Regulation and Control in the Banking Sector: How Might an Anti-Herding Measure Work? Alistair Tucker with Robert MacKay and Nicholas Beale Complexity Science DTC, University of Warwick. The Problem Banks’ technology for balancing individual risk and reward may not be beyond criticism, but it is well developed compared to the regulator’s technology for balancing systemic risk and reward. Downloaded from on February 19, 2012 Cost Function with H the step function and s greater than 1 so as to make a function convex in the number of bank failures. 2. THE BASIC MODEL ecology, the nodes in basic models are simply This formulation has the advantage thatIn it naturally favours ‘species’ that are linked ‘diverse to other dispecies/nodes as or mutualist (May 2001; versification’, that is, some heterogeneity prey, in thepredator, choicecompetitor of asset allocation Dunne et al. 2002). In epidemiological networks, the among banks. This is generally regardednodes as a are good thing. infected/infectious or recovsusceptible, ered/immune individuals (Anderson & May 1991; For these illustrative purposes we have Newman modelled asset by inde2002). But losses in a minimally complicated banking according network, theto nodes, banks, have a more pendent random variables, each distributed the individual same alphacomplex structure. Following NYYA and GK, we stable distribution. define such a node/bank as illustrated schematically in figure 1. Note that, in this deliberately oversimplified scheme, the activities of any given bank are partitioned among four categories. Two of the four categories represent and external assets (ei). The assets: (li) requirements It is proposed that the regulator find the setIBoflending capital other two correspond to liabilities: IB borrowing (bi) ∗ z (X) to impose by solving an optimisation problem. For the example it indicate the subscripts and deposits (di). Here specificofbank, with i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , N, where N is the might choose to minimise the weighted sum two functions, Regulator’s Action z ∗(X) finds min X z + λC(z, X). J. R. Soc. i Interface (2010) z i By keeping the first term low, we hope to avoid a large negative impact on the willingness of banks to lend. By keeping the second term low we hope to avoid significant risk of financial system failure. In fact we choose to find z ∗ through the constrained optimisation X ∗ z (X) finds min zi subject to C(z, X) ≤ C ∗, z finds max min λ j (1– θi)ai external assets, ei IB borrowing, bi θi ai Figure 6: z1∗(X) As indicated in figure 1, gi is the ‘net worth’ or ‘capital Figure 4: bank Nashi.Equilibrium and the Systemic Optimum. Horizontally the parameter controlled by B1, vertically the bi change in such a buffer’ of If ei, li, di and/or then Equilibrium liabilities exceed way that gcontrolled parameter by B2. Nash at the intersection of the two red contours, Systemic Optimum at the i becomes negative, assets and theofbank i is assumed to fail. The two are close but do not coincide. intersection the two blue contours. In the studies by NYYA, GK and others, these banks 1.0 are now interconnected in a random, Erdos– Renyi network in which any one of the N banks is linked to any other one, as lender or as borrower (or possibly both), with probability p. In such a network, a bank’s average number of incoming/borrowing or outgoing/ lending connections, z, will obviously be z X zi + (C(z, X) − C ∗) λ. i Figures 2 and 3 show that problematic multiple minima appear when asset allocations are heavily correlated. An optimal correlation of 1 for the Gaussian means that the scheme makes little sense in the absence of fat tails. X S(X) = zi∗(X). i k (5) Figure 7: j This amounts to (5) where X Aij = Aji = αk Xik Xjk z2∗(X) 0.5 and b = 0. k ð2:2Þ But allow that A and b may also include the effect of regulatory antiherding action. Now the systemic cost is given by S(f ) = f Tζ(f ) = f TAf + f Tb and its derivative by ! X X ∂ X 0 hi(f ) = fj Ajk fk + f j bj = 2 Aij fj + bi ∂fi jk 0.0 0.5 1.0 h1 Correspondence to Nash ‘Flows’ ua banks become as highly leveraged as they do If we can assume wthat ð2:3Þ ¼ : z because it confers some advantage, it might seem reasonable to suppose Here a represents the value of the total assets of the averthat each will adjust its holdings so as to minimise its capital buffer age bank. Note that zi(out) will vary, according to the number of links a given bank has. The calculation of requirement. (out) Take the (fixed, possibly infinite) set of allowable asset allocations P = {p1, p2, . . .