Research Journal J of Appllied Sciences, Engineering annd Technologyy 5(1): 332-3388, 2013 ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN N: 2040-7467 © Maxwelll Scientific Orrganization, 2013 Submitted:: June 28, 2012 2 Accepted: July 19, 20012 Publisheed: January 01, 2013 Effect of o Heat up Rate R on Theermal Stratiification in Horizontal H P Pipe Athar Rasool, R Sun Zhongning Z annd Wang Jianjjun College of Nuclear N Sciennce and Technnology, Harbiin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiaang 150001, China C Abstract: The study is performed to analyze the efffects of heat up u rate on thermal stratificaation phenomennon in pressurizerr surge line. Th he horizontal section s of presssurizer surge line l is consideered for this stuudy since significant thermal strratification is usually u observeed in horizontall sections of thhe pressurizer surge s line. The tendency of thhermal stratificatioon reduces witth increasing flow f rates baseed on which four f cases of heat h up rates with w increasingg flow velocities are analyzed. The selected flow f velocitiess of 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 m/sec for the study are calcculated from the operating rangee of dimensionlless Froude nuumber 0.02-0.22 of pressurizedd water reactorr type nuclear power plants. Thee horizontal pip pe model innerr diameter is 3005 mm with thickness of 33.55 mm and lenggth of four diam meters. The Richaardson number for the four cases c is greateer than unity and a thermal strratification is likely to occuur. The transient analysis a is performed using commercially available sofftware ANSYS S CFX. The trransient tempeerature distributionn along the horizontal h pipee wall with different d heat up u rates is reepresented in this t study. Thhermal stratificatioon reduces with h increase in heat h up rate or flow f velocity. Keywordss: Pressurizer surge s line, reactor heat up ratee, RNG K-Eturrbulence modeel, thermel strattification INTRO ODUCTION Pressuurized Water Reactor (PWR R) type Nucleear Power Plannt (NPP) has been widely useed as commerccial power souurce. Pressurizer is a key coomponent of the t primary looop of a PWR. It I controls and compensates the t pressure annd volume surges in the prrimary loop. The T pressurizerr is connected with the hot leeg of the primaary loop throuugh pressurizerr surge line making m it a viital part. Any damage d to the pressurizer p surrge line influennce the integriity of primary y loop and hennce hampers the t operation of NPP. A scchematic diaggram of PWR is depicted inn Fig. 1. Thermal stratification n: Thermal stratification in pressurizerr surge line is well w known phhenomena. Whhen during in-ssurge or out-su urge hot fluid from hot leg or pressurizerr flows in the pressurizer suurge line alreaady occupied with w the cold fluid, f distinct layers l of fluidd is formed duue to density y difference. Such flow is categorizedd as thermally y stratified flow w and the relatted phenomenoon is known as a thermal strattification (IAE EA, 2003). Fig. 1: Schematic diaagram of Pressuurized Water Reactor R (PWR) thermall stratification is usually observed in horiizontal sectionn of the presssurizer surge line, since vertical v portionn is near to the pressurizer and a there is enough e mixingg in the sections with varying v slopess and curvatuures. h a complex geometry it ruuns Pressurizeer surge line: has down from m the pressurizeer till the hot leg l vertically and a horizontallly with varyin ng slopes andd curvatures. A generic pressurizer surgee line layout is depicted in Fig. 2. Greebner and Hofleer (1995) indiccated that the PWR operating coonditions: Thhe PWR typee NPP operatees at high preessure and tem mperature (15.55 MPa Correspond ding Author: Athar A Rasool, College of Nucleear Science and Technology, Haarbin Engineerinng University, Harbin, H Heilongjiang H 1500001, China 332 Res. J. Appl. A Sci. Engg. Technol., 5(11): 332-338, 20013 expansion (β), tem mperature diffference (ΔT)) and charactteristic length (D) and inverrsely proportioonal to the squuare of flow velocity (v). The expressioon for Richarddson number (R Ri) is given below: Ri Fig. 2: Layoout of pressurizeer surge line and 345°C C). Shah and Co onley (1989) discussed d that the t temperaturre difference between b the hoot leg fluid of the t primary loop and the preessurizer fluid can c be as high as 180ºC duriing heat up. Th he magnitude of