How To ABC Beverage Containers at Restaurants/Bars Recycle

How To Recycle ABC Beverage
Containers at Restaurants/Bars
• Permit Holders
– Generators of ABC Recyclables
– Collect Beverage Containers for Recycling
• Enforcement
– Enforce ABC Recycling Laws
• Mecklenburg County ABC Board
• ABC Law Enforcement Division
• Collection & Transport
– Haulers
– Recyclers
– Permit Holders (self-haul)
Step 1: Contact Recycling Companies
• Contact companies that will provide collection
service for glass, aluminum and plastic bottles.
• Start with your existing waste/recycling service
– It is important to get quotes from several different
haulers/recyclers to ensure your are getting the best rate.
• The County’s website provides a list of recycling
service providers:
Step 2: Recycling System Mechanics
• Meet with the ABC Recycling Hauler at your
business to review the logistics of your program
– Where will the collected ABC Recyclables be collected?
– How often will you need pick up?
– Does your businesses location pose a problem for collection?
(alleyways, restricted storage space, etc.)
• Determine the recycling options
– Does the hauler require you to keep bottles/cans separate from
other recyclables or is Single Stream recycling an option?
• How will you collect/store bottles/cans inside the
building? How will the bottles/cans be transported to
the outside collection bins?
Important Considerations
• How will you Prevent Contamination?
– Make sure that only recyclables are being put into
the recycling container!
– Contaminants can cause a recycling load to be
rejected, which could cost you money.
– Common Contaminants: Food Waste, Utensils
(metal and plastic), Styrofoam, Straws, Napkins
and Paper Towels, Aluminum Foil, Plastic Wrap,
Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers.
More Planning Considerations
• What size collection bins work best within
the layout (and available space) of your
• What size collection bins can your staff lift?
– Assume 2.5 - 3 lbs. per gallon size container :
• 20 gallons = 50-60 lbs.
• 35 gallons = 88-105 lbs.
• 65 gallons = 163-195 lbs.
Step 3: Train/Educate Employees
• A recycling program works best if it becomes
part of the culture of the workplace
• Train employees in how to use the recycling
– Review the established recycling system at regular
intervals with all staff.
– Establish program to train all new employees
• Incorporate the duties and activities associated with
the recycling program within existing procedures
and checklists.
Step 4: Review and Revise the Program
• Recycling programs must be continually
monitored to ensure they are operating correctly
– Pay close attention for any signs of contamination
– Ask your recycling hauler if they have noticed any
contamination issues or encountered other issues with
your recycling.
• Encourage employees to notify managers if they
see a problem or if they have suggestions on
how the recycling program can be improved