Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 11(2): 132-136, 2016 DOI:10.19026/ajfst.11.2367 ISSN: 2042-4868; e-ISSN: 2042-4876 © 2016 Maxwell Scientific Publication Corp. Submitted: July 2, 2015 Accepted: August 11, 2015 Published: May 15, 2016 Research Article Tracking Control of Wind Energy Conversion System in Green Crop Producing Bases Jianhua Liu Bureau of Education Department of Yueyang, Yueyang, Hunan 410114, P.R. China Abstract: The tracking control of directly driven wind energy conversion system in green crop producing basess in green crop producing bases is studied in this study. The design procedure in this study aims at designing stable neural network slide mode controllers that guarantee the existence of the system poles in some predefined zone and wind speed precise tracking. More significantly, the speed tracking control problems are reduced to Lyapunov stability problem. In this way, by solving the stability Lyapunov functions, the feedback gains which guarantee global asymptotic stability and desired speed tracking performance are determined. The results are applied to a wind turbine generator systems and numerical simulation showing the feasibility of the proposed method. Keywords: Green crop producing bases, lyapunov, tracking control, wind energy conversion precise tracking. More significantly, the controller design problem is reduced to Lyapunov stability problem. In this way, by solving the stability Lyapunov function, the feedback gains which guarantee global asymptotic stability and desired speed tracking performance are determined. INTRODUCTION Among the main research subjects in the wind turbine domain, the control of Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) in green crop producing bases is considered an interesting application area for control theory and engineering (Ekren and Ekren, 2010; Hazra and Sensarma, 2010; Bouscayrol et al., 2009). The control strategies must cope with the exacting characteristics presented by WECS such as the nonlinear behavior of the system, the random variability of the wind and external perturbations. Djohra et al. (2010) model and simulate a wind turbine and an induction generator system as an electricity source in the southern parts of Algeria and the obtained results have then been validated by the HOMER software confirming the effectiveness of the developed program. Jordi et al. (2011a, 2011b) analyze and compares different control tuning strategies for a variable speed wind energy conversion system in green crop producing bases based on a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) and the aerodynamics of the wind turbine and a PMSG have been modeled. De Battista et al. (2000) study the grid interconnection of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG)based wind turbine with harmonics and reactive power compensation capability at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) and the proposed system consists of two back-to-back connected converters with a common dc-link. The speed tracking of directly drived WECS with intelligent silde mode control method is studied in particular in this study. The design procedure in this study aims at designing stable neural network slide mode controller that guarantee the existence of the system poles in some predefined zone and wind speed WIND TURBINE GENERATOR SYSTEM MODEL In the first, we analyze the particular aerodynamic characteristics of windmills. Here the horizontal-axis type is considered. The output mechanical power available from a wind turbine is: P = 0.5ρC p (Vω ) 3 A (1) where, ρ is the air density, A is the area swept by the blades, Vω is the wind speed, Cp is the power coefficient and a nonlinear function of the parameter λ is given as λ = ωR/Vω, where R is the radius of the turbine and ω is the rotational speed. Cp is approximated as Cp = αλ + βλ2 + γλ3 