Evaluating Adaptive Authoring of AH Maurice Hendrix IAS seminar, The University of Warwick, 09/02/2007 maurice@dcs.warwick.ac.uk http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~maurice Outline • Why automatic authoring • System overview • Semantic Desktop • Adding resources • Evaluation How to do it, in general, for AH? • We want personalization, thus multiple paths • Simple idea: – Say we have a basic course on a topic – Adding papers (articles) on the same topic, would make it an advanced course – So we would have 2 versions: one for beginners, one for advanced learners => thus AH material – How to do this automatically? Screenshot beginner version Screenshot advanced version Why automatic authoring • Make authoring task easier • Manual annotation is bottleneck • By integrating authoring environment into semantic desktop System overview RDF Database MOT Enricher Lucene Beagle++ CAF CAF Sesame MOT hierarchy structure Concept maps and lessons are hierarchies: Adaptive Hypermedia Hypermedia AH From AH to Adaptive Web Semantic Desktop • Desktop where everything is stored with extra metadata • We uses RDF as storage format • Example RDF (also has an XML representation): Conference published At Publication Adding Resources • MOT goal/domain maps are hierarchies with tree structure, siblings are concepts at the same level • The Semantic Desktop can be searched for resources. They are ranked by 2 formulae Ranking • Concept oriented • Article Oriented | k(c) k(a) | rank(a,c) = | k(a) | | k(c) k(a) | rank(a,c) = | k(c) | where: rank(a,c) is the rank of article a with respect to the current domain concept c; k(c) is the set of keywords belonging to the current domain concept c; k(a) is the set of keywords belonging to the current article a; |S| = the cardinality of the set S, for a given set S. Selection of ranking method snapshot Equal ranks Allow duplicates among siblings • We call concepts in MOT at the same depth in the hierarchy Siblings • The author has to make a choice. • Adding to all siblings can mean students get the link multiple times • Choosing one of the siblings can mean students don’t always get the link when relevant. Selection of duplicates/none snapshot Add meta-data as separate concepts • The retrieved resources might have attributes themselves • If resources have further attributes, these can be added as domain attributes in MOT • The resource can also be made into a domain concept with its own separate domain attributes Add metadata as attributes Add metadata as Separate concepts Separate concepts/ attributes snapshot Compute resource keywords as set • The number of times a keyword occurs might indicate the relevance of the keyword. • The ranking formulae can be computed on sets of keywords or multisets. Set/ multiset snapshot Before MOT hierarchy snapshot After MOT hierarchy snapshot Evaluation • intensive two-week course on AH & Semantic Web • 33 out of 61 students selected: 4th year Engineering & 2nd year MsC in CS • After week: theoretical exam (for selecting) at the end: practical exam & 5 questionaires • 3 systems: OLD MOT, NEW MOT & Sesame2MOT • 3 SUS 2 more specific Hypotheses 1. The respondents enjoyed working as authors in the system. 2. The respondents understood the system. 3. The respondents considered that theory and practice match. 4. The respondents considered the general idea of Adaptive Authoring useful Questionnaires • Constructed direct questions: enjoy, understand in line with theory, preference etc • Based upon division of main hypotheses • Mostly multiple choice • Some open questions for later analyses Hypotheses results 1. The respondents enjoyed working as authors in the system. 2. The respondents understood the system. 3. The respondents considered that theory and practice match. 4. The respondents considered the general idea of Adaptive Authoring useful SUS • System Usability Scale • Measure for comparing systems. • 10 questions, 5 positive 5 negative to make respondents think. • Score 1-5 • Normalised score: for positive questions: score-1 for negative questions 5-score • Total score: Sum of scores * 2.5 Extended hypotheses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Respondents enjoyed the 3 systems NEW MOT preferable to the OLD MOT in terms of usability sesame2MOT preferable to OLD/NEW MOT NEW MOT is easier to work with then OLD MOT Sesame2MOT is easier to work with then OLD/NEW MOT NEW MOT is more enjoyable then the OLD MOT Sesame2MOT is more enjoyable then OLD/NEW MOT NEW MOT is easier to learn then OLD MOT Sesame2MOT is easier to learn then OLD/NEW MOT SUS Results Sesame2MOT OLD MOT NEW MOT use frequently 4 need to learn a lot to use complex 3 confident to use 2 easy 1 cumbersome need support learn quickly well integrated inconsistency Extended hypotheses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Respondents enjoyed the 3 systems NEW MOT preferable to the OLD MOT in terms of usability sesame2MOT preferable to OLD/NEW MOT NEW MOT is easier to work with then OLD MOT Sesame2MOT is easier to work with then OLD/NEW MOT NEW MOT is more enjoyable then the OLD MOT Sesame2MOT is more enjoyable then OLD/NEW MOT NEW MOT is easier to learn then OLD MOT Sesame2MOT is easier to learn then OLD/NEW MOT SUS results correlation • The scores of the SUS questionnaires are all significantly correlated • These correlations are all significant • From reactions we suspect respondents did not notice the difference between the SUS questionnaires.