Addendum # 1: ITB 2014-03-001 Cut-away and Low Floor Shuttle Buses

Addendum # 1: ITB 2014-03-001
Cut-away and Low Floor Shuttle Buses
March 28, 2014
1. Do we have to bid both types of units to be eligible for award?
2. On the form on page 12 as it relates to licenses; please confirm the following, a
NC Dealer License to do business in the state of NC is the same or at least will
suffice as a NC Business License?
Your company must be registered with the state of North Carolina. In addition, a
privilege license is also required by the City.
3. EXHIBIT A: Specifications – Page 31 – Item 6 Pricing –
a. Please advise if Charlotte Douglas International Airport is aware of any
taxes that will be applicable to this ITB.
The City does pay sales tax; however do not include sales tax in your bid
price. The sales tax will be paid by the City at the DMV office.
b. Will the Airport be registering and licensing the vehicles procured in this
ITB or will this be the supplier’s responsibility?
The City will be registering, licensing, and titling the vehicles.
4. EXHIBIT A: Specifications – Page 31 – Item 7 Price Adjustment as Part of the Bid
a. Please advise if the Charlotte Douglas International Airport intent is for this
ITB to be a fixed price contract for the entire three years.
b. If price escalation is allowed in year two (2) and year three (3) of the ITB,
Please advise how and where the escalation should be identified on the
current pricing pages. FORM FOUR-PRICING SHEETS (Page 11).
Please find revised pricing sheet attached below.
5. EXHIBIT A: Specifications – Page 34 - Item 23
a. Training, Inspection and Acceptance – Please advise how many days
factory training is required for this ITB.
A minimum of three (3) days will be required.
b. Is in-depth vendor training required for Engine, Transmission, and Air
Conditioning on the low floor transit bus spec?
Yes. Training focus to bring technicians up to speed on new technology/
technical input and troubleshooting, not for re-build.
6. EXHIBIT A: Specification – Page 35 – Item 26 Environmental Preferable
Purchasing – Please accept submission of the Certification of Environmental
Standards within ten (10) days of receiving notice of award for this procurement.
This is the same time requirement for the applicable business licenses on page
17, Item 6.5.
Within 10 days of receiving notice of award is acceptable. Bidders able to supply
Products or Services containing any of the applicable environmentally preferable
attributes that meet performance requirements are encouraged to offer them in their
Bids. Bidders must provide certification of environmental standards and other
environmental claims, such as recycled content and emissions data or a formal
statement signed by a senior company official.
7. EXHIBIT A: Technical Specifications-Low Floor Style Bus – Item 43 Mirrors – SubSection 43.2 Interior – Please review this section for accuracy, it appears as
though this is simply a typo error and that the specification describes the exterior
mirrors. Please clarify the interior mirrors that the airport is seeking.
Interior mirrors – 1 – 14” X 7” mounted above the driver so that the driver can see
rearward into the passenger area. And 1- 12” round mirror mounted at the rear door area
so the driver can see if a passenger is standing in the rear door entrance area.
8. EXHIBIT A: Technical Specifications-Cut-away Style Bus – Item 29.0 – Electrical
Charging System updated to read as follows:
29.1 - The vehicle charging system shall be equipped with two alternators of 12-volt
potential having the largest charging capacity available from the chassis manufacturer.
The alternator shall be of the OEM chassis manufacturer's design and installation.
Base Order
Cut-away Style
Unit Cost
Extended Cost
First Year
Second Year
Fouth Year
Third Year
Fifth Year
Delivery Time After Receipt of Order:
Name of Manufacturer & Model Number:
Payment Terms:
Base Order
Low Floor Style
IO Control LED interior Lighting
LED Turn Signal Indicators in Exterior Mirror Heads
Modine Electric Cooling Fans
EMP Electric Cooling Fans
LED Headlamps
Delivery Time After Receipt of Order:
Name of Manufacturer & Model Number:
Payment Terms:
Unit Cost
Extended Cost
First Year
Second Year
Fouth Year
Third Year
Fifth Year