usually, where α, β and γ are design parameters for a given turbine. The torque developed by the windmill is: C Tt = 0.5 p λ (Vm ) 2 πR 2 (2) The torque developed by the generator/Kramer drive combination is: Tg = 3V 2 sReq Ω 2 [( sRs + Req ) 2 + ( sω s Lis + sωs Llr ) 2 ] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (URL: 132 (3) Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 11(2): 132-136, 2016 Tg = −k1ω + k2 cos(α ) where, s[n2 sR + (n1 | cos(α ) |)2 Rs − n1 | cos(α ) |] , Req = 2 b (n2 s)2 − (n1 | cos(α ) |)2 As it can be verified, the proposed approximation is good in the required operation zone. The resulting expression for the whole system is then: Rb = Rr + 0.55 R f , Γ = 2n22 Rb sRs + (n2 sRs ) 2 + n22 ( sω s Lls + sωs Llr ) 2 (4) With n1 transformation rate between rotor and stator wounds; n2 transformation rate between the Kramer Drive and the AC line; Rr, Rs, Rf Rotor, stator and dc link resistance respectively; LIs stator dispersion inductance; Llr rotor dispersion inductance; α firing angle; ωs synchronous pulsation; Ωs synchronous mechanic rotational speed. With the above mentioned content, ignoring torsion in the shaft, generator electric dynamics and other higher order effects, the approximate system dynamic model is: Jω& + ρ ( x,θ ) = Tt (ω ,Vω ) − Tg (ω, Vω ) ω& = Lemma 1: Given Lipschitzian functions g(x, θ), h(x, θ), let L(x) and l(x) be defined as: L ( x ) := max L j ( x ) , l ( x ) := max l j ( x ) j =1, 2 ,L, p e(t )g (x,θ )h(x,θ ) ≤ e(t )g (x,0)h(x,0) + 2 p , p e(t ) ⋅ Ll (x ) ∑ θ j + [ h(x,0 ) L(x ) + g (x,0 ) l (x )] ∑θ j j =1 j =1 (11) hold true for any e(t) ∈ R. NEURAL NETWORK SILDE MODE CONTROL FOR SPEED TRACKING Neural network approximate theory: In the field of control engineering, neural network is often used to approximate a given nonlinear function up to a small error tolerance. The function approximation problem can be stated formally as follows. p j =1 (6) f ( y ) : R n → R m is a continuous function defined on the set y ∈ Rn and Definition 1: Given that j =1 hold ture. Regarding (2) and (3), system model becomes: ω& = j =1, 2 ,L, p Then, for θ ∈ R+p , the following inequalities: g ( x, θ ) − g ( x, θ ) ≤ ∑ L j ( x ) | θ j − θ j | ( x) | θ j − θ j | (10) Assumption 1: The reference output r is piecewise continuously time varying and uniformly bounded and there is a known positive constant mr such that |r|< mr. (5) such that for ∀( x,θ ,θ ), the following inequalities: j (9) Here, f(.) is a nonlinear function, b is a constant and u = cos (α). Definition: Functions g ( x,θ ) : R r × R p → ( R m )T and h( x,θ ) : R r × R p → ( R m )T are said to be Lipschitzian in θ if there exist continuous functions L j ( x) ≥ 0, l j ( x) ≥ 0 ∑L (Vω )2 πR 2 − k1ω + k 2 cos(α ) − ρ ( x, θ ) ω& + k1ω = k 2u + f ( x ) − ρ ( x, θ ) h(x, θ) are assumed nonlinear and Lipschitzian in θ , θ = [θ 1 , Lθ p ]T ∈ R p . In the following, ||•|| denotes the standard Euclidean norm. Note that all smooth or convex or concave functions satisfy the following Lipschitz condition. h ( x,θ ) − h ( x,θ ) ≤ 0.5 C p ρ J λ Which has the standard normal form: where, J is the total moment of inertia, ρ (x, θ) means the dynamical uncertainties whose time-varying uncertain parameter θ appears nonlinearly, x represents any component of the system state, i.e., x = [ω , ω& ]T . We focus on the case where the ncertainties admit a general multiplicative form, i.e., ρ ( x, θ ) = g ( x, θ ) h ( x, θ ) , where the functions ρ ( x,θ ) , p (8) fˆ (W , y) : Rl ×m × Rn → R m is an approximating function that depends continuously on the parameter matrix W and y, the approximation problem is to determine the optimal parameter W* such that, for some metric (or distance function) d: 3V 2 sReq C 1 0.5ρ p (Vω ) 2 πR 2 − J Ω s [Ω 2 [(sRs + Req ) 2 + ( sωs Lis + sωs Llr ) 2 ] λ (7) where Req depends nonlinearly on the control action cos(α) according