Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences 1(3): 163-167, 2009 ISSN: 2041-0778 © M axwell Scientific Organization, 2009 Submitted Date: August 23, 2009 Accepted Date: September 02, 2009 Published Date: October 20, 2009 The Ability of Dermatophytes to Utilize Methylxanthine as Sole Source of Carbon and Nitrogen Ali A bdu l Hussein S. AL-Janabi Department of Clinical Laboratory, College of Pharmacy, University of Karbala, Iraq Abstract: Methylxanthine contains common compounds that widely consumed by human through their present in food, drink and bevera ges or throug h invo lving in pharm aceu tical drug s. Dermato phytes were selected to investigate for their ability to utilize three main compounds of methylxanthine as sole source of carbon and nitrogen. Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Epidermophyton floccosum were grown on three types of media: Medium A lacks of carbon source, medium B lacks of nitrogen source and medium C lacks of carbon and nitrogen sources. Two isolated species of dermatophytes revealed well growth on medium A and less on med ia B and C. Dermatophytes show ed ab ility to use methylxan thine as sole source of carbon and n itrogen with efficiency to use carbon than nitrogen. Key w ords: Caffeine, dermatophytes, methylxanthine, theophylline and theobromine fermentation (SSF) in packed bed column bioreactor (Tsubouchi et al., 1985). Furthermore, most of Aspergillus ochraceus strains showed a significant degree of degradation of caffeine w hen grow n on green coffee med ium (T agliari et al., 2003). On the other hand, many other species of fungi could not be able to use methylxanthine as sole source of carbon or nitrogen. Fusarium mo niliform e, Pen icillium chrysogenum and the yeast Pichia butonii are good examples for this inability when they could not utilize caffeine and theobromine as sole source of nitrogen, w hile other purine can be utilize by these fungi (Vega et al., 2003; Allam and Elzainy, 1969; Allam and Elzainy, 1971). Dermatophytes consider the most common patho genic fungi causing cutaneous disease known as dermatophytoses (Hainer, 2003). Infection by these fungi is distributed all over the world. They contain only three genera; Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. Keratinous substances present in skin, hair and nail are the prefer materials for nutrition of dermatophytes (Simpan ya, 2000 ). Determination the ability of dermatophytes to use methylxanthine as sole source of carbon and nitrogen was the aim of the present study. INTRODUCTION Methylxanthine is an importan t group of purin e alkaloids. It consists of three main compounds; caffeine, theophylline and theobromine (Scheind lin, 2007). Their chemical structures are composed of nitrogen and carbon within heterocyclic structure. Thus, methylxanthine can be considered enrichment source of nitrogen and carbon and degradation of its compounds can permit the recycling of their elements into central metabolic pools of environm ent (Zrenne r et al., 2006 ). In plants-containing me thylxanthine w hich are including Coffea arba cia, Cola nitida, Camellia sinensis, catabolism of caffeine produces theophylline, theophylline converts to 3- methylxanthine and theobromine conv erts to caffeine (Ash ihara et al., 1996). This degra dation proce ss is related to seasonal variation (Mohanpuria et al., 2009 ). Generally, caffeine degrading microbes have been isolated from natural habitudes such as soil under coffee cultivation and human domestic waste water (YamaokaYano and Mazzafera, 1998; Mohapatra et al., 2006). Microorganisms, especially ba cteria an d fungi, play an important role in degradation of methylxan thine to their simple metabolites. In contrast with bacteria, a few studies illustrated the ability of fungi to degrade methylxanthine. Most of the m are focused on the activity of fungi to catalyze caffeine than other methylxanthine which may be related to highest available amounts of caffeine in nature com pared w ith other members of methylxanthine group. However, some fungi have the ability to degrade methylxanthine while other are not based on specific enzymes that fungi may have to perform this process. The fungus Pleurotus florida can grow on coffee wastes contain 3% caffeine and after fung al grow th the percentage of caffeine