Finance Office - Procurement Management Airport Taxi Operating Services RFP #269-2016-040 Addendum 2 To: All Prospective Companies Date: April 19, 2016 Subject: Addendum 2 – RFP #269-2016-040 Airport Taxi Operating Services Please note the specification changes/modifications below for the RFP. Item # Page # Section # Specification(s) Modifications and Questions NOTICE: The Airport will be amending the Rules to incorporate all changes mentioned in the Answers provided below. 11, 23 Section 3.5, Exhibit A Item 2 Term 13 Section 4.1 Cover Letter 3 2 1.4.7 City’s Rights and Options 4 3 1.6.2 Trade Secret 1 2 Modification: All mentions of the Term of the Operating Agreements are hereby changed to a one (1) year initial term plus five (5) additional, optional one (1) year renewal terms. Modification: The last sentence of Section 4.1 is hereby amended to read as follows: The cover letter shall present the Company's understanding of the Project and a summary of the approach to be undertaken to perform the Services. Service Provider Question: Please clarify what is meant in this section by “with or without re-solicitation”. Answer: This language means that the City may award part or all of the Services to any Company that submits a Proposal at any point in the Evaluation or Council approval process without requiring that they submit a new Proposal. Service Provider Question: If a Company elects to include financial information, can this be marked as Trade Secret or Confidential? Answer: Some financial data may be marked as Trade Secret per Section 1.6.2. Finance Office - Procurement Management Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258 1 Charlotte, NC 28202-2850 Item # Page # Section # Specification(s) Modifications and Questions Service Provider Question: Please clarify what is meant by the Proposal being a firm offer. 5 4 1.6.4 Proposal Terms 6 6 2.1 Service Initiation 7 10 3.2 Permits Answer: This section indicates that Companies shall be required to provide the Services at the standard indicated in their Proposal. The level of Service will be dictated by the Operating Agreements. Service Provider Question: How much time will Companies awarded Operating Agreements have to prepare to provide the Services? Answer: Companies will be given at least sixty (60) days from the execution of the Operating Agreement to bring their vehicles into compliance with the Airport’s Rules. Service Provider Question: Please identify, including name and position title, the staff that will be responsible for the overseeing Airport Taxi operations. Answer: The Taxi operations are currently managed by the Landside Manager, Valerie Boston. Service Provider Question: Please clarify the second paragraph in Section 3.2. Specifically, what will be the process of allocating the 170 Permits? How would any additional Permits be allocated? Answer: The City’s decision to award 170 Permits is based on recommendations provided by a competitivelysolicited ground transportation consulting firm, Taxi Research Partners. They provided a comprehensive 8 10 3.2 Permits review of all Airport ground transportation options, compared the Airport to other similar airports around the world, and studied the Charlotte market. 170 Permits is their recommendation of the best fit for the Charlotte area but this number will be assessed annually. Among other intents, the Airport strives to provide high quality service to passengers while also allowing Taxi drivers the ability to make a living wage. The Airport anticipates allotting an equal number of Permits to all Companies awarded Operating Agreements. Service Provider Question: Will the new holding lot be able to accommodate 9 10 3.2 Permits 170 Taxis? Where will it be located? When will it be available for use? Finance Office - Procurement Management Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202-2850 Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258 2 Item # Page # Section # Specification(s) Modifications and Questions Answer: At this time, the holding lot has not been constructed nor the location determined. However, the existing Taxi holding lot and other designated overflow areas will accommodate all Permitted Taxis. Service Provider Question: Does the Airport intend to change the number of Permits during the term of the Operating Agreement? If so, how much notice will Companies have? 10 11 10-11 11 3.2 3.3 Permits Schedules Answer: The Airport will annually assess the required number of Permits and provide at least sixty (60) days’ notice of plans to adjust the number of Permits. Service Provider Question: Once the Schedule Arrangement has been determined by the Airport, will there be any changes or modifications during the term of the Operating Agreement? Will the Airport allow a Company to modify driver shifts or drivers assigned to a specific shift throughout the term of the Operating Agreement? What happens if there is a time where a driver exceeds his or her maximum fifty (50) hours per week? Will the driver be permitted to enter the Airport and deliver services? How will the Airport track these hours? Answer: Once the schedules are established, they remain consistent unless there are exigent circumstances. A Taxi will never be scheduled in excess of fifty (50) hours. Companies may make arrangements with badged drivers to accommodate when their Taxis operated to fulfill their schedule requirements. Service Provider Question: What is the Airport’s position on operating during inclement weather? 12 13 11 11 3.4 3.4 Operations Tracking Software Answer: Permitted Taxis are expected to operate during all scheduled periods. Service Provider Question: Can the Airport’s tracking software system provide detailed reporting on a regular basis in a raw .csv or MS Excel format so the Company can use the data to assist in maintaining shift integrity? Answer: Yes, the gatekeeper software has the ability to track Finance Office - Procurement Management Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258 3 Charlotte, NC 28202-2850 Item # Page # Section # Specification(s) Modifications and Questions Taxi activity. This information can be provided in MS Excel format. Service Provider Question: Will additional time be considered for a Taxi to report to the Airport when called? In the event additional Taxis are called into the Airport to support excessive demand, will the Airport only call them from the Companies with an Operating Agreement? 