the maximuum temperaturre difference depends on the pressure at which a stteam bubble forms fo in the prressurizer duriing heat up annd the pressuree at which thee reactor coolaant pumps aree started. Prior to start of thee reactor coolaant pumps, thee temperature of the coolant in the hot legg is typically 54ºC and the teemperature of the t coolant in the t pressurizerr can be as hig gh as the saturaation temperatuure 218ºC, whhich correspon nds to the minnimum pressuure, typically 2.24 2 MPa at wh hich the reactoor coolant pum mps can be opeerated. Grebneer and Hofler (1995) ( discusssed that the tem mperature diffeerence betweenn the hot leg fluuid of the prim mary loop and the pressurizeer fluid can be as high as 1500°C during heaat up phase. Shah and Conley (1989) ( mentioned potential of thermal strratification is greatest g during heat up and coool down phasses of reactor operation o becauuse the differennce between thhe pressurizerr and hot leg temperatures is largest theen. Similarly, (Kang ( and Jo, 2010) discusssed that the significant thermal stratiffication in the t pressurizerr surge line occcurs in the 2 modes m of reactor operation starting s up phaase (heat up) att the reactor coold shut downn condition and cooling-dow wn at the norm mal operation condition. c Thiss makes both reactor r operatiion modes boounding cases in terms of temperatuure gradients caused c in the wall w of the surge line. Non-dimensional param meters: The surge s lines weere w the assum mption that the coolant surgges designed with would sweeep the whole cross section of the surge liine piping buut the actual flow pattern appears to be stratified (Shah and Conley, C 1989). The therm mal stratificatioon can be deefined with thhe help of noondimensionaal parameters like Richarddson or Frouude numbers. Richardsoon number: Iss a non-dimenssional parametter, which is directly d proporrtional to Gravvity (g), therm mal gβΔTD/v (1) Whhen 2 fluids at different temperatures flow throughh a space, the convection c typpe can be deterrmined based on the magniitude of the Richardson R nuumber. Shah and a Conley (11989) mentionned the presennce of stratifieed flow for Ricchardson numbber greater thann unity and Kaang and Jo (2010) mentionned for Richaardson numberr above 10 thee natural conveection dominattes the flow field f and a strongly strattified flow caan be maintaiined until eiither the tem mperature diffe ference decreasses or the floow velocity inncreases enouugh to lower the t value of Richardson R nuumber below 0.1 or less. Froudee number: Is I a non-dimeensional paraameter, which is directly prooportional to fllow velocity (vv) and inverseely proportional to the tem mperature diffe ference (ΔT). Taupin T et al. (1989) and Ensel E et al. (1995) ( perform med test for thhermal stratificcation in presssurizer surge line l and reveaaled that tempperature profilee in a stratifieed cross sectioon is mainly correlated c to Froude F numberr, depending on the flow w velocity annd the temperature differencce between hott leg and pressuurizer. The exppression of Frooude number (F Fr)is given bellow: Fr ⁄ with 2 (2) where, ρ is the fluuid density at hot leg (HL L) and pressurrizer (PZR) tem mperature. Abbove critical Froude F numberr for high flow w velocities strratification vannishes. XYZ mentioned m that the pressurizeed water reactoor type nuclearr power plant operates in thhe range of Froude F numberr 0.01 to 0.2. The damagee to the presssurizer surge line due to thermal strattification has been reporteed since 1988 (NRC, 1988a, b, c). IAEA (2003) ( mentionned that high temperature t diffference in exiistence of therrmal stratificaation can conssiderably affect the integritty of the presssurizer surge liine. Initially thhermal stratificcation effects have not beenn considered in the design of NPP. Hoowever, the new design off NPP incorpoorates the effects of thermal stratifiication phenom menon to thhe pressurizerr surge linee and subsequuently is part of o safety analyssis report. Therrefore, it is necessary n to analyze a and evvaluate the thhermal stratificcation phenom menon in presssurizer surge line l of PWR. Kang and Joo (2008) highhlighted that many researchers and scienntists have ussed various meethods and teechniques to annalyze this pheenomenon. How wever 333 Res. J. Appl. A Sci. Engg. Technol., 5(11): 332-338, 20013 Table 1: Propperties of pipe material and fluid Values Parameters