decreased to 0.4% (Murthy and Manonmani, 2008). Rhizopus delemar also showed ab ility to catalyze caffeine and theop hylline by solid-state MATERIALS AND METHODS Organ isms: Two strains of dermatophytes including Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Epidermophyton floccosum were clinical isolated from AL-Hussein general hospital of Karbala providence in February 2009. Skin scales of fungal lesion w ere cultured on Sabouraud's glucose agar of the following com ponents; glucose 20 g, peptone 10 g, agar 15 g, chloramphenicol 0.05 g and 1000 ml of distilled water. Cultures were incubated at 28 ºC for two weeks. Grown fungi were diagnosed according to criteria recorded by Rippon (1988) and Emmons (1970). 163 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 1(3): 163-167, 2009 Chem ical agents: Theophylline, caffeine, and theobromine were purc hased from HiM edia, M umb aiIndia. Different concentrations of m ethylxanthine were used. M edia preparation: Standard m edium u sed for ordinary culturing of fungi contain d extrose or glucose as carbon source and peptone as nitrogen source (Emmons, 1970). Thus, three types of med ia we re prep ared that have the following design: Medium A prepared from mixing peptone 10 g, agar 15 g with 1 L of distilled water; Medium B contain s glucose 20 g, agar 15 g dissolv ed in 1 L of distilled water; and medium C that contains agar 15 g only in 1 L of distilled water. Fungal growth assay: Colony diameter method employed by Kücüc and Kivan (2003) was used. Various concentrations of methylxanthine were mingled w ith melting prepared m edia. Then , poured in steriled Petri dishes. A disk (9 mm) of old grown fungi (at 28ºC for 1 week) was inoculated on the center of culture media. Plates were incubated at 28ºC for 1 week. Perpendicular colony diameters (mm) of grown strains were measured. Each experiment was repeated triplicate for statistical analysis. Fig. 1: Colonies diameter of grown T. mentagrophytes on medium A (no carbon source) Statistical analysis: Result data w ere statistically analyzed by using two-way variance of analysis (ANOVA) with less significant diffe rence (L.S.D .) at P < 0.05. RESULTS Fig. 2: Colonies diameter of grown E. floccosum on medium A (no carbon source) Caffeine, theophylline and theobromine are the main mem bers of methylxanthine were selec ted for their ability to supp ly dermatophytes by nitrogen and carbon when the absence of other sources. In the absence of glucose in medium A, distinct grow th was observed of two strains of dermatophytes. Lower concentrations of methylxanthine sho wed more effectiveness to enhanc e fungal grow th. The grow th of T. mentagrophytes regarded to be very well on medium A than those o f E. floccosum (Fig. 1 and 2). On media B and C, the density of fungal mycelia was very low and may reach to form tiny extended colonies (Fig. 3). Colony diameter of grown fungi was approxim ately the same as on medium A (Fig. 4 and 5). E. floccosum did not exhibit any growth on both B and C med ia compared with enlargement diameter of T. mentagrophytes colonies. However, lower concentrations of methylxanthine also encouraged T. mentagrophytes to grow well than at high doses of methylxanthine. Fig. 3: Colony of T. mentagrophytes grown on medium B and C carbon and nitrogen by Serratia marcescens, paraxanthin and or theobromine were released in liquid medium (Ma zzafera et al., 1996). Fungi strains with the highest ability to degrade caffeine were identified as Aspergillus and Penicillium (Mazzafera, 2002). Hence, seven of twenty strains of Aspergillus and Penicillium genuses were able to grow on m edia containing caffeine (Hakil et al., 1998 ). Growth of dermatophytes on media containing methylxanthine with lack of simple sugar as source of carbon found to be excellent and combined with normal DISCUSSION Although bacteria consider the most effective microorganisms of methylxanthine degradation that can utilize the metabolites of methylxanthine as main source of carbon and nitrogen, fungi also demonstrated to have such ability. When caffeine was used as sole source of 164 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 1(3): 163-167, 2009 only in pharmaceutical therapy, but in food, drink and beverages (Chou, 19 92) C atabo lism of caffeine in microorganisms commences via two