to (4), Cp, λ and Vω also depend on ω in a nonlinear way. The shape of the generator curves allows a simple linearization on the expression for: d ( f (W * , y ), f ( y )) ≤ ε , For an acceptable small ε. 133 (12) Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 11(2): 132-136, 2016 Consider a quadratic Lyapunov function candidate: In this study, Gaussian Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network is considered. It is a particular network architecture which uses l numbers of Gaussian function of the form: ( y − µ )2 ( y − µ ) Θ( y ) = exp − σ2 1 V1 ( t ) = eεT ( t ) eε ( t ) 2 Using the Gaussian RBF neural network approximation for f(x) and setting τ = k2u , the time derivative can be written as: (13) where, µ = R i is the center vector and σ 2 = R is the variance. At the input layer, the input space is divided into grids with a basis function at each node defining a receptive field in Rn The output of the network ∧ f (W , y • V1 ( t ) = eεT (τ − W T Θ − ρ ( x, θ ) ) = eεT (τ − W T Θ) ) − eε ρ ( x, θ ) (20) where, the notation on t are neglected for simplicity. In view of relation (11), it follows that: ) is given by: • f (W , y ) = W Θ( y ) (14) n n + eε L( x )l (x ) ∑θ j + [ h(x,0) L( x ) + g ( x ) l (x )]⋅ ∑θ j j =1 j =1 where, Θ(y) = [Θ1(y)Θ2(y)…ΘI(y)] is the vector of basis function. Note that only the connections from the hidden layer to the output are weighted. In succeeding sections, we will use the aforesaid RBF networks to approximate nonlinear function f(.), namely: K ( x ) = [ω1 ω 2 ] = [L ( x )l ( x ) β = [β1 (15) θj , ∑ j =1 p h( x ) L( x ) + g ( x ) l ( x )] Φ(e, x ) = sgn(e)W (x) , ( ) V&1 (t ) = eεT τ − W T Θ + s T ρ ( x,0 ) + eεT Φ (eε , x )β , (22) (23) ~ ~ ˆ where, Θ = Θ − Θ and β = βˆ − β are parameter errors and K D ∈ R is an arbitrary positive number. In order to derive update laws for the parameter estimates, we employ the following Lyapunov function: Vε (t ) = V1 (t ) + (16) ( 1 ~ T −1 ~ ~ T −1 ~ Θ ΓΘ Θ + β Γβ β 2 ) (24) It follows from (23) that: V&1 (t ) ≤ eεT (τ − W T Θ) + eεT ρ ( x,0) , &ˆ T −1 ~ &ˆ T −1 ~ T + eε Φ ε (e, x) β + Θ ΓΘ Θ + β Γβ β where, (25) (17) where, Φ is defined by formula (22). Not that: eε = 0, 2 eε ≤ eε e, sgn(e) = sgn(eε ) with r = ( 2 − 1)ε , b = (2 − 2 )ε , for ε > 0. It is standard to show that such c(e) is continuously differentiable in time. Regarding (17), the dynamics of system (10) in terms of the modified “velocity error” is expressed by: e&ε + k1eε = k 2u + f ( x ) − ρ (x,θ ) p 2 β 2 ] = ∑θ j j =1 The inequality (21) can be rewritten as: Neural network slide mode method: The tracking error of WT speed is defined as e = ω - r. Introduce a new variable: b + r 2 − (e − ε ) 2 , (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε ≤ e ≤ ε 2e , e ≤ (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε c ( e) = 2 2 − b − r − (e + ε ) , ε ≤ e ≤ (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε ε sgn(e), e >ε (21) With the definitions: where, ε is network approximation difference which can be arbitrary small and in our paper we assume the difference satisfy ε < k , Θ( y ) is network activation function and y is network input. 1 eε = e − ce 2 ) 2 T f = W T Θ( y ) + ε ( V1 (t ) = eεT τ − W T Θ + (eε g (x,0 )h( x,0 )) ∧ T (19) eε ≤ (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε (26) eε > (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε Hence, introducing the saturated function: e , satε (e) = (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε sgn(e) (18) 134 e ≤ (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε e > (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε (27) Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 11(2): 132-136, 2016 Fig. 1: Neural network slide mode speed tracking control system Table 1: Parameters for the wind turbine and induction generator used for simulations Turbine ------------------------------------------------------Value Units Parameter Parameter ρ 1.204 Ns2/m4 Rf R 0.95 M Rs J 0.312 Nm2/red Rr α -0.0.2 Lls β 0.16 Llr γ -0.12 n2 n1 And taking (25) and (26) into account, the following continuous control input: ∧ T 0 i.e., e(t ) ∈ L2 . Applying Barbalats lemma yields limt →∞ eε (t ) = 0 , or equivalently, (28) limt →∞ e(t ) ≤ (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε , that is, the tracking error e converges to (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε as t → ∞. In this way, we sum up the following result. Or: u= ∧ ∧ 1 ( − K D eε + W T Θ+ k − ρ ( x, 0 ) − Φ ε ( e, x ) β ) k2 (29) Theorem 1: The adaptive controller defined by (17), (18) and (28)-(30) enable WECS system (10) to asaymptotically tracking a desired wind speed r within a precision of (( 2 − 1) / 2)ε . With: (30) Φε ( e, x ) = satε ( e )W ( x ) SIMULATION And the following update laws: ˆ& = −Γ W T e , β&ˆ = −Γ K T ( x ) e , Θ Θ ε β ε In the following part, simulations are carried out using MATLAB 2006a to verify the performance of the neural network slide mode speed tracking controller. The overall system block diagram is depicted in Fig. 1 and the turbine and generator parameter values are given in Table 1. The adaptive weights are initialized on random values between -1 and 1 and the reference output is chosen as pulse wave. To quantify the control performance, the root-mean square average of tracking error (based on the L2 norm of the tracking errors e) was used, which is given by: (31) Results in: [ ] ~, ~ V&1 (t ) ≤ −eεT K D eε + eεT W T Θ − Φε (e, x ) β (32) Yield: V&1 (t ) ≤ −eεT K D eε 2 Also, relation (34) gives K D ⋅ ∫ e(t ) dt ≤ V (0 ), ∀t > 0 ∧ τ = − K D eε + W T Θ+ k − ρ ( x, 0 ) − Φ ε ( e, x ) β , Generator -----------------------------------------------Value Units 0.2 Ω 0.3 Ω 0.3 Ω 1.2×1-3 Hy -3 0.65×10 Hy 2 1 (33) L2 [e] = The last inequality implies that V(t) is decreasing and thus is bounded by V(0). Consequently, es(t) and (t) must be bounded quantities by virtue of definition (25). Given the boundedness of the reference trajectory γ, one has e&ε (t ) ∈ L∞ from the system dynamics (19). 1 T − t0 ∫ T t0 eT edt (34) where, T represents the total experimentation time and t0 is the initial time of interest. The better performance is for the smaller L2 norm. 135 Speed (rpm) Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 11(2): 132-136, 2016 440 430 420 410 The form of the network weight adaptation law for the neural network slide mode controller are derived from a Lyapunov stability theory. The numerical simulation shows that our control strategy owns the excellent performance in WECS than the exising result. Reference speed Turbine speed 400 390 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 380 370 This study was supported by Key Laboratory Foundation for power technology of renewable energy sources of Hunan Province (2011KFJJ004), Postdoctoral Foundation of China (20110491241), National Natural Science Foundation of China (60835004, 41007601), Foundation of Hunan Province Science and Technology Department (2011RS4035), Research Foundation of Hunan Provincial Education Department (10C0356) and Graduate Innovation Foundation of Hunan Province (521298297[08]). 360 350 340 0 100 200 300 Time (s) 400 500 600 Speed (rpm) Fig. 2: Speed tracking control performance with sliding mode method in De Battista et al. 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However, with the dynamical sliding mode power controller, there exists some obvious vibrations and deviations in the Fig. 2. CONCLUSION A neural network slide mode speed tracking control algorithm for directly drived WECS is presented in this study. The proposed intelligent robust controller guarantee global asymptotic stability of wind speed tracking control system and desired speed tracking performance with user specified dynamics. 136