} independently of the particular entities that may adopt them, w) is found by a process We propose that the regulator provide each bank with a description of how its capital requirement depends on its own asset allocation (all other things being equal). Figures 5, 6 and 7 have been created for the two-bank, two-asset scenario. Each of the two has just one degree of freedom subject to the constraint X Xij = 1 for all i. j Nash Equilibrium is found where, for each Bi, ∂zi∗(X) ∂zi∗(X) ≤ for all j, k with Xij > 0. ∂Xij ∂Xik Systemic Optimum is found where, for each Bi, ∂S(X) ∂S(X) ≤ for all j, k with Xij > 0. ∂Xij ∂Xik (1) p1 X11 X12 · · · f1 p2 X21 X22 · · · f2 .. .. .. . . . .. instead of The total dollar amount invested by institutions adopting pi we denote by fi and the configuration of the system as a whole by T f = f1 f2 · · · . Every dollar devoted to pi incurs some penalty, determined by the market or the regulator or both, that we denote by and for the total penalty incurred in configuration f we write X S(f ) = fi ζi(f ) = f Tζ(f ). i (2) B1 X11 X12 · · · B2 X21 X22 · · · . .. .. .. . . . ζi(f ) j j otherwise written S 0(f ) = (2Af + b)T . Under these assumptions then, where conditions implying Nash Equilibrium are satisfied by f feasible for total dollar amount r, we see that conditions implying Systemic Optimum are satisfied by f /2 feasible for r/2. Banks’ Reaction both ai and ei (ai ¼ ei þ zi i.e. ζ(f ) = Af + b. Such a situation might come about naturally through the market mechanism. For example suppose that the penalty to be incurred by a dollar invested in asset k is proportional to the total number of dollars chasing k. Then the penalty incurred through pi as a whole will be ! X X fi Xik αk fj Xjk with constant of proportionality α. ð2:1Þ Various assumptions about these parameters can now be made. For a start, more or less by definition, total assets equal total liabilities, as shown in figure 1 (Gai & Kapadia 2007; Nier et al.0.02007). Assumptions about total assets (ai), net worth ( gi), IB loans as a fraction of total assets (ui) and the average size of any one given bank’s individual loans (wi) can vary. For any given bank, the number of IB loans is equal to the outgoing Erdos – Renyi links (zi(out)), and -0.5 similarly for the number of incoming links (zi(in)). Simulations by different authors make various assumptions about these parameters. Both NYYA and GK assume that gi is a fixed fraction of ai. Both also assume random, Erdos –Renyi networks. NYYA assume that all banks share a common value for the average loan, w. -1.0 The total value of all assets in the system is fixed, as is -1.0 -0.5 the overall system’s average value of the ratio of all outgoing loans to all assets, u. From this, the average value of w, which is assumed to be the value of each and every individual loan, can be calculated as (4) ∂ ζi(f ) = Aij ∂fj total number of banks (table 1). For any individual bank, solvency requires that assets exceed liabilities z ¼ pðN $ 1Þ: h0i(f ) ≤ h0j (f ) Assume that there exist symmetric, positive semi-definite A and nonnegative b such that the penalty incurred by a dollar invested in strategy pi depends on the total invested in strategy pj according to Figure 1. Schematic model for a ‘node’ in the IB network. gi ; ðei þ li Þ $ ðdi þ bi Þ % 0: (3) Bounding the Price of Anarchy i IB loans, li ζi(f ) ≤ ζj (f ) for all i, j with fi > 0 (i.e. all strategies adopted have a common, minimum cost). Equally where we have defined ∂ 0 hi(f ) = S(f ), ∂fi Systemic Optimum is characterised by the condition Figure 3: α = 1.5 (Heavy tails). Near the central diagonal (where banks have highly correlated asset allocations) we again see the effects of multiple minima. i or equivalently, z ∗(X) deposits, di Nash Equilibrium is characterised by the condition for all i, j with fi > 0. Note the similarity between (3) and (4). ‘net worth’, γi h2 models can make