ADDENDUM NO. 3 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO MANAGE AND OVERSEE THE RECYCLING CENTER AND SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL at CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT for the CITY OF CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA July 23, 2014 1. Questions & Responses from the Second Facility Tour & Request for Clarification of Answers Provided in Addendum 2. a) When time(s) of day is the trash currently being collected from the terminal and transported to the ARC? Answer: Trash is collected and distributed to the ARC between midnight and three a.m. b) Where is the compost stored that is produced by the ARC? Answer: On-site at the ARC. c) How much compost does the Airport typically consume annually? Answer: The Airport consumes an estimate of 18 tons of compost a year, however at this time we use no compost from the ARC, Proposer may include a request to limit the amount of compost the Airport receives for free. d) Is the City/Airport responsible for all building related, facility maintenance, including HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, docks and dock doors? Answer: Yes, unless damage is caused by the successful proposer. In those cases the work would be completed by the Airport (or by a contractor hired by the successful proposer and approved by the Airport) at the cost of the successful proposer. e) Is maintenance of the skid steer bobcat the responsibility of Hertz Rental, the City/Airport of the Operator of the facility? Answer: Normally the unit provided is owned by the Airport, and thus the maintenance will be the responsibility of the successful proposer. The unit at the ARC during the tour was rented while our unit was serviced. f) Are there any restrictions regarding use of drains inside and outside the facility. Do the all drain to city sewer? Specifically can the pressure washer be used inside and outside the facility? Answer: All drains are tied into the sanitary sewer system and thus the pressure washer may be used inside and outside of the facility. In the manner in which the ARC is meant to operate there are no restriction on the use of the drains. g) Are there currently any SOP's (standard operating procedures) in existence that could be shared with the bidders? Answer: No. h) What is the current cost (month or year to date) of the Bale/Wire ties? Answer: The cost billed to the Airport from January through June is $1200, however the budgeted estimate was $1000 a month. i) What are the required hours that the ARC is to be in operation, and how many days per week? Are there specific starts and stop times. Answer: As stated in the Agreement, provided in Addendum 1, the ARC operates 365 days a year. However, as part of your proposal please include the hours and shifts you believe would maximize the efficiency and profitability of the ARC. j) In Agreement Terms, it states that the selected proposer will be responsible for any applicable taxes, licenses, permit fees or other applicable costs- Can we get copies of all Permits? Are we required to have the MRF Permitted in our name or is it under Airport? Are we responsible for all permit fees even the ones under the airport? Answer: The only permit in the Airport’s name is the Compost permit, provided in Attachment G of the RFP. However, there are other permits and licenses required to operate in the City of Charlotte, in order to dump at the landfill, to be a valid company under the laws of North Carolina, etc. These permits, licenses and taxes are the responsibility of the successful proposer. Other than the Compost permit, the Airport is unaware of any other permit required for the operation of the ARC. The successful proposer is not required to pay the fees associated with the Compost Permit. k) BOND- What is the bond requirements? I can’t find it in the RFP documents. It references Addendum B but all I saw was a blank page. Answer: The Agreement (Attachment B to the RFP) was provided in Addendum 1, which states that the performance bond must equal 50% of the total value of the current Service Year. l) How fast is the airport growing? Increase traffic will mean increase volume. Answer: From 2011 to 2012 passenger volume increased by 5.6% and from 2012 to 2013 the volume increased by another 5%. m) What is the monthly tonnage for each commodity generated? Answer: Please see below for 2013 tonnage for each commodity by month. 2013 Cardboard 1/1/2013 2/1/2013 3/1/2013 4/1/2013 5/1/2013 6/1/2013 7/1/2013 8/1/2013 9/1/2013 10/1/2013 11/1/2013 12/1/2013 66.92 62.79 45.85 88.22 66.87 67.36 83.41 60.60 65.19 64.84 40.20 54.10 Mixed Paper 61.68 16.59 59.36 57.06 38.97 40.60 34.40 52.88 Plastic 35.16 32.41 10.58 15.45 12.60 27.83 14.35 14.74 29.60 12.12 26.84 31.00 Jet Cups 13.30 12.58 13.71 21.53 15.76 Aluminum Mixed Plastic Steel HDPE Paper Towels 3.00 9.95 11.04 7.40 5.38 5.72 6.80 9.68 6.70 3.60 3.34 6.87 11.06 15.62 3.80 11.54 3.39 n) What is the last month rebate per ton for each commodity sold? Answer: The Airport is unclear about how you define “rebate.” The revenue received by month and by commodity is provided in Attachment C in the RFP. o) Is recyclable material going to an end user or to a processor? Example- Is the Baled Cardboard going direct to a paper mill? Answer: Currently it changes based on market price, this decision will be up to the successful proposer. p) Has