PROCTOR Exam Schedule, Spring 2015 Day Time Friday 5/1 8:30 AM Tuesday 5/5 8:30 AM 1:30 PM Wednesday 5/6 8:30 AM Thursday 5/7 8:30 AM Friday 5/8 Room Exam Mode Exam Length Exam Type # of Students 54 Property §1 * Part I Property §1 * Part I Freyermuth Freyermuth Robin S Monique 6 5 Closed Closed 3 hrs 3 hrs Outline only Property §1* Part II Property §1* Part II Property §2 Sports Law Freyermuth Freyermuth Crouch Lee Monique P Nicole R Amy K Matt 6 5 7 5 Closed Closed Closed Closed 3 1/2 hrs 3 1/2 hrs Outline only Estates & Trusts Publicly Held Corporations Remedies Strong Lambert Wells Robin N Heather/Robin S Nicole R 7 5 3 Closed Closed Closed 32 29 10 Evidence* B. Trachtenberg Amy K 7 Take home 58 16 31 Outline only 54 Outline only 56 24 Crouch Hawley, J. Heather/Robin S Matt 4 5 Take home Open Laptop 8:30 AM Civil Procedure §1 Civil Procedure §2 A - L Civil Procedure §2 M - Z Land Use Controls E-discovery Make-up exams Oliveri Dessem Dessem Davis Diamond Monique P Robin N Kate B Lisa K Jeff Amy K. 7 6 5 3 Closed Closed Closed Open Laptop 5 4 Open Laptop Mixed Professional Responsibility Make up exams Law & Social Science Levin 7 3 3 Open Laptop 33 Conklin Kate B Jeff Michelle Closed 7 Contracts §1 A - L Contracts §1 M - Z Contracts §2 Corporate Tax American Legal History Freedom of Speech Health Care Law Newman Newman Barondes Cecil Abrams Wells Peters Monique P Michelle Robin N Nicole R Heather Matt Jeff 6 5 7 4 5 4 Closed Closed Closed Closed Open Laptop Closed Closed 28 24 52 22 28 13 11 Employment Discrimination* Criminal Procedure* Sales & Leases Products Liability Oliveri Trachtenberg Phillips Geary/Stigall Monique P Amy K Kate B Cindy B 5 7 3 5 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 1:30 PM Wednesday 5/13 Proctor 12:00PM Patents Law Legislation 1:30 PM Tuesday 5/12 Professor (1 hr in class / 6 hr Take home) 1:30 PM Monday 5/11 Course Revised 5/11/15 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 1:30 PM 3 1 hr & 1 hr 2 pts/closed ~ 3 hr 15 in ~ open bk Closed Take home Open Laptop + Network Closed 3 hrs open bk 55 53 3 19 5 40 59 5 20 Room Capacity 3 = 45 4 = 71 5 = 76 6 = 97 7 = 169 107 = 12 109 = 22 112 = 40ish Thursday 5/14 Friday, 5/15 8:00 AM Criminal Law * 8:30 AM 1:30 PM Criminal Law Family Law Copyrights Bowman Litton Abrams Lietzan 8:30 AM Business Organizations T Lambert Heather Robin N Matt Jeff 5 7 5 4 Lisa K 7 Take home Open Laptop Closed 59 55 26 15 Closed 63 Other Exam B for Open Mode Adminstrative Law - R. Reuben - 4 Hr. take home (22) - TAKE HOME Mode Students may pick up the exam in Rm. 203 between Wednesday, May 6 and Wednesday, May 13 ONLY. Exam amy be piced up as early as 8:30 am and must be returned within 4 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:00 pm. Criminal Justice Administration - D. Mitchell - 6 Hr. take home (17) - CLOSED Mode Students may pick up the exam in Rm. 203 beginning at 8:30 am on any exam day. Exams must be returned within 6 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:00 pm. * Criminal Law §2 -F. Bowman - 8 hr take home (59) - TAKE HOME Mode This exam to be taken May 14 ONLY ~ To be handed out at 8:00 am in room 5. Students will pick up this exam in room 5 beginning at 8:00 am and must be returned no later than 4:00 pm that same day. * Criminal Procedure - Trachtenberg - 6 hr take home (59) - TAKE HOME Mode Multiple Choice portion of the exam will be administered on May 13 at 8:30 to 9:3 in room 7. A take-home portion will be distributed at the end of the in-class portion and will be due within 6 hours after being distributed. * Employment Discrimination - Oliveri - 8 hr take home (40) - CLOSED Mode This exam to be taken on May 13 ONLY ~ To be handed out at 8:00 am in room 5. Students will pick up this exam in a room to be announced beginning at 8:00 am and must be returned no later than 4:00 pm that same day. * Evidence - B. Trachtenberg - 6 hr take home (58) - TAKE HOME Mode Multiple Choice portion of the exam will be administered on May 7 at 8:30 to 9:30. A take-home portion will be distributed at the end of the in-class portion and will be due within 6 hours after being distributed. Federal Courts - M. Dragich - 6 hr take home (6) - TAKE HOME Mode Students may pick up exam in Rm 203 beginning at 8:30 am on any exam day. Exams must be returned within 6 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:00 pm. Fiduciary Administration - English (11) - No Exam mode Exam will be distributed the last day of classes. Exams must be returned to Rm. 203 no later than 4:00 pm the last day of the final exams period. * Property §1 - W. Freyermuth - Multiple Choice and Sort Answer on Friday, May 1. Essay on Tuesday, May 5 (54) - CLOSED Mode Multiple Choice & Short Essay portions of the exam will be administered on Friday, May 1 at 8:30 AM. Signs will be posted for the Rooms The Essay portion of the exam will be on Tuesday, May 5 beginning at 8:30 am Partnership Tax - P. Vogel - (9) - No Exam Mode This final will be a weeklong take home running from April 28 (to be distributed in the last day of this class, Tuesday, 4/28) and will be due by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, May 5. Workers Compensation - Gely (11) - No Exam Mode Students may pick up exam in Rm 206 (CSDR) beginning at 8:30 am on any exam day. Exams must be returned within 2 hours to Rm. 206, but in no case later than 4:00 pm. Pg 2 of 2