a useful contribution, just as they demonstrably have over past few decades Notable among its tools is the capital buffer requirement itthe specifies for in ecology and epidemiology (Anderson & May 1991; Dunne et al. individual banks. We interpret this as a2002). constraint on the leverage ofbest rough carSuch oversimplified models are at icatures of reality. They have both the merits and the the bank. faults of caricature. They are also, of course, only part of asystem larger canvas: more, but whose no less. We follow others who have modelled the as anonetwork The present paper builds on important earlier such nodes are balance sheets (Figure 1). Bank Bithe willpropagation fail if a offall in the work on shocks in model banking Essentially, all this earlier work is based on value of external assets V causes a lossnetworks. that exceeds its capital buffer numerical simulations. One distinctive element of the zi. That is, when present paper is the use of analytic approximations X approximations’ for the network), which Xij Vj − zi(‘mean-field > 0. can sharpen and generalize some insights. The paper is organized as follows. In §2, following j previous authors, we define a class of deliberately overwith X the matrix of banks’ asset allocations. simplified models in which individual banks are the nodes in a network; we also discuss possible choices · structure of, and parameter choices within, B1 X11 X12 for· · the a network. Section 3 outlines how failure-causing · · · B2 X21 X22 such .. ‘shocks’ .. .. . . . can arise in the network, and how they may be propagated within the interbank (IB) lending/borrowing network and/or by liquidity effects (from asset classes shared among banks, or more generally). The stage thus set, in §4, we apply our mean-field approximation to the kinds of models studied by Nier et al. (2007) (henceforth NYYA) and by Gai & Kapadia (GK) to contagion get some simple results that agree well We do not consider here the possibility(2007) of direct between with their simulations and, as a consequence of the anabanks, so together z and X determine the theintuitive system. lyticconfiguration approximations, of some understanding of the overall dynamics of the system. Sections 5 and 6 Define the ‘systemic cost’ C of a configuration as aeffects function the brush risk way explored add liquidity in theof broad by previous we authors. §7, we define of bank failures. In particular for our numerics haveInadopted themore complex, and arguably somewhat more realistic, classes of formula proposed in [2], ‘strong liquidity shocks’ and ‘weak liquidity shocks’ (henceforth SLS and WLS) s and explore their dynamical consequences in some detail both with simulations and X X our mean-fieldapproximation. Section 8 draws X V − z H in C(z, X) = EV ij jsome tentative i together conclusions which emerge jfrom this work. i shock (to ei or li) (out) assets (in) liabilities z2∗(X). Figure 5: S(X) = + Horizontally the parameter controlled by B1. Into the paper the parameter controlled by B2. Vertically S(X) the sum of the two capital buffers. Figure 2: α = 2.0 (Normal). Horizontally the ‘correlation’ between the two banks’ portfolios. Into the paper the difference between the two banks’ capital buffers. Vertically their sum. Figure 1: Schematic model for a ‘node’ in the IB network (from [1]) On the one hand the regulator wishes to avoid the financial trauma of 824 Systemic risk R. M. May and N. Arinaminpathy multiple bank failures, on the other it needs banks to continue to lend In all this, deliberately oversimplified mathematical to home-buyers and small businesses. z1∗(X) Let f ∗ denote the Systemic Optimum feasible for r. Then by convexity T f f f 1 f f 3 ∗ 0 ≥ S(f ) + 2A + b = S(f ). S(f ) ≥ S +S 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 By tracing the arguments of [3] we have found the same bound on the ‘Price of Anarchy’: S(f ) 4 ≤ . ∗ S(f ) 3 References [1] May R.M. and Arinaminpathy N., Systemic risk: the dynamics of model banking systems, J. R. Soc. Interface (2010) 7, 823-838. [2] Beale N. et al., Individual versus systemic risk and the Regulator’s Dilemma, PNAS (2011) 108 (31), 12647-12652. [3] Roughgarden T., Selfish Routing and the Price of Anarchy, MIT Press (2005).