there been any issues with downgrades/rejections due to quality of recyclable material? Answer: The only ones the Airport are aware of were due to moisture content. q) Can you provide the model number and/or equipment manual for the compost digester? Answer: Dari/Teck 6-32 is the digester model number. r) How many tons per day of organics are being produced? Answer: Currently that information is held by the operator of the ARC. The Airport believes that there are more than enough organics produced to fully utilize the current digester at full capacity. s) Where is the carbon source originated from for composting? Answer: The organics that run through the digester are comprised of paper products and food waste from restaurants at the Airport which provides the carbon source for composting. t) Can the material be taken off site to compost? Does the facility operator at CLT airport have to own the facility if material is taken off site to compost? Answer: If this is desired, please include as part of your proposal. Approval would have to be provided by DENR and negotiated with the Airport if selected as the successful proposer. u) Regarding question 6 u) How many compactors are included in the referenced fee? We note only one compactor on the list in Attachment F. Are there any more? Answer: Currently there are two compactors included in the fee. v) What are wage and benefits regulations for employees? Answer: Wage and benefits must meet State and Federal regulations. w) What are current times, not just hours, of operation at each site? Answer: The ARC usually operates from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. 7 days a week currently at the direction of the operator and the Airport is operated 24 hours a day. x) What specific indoor cleaning and janitorial services are required? (For example, are floors to be cleaned daily or on a contractor defined “as needed” basis?) Answer: As part of your proposal please include a schedule for indoor cleaning and janitorial services. However, all cleaning requirements must me the terms of the composting permit. y) What improvements to premises are currently in progress or under consideration?(p7 of Specifications) Answer: Any decisions or plans for improvements to the premises are currently on hold until the submission of all proposals. Please include as part of your proposal any recommendations for improvements. z) Would CLT provide copies of current safety, policy, and procedure manuals (p8 of Specifications)? Answer: These are currently held by the operator of the ARC. aa) Under management fee agreement are there any recycle percentages required as in flat fee agreement (p8-9 of specifications)? Answer: There is not a minimum required however, the successful proposer will not be eligible to start receiving a performance incentive until a minimum of 30% of the waste is processed through the ARC. bb) Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) are not mentioned in specs, but pricing page does request option 1 & option 2. Answer: Adjustments required due to the Affordable Healthcare Act are all that is mentioned in the RFP. These must be included in the pricing provided as applicable. cc) How does CLT recommend we anticipate Affordable Care Act implementation. Answer: This is a business decision that CLT will not participate in determining the impacts to a private company. dd) Will the contractor be required to provide health care insurance? Answer: The successful proposer must follow all State and Federal requirements. ee) Are Option 1 and Option 2 prices firm or will there be an opportunity to negotiate if costs increase significantly due to circumstances out of contractor’s control? Answer: This will be considered during contract negotiation with the successful proposer. ff) Has the dirty MRF application been submitted” Answer: The Airport is currently in discussions to transfer to a dirty MRF, however at this time the application has not been submitted. gg) Has the DENHR permit extension been applied for? Answer: The extension does not have to be requested until October, any extension required will be handled by the Airport in a timely fashion. hh) Who is on the review board for the proposals? Answer: Members from Airport and City staff as well as representatives from Airport tenants. ii) What items in the waste stream currently do not have recycling markets? (ex. straws, cup lids, styrofoam) Answer: Items listed above, more detail cannot be provided as the inventory of the waste stream changes daily. jj) Is there any waste besides the mini glass bottles that does not go to the ARC? Answer: Currently construction waste is not processed through the ARC as well as the glass bottles. kk) Please explain relationships with Go Green and Waste Management and the contracts, and what does each do. Answer: Go Green manages the operation of the ARC. Waste Management currently provides the solid waste disposal services for the Airport. ll) What is the current contracted rate for solid waste disposal? Answer: Trip fee is $118 per load and the Tipping Fee is a pass through cost at $26.50 a ton. mm) What additional fees are being charged (fuel adjustments, environmental fees, etc.)? Answer: Environmental fees are charged as per State requirements and are currently a pass through cost. nn) Can we hire GoGreen employees? Answer: Employment decisions are up to each Proposer.