89) (-2.25) -0.048 0.950 -0.184 0.322 -0.042 (-10.39) (41.58) (-6.50) (11.81) (-2.61) -0.032 0.929 -0.171 0.320 -0.042 (-7.50) (43.41) (-6.48) (12.53) (-2.82) -0.019 0.916 -0.155 0.319 -0.041 (-4.60) (44.22) (-6.06) (12.91) (-2.87) -0.007 0.906 -0.145 0.319 -0.039 (-1.80) (44.29) (-5.72) (13.05) (-2.70) 0.004 0.899 -0.137 0.317 -0.039 (1.04) (43.54) (-5.38) (12.86) (-2.74) 0.017 0.889 -0.126 0.319 -0.041 (3.87) (41.78) (-4.77) (12.54) (-2.74) 0.032 0.872 -0.111 0.317 -0.047 (7.02) (39.09) (-4.04) (11.90) (-3.04) 0.051 0.852 -0.088 0.607 -0.054 (10.51) (35.33) (-2.95) (10.66) (-3.21) R2 87.87 94.20 94.85 95.27 95.44 95.45 95.31 94.95 94.35 93.27 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Table 7 Ranking Mid Capitalization Mutual Fund Portfolio with Different Objectives This table presents mid capitalization mutual fund performance classified by fund objectives. The definitions of variables are the same as in Table 3. The tstatistics are shown in parentheses, with the italic and bold numbers indicating significance at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Panel A: Mid Capitalization Core Equity Port. CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT 2 Adj. MKT SKEW R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -0.208 1.444 (-12.38) (20.51) -0.078 1.124 (-8.87) (30.31) -0.044 1.083 (-5.42) (32.13) -0.020 1.066 (-2.56) (32.38) -0.000 1.059 (-0.04) (-32.06) 0.016 1.057 (2.02) (31.63) 0.032 1.055 (3.88) (30.17) 0.050 1.045 (5.60) (27.61) 0.073 1.037 (7.46) (25.41) 0.104 1.036 (9.24) (21.81) 76.22 87.51 88.73 88.89 88.69 88.41 87.41 85.32 83.11 78.36 3-Factor Model 2 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML R -0.135 1.234 -3.866 (-8.06) (19.12) (-7.71) -0.058 1.065 -1.080 (-5.70) (27.16) (-3.55) -0.027 1.035 -0.882 (-2.89) (28.76) (-3.15) -0.005 1.023 -0.792 (-0.57) (28.94) (-2.89) 0.013 1.019 -0.733 (1.44) (28.59) (-2.65) 0.028 1.022 -0.653 (2.99) (28.15) (-2.32) 0.043 1.023 -0.593 (4.37) (26.80) (-2.00) 0.060 1.017 -0.515 (5.57) (24.49) (-1.60) 0.079 1.018 -0.351 (6.75) (22.60) (-1.00) 0.107 1.028 -0.135 (7.82) (19.55) (-0.33) 83.59 88.53 89.45 89.48 89.18 88.79 87.69 85.50 83.11 78.21 2 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.223 1.507 0.388 0.366 0.149 (-14.69) (20.05) (4.18) (4.08) (2.84) -0.087 1.096 0.366 0.103 0.061 (-12.74) (32.27) (8.71) (2.54) (2.58) -0.053 1.058 0.360 0.115 0.059 (-9.02) (36.52) (10.06) (3.33) (2.92) -0.030 1.039 0.369 0.121 0.059 (-5.45) (38.66) (11.12) (3.77) (3.14) 0.010 1.034 0.376 0.130 0.062 (-1.91) (39.27) (11.56) (4.14) (3.40) 0.006 1.036 0.375 0.131 0.066 (1.13) (38.50) (11.29) (4.08) (3.54) 0.022 1.033 0.384 0.119 0.072 (3.89) (36.16) (10.89) (3.50) (3.62) 0.041 1.016 0.402 0.103 0.073 (6.26) (31.62) (10.12) (2.68) (3.24) 0.063 1.002 0.406 0.080 0.072 (8.51) (27.36) (8.98) (1.83) (2.80) 0.095 0.992 0.443 0.053 0.078 (10.58) (22.36) (8.07) (1.00) (2.51) R -0.222 1.405 0.439 0.336 (-14.24) (20.70) (4.70) (3.67) -0.087 1.055 0.387 0.091 (-12.41) (34.54) (9.19) (2.20) -0.052 1.018 0.381 0.103 (-8.70) (38.83) (10.54) (2.92) -0.029 0.999 0.390 0.109 (-5.20) (40.88) (11.57) (3.31) -0.010 0.991 0.398 0.117 (-1.76) (41.16) (11.98) (3.61) 0.007 0.990 0.398 0.117 (1.17) (40.10) (11.70) (3.52) 0.023 0.983 0.409 0.104 (3.80) (37.44) (11.30) (2.95) 0.041 0.966 0.427 0.088 (6.11) (33.00) (10.58) (2.23) 0.063 0.953 0.431 0.066 (8.36) (28.84) (9.46) (1.47) 0.095 0.939 0.470 0.037 (10.42) (23.59) (8.55) (0.69) Page 26 of 36 80.11 92.38 93.87 94.48 94.58 94.31 93.61 92.09 90.02 86.31 R2 81.15 92.70 94.21 94.84 94.99 94.78 94.16 92.64 90.52 86.86 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel B: Mid Capitalization Growth Equity Port. CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT 2 Adj. MKT SKEW R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -0.244 1.623 (-11.53) (18.28) -0.111 1.354 (-7.55) (21.97) -0.071 1.307 (-5.25) (23.00) -0.043 1.284 (-3.33) (23.74) -0.019 1.269 (-1.48) (23.41) 0.003 1.255 (0.22) (23.17) 0.024 1.246 (1.82) (22.60) 0.047 1.229 (3.55) (22.03) 0.075 1.213 (5.56) (21.29) 0.113 1.202 (7.68) (19.50) 71.77 78.63 80.12 81.12 80.67 80.35 79.55 78.71 77.53 74.33 3-Factor Model 2 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML R -0.211 1.526 -1.773 (-8.41) (15.85) (-2.37) -0.101 1.324 -0.546 (-5.69) (19.48) (-1.03) -0.063 1.284 -0.425 (-3.87) (20.45) (-0.87) -0.037 1.267 -0.318 (-2.37) (21.18) (-0.68) -0.014 1.253 -0.281 (-0.89) (20.90) (-0.60) 0.007 1.243 -0.229 (0.46) (20.72) (-0.49) 0.027 1.237 -0.166 (1.70) (20.26) (-0.35) 0.049 1.225 -0.084 (3.04) (19.81) (-0.18) 0.076 1.212 -0.003 (4.60) (19.21) (-0.01) 0.110 1.211 0.156 (6.18) (17.73) (0.29) 72.74 78.64 80.08 81.04 80.58 80.23 79.41 78.55 77.36 74.15 2 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.241 1.492 0.368 -0.517 0.064 (-13.26) (16.58) (3.31) (-4.81) (1.03) -0.112 1.233 0.445 -0.390 0.074 (-11.21) (24.94) (7.28) (-6.60) (2.14) -0.073 1.198 0.440 -0.357 0.083 (-8.48) (28.19) (8.38) (-7.04) (2.79) -0.045 1.183 0.426 -0.340 0.087 (-5.66) (30.27) (8.82) (-7.28) (3.21) -0.022 1.169 0.451 -0.323 0.094 (-2.84) (30.85) (9.62) (-7.15) (3.55) -0.000 1.158 0.459 -0.313 0.097 (-0.02) (30.78) (9.87) (-6.98) (3.71) 0.021 1.146 0.472 -0.312 0.097 (2.65) (29.78) (9.93) (-6.80) (3.63) 0.043 1.128 0.484 -0.300 0.096 (5.42) (28.39) (9.85) (-6.33) (3.48) 0.072 1.117 0.481 -0.288 0.101 (8.26) (26.05) (9.08) (-5.62) (3.38) 0.109 1.106 0.484 -0.291 0.102 (10.55) (21.66) (7.68) (-4.77) (2.86) R -0.241 1.448 0.391 -0.530 (-13.24) (18.30) (3.58) (-4.97) -0.111 1.182 0.470 -0.405 (-11.01) (26.83) (7.74) (-6.81) -0.072 1.141 0.468 -0.374 (-8.21) (29.78) (8.86) (-7.24) -0.044 1.124 0.456 -0.358 (-5.40) (31.56) (9.30) (-7.45) -0.021 1.105 0.483 -0.343 (-2.64) (31.74) (10.07) (-7.30) 0.000 1.091 0.492 -0.333 (0.06) (31.46) (10.30) (-7.13) 0.021 1.080 0.506 -0.332 (2.62) (30.49) (10.37) (-6.96) 0.044 1.062 0.517 -0.320 (5.28) (29.16) (10.30) (-6.51) 0.072 1.048 0.516 -0.308 (8.02) (26.73) (9.55) (-5.83) 0.109 1.036 0.520 -0.312 (10.34) (22.47) (8.17) (-5.01) Page 27 of 36 79.83 90.16 91.86 92.63 92.83 92.76 92.42 91.84 90.43 87.08 R2 79.83 90.42 92.27 93.13 93.42 93.41 93.08 92.49 91.15 87.76 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel C: Mid Capitalization Value Equity Port. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT -0.237 1.199 (-7.45) (8.96) -0.078 0.995 (-7.75) (23.44) -0.046 0.964 (-4.85) (24.42) -0.022 0.939 (-2.42) (24.40) -0.003 0.919 (-0.36) (24.25) 0.015 0.902 (1.71) (23.76) 0.034 0.895 (3.74) (23.47) 0.052 0.895 (5.75) (23.39) 0.074 0.894 (7.87) (22.53) 0.107 0.903 (10.36) (20.85) R2 37.72 80.72 81.96 81.94 81.75 81.14 80.76 80.65 79.46 76.80 3-Factor Model Adj. MKT SKEW -0.144 0.928 -4.979 (-4.04) (6.77) (-4.68) -0.050 0.912 -1.519 (-4.38) (20.84) (-4.47) -0.022 0.895 -1.272 (-2.03) (21.67) (-3.96) -0.000 0.875 -1.176 (-0.02) (21.60) (-3.74) 0.016 0.862 -1.046 (1.56) (21.40) (-3.34) 0.033 0.851 -0.937 (3.12) (20.91) (-2.96) 0.050 0.849 -0.834 (4.62) (20.64) (-2.61) 0.065 0.857 -0.697 (6.04) (20.58) (-2.15) 0.085 0.862 -0.586 (7.54) (19.84) (-1.73) 0.114 0.884 -0.358 (9.13) (18.48) (-0.96) R2 46.33 83.17 83.80 83.58 83.07 82.21 81.59 81.18 79.77 76.79 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML -0.264 1.277 0.426 1.011 (-9.18) (10.18) (2.46) (5.98) -0.091 1.040 0.185 0.506 (-13.05) (34.09) (4.39) (12.30) -0.058 1.008 0.184 0.494 (-9.58) (-9.58) (5.01) (13.79) -0.035 0.982 0.485 0.491 (-6.08) (39.06) (5.35) (14.49) -0.016 0.962 0.184 0.498 (-2.86) (39.45) (5.48) (14.85) 0.002 0.941 0.204 0.489 (0.42) (38.76) (6.10) (14.95) 0.021 0.930 0.214 0.485 (3.64) (37.59) (6.26) (14.54) 0.039 0.926 0.228 0.474 (6.63) (36.01) (6.44) (13.68) 0.061 0.918 0.250 0.464 (9.35) (32.40) (6.39) (12.15) 0.09 0.919 0.280 0.455 (11.96) (27.13) (5.99) (9.95) Page 28 of 36 R2 50.66 91.03 92.65 93.07 93.21 93.07 92.70 92.15 90.57 87.24 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.264 1.258 0.436 1.006 -0.028 (-9.13) (8.78) (2.46) (5.88) (-0.29) -0.091 1.029 0.190 0.503 -0.16 (-13.00) (29.60) (4.43) (12.10) (-0.67) -0.058 0.992 0.192 0.490 -0.023 (-9.56) (32.85) (5.13) (13.57) (-1.09) -0.035 0.963 0.195 0.486 -0.027 (-6.06) (33.81) (5.53) (14.27) (-1.36) -0.016 