ADDENDUM NO. 2 Charlotte Douglas International Airport Airport Signage and Wayfinding Master Plan Addendum # 2 dated 7/6/2015 This Addendum is hereby made a part of the contract documents and specifications of the above referenced project. All other requirements of the original plans and specification shall remain in effect in their respective order. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum by inserting its number and date on the cover page of your proposal. The following Questions were received and Answered Question: On page 7 of the RFQ, under Format and Content section, you request that we have our qualifications package in the following order and tabbed with the appropriate number. To clarify, do you want us to have tables and content ordered and labeled as follows? TAB #1 Cover Page a.) Cover Page TAB #2 Cover Letter a.) Cover Letter TAB #3 Firm Descriptions a.) aviation signage/wayfinding experience at large hub airports b.) team experience, location, and current workload c.) recent comparable projects Page 1 of 6 d.) ability to meet Digital CAD specifications for Airport Projects, to work with and provide compatible GIS files, provide graphics and renderings suitable for presentations, and provide printed and web-based publications e.) sub-Consultant experience with comparable projects f.) references TAB #4 MWSBE Utilization a.) proposed MWSBE utilization b.) completed CBI Form 3 TAB #5 Commercial Non-Discrimination Certification a.) Completed Non-Discrimination Form Answer: yes Question: As referenced on Page 8 of the RFQ, Will Tab dividers be counted as part of the twenty-five (25) page requirement? Answer: No Question: As referenced in the last sentence on Page 8 of the RFQ, what type of technical or financial information do you have in mind that we would share in appendices? And, if appendices are used, would this need to be included in the twenty-five page requirement? Answer: We do not have any at this time, however, if you do submit any of these items they are to be counted as part of the 25 pages Question: Must all sub-contractors and suppliers we propose as part of our team be on the Charlotte Business Inclusion Program? Or, in addition, can we use some sub-contractors and suppliers that are out of state or out of the Charlotte area, as well? Answer: You may use any subcontractor(s) you wish, however, in order to achieve a M/SBE goal (the goal is negotiated) you must use certified M/SBE vendors from the City of Charlotte CBI Program. A list of certified M/SBE’s can be found at Question: Can you please provide examples of GIS files as referenced on page 5 of the RFQ in the Selection Criteria section? Answer: Not at this time Question: Do you intend to develop a new brand/logo as part of this project? Answer: No Question: Do you require Traffic, Structural, Electrical engineers on our team? We don’t necessarily need them, especially at this stage. Answer: No, not initially Question: Do you want the master plan to include pro-formas for advertising and revenue generation? Answer: If selected as the vendor, an assessment of the advertisement program should be made and given. This Master Plan will include a study of all of the current Signage and Wayfinding activities; however it’s not intended to replace the current adverting plan Question: Do you want the master plan to include digital communications/wayfinding applications? Answer: Yes Question: Do you want the master plan to include a new plan for public art? Answer: No Question: Do you want the master plan to include all landside signage and wayfinding for Exterior and Interiors (including parking, interior gates, baggage claim etc)? Answer: Yes Question: Do you want Tenant Guidelines included in the signage and wayfinding master plan for retail/concession tenants? Answer: Yes Question: Do you want to include all regulation signs such as traffic and code in the master plan? Answer: Yes Question: Do you want us to include an outline of all phases of work from concept to implementation in our qualifications package? Or, are we just submitting qualifications for everything as outlined in your RFQ on page 5 under Selection Criteria? Answer: We are looking just for qualifications at this time Question: Can you please clarify the RFQ Page count? Is our qualifications response to be 13 pages 2 sided? Or 26 pages 2 sided? Answer: All Qualifications Packages shall not exceed twenty-five (25) pages in 8 1/2" x 11" format with all standard text no smaller than twelve (12) points. Qualifications Packages should use double-sided copying and be bound with tab dividers corresponding to the format requirements specified above Question: What is the total sq ft of the scope of work? Answer: The interior space is approximately 1.5 million sq ft. No sq ft is given for the exterior space but it includes all exterior buildings and associated airport roadways. Question: Will this be a design build project? (I'm referring to Page 45 – Phase 3Implementation) Answer: No, this is a study and master plan only Question: There seems to be a missing information on Page 31, Exhibit A regarding Timetable and Fee Detail. Does CLT have a set budget and estimate time of completion for design phase? Answer: The contract exhibit in the RFQ is intended to show the contract and it’s terms and conditions. This contract will be completed once we have selected a successful proposer. CLT does not have a budget at this time. Question: How would you like to see the proposed fee break down? By Phase (1-3), Personnel Hourly Rates, or just a lump sum at this moment? Answer: During the RFQ process, proposers SHALL NOT include a fee in their proposal. CLT will review the fee structure once the successful proposer has been selected. Question: Would you like us to include the additional services (Page 45) as a lump sum or hourly by its disciplines? Answer: See question and answer above Question: What is the final % inclusion for the MWSBE? Answer: The MWSBE will be negotiated with the successful proposer. Question: Are we going to design a new sign systems or are we going to improve based on CLT brand guidelines? Answer: To be determined based on the study Answer: Initial study performed designs will be implemented based on recommendations Question: Does CLT have an on-going AV / Digital Signage Consultant? Answer no Question: Is there a maximum page number for proposal submittal? Answer: yes, see section of the RFQ End of Addendum # 2