Pipe Materiial ASME SA--312 Pipe inner diameter d (ID) 305 mm Pipe thickneess (t) 33.5 mm Density m3 8000 Kg/m 16.3 W/m-K K Thermal connductivity Specific heaat capacity 500 J/kg-K Thermal exppansivity 17e-6 /K Fluid (waterr) IAPWS IF997 Fluid Initiall Temperature 51.7 C Fluid Inlet Velocity V 0.05 m/sec Fluid Inlet Velocity V 0.05 m/sec Reynolds nuumber 0.283x105 - 1.05x105 The trransient tempperature distrribution alongg the horizonntal pipe wall for f the reactor starting up (heeat up) phase at a reactor coldd shutdown coondition is anaalyzed and reppresented. EL DESCRIPT TION MODE Geomeetric configu uration and properties: The dimenssions of horizoontalpipe are selected s on thee basis of surgge line dimenssions. Generallly pressurizer surge line is 250 to 350 mm m diameter stainless steeel pipe (Shah and Conley, 1989). The geeometrical datta and propertties of pipe material andd fluid are givven in Table 1. 1 IAPWS IF977, built in ANS SYS CFX, is utilized u for fluid properties inn calculations (A ANSYS, 2010a). Thhe horizontal pipe p geometry configuration along with loocation of monnitoring points (top to bottom m inner and outter surface) andd planes (at disstance 1D to 3D) are depicteed in fig. 3. Fig. 3: Horrizontal pipe laayout and location of monitoriing poiints and planes with the breakthrough b in i computer technologies t a and advert of parallel p processing it has beeen made possibble to simulatee such complex x phenomena. The sttudy is perform med to evaluaate the effects on thermal stratification s in horizontaal sections of pressurizerr surge line wiith increasing heat h up rate. For F the same 4 cases based on increasing fllow velocities are a consideredd. The horizon ntal pipe moddel is simulatted using com mmercially avaailable software ANSYS CF FX. Table 2: Frouude number for fou ur cases C) Temperature (°C Dia. ----------------------------------D (m) TC TH Case 1 218 0.35 51.7 Case 2 0.35 51.7 218 Case 3 0.35 51.7 218 Case 4 0.35 51.7 218 Probleem Statement:: In the presennt problem, 4 cases with diifferent flow veelocities basedd on general rannge of Froudee number for PWR P type NPP given in Taable 2, are connsidered. The flow is strattified based on o the Richarddson number range r for 4 casses given in Taable 3, thus, thhe buoyancy force f will stronngly affect thee flow field. Initially cold fluid f at a specified temperatture of 51.7ºC occupies thee horizontal pipe p maintainning a steady state conditionn. Then at a certain time hot fluid at a specified temperrature of 218ºC C begin to flow w into the horrizontal pipe, a typical out surrge case. The pipe p is horizonntal with one inlet i and outleet. The fluid fllow in the horrizontal pipe reemains turbuleent for the fourr cases as the Reynolds num mber range iss large as shoown in Table 1. 1 The turbulennt flow behavioor is considered with the RN NG K-E turbulence model. (K K-E, RNG K--E and SST). For F buoyancy calculations thhe density diffe ference is evaluuated directly using full buuoyancy model. The referennce pressure is equal e to 2.24088 Mpa. Density (kg/m3) D ---------------------------------ρC ρH 9 988.3 8442.78 9 988.3 8442.78 9 988.3 8442.78 9 988.3 8442.78 Table 3: Richhardson number fo or four cases Temperaturre (°C) Dia. ----------------------------------------D (m) TC TH Case 1 0.35 51.7 218 Case 2 0.35 51.7 218 Case 3 0.35 51.7 218 Case 4 0.35 51.7 218 Acc. (m/s2) g 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81 334 Acc. (m m/s2) g 9.881 9.881 9.881 9.881 Expansion Coefficient (1/K) β for ΔT Δ avg 9.63×10-4 9.63×10-4 9.63×10-4 9.63×10-4 Velociity (m/s) v 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.20 Velocityy (m/s) v 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.20 Froude numberr (Fr) 0.014 0072 0.145 0.29 Richardson number (R Ri) 4696 187 47 11 Res. J. Appl. A Sci. Engg. Technol., 5(11): 332-338, 20013 Boundaryy Conditions: The solution domain consiists of horizonttal pipe, which h can be further subdivided innto two sub domains, d fluid and solid dom mains. The fluuid domain coonsists of flow w field inside horizontal pippe. The solid domain d consistts of the regionn bounded by the t inner and outer o wall surfa faces of horizonntal pipe. To taake into accouunt the Fluid d Structure Innteraction (FS SI) Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) analysiis is incorporatted into the CF FD analysis. In n solid domainn, where theree