Proceedings of Annual Tokyo Business Research Conference 15 - 16 December 2014, Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, ISBN: 978-1-922069-67-2 A Survey the Effect of Direct Subsidy on Rural Households Purchase Decision Hassan Danaei* The Iranian targeted subsidy plan is an important part of economic development plan that is associated with people and any changes in the subsidy, will change their interests.This study examined the effect of Direct subsidy of energy on Purchase decision of torbat-e- jams rural households, and Therefore the method of this research is descriptive study, with purpose of applied research and in terms of data collection, is survey. The tools of data collection are a questionnaire consisted of 12 questions and the sample size is 103 households from the central villages of torbat-e- jam. Research data using statistical methods, such as one-sample Student ttest, analysis of One-way variance (ANOVA).data analaysis shows that, Direct subsidies of energy has a significant effect on consumption of essential goods of rural households of torbat-ejam but hasn’t increased consumption of intermediate goods.also that is moderately effective on consumption of luxury goods. Key word :Subsidy, Consumable goods, luxury goods, intermediate goods, essential goods 1. Introduction Iran's economy is suffering for years from chronic problems and despite the acknowledged difficulties in different states, so far important steps have not been taken to reform the economic structure of the country. The ninth administration with knowledge of the root problems of the economy, , began the basic plan for economic reform, several months ago which result was a comprehensive plan entitled "economic development plan".The state's economic development plan for reforming these sectors, comprehensive programs were prepared and before its unveiling ,Exposed to critical review by experts, economists and various commentators to be complete and polished as possible. The subsidies, is the most important application of the seven programs economic development plan that are associated with people. In fact, the subsidies that were carried out in summer 1390, including economic policies that according to many discussions in scientific circles, social and policy, caused expectations about how to implement system and its effect on economic agents. In this regard, the people or consumers are the biggest beneficiaries of subsidies and any change in subsidy naturally will change their interests. consumers, form their expectations .based on changes in prices, including commodities prices and changes in prices of other goods and elimination of non-cash subsidies and in this way try to take advantage of all available information. Recently presented data on the prices of subsidized, but there is uncertainty about the impact of the removal subsidies on the prices of other commodities. It is natural that in addition to the government, the media could also be involved in the formation of consumer expectations, because people use all of available resources about learning economic issues, that in the meantime, the media and economists are the most important part of information sources . In this research also try to visit and interviews with a number of consumers of targeted subsidies to discussed further about the Behavior and effects of the scheme on consumers. Therefore, the necessity and importance of this study can be summarized as follows: *Department of Management, Torbat-e-jam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Torbat-e-jam, Iran, Email address: Proceedings of Annual Tokyo Business Research Conference 15 - 16 December 2014, Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, ISBN: 978-1-922069-67-2 the effect of cash subside payment on the Reform of Consumption Pattern So the main question of this study is that what is the effect of direct subsidies of energy on purchase decision of torbat-e- jams rural households,? 2. Research Objectives determine the effect of direct subsidies on purchaseing the essential goods of Torbat-ejams Rural households determine the effect of direct subsidies on purchaseing the intermediate goods of Torbat-e-jams Rural households determine the effect of direct subsidies on purchaseing the luxury goods of Torbat-ejams Rural households 3. Review of the Related Literature 3.1 subsidies and targeted subsidies subsidies often is considered to work against taxes and means of transferring cash to state institution of the private sector. subsidies has been defined in Oxford culture such: a sum of assets that helps public industry or a profession to keep down the price of goods or services.(zare,1388). The subsidy system has been inherited from the Iran-Iraq war era but was never abolished. Iran is one of the largest gasoline consumers in the world, ranking second behind the United States in consumption per car.The government subsidy reform has been years in the making for various reasons.Iran's Supreme Leader has backed the government's latest subsidy reform plan. The administration has said earlier that it will be able to allocate different payment amounts to different people. positive or negative subsidies is typically a normative judgment. As a form of economic intervention, subsidies are inherently contrary to the market's demands. Thus, they are commonly used by governments to promote general welfare (e.g. housing, tuition, sustenance). However, they can also be used as tools of political and corporate cronyism. In a general sense “targeted subsidies “can be defined az 'reduced or eliminated the subsidies of increased income families and granted subsidies to low-income families'. 3.2 essential goods A physical item required by a consumer in order to sustain health or life. Some essential good types that are produced by business operators include food, water, gasoline and heating fuel, as well as residential building materials that can be used to construct homes for shelter. 3.3 intermediate goods Material or item that is a final-product of a process, but is also used as an input in the production process of some other good. For example, sugar is consumed directly as well as in the manufacture of food products. See also intermediate product. 