0.940 0.195 0.482 -0.031 (-2.84) (34.14) (5.73) (14.65) (-1.64) 0.003 0.916 0.217 0.482 -0.036 (0.47) (33.52) (6.42) (14.76) (-1.91) 0.021 0.903 0.228 0.477 -0.040 (3.73) (32.49) (6.63) (14.38) (-2.09) 0.039 0.897 0.243 0.465 -0.043 (6.77) (31.08) (6.81) (13.51) (-2.12) 0.061 0.887 0.265 0.455 -0.046 (9.51) (27.86) (6.75) (11.97) (-2.07) 0.094 0.866 0.307 0.439 -0.078 (12.40) (23.16) (6.65) (9.83) (-3.00) R2 50.31 90.99 92.66 93.11 93.30 93.21 92.89 92.36 90.80 87.99 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Table 8 - Ranking Small Capitalization Mutual Fund Portfolio with Different Objectives This table presents small capitalization mutual fund performance classified by fund objectives. The definitions of variables are the same as in Table 3. The t-statistics are shown in parentheses, with the italic and bold numbers indicating significance at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Panel A: Small Capitalization Core Equity Port. CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT 2 Adj. MKT SKEW R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -0.214 1.428 (-11.22) (17.81) -0.084 1.157 (-7.33) (24.13) -0.049 1.114 (-4.47) (24.27) -0.025 1.092 (-2.33) (23.96) -0.006 1.079 (-0.58) (23.73) 0.010 1.067 (0.94) (23.55) 0.028 1.060 (2.54) (23.21) 0.048 1.057 (4.23) (22.29) 0.074 1.051 (6.06) (20.62) 0.108 1.050 (8.12) (18.80) 70.71 81.61 81.78 81.40 81.10 80.86 80.41 79.10 76.40 72.89 3-Factor Model 2 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML R -0.153 1.250 -3.266 (-7.29) (15.48) (-5.20) -0.062 1.094 -1.168 (-4.62) (21.26) (-2.92) -0.030 1.059 -1.009 (-2.33) (21.37) (-2.62) -0.008 1.043 -0.906 (-0.65) (21.09) (-2.36) 0.010 1.033 -0.847 (0.74) (20.88) (-2.20) 0.025 1.023 -0.813 (1.98) (20.73) (-2.12) 0.041 1.020 -0.727 (3.17) (20.44) (-1.87) 0.060 1.023 -0.627 (4.39) (19.65) (-1.55) 0.083 1.023 -0.500 (5.67) (18.22) (-1.15) 0.115 1.030 -0.364 (7.15) (16.68) (-0.76) 75.60 82.62 82.57 82.03 81.64 81.37 80.78 79.32 76.46 72.80 2 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.233 1.379 0.670 0.284 0.097 (-14.42) (17.21) (7.07) (2.97) (1.73) -0.101 1.068 0.667 0.252 0.023 (-16.45) (35.18) (17.78) (6.95) (1.11) 0.066 1.025 0.664 0.270 0.019 (-12.79) (40.01) (20.96) (8.82) (1.09) -0.043 1.001 0.670 0.281 0.014 (-8.82) (41.53) (22.48) (9.75) (0.83) -0.024 0.984 0.678 0.287 0.008 (-5.25) (43.30) (24.15) (10.59) (0.52) -0.008 0.973 0.679 0.290 0.008 (-1.72) (43.94) (24.81) (10.98) (0.53) 0.010 0.963 0.680 0.281 0.009 (2.11) (41.73) (23.84) (10.17) (0.53) 0.030 0.956 0.695 0.267 0.010 (5.72) (36.79) (21.63) (8.61) (0.57) 0.056 0.944 0.719 0.247 0.015 (8.70) (29.77) (18.34) (6.52) (0.68) 0.090 0.931 0.756 0.216 0.016 (11.62) (24.23) (15.93) (4.71) (0.61) R -0.233 1.312 0.733 0.264 (-14.27) (18.49) (7.50) (2.76) -0.101 1.052 0.675 0.247 (-16.41) (39.47) (18.34) (6.86) -0.066 1.012 0.671 0.266 (-12.75) (44.88) (21.58) (8.74) -0.043 0.992 0.675 0.278 (-8.81) (46.84) (23.12) (9.73) -0.024 0.979 0.681 0.286 (-5.25) (49.10) (24.80) (10.63) -0.008 0.967 0.682 0.289 (-1.72) (49.83) (25.48) (11.03) 0.010 0.958 0.683 0.279 (2.13) (47.31) (24.48) (10.21) 0.030 0.949 0.698 0.265 (5.75) (41.64) (22.23) (8.63) 0.056 0.934 0.724 0.244 (8.73) (33.56) (18.87) (6.50) 0.090 0.920 0.762 0.213 (11.67) (27.30) (16.40) (4.69) Page 29 of 36 79.35 94.87 96.04 96.39 96.73 96.84 96.53 95.65 93.67 91.13 R2 79.67 94.88 96.05 96.38 96.71 96.82 96.51 95.63 93.64 91.09 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel B: Small Capitalization Growth Equity Port. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT -0.240 1.641 (-10.25) (16.70) -0.111 1.358 (-7.30) (21.25) -0.073 1.317 (-5.02) (21.68) -0.045 1.297 (-3.15) (21.67) -0.021 1.289 (-1.50) (21.73) 0.001 1.284 (0.09) (21.49) 0.025 1.280 (1.70) (21.12) 0.049 1.268 (3.29) (20.32) 0.077 1.255 (4.98) (19.39) 0.114 1.241 (7.11) (18.40) R2 67.97 77.48 78.16 78.15 78.24 77.87 77.26 75.88 74.11 72.04 3-Factor Model Adj. MKT SKEW -0.202 1.531 -2.028 (-7.30) (14.39) (-2.45) -0.099 1.322 -0.673 (-5.38) (18.77) (-1.23) -0.062 1.287 -0.563 (-3.56) (19.20) (-1.08) -0.036 1.272 -0.460 (-2.11) (19.24) (-0.90) -0.014 1.267 -0.395 (-0.81) (19.33) (-0.78) 0.008 1.266 -0.331 (0.44) (19.16) (-0.64) 0.029 1.266 -0.245 (1.67) (18.88) (-0.47) 0.052 1.257 -0.188 (2.91) (18.20) (-0.35) 0.079 1.248 -0.135 (4.25) (17.40) (-0.24) 0.113 1.244 0.057 (5.82) (16.65) (0.10) R2 69.17 77.56 78.19 78.12 78.18 77.77 77.13 75.71 73.92 71.83 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML -0.245 1.402 0.765 -0.423 (-13.32) (17.48) (6.92) (-3.91) -0.120 1.158 0.745 -0.224 (-14.21) (31.43) (14.67) (-4.52) -0.082 1.121 0.750 -0.192 (-11.29) (35.26) (17.12) (-4.48) -0.055 1.100 0.753 -0.192 (-8.10) (37.38) (18.56) (-4.84) -0.031 1.092 0.749 -0.194 (-4.70) (38.20) (18.99) (-5.03) -0.008 1.086 0.756 -0.195 (-1.29) (38.01) (19.20) (-5.06) 0.015 1.079 0.759 -0.202 (2.19) (36.54) (18.65) (-5.08) 0.039 1.065 0.773 -0.197 (5.24) (33.06) (17.40) (-4.54) 0.066 1.051 0.784 -0.196 (8.03) (29.14) (15.78) (-4.03) 0.104 1.036 0.778 -0.205 (10.97) (25.07) (13.66) (-3.67) Page 30 of 36 R2 80.80 93.27 94.62 95.25 95.45 95.45 95.14 94.21 92.77 90.55 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.246 1.488 0.721 -0.397 0.126 (-13.52) (16.51) (6.48) (-3.69) (2.00) -0.121 1.208 0.719 -0.209 0.074 (-14.59) (29.49) (14.20) (-4.27) (2.61) -0.083 1.172 0.724 -0.177 0.075 (-11.72) (33.45) (16.73) (-4.23) (3.05) -0.055 1.156 0.725 -0.175 0.082 (-8.57) (36.18) (18.35) (-4.59) (3.67) -0.031 1.150 0.719 -0.177 0.084 (-5.04) 37.26) (18.87) (-4.79) (3.90) -0.009 1.145 0.726 -0.177 0.087 (-1.46) (37.33) (19.14) (-4.83) (4.07) 0.014 1.141 0.728 -0.184 0.090 (2.22) (35.99) (18.59) (-4.86) (4.08) 0.038 1.130 0.740 -0.180 0.096 (5.44) (32.57) (17.25) (-4.29) (3.96) 0.066 1.120 0.749 -0.175 0.101 (8.33) (28.65) (15.50) (-3.75) (3.72) 0.103 1.099 0.747 -0.186 0.092 (11.21) (24.05) (13.22) (-3.40) (2.90) R2 81.24 93.56 94.95 95.67 95.90 95.94 95.67 94.80 93.43 91.07 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel C: Small Capitalization Value Equity Port. 1 CAPM 3-Moment Model Adj. MKT -0.179 1.210 (-9.97) (16.05) -0.072 0.988 (-5.73) (18.84) -0.041 0.955 (-3.30) (18.50) -0.018 0.934 (-1.48) (18.30) 0.000 0.920 (0.03) (18.16) 0.018 0.912 (1.47) (18.14) 0.036 0.906 (3.01) (18.18) 0.054 0.904 (4.59) (18.11) 0.075 0.898 (6.31) (17.91) 0.104 0.899 (8.57) (17.68) R2 66.21 3-Factor Model Adj. MKT SKEW -0.098 0.975 -4.308 (-5.58) (14.39) (-8.18) -0.040 0.897 -1.665 (-2.82) (16.33) (-3.90) -0.013 0.875 -1.463 (-0.93) (16.00) (-3.44) 0.006 0.865 -1.270 (0.41) (15.81) (-2.99) 0.021 0.859 -1.130 (1.51) (15.71) (-2.66) 0.037 0.856 -1.015 (2.58) (15.72) (-2.40) 0.053 0.856 -0.912 (3.74) (15.79) (-2.16) 0.070 0.860 -0.802 (4.90) (15.77) (-1.89) 0.088 0.860 -0.686 (6.16) (15.64) (-1.60) 0.113 0.871 -0.510 (7.78) (15.55) (-1.17) R2 77.58 4-Factor Model Adj. MKT SMB HML -0.206 1.203 0.652 0.802 (-16.59) (22.22) (8.74) (10.98) -0.094 0.984 0.526 0.653 (-14.33) (34.56) (13.41) (17.02) -0.063 0.953 0.524 0.664 (-10.58) (36.80) (14.69) (19.01) -0.040 0.933 0.524 0.664 (-7.13) (37.94) (15.46) (20.04) -0.022 0.919 0.523 0.664 (-4.00) (38.54) (15.91) (20.65) -0.005 0.908 0.524 0.655 (-0.83) (38.46) (16.10) (20.56) 0.014 0.890 0.526 0.642 (2.53) (37.88) (16.06) (20.04) 0.033 0.895 0.530 0.630 (5.76) (36.11) (15.51) (18.86) 0.054 0.884 0.536 0.613 (8.88) (33.54) (14.75) (17.23) 0.082 0.877 0.553 0.587 (12.51) (30.56) (13.99) (15.18) R2 84.30 Adj. MKT SMB HML PR1YR -0.206 1.207 0.650 0.803 0.006 (-16.52) (19.53) (8.51) (10.88) (0.15) -0.093 0.950 0.543 0.643 -0.050 (-14.49) (29.80) (13.79) (16.90) (-2.24) -0.063 0.917 0.543 0.653 -0.053 (-10.76) (31.85) (15.26) (18.99) (-2.66) -0.040 0.894 0.543 0.653 -0.056 (-7.27) (32.95) (16.20) (20.15) (-2.98) -0.022 0.878 0.543 0.651 -0.059 (-4.07) (33.59) (16.82) (20.87) (-3.26) -0.004 0.865 0.546 0.542 -0.062 (-0.79) (33.59) (17.14) (20.86) (-3.47) 0.014 0.855 0.548 0.629 -0.065 (2.74) (33.13) (17.18) (20.39) (-3.63) 0.033 0.846 0.554 0.615 -0.071 (6.15) (31.57) (16.73) (19.22) (-3.79) 0.054 0.833 0.562 0.598 -0.075 (9.41) (29.17) (15.92) (17.52) (-3.76) 0.083 0.819 0.583 0.570 -0.085 (13.29) (26.48) (15.24) (15.42) (-3.93) R2 84.18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 72.99 72.27 71.82 71.50 71.46 71.54 71.39 70.93 70.40 75.65 74.40 73.44 72.77 72.47 72.33 71.95 71.27 70.48 Page 31 of 36 92.84 93.72 94.12 94.33 94.33 94.18 93.66 92.76 91.51 93.06 94.00 94.46 94.73 94.78 94.69 94.26 93.44 92.37 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Table 9 - Meta-Analysis for Different Economic Cycles The objective of the meta-analysis is to test whether the significance of statistics for several studies is homogenous. The bull periods are years 1999-2000 and 2002-2007, and the bear periods are years 2001 and 2008-2009. The bull and bear periods columns compare the latest bull (2002-2007) and bear (2008-2009) periods. This table presents the meta-analysis of mutual fund performance over economic cycles. The statistic follows the chi-square distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom. The null hypothesis is that the t-statistic values for several studies are consistent. The italic and bold numbers indicate significance at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Port. Panel A: Comparison over Different Time Periods Bull Periods Bear Periods Bull and Bear Periods CAPM 3-Moment 3-Factor 4-Factor CAPM 3-Moment 3-Factor 4-Factor CAPM 3-Moment 3-Factor 4-Factor 1 27.900 25.848 37.584 46.465 2.101 8.201 4.234 3.892 47.434 9.990 49.501 58.428 2 17.940 13.468 27.826 34.945 3.001 4.205 6.160 12.751 21.517 5.249 19.908 14.688 3 8.820 5.917 14.688 19.908 1.066 1.531 3.458 3.511 20.866 5.249 17.464 17.820 4 3.458 0.708 5.917 9.245 0.638 0.423 2.376 0.442 15.015 3.538 12.251 16.074 5 3.125 0.192 3.645 5.986 0.387 0.006 1.280 0.045 7.296 1.411 6.020 9.857 6 7.296 0.650 8.778 10.442 0.045 0.304 0.259 0.480 1.328 0.080 1.037 2.691 7 5.478 0.925 7.605 6.734 0.026 0.966 0.048 0.781 0.274 0.432 0.361 0.042 8 0.211 3.354 0.952 0.432 0.451 2.247 1.170 1.170 3.432 1.882 3.948 3.726 9 2.531 7.880 1.462 2.420 1.748 4.381 4.410 2.464 7.296 3.001 9.245 10.951 10 12.751 13.992 11.329 13.781 5.024 7.960 12.751 7.683 9.812 3.432 12.650 16.302 Page 32 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel B: Comparison across Deciles 3-Moment 3-Factor 4-Factor CAPM Bull Periods Year 1999-2000 523.911 89.856 572.901 472.507 Year 2002-2007 1048.119 433.306 1190.443 1169.110 Year 2001 155.806 27.668 130.577 120.915 Year 2008-2009 312.581 168.901 383.720 353.227 Bear Periods Table 10 - Meta-Analysis for Different Fund Objectives This table presents the meta-analysis of mutual fund performance by fund objectives. The statistic follows the chi-square distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom. The null hypothesis is that the t-statistic values for several