is no flow and a conductio on is the onlyy mode of heeat transfer, thhe conservation n of energy eqq. is simplified as the unsteaady heat con nduction eq. The Unsteaady Reynolds Averaged Navies N Stokess equations for f conservatioon of mass, mo omentum, enerrgy and turbuleent quantities used in this study can bee expressed inn a Cartesian coordinate sysstem as in refe ference (ANSY YS, 2010a; Whhite, 1991) CFD analyysis: Model Meesh: To simullate the flow as accurately as possible both flow and fluid solid intterface boundaary hed using ANS SYS ICEM. The T regions aree finely mesh grid densitty along the pip pe length is less fine comparred with radiaal or circumferrential directioons as shown in fig. 4.The fluid and sollid domain is discredited innto e in fluuid 43,065 hexxahedral elements (30,537 elements domain annd 12,528 eleements in soliid domain). The T hexahedrall elements typee grid scheme is used due to its more realiistic results. The overall mesh m quality is greater thaan 0.65 on thee scale from 0 to 1 based on ANSYS IC CEM mesh quality criteria (A ANSYS, 2010b). The aspecct ratio, edge length ratio, element volum me ratio and mesh expansio on factor lies well within the t YS, specified criteria based on ANSYS CFX (ANSY T 2010a). Thhe same mesh is used for all simulations. The first node distance is approximated a on the basis of boundary layer thicknesss for pipe (δ = 0.0324 D Re R 0.875 ) and the t boundary layer is resolveed using over 10 nodes. Thee overall grid expansion ratiio of 1.2 is ussed Rasool et al. (2012). Th he same meshh is used for all cases. TS AND DISCU USSION RESULT Thhe transient progressionss of tempeerature differennce between thhe top and bottom inner waall and outer wall w surfaces of o horizontal piipe at a distannce 2D for diff fferent heat upp rates are deppicted in Fig. 5& 6, respecttively. Thhe top to bottom m inner wall surfaces s tempeerature differennce is large in the beginning and quickly reeduces and later on progresssively stabilizees almost to unniform temperature differencce for each casee. Thhe top to bottom m outer wall surfaces s tempeerature differennce increases initially and progresssively decreasses with the elaapsed time. Inner wall w surfaces:: The large tem mperature diffe ference initiallyy between the inner wall suurfaces of horiizontal pipe is due to the flow w of hot fluid (218°C) in horiizontal pipe alrready occupiedd with cold fluiid (51.7ºC). Thhe hot 0.01 m/s 0.05 m/s 0.1 m/s m 0.2 m/s m 1800 1600 1400 Temperature ( C) Fig. 4: Horizontal pipe grid scheme and gridd density Probleem setup: The governinng equationss are discreddited using the finite volume approach. Thee CFD calculaations are perfo formed for totaal time of 10000 sec with tim me step size of 0.1. The turbbulent flow behhavior is simuulated using RNG R K-E turbuulence model. Flow near wall is treated using u scalable wall functionss, 1 of the built in user optioons in ANSYS S CFX. Heat trransfer in fluidd and solid dom mains is simullated using tottal and thermall energy optioons respectiveely in ANSYS SCFX, consideering both connduction and convection inn fluid domainn and conduuction in soolid domain. The conservvative interface flux option is selected foor heat transferr between fluid and solid. High resoolution advectiion scheme and 2nd ordeer backward Euler transiennt scheme is used. The convergence criteriion for all majjor parameterss is determined at each tim me step when RMS R residual is i less than 100-3. The converrgence condition is met afterr 3 or 4 iteratioons at each timee step, except for the initial time t steps whiich requires upp to 10 or moree iterations. o 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 6000 Time (sec)) 800 1000 Fig. 5: Transient progrressions of tempperature differennce for d different heat upp rates betweenn top and bottom m inner w surfaces of cross section at a distance 2D wall 335 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 5(1): 332-338, 2013 100 0.01 m/s 0.05 m/s 0.1 m/s 0.2 m/s fluid having lesser density settles in the upper region of the horizontal pipe thus elevating the top inner wall surface temperature and resulting in large top to bottom temperature difference. The primary mode of heat transfer between fluid molecules is convection which is much quicker thus sharply reduces the top to bottom inner wall surfaces temperature difference. The hot fluid inflow is constant which keeps on increasing the bulk fluid temperature and thus progressively increasing the bottom inner wall surface temperature which in result reduces the top to bottom inner wall surfaces temperature difference. 