3.4 Products which are not necessary but which tend to make life more pleasant for the consumer. In contrast with necessity goods, luxury goods are typically more costly and are often bought by individuals that have a higher disposable income or greater accumulated wealth than the average. Proceedings of Annual Tokyo Business Research Conference 15 - 16 December 2014, Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, ISBN: 978-1-922069-67-2 4. Research methodology 4.1Methodology the research is applied as far as the aims and objectives are concerned and it is survey descriptive as far as the nature and method are concerned. 4.2 Method of Data Collection The questionnaire in this study consist 12 multi choice questions. Also we gathered some demography information from respondents in this questionnaire. We should mention about the measures that we have used a spectrum in which according to the aim of the study. We should mention about the measures that we have used a spectrum in which according to the aim of the study, questions have the choices (from Completely disagree to Completely agree) . Completely agree agree No idea disagree Completely disagree Reliability and accuracy are from the scales and measurements of the scientific studies and are from the most important characteristics in an effective and accurate information gathering. Regarding this subject, in this study, the measured α from research parameters is calculated 0/82. As it is obvious, in all approaches Cronbach α is accepted.Primarily in all researches, there are some time, place and subject frames which should be defined carefully. every research is defined with time, place and subject parameters. We will explain these 3 parameters below completely: 4.3 Time Domain (Zone): This research started in 1 April 2010 as a primary study and finished in the last of January 2011. 4.5 Statistical Universe and Sample 103 person sample is selected randomly among these people based on STATISTICA Npq Software n in order to decrease errors and increase accuracy due to ( N 1) D pq difficult access to all statistical universes. 5- Method of Data Analysis Research data using statistical methods, such as one-sample Student t-test, analysis of Oneway variance (ANOVA) \by spss and STATISTICA0.7 software. Table 1: Descriptive statistics of direct subsidy on rural households purchase decision Variables number means minimum maximum Standard Deviation Proceedings of Annual Tokyo Business Research Conference 15 - 16 December 2014, Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, ISBN: 978-1-922069-67-2 essential goods luxury goods intermediate goods total 103 103 103 61/4 51/5 42/2 0/0 12/5 0/0 100 75 100 24/4 12/4 32/1 103 51/7 12/5 91/66 22/96 As shown in Table 1 - the mean of the variables of (effect of direct subsidy on rural households purchase decision) is defined as 51/7 and SD 22/96. The minimum and maximum scores for the main variables were investigated 5/12 and 66/91 and Shows that What was the impact of triables on rural households purchase decision of Torbatjam city .Table 2 - Results of hypotheses related to the research questions. Variables Title means 1 2 essential goods luxury goods 61/4 51/5 Student ttest 4/7 1/2 3 intermediate goods 42/2 5/2 Pvalue 0/000 0/109 0/000 Test result effective moderately effective Not effective As Table 2 implies the probability (P-value) calculated for some components were significantly smaller than the 0/05. By the reported results, we can conclude that increased cash payment of subsidies ,Increased consumption of essential goods of rural households Torbatjam city. In contrast, the cash payment of subsidies was not effective in increasing the consumption of intermediate goods in of rural Torbatjam city. The findings , based on Table 2 showes that cash payment of subsidies was moderately effective on consumption of luxury goods of rural Torbatjam city. Table 3 - ANOVA to compare the scores mean Variables effect on consumption of essential goods effect on consumption of intermediate goods effect on consumption of luxury goods n Xi Si F0 freedom Degrees P-value 25/8 6/714 0/000 103 61/4 61/4 103 51/5 51/5 103 49/7 49/7 Based on quantities that has been calculated in table3 , in Comparison of P-value 000/0 significance level is ά=0/05 it can be concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected at the 5% level Means that there is a significant difference between mean scores and respondents' views regarding the effectiveness of direct subsidy on rural households purchase decision. Proceedings of Annual Tokyo Business Research Conference 15 - 16 December 2014, Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, ISBN: 978-1-922069-67-2 The conclusion from the results presented in this section can be argued that 95 percent of these respondents based on viewpoint is: "The impact of direct subsidy on rural households purchase decision Torbatjam city, is not identical. » Table 4 - Results of Duncan's test for the comparison of the effect of direct subsidy on rural households purchase decision Variables consumption of essential goods consumption of intermediate goods consumption of luxury goods First 61/4 Second Third 51/5 42/2 The results of the test showed that there were significant differences between the means of variables. 6. Conclusion 1 - In a general conclusion should be acknowledged that the total cash payment of subsidies on the consumption of rural households had no significant effect that the payment of cash subsidy against inflation caused seems natural. 2- Contrary to the general impression, paying cash subsidies to rural households has not spent on luxury goods and unnecessary costs. 3- According to the results of one-way ANOVA and Duncan's test results in Table 3, can be concluded that Paying cash subsidies to rural families have the greatest effect on the consumption of essential goods. 4- According to the above results, it is suggested that the amount and manner of payment of cash, further studies should be conducted that be able to decide. 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