studies are consistent. The italic and bold numbers indicate significance at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. Page 33 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel A: Market Capitalization Across Objectives Port. Large-Cap CAPM 3-Moment Medium-Cap 3-Factor 4-Factor CAPM 3-Moment 3-Factor Small-Cap 4-Factor CAPM 3-Moment 3-Factor 4-Factor 1 33.801 26.524 20.988 20.995 13.891 11.793 14.362 16.672 0.861 1.961 5.659 4.740 2 25.261 18.468 7.738 7.046 1.012 1.153 2.177 1.871 1.675 3.457 3.060 2.437 3 13.080 11.386 2.264 1.893 0.171 1.695 0.964 0.583 1.543 3.463 2.448 2.062 4 7.348 7.560 0.615 0.483 0.480 3.022 0.426 0.192 1.395 3.202 1.422 1.385 5 4.277 5.503 0.319 0.259 1.143 3.815 0.678 0.577 1.186 2.793 0.785 0.792 6 2.049 3.627 0.352 0.300 1.852 4.498 0.641 0.666 0.969 2.437 0.396 0.460 7 0.773 2.252 0.474 0.430 2.650 5.239 0.819 0.910 0.881 2.287 0.093 0.226 8 0.055 1.037 0.406 0.374 3.022 5.207 0.927 0.929 0.901 2.137 0.177 0.256 9 0.447 0.392 0.070 0.088 3.038 4.630 0.955 0.875 0.999 1.968 0.412 0.602 10 3.512 1.389 0.238 0.263 3.623 4.369 1.667 2.245 1.118 2.002 1.189 2.428 Page 34 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel B: Comparison Across Deciles CAPM 3-Moment 3-Factor 4-Factor Core 743.721 410.615 885.711 892.907 Growth 435.523 241.723 619.167 626.069 Value 306.730 163.055 692.613 718.352 Core 459.282 260.245 678.720 714.704 Growth 326.015 193.429 585.927 608.146 Value 359.958 203.433 671.688 686.762 Small-Cap 331.617 190.660 897.955 900.352 Growth 274.700 161.745 743.131 786.841 Value 289.640 154.024 878.423 929.419 Large-Cap Medium-Cap Core Page 35 of 36 Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference 16 - 18 June 2014, Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-1-922069-54-2 Panel C: Objectives Across Market Capitalizations Port. Core Growth Value CAPM 3-Moment 3-Factor 4-Factor CAPM 3-Moment 3-Factor 4-Factor CAPM 3-Moment 3-Factor 4-Factor 1 35.137 31.350 16.901 16.471 2.107 1.505 0.144 0.115 8.439 6.412 35.458 35.264 2 33.480 27.805 12.472 10.579 12.792 11.064 5.684 6.030 3.032 3.857 0.820 1.114 3 21.321 21.138 9.499 8.011 10.934 10.741 4.975 5.301 2.731 4.381 0.513 0.755 4 15.740 17.891 7.722 6.615 8.849 9.711 3.935 4.304 2.699 5.152 0.941 1.197 13.170 17.045 8.005 7.284 6.407 8.170 2.559 2.644 2.650 5.322 1.471 1.630 6 10.465 15.268 7.019 6.768 3.864 6.000 1.445 1.474 3.110 5.830 2.520 2.587 7 8.246 13.047 6.023 6.195 2.002 4.051 0.921 1.013 3.932 6.427 3.655 3.702 8 4.989 9.193 4.925 5.078 0.700 2.327 0.852 1.162 4.674 6.610 4.495 4.664 9 1.846 4.487 2.616 2.618 0.250 1.249 0.756 1.191 4.961 6.715 3.903 3.974 10 1.478 0.408 0.938 0.721 0.229 0.355 0.589 0.832 4.556 5.575 3.247 4.031 5 Page 36 of 36