PROCTOR Exam Schedule, Spring 2014 (Revised 5/12/14) Electric Plug n/a No No Exam Professor # of Student Proctor Rm Exam mode 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 1:30 PM Criminal Law* - 8 hr take home Criminal Law American Legal History F. Bowman P. Litton D. Abrams 59 56 33 Cheryl Poelling Monique Prince Robin Stoermer 112 6 6 1:30 PM 1:30 PM Banking Law R Phillips 10 Lisa Key 4 Freedom of Speech - MC only C Wells 10 Michelle Heck 3 TAKE HOME OPEN Laptop OPEN Laptop OPEN Laptop & Network n/a Wednesday 5/7 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM Professional Responsibility Copyrights Land Use Controls Basic Tax Health Care Law Legislation L Dessem P. Davis M. Berry M Cecil P.Peters J Hawley 57 5 5 51 9 24 Robin Stoermer Robin Nichols Robin Nichols Michelle Heck Kate Busch Jeff Turnbull 7 3 3 7 3 5 OPEN Laptop OPEN Laptop CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED OPEN Laptop No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Thursday 5/8 8:30 AM Constitutional & Civil Rights C Esbeck 10 Cindy Bassett 3 CLOSED Yes Friday 8:30 AM Property §1 In class portion (3 hrs) W Freyermuth 58 Robin Stoermer 6 CLOSED No Day Tuesday 5/6 5/9 Monday 5/12 Time to be given out Property §1* Take home~Due in by 4:30 pm at 12:00 PM W Freyermuth ~~~~ 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM Property §2 Makeup Exams Estates & Trusts Corporate Tax D Crouch 55 S Strong M Cecil 8:30 AM Evidence 1 hr in class portion B. Trachtenberg to be given out after in class portion Evidence* 6 hr take home B. Trachtenberg 8:30 AM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM Administrative Law Publicly Held Corporations Agriculture Law Sports Law C Wells T Lambert E Hawley I Lee TAKE HOME Yes n/a n/a 32 12 Monique Prince John Dethman Robin Nichols Jordan Parshall 7 3 5 3 OPEN Laptop Mixed CLOSED CLOSED No Yes Yes Yes 66 Robin Stoermer 7 ~~~ n/a TAKEHOME n/a CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Yes Yes Yes Yes ~~~~ 22 25 11 16 Michelle Heck Robin Nichols Jordan Parshall Kate Busch 4 5 3 4 Tuesday 5/13 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 1:30 PM Civil Procedure §1 Civil Procedure §1 Civil Procedure §2 Makeup Exams Real Estate Finance Wednesday 8:30 AM 5/14 Thrusday 5/15 Friday 5/16 A-M N-Z C. Esbeck C. Esbeck L Dessem 33 25 60 26 Robin Stoermer Jeff Turnbull Monique Prince Michelle Heck Jordan Parshall 6 5 7 3 5 CLOSED CLOSED OPEN Laptop Mixed CLOSED No No No Yes Yes W. Freyermuth Criminal Procedure B Trachtenberg 66 Robin Stoermer 7 CLOSED No 8:30 AM Comparative Law* 6 hr take home S Strong 10 will be emailed out at 8:30 am TAKEHOME n/a 8:30 AM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM Natural Resources Securities Regulation Mediation M Berry M Cherry J Levin 8 14 5 Karen Neylon Jordan Parshall Linda Lorenz 3 4 5 CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Yes Yes Yes 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM Contracts §1 A-M Contracts §1 N-Z Contracts §2 Law & Social Science Products Liability - MC only C Newman C Newman R. Barondes C Conklin Geary/Stigall 33 27 56 12 29 Robin Nichols Jordan Parshall Monique Prince Cindy Bassett Jeff Turnbull 6 5 7 3 5 CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Pt 1 & 2 CLOSED N/A No No No Yes Yes 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM Business Organizations Makeup Exams Family Law Mental Disability & the Law T Lambert 65 D Abrams P Litton 31 10 Robin Stoermer Jeff Turnbull Monique Prince Karen Neylon 7 3 4 3 CLOSED Mixed OPEN Laptop OPEN Laptop No Yes Yes Yes Take home Exams: Comparative Law - Strong - 6 hr take home ~ TAKE HOME MODE Exam will be emailed to students on the morning of May 14. Exams must be returned within 6 hours to Rm. 203. Criminal Justice Administration - D. Mitchell - 6 hr take home ~ TAKE HOME MODE Students may pick up the exam in Rm. 203 beginning at 8:30 any exam day . Exams must be returned within 6 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:30. Criminal Law §1 -F. Bowman - 8 hr take home ~ TAKE HOME MODE This exam to be taken May 6 ONLY ~ To be handed out at 8:00 am in room to be announced. Students will pick up this exam in a room to be announced beginning at 8:00 am and must be returned no later than 4:00 pm that same day. Evidence - B. Trachtenberg - 6 hr take home ~ TAKE HOME MODE Multiple Choice portion of the exam will be administered on May 12 at 8:30 to 9:30. A take-home portion will be distributed at the end of the in-class portion and will be due within 6 hours after being distributed. Federal Courts - M. Dragich - 6 hr take home ~ TAKE HOME MODE Students may pick up exam in Rm 203 beginning at 8:30 am on any exam day. Exams must be returned within 6 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:30. Fiduciary Administration - English ~ TAKE HOME MODE Exam will be distributed the last day of classes. Exams must be returned to Rm. 203 no later than 4:00 pm the last day of the final exams period. Fourteenth Amendment - J. Hawley - 5 hr take home ~ TAKE HOME MODE Students may pick up the exam in Rm. 203 beginning at 8:30 on any exam day. Exams must be returned within 5 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:30. Law & Society - Mitchell - 24 hr take home ~ TAKE HOME MODE Students may pick up the exam in Rm. 203 beginning at 8:30 on any exam day. Exams must be returned within 24 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:30. Law of Tax Exempt Orgs - Hayen - 4 hour take home ~ TAKE HOME MODE Students may pick up the exam in Rm. 203 beginning at 8:30 on any exam day. Exams must be returned within 4 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:30. Local Gov't Law - J. Layton - ~ TAKE HOME MODE Student may pick up exam in Rm 203 beginning at 8:30 am on any exam day . Exam must be returned to Rm 203 by 4:30 on the same day. Property §1 - W. Freyermuth - 4 1/2 hour take home ~ TAKE HOME MODE Multiple Choice & Short Essay portions of the exam will be administered on May 9 at 8:30. A Take-home portion will be distributed at the end of the in-class portion (Approx 12:00 pm) and will be due not later than 4 1/2 hrs.