90 Temperature (°C) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 Time (sec) 800 Outer wall surfaces: The less quick progression of top to bottom outer wall surfaces temperature difference than top to bottom inner wall surfaces temperature difference is due to the mode of heat transfer. The heat transfer between the inner wall surfaces to the outer wall surfaces is only through conduction whereas convection takes place 1000 Fig. 6: Transient progressions of temperature difference for different heat up rates between top and bottom outer wall surfaces of cross section at a distance 2D (a) 250 TIS TOS BIS BOS (b) 250 TOS BOS 200 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) 200 150 100 50 150 100 50 0 0 0 200 400 600 Time (sec) 800 1000 0 200 250 400 600 Time (sec) 800 1000 (d) 250 (c) 200 Temperature (°C) 200 Temperature (°C) TIS BIS 150 100 50 TIS TOS BIS BOS 150 100 50 0 0 0 200 400 600 Time (sec) 800 TIS TOS 0 1000 200 400 600 Time (sec) 800 1000 Fig. 7: Transient progressions of Top Inner Surface (TIS), Top Outer Surface (TOS), Bottom Inner Surface (BIS) and Bottom Outer Surface (BOS) temperatures for different heat up rates, (a) 0.01 m/s, (b) 0.05 m/s, (c) 0.1 m/s, (d) 0.2 m/s along cross section at a distance 2D 336 Res. J. Appl. A Sci. Engg. Technol., 5(11): 332-338, 20013 Fig. 7: Traansient temperatture distributionns along the cross secction at a distance 2D at elapsed time of 100 sec Fig. 8: Trransient temperatture distributionns along the crosss sectioon at a distance 2D 2 at elapsed tim me of 200 sec between fluid f moleculees and is mucch quicker thhan conductionn. The bulk k fluid tempperature slow wly progresses towards un niformity whhich results in comparativvely large top to bottom outter wall surfacces temperaturre difference. The top to boottom outer wall w surfaces teemperature diffference signifiicantly decreasses towards thhe end of simu ulation period as the bulk fluuid temperaturres reaches hom mogeneity. Figuree. 7 depicts thaat with the inccrease in heat up rate the innner wall surfaaces temperatuures approach to homogeneiity and simillarly the outeer wall surfacces temperaturre exhibits thee same trend.. Thus with the t increase inn heat up ratte top to botttom temperatuure difference reduces. Fig. 9: Transient tempperature distribuutions along thee cross section at a disttance 2D at elappsed time of 400 sec Fig. 10:: Transient tempperature distribuutions along thee cross section at a disttance 2D at elappsed time of 10000 sec Thhe transient temperature disttributions alonng the cross section s at a distance d 2D at elapsed time of o 100, 200, 4000 and 1000 sec s for differeent heat up rattes are depicteed in Fig. 8, 9, 10 and 11, reespectively. It can c be observeed that with thee increase of heat h up rate the top to bottom m temperature difference d reduuces. The maxximum top to bottom b temperrature differencce is observed at low flow veelocity of 0.011 m/sec for whhich the Richaardson numberr is very high as shown in Table T 3, whereaas it is minimuum at flow veelocity of 0.2 m/sec m for which the local Richardson R num mber is close too unity. 337 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 5(1): 332-338, 2013 CONCLUSION A simple horizontal pipe is considered to study the effects of heat up rate on thermal stratification of pressurizer surge line of PWR. The turbulent behavior of fluid flow is analyzed with RNG K-E turbulence model. The temperature distribution along the cross section is highly dependent on flow velocity and with increase of heat up rate top to bottom temperature difference reduces quickly with elapsed time. The maximum top to bottom inner and outer wall surfaces temperature difference is obtained for flow velocity of 0.01 m/sec and minimum top to bottom inner and outer wall surfaces temperature difference is obtained for flow velocity of 0.2 m/sec. Hence at low flow velocities the flow is highly stratified and the tendency of stratification reduces with increase in heat up rate. The results obtained verify the dependency of stratified flows on Richardson number. REFERENCES ANSYS, 2010a.CFX manual. ANSYS Inc. ANSYS, 2010b. ICEM CFD manual. 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