possible mechanisms; demethylation and oxidation. Through the demethylation route, the major metabolite form in fungi is theop hylline (Hakil et al., 1998), while theobromine is the major metabolite in bacteria (Yamaoka-Yano and Mazzafera, 1999). Enzymatic activities are considered respo nsible of methylxanthine degra dation. In bacteria, the conversion of caffeine to its metabolites is primarily brought about by N-demethylase, caffeine oxidase and xanthine oxidase that are produced by several caffeine-degrading bacteria species such as Pseudomonas putida and species within the genera Alcaligenes, Rhodococcus and Kleb siella (Dash and Gum madi, 200 6). W hereas, fungi caffeine in can degrade by caffeinases en zyme s. These enzym es are methyl-releasing from caffeine molecule to give theophylline and methanol as products, then theophylline is transformed in 3-methylxanthine and xanthine (Aguilar et al., 2008). Thus, the principle caffeine degradation prod ucts in fungi were theophylline and 3methylxan thine (T agliari et al., 2003 ). In present study, dermatophytes did not prefer any of methylxanthine than other to grow with. Ho wev er, theophylline considers a complex compound for microorganism 's nutrition and they co uld no t be able to degrade it comp ared w ith other members of methylxanthine. Grow th of Serratia marcescens was diminished in the present of theophylline (Mazz afera et al., 1996). All of twenty strains of Aspergillus and Penicillium showed the efficiency to catalyze theobromine with inability to degrad e theophylline (Hakil et al., 1998). In hum an bo dy, caffeine and other methylxanthine are degradation in liver through the activity of cytochrom P450 (Berthou et al., 1992). Sauer (Sauer, 1982) obtained indications that caffeine in yeast was degraded by cytochrom P450 suggesting that the catabolic pathway might be similar to anim als. However, kinetic study showed that caffeine-degradation by Aspergillus sp. was related to the develo pme nt of mold and its respiration (Brand et al., 2002). Methylxanthine could be inhibited fungal grow th when they presence in high concentrations. Jayaratna et al. (2007) found that colony diam eter of Monacrosporium ambrosium fungus grown on caffeine containing media was significantly less than on the control media. Fu rthermore, conidia germination of Sporothrix schenckii was prevented by caffeine (Rodriguez-Del-Valle et al., 1984). Thus, the results of above studies supporting our finding, when low concentrations of methylxanthine encouraged the growth of dermatophytes more than at higher concentrations. Additionally, development of a process involving microbial enzymatic degradation of caffeine to non-toxic compound is necessary to solve the problems of chemical extraction of caffeine in food products as well as treating the caffeine containing waste product (Gokulakrishnan et al., 2005). Fig. 4: Colonies diameter of grown T. mentagrophytes on medium B (no nitrogen source) Fig. 5: Colonies diameter of grown T. mentagrophytes on medium C ( no carbon and nitrogen source) density of fungal colonies. Based on these results, all of three selected methylxanthine w ere consider suitable source of carbon with sufficient supplying during the long periods of incubation for dermatophytes growth. The efficiency of dermatophytes for obtaining nitrogen from methylxanthine degradation in the absence of peptone was less than when fungi used methylxan thine to obtain carbon. Thin den sity of T. mentagrophytes myc elia with absent of E. floccosum grow th may consider an indicator for ineffic i e n cy o f derm atoph ytes to u tilize methylxanthine as nitrogen source with species-dependent mann er. Thus, methylxanthine can be represented a good source of carbon than nitrogen for dermatophytes growth. By contrast, man y studies demonstrated that methylxanthine can be useful for fungi as a source of nitrogen when cu lturing m edia supplied with carbon source. Results in H akill et al. (1999) study confirmed that caffeine can be used in solid-state fermentation as sole nitrogen source if sucrose is used as the carbon source. The degradation of caffeine by Penicillium verrucosum was complete (100%) at 72 h fermentation in the absence of any added nitrogen source (Roussos et al., 1994). 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