14 11 3.4 Peak Taxis 15 11 3.5 Trip Fee Answer: The Airport reserves the right to call in additional taxis from non-Permitted companies but only when all Permitted and Peak Taxis have been called and where demand is deemed to remain in excess of supply. Thirty (30) minutes will remain the response standard. Service Provider Question: Can the one dollar and fifty cent ($1.50) Trip Fee be passed on to customers? If a Taxi does not pick up a passenger from the Airport, is the Trip Fee still charged? Is there any additional Permit fee in addition to the Trip Fee? Answer: Taxi fares are regulated by PVH; passing on the charge is not allowed. Trip Fees are only charged when Taxis pick up a passenger from the Airport. No additional Permit fee will be imposed. Service Provider Question: Does the City have a preferred number of Companies to award Operating Agreements? Would the City consider a longer term for the Operating Agreements? Did the City consider dividing the desired number of Permits equally among all qualified Companies? 16 11 3.5 Award and Term 17 12 3.6 Company Requirements Answer: At this time, the City does not know how many Companies will be awarded Operating Agreements. The City of Charlotte Ordinance requires that Taxi Operating Agreements be awarded in one (1) year increments. The City may elect to change this requirement but at this time, Companies should assume a one (1) year initial with five (5), optional one (1) year renewals per Item #1 above. Service Provider Question: Are Companies required to be approved by the PVH prior to submitting a Proposal? Answer: Companies shall be PVH approved prior to Operating Agreement execution. Finance Office - Procurement Management Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258 4 Charlotte, NC 28202-2850 Item # Page # Section # Specification(s) Modifications and Questions Service Provider Question: Is there a limit on how many drivers a Company may have TSA badged and/or allowed to have a Permit? 18 12 3.6 Company Requirements 19 12 3.6 Company Requirements 20 12 3.6 Vehicle Requirements 21 12 3.6 Vehicle Requirements Answer: At this time, there is not a limit on the number of badged drivers, but there is a limit on Permitted Taxis (the number of awarded Permits per Company). Service Provider Question: Can the City elaborate at this time on technology upgrades mentioned in Section 3.6 and how that might affect Taxis? Answer: In the future, the Airport plans to implement geo fencing technology to manage ground transportation providers. All such providers will be required to obtain the necessary equipment to interface with this application-based program. Service Provider Question: Please provide an example showing the Airport service entry date of a vehicle to when the vehicle must be removed from service. Is it by the manufacture year or the manufacture year and month? If a wheelchair accessible vehicle is a 2016 model year when it gets an Airport permit, how long is it allowed to stay in service? If a non-wheelchair accessible vehicle is a 2016 model year when it gets an Airport permit, how long is it allowed to stay in service? Who at the Airport monitors or manages the vehicle entry and exit date? Answer: Vehicles cannot be older than three (3) model years when they begin providing Services at the Airport. The Airport does not track month of manufacture. The month of Airport service entry begins the three (3) years for which a vehicle can provide Services. Companies shall provide a monthly status of their fleet vehicles. A wheelchair-accessible vehicle has no age limit as long as it is PVH approved. The ground transportation staff monitor manages this function. Service Provider Question: Are TomTom or Garmin-like devices required? Is imbedded GPS software in the Taxis dispatch acceptable to meet the requirements of this Section? Answer: Per the Airport Rules and Regulations, Taxis Finance Office - Procurement Management Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258 5 Charlotte, NC 28202-2850 Item # Page # Section # Specification(s) Modifications and Questions providing scheduled service under an Operating Agreement are required to have a GPS device. The type and location of the GPS device is at the discretion of the Taxi Company. Service Provider Question: Is a PDF format document acceptable for the Proposal copy required on CD or flash drive? Does the Proposal version on the CD or flash drive have to have signatures? Is a staple or paper clip acceptable to bind paper copies? Will the City review drafts of Company Proposals to ensure that they are correct? Please clarify what is meant by “summary of the costs” to provide the Services mentioned in 4.1. 22 13 4 Proposal Format Answer: PDF format is acceptable for the CD or flash drive. The CD or flash driver version of the Proposal is required to have signatures. A paper clip or staple is acceptable to bind hard copies. 23 24 14 14 5 5 Evaluation The City will not review drafts of Proposals. All Proposals must be submitted in final format by the Proposal deadline. Please see Item #2 above for edits to Section 4.1; a summary of costs is not required. Service Provider Question: Who will be on the Evaluation Team and how are the members selected? How will the Airport determine if the individuals on the Evaluation Team are qualified? Will the City Managers Office and/or individuals from the Greater Charlotte Hospitality and Tourism Alliance be a part of the Evaluation Team? Evaluation Answer: The City has not identified members of the Evaluation Team at this time. The City will select individuals for the Evaluation Team that are knowledgeable about ground transportation and the needs of the Charlotte area. Service Provider Question: Will a point or scale system be used for evaluating Proposals? Will the City interview some or all Companies that submit Proposals? How will the Evaluation Team differentiate between Companies if they all have to follow the same PVH requirements and Airport Rules? Answer: A point system will not be used to evaluate Proposals. The Evaluation Team will not decide whether or not to interview Companies until the Evaluation process has begun. Proposals will be Finance Office - Procurement Management Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202-2850 Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258 6 Item # Page # Section # Specification(s) Modifications and Questions considered in their totality to assess the best Companies for the Airport. Service Provider Question: Does the City have a preferred format for the Operating Plan? What information do you want in response to the tenth bullet that requests information about divers’ compensation? 25 22 Section 6, Form 6 Operating Plan Format 26 26 Exhibit A, Section 7 Insurance Permits and Identification Taxi Driver Uniforms 27 31 Exhibit B, Section 2.4 28 31 Exhibit B, Section 3.2.1 Answer: Companies should answer all questions in the order they appear. See Section 4 for the RFP for standard formatting requirements. While drivers are not directly compensated by Companies, the City wants to understand any types of compensation provided by the Company to the drivers. Companies should list each element of compensation and the value of that compensation. Service Provider Question: During the term of the Operating Agreement, can the Airport increase insurance requirements? Answer: The Airport will not increase the insurance requirements in the Operating Agreement. Service Provider Question: Are background checks on all drivers still required whereas less stringer or different requirements are made of Transportation Network Companies (TNCs)? Why are TNCs allowed to operate freely whereas Taxis must be Permitted, have badges and other requirements? Answer: The background check process is still required. Taxis, being an on-demand service, provide a different level of service and have different regulatory requirements than TNCs. TNCs now have a contractual arrangement with the City that dictates how they can operate within the Airport environment. Passengers chose to use TNCs and accept the risks and quality assurances of those companies. If a passenger utilizes an Airport Permitted Taxi, the Airport is responsible for the quality of service received. Service Provider Question: Are shirt colors other than those listed in the Rules allowed for Taxi drivers? What is the process for approval of additional shirt colors? Please clarify what is meant by “closed toe shoes”. What are Taxi Drivers allowed to wear during inclement weather? Answer: Per Section 3.2 of the Rules, any light color button Finance Office - Procurement Management Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258 7 Charlotte, NC 28202-2850 Item # 29 Page # 32 Section # Exhibit B, Section 5.5 Specification(s) Modifications and Questions Enforcement down shirt is acceptable. Companies shall have a consistent uniform across all drivers. A closed toe shoe is a shoe that covers the entire foot leaving no part exposed. The Airport’s policy pertaining to inclement weather outer garments is liberal though no type of sweatshirt is allowed. Service Provider Question: Is there an opportunity to rectify any item identified by Airport staff, short of life safety, prior to the driver or Company actually receiving a violation? Can there be or will there be an opportunity to receive some type of warning first? Answer: Airport ground transportation staff regularly communicates issues and concerns to Company management. Airport staff will follow all prescribed rules pertaining to Taxi enforcement. Service Provider Question: Is the City interested in geo fencing software solutions? 30 General 31 General 32 General Answer: This is unknown at this time. However, all airport Taxis shall follow the Rules, all applicable statutes, ordinances, and the Operating Agreement. Service Provider Question: Please identify any charges imposed on the TNCs that are allowed to operate at the Airport. Please identify the number of passengers per month and the amount billed and paid for by the TNCs since they began operating under the agreement with the Airport. General Answer: The TNC contractual arrangements with the Airport have been in effect for just over one (1) month so no data is available. The City hopes to have this data by the time the final Addendum for this Project is released. Service Provider Question: May Companies have copies of the report produced by Taxi Research Partners for the Airport? 33 Answer: The City is not seeking geo fencing software as part of this RFP. A separate solicitation will be posted for such products or services. Service Provider Question: Will the potential changes to the PVH ordinance affect the Services, either in substance or in timing? Answer: Finance Office - Procurement Management Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258 8 Charlotte, NC 28202-2850 Item # Page # Section # Specification(s) Modifications and Questions Yes, such documentation can be obtained by emailing Sarah Poulton at 34 General Service Provider Question: May Companies have copies of the last RFP process for these Services? Are the Proposals available from the last RFP? Is other data about the current Companies and number of Permits available? Answer: Yes, such documentation can be obtained by emailing Sarah Poulton at In order to constitute a complete proposal/bid response you must acknowledge receipt of this addendum with the Addenda Receipt Confirmation Form in Section 6 of the RFP in your Proposal. Any Company not acknowledging receipt of an issued addendum may not be considered. In the event additional changes or clarifications to this RFP are warranted, all Companies are responsible for monitoring or for additional addenda. We appreciate your interest in doing business with the City of Charlotte and look forward to receiving a Proposal from your company. Sincerely, Sarah Poulton Procurement Officer cc: RFP File Finance Office - Procurement Management Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258 9 Charlotte, NC 28202-2850