Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 4(20): 4085-4092, 2012 ISNN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: March 14, 2012 Accepted: April 07, 2012 Published: October 15, 2012 Application of Metal Oxide Surge Arrester on the Non-Conventional Chaotic Ferroresonance Oscillation in Voltage Transformers 1,2 1 Hamid Radmanesh, 1Hamid Fathi and 1Hossein Hosseinian Electrical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran 2 Electrical Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University, Takestan Branch, Takestan, Ghazvin, Iran Abstract: In this study the effect of MOSA on controlling of the non-conventional ferroresonance overvoltage in the iron core voltage transformer is studied. It is expected that MOSA can generally damp ferroresonance overvoltages. Time-domain study is used to analyze this effect. Study is done on a voltage transformer rated 100VA, 275 kV. The magnetization characteristic of the transformer coil is modeled by a single-parameter twoterm polynomial with q = 7 degree of nonlinearity. Core loss is modeled by linear resistance. Simulation results show that connecting the MOSA in parallel to the voltage transformer, shows a great controlling effect of the ferroresonance oscillations. Phase plane, time domain voltage waveforms, FFT analysis and bifurcation diagrams are also given. Significant effect on settling down to the chaos, the range of parameter values that may lead to ferroresonance overvoltages and controlling these phenomena are obtained and presented. Keywords: MOSA, Chaos Control, Bifurcation Diagram, Ferroresonance oscillation, Voltage Transformers INTRODUCTION Ferroresonance is a complicated nonlinear electrical phenomenon, which can cause to dangerous transformer overvoltages multi times more than the normal equipment nominal voltages. The first analytical work was done by Rudenberg in the 1940’s (Rudenberg, 1950). More detailed work was carried out later by Hayashi in the 1950’s (Hayashi, 1964). Transformer models for transient studies based on field measurement are given in Dick and Watson (1981). A systematical method for suppressing ferroresonance at neutral-grounded substations is given in Yunge et al. (2003). In this study, the scheme for suppressing the ferroresonance is to insert resistance, made from parallel-connected resistors into the VT’s wye secondary circuit. Sensitivity studies on power transformer ferroresonance of a 400 kV double circuit are given in Charalambous et al. (2008). Novel analytical solution to fundamental ferroresonance in Yunge et al. (2006) investigated a major problem with the Traditional Excitation Characteristic (TEC) of nonlinear inductors, which the TEC contains harmonic voltages and/or currents and has been used the way as if it were made up of pure fundamental voltage and current. Stability domain calculations of period-1 ferroresonance in a nonlinear resonance circuit have been investigated in Jacobson et al. (2002). Later research has been divided into two main areas: improving the transformer models and studying ferroresonance. Application of wavelet transform and MLP neural network for ferroresonance identification was done in Mokryani and Haghifam (2008). In this paper an efficient method for detection of ferroresonance in distribution transformer based on wavelet transform is presented. Impacts of transformer core hysteresis formation on stability domain of ferroresonance modes were done in Rezaei-Zare et al. (2007).The susceptibility of a ferroresonance circuit to a quasi-periodic and frequency locked oscillations are presented in Chkravarthy and Nayar (1997). The effect of initial conditions on the chaotic ferroresonance is investigated in Mozaffari et al. (1997). Effect of circuit breaker grading capacitance on ferroresonance in VT is investigated in Al Zahawi et al. (1998). Analysis of ferroresonance modes in power transformers using preisach-type hysteretic magnetizing inductance is described in Rezaei-Zare et al. (2007). Frame in Frame et al. (1982) has developed piecewise-linear methods of modeling the nonlinearities in saturable inductances. Smith (Smith et al., 1975) categorized the modes of ferroresonance in the distribution transformer based on the magnitude and appearance of the voltage waveforms. The implications of applying MOSA arresters in the distribution environment are described in Short et al. (1994) and Kershaw et al. (1989). In Walling et al. (1994), it has been pointed out that the arresters have a mitigating effect on the chaotic ferroresonance in pad mount transformers. The effect of a connected MOSA arrester in parallel to the power transformer is illustrated in Al-Anbarri et al. (2001). Corresponding Author: Hamid Radmanesh, Electrical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran Tel: (+98-21)64543335, Fax: (+98-21) 88212072 4085 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(20): 4085-4092, 2012 Reserve Busbar Main Busbar i Cseries i3 i1 D isconnector1 Grading Capacitor Cshunt e D isconnector2 i2 Rcore Ltrans V Fig. 2: Basic reduced equivalent ferroresonance circuit (Hamid, 2010) Circuit Breaker VT D isconnector3 Fig. 1: Power system one line diagram arrangement resulting in VT ferroresonance oscillation (Hamid, 2010) Ferroresonance of power transformers considering nonlinear core losses and metal oxide surge arrester effects has been studied in Hamid et al. (2012). Considering the hysteresis loop to study a single-phase transformer working under switching devices (mostly SCR) operations shows steady state depended on load and firing angles values (Strimbu et al., 2007). In Hamid (2010) and Hamid (2010) controlling ferroresonance in voltage transformer including linear and nonlinear core losses by considering circuit breaker shunt resistance effect has been shown and is clearly indicative of the effect of core losses nonlinearity on the system behavior and margin of occurring ferroresonance. Current paper studies controlling effect of the MOSA on the ferroresonance oscillation in the voltage transformer. magnetizing characteristic of the 100VA voltage transformer can be presented by 7 order polynomial (Hamid, 2010). Figure 1 shows the single line diagram of the most commonly encountered system arrangement be basin voltage transformer ferroresonance. Ferroresonance oscillation can occur upon opening of the disconnector 3 while circuit breaker open and either disconnector 1 or 2 are closed. Alternatively it can also occur upon closure of both disconnectors 1 or 2 with circuit breaker and disconnector 3 is open. By using the thevenin theorem and applying it to the power system in Fig. 1, it can be changed to an equivalent circuit that is known as ferroresonance circuit as shown in Fig. 2. In Fig. 2, E is the RMS input phase voltage, Cseries is the circuit breaker capacitance and Cshunt is the total existing capacitance of the power system. The resistor R represents voltage transformer core losses. In the peak current range, flux-current characteristic becomes highly nonlinear and 8-i characteristic of the voltage transformer is modeled by the polynomial: I = a8+b87 (1) where, " = 3.14 and b = 0.41. The polynomial of (1) and the coefficient (b) of it are chosen for the best fit of the saturation region. METHODOLOGY system modeling without MOSA: Voltage Transformer (VT) ferroresonance oscillation originates between the nonlinear iron core inductance of the voltage transformer and existing capacitances of the power system. In this case, energy is coupled with the nonlinear core of the voltage transformer via the open circuit breaker grading capacitance or system capacitance to sustain the resonance (Hamid, 2010). The result might be the saturation in the VT core and depicts very high voltage values up to 4p.u which can be theoretically gained in the worst conditions (Hamid, 2010). Voltage transformers have a relatively low thermal capacity, thus, overheating can cause insulation failure sooner than expected. The System dynamic and equation: Mathematical analysis of the equivalent circuit by applying KVL and KCL is done and equations of system can be presented as below: 4086 λ peak = 2 v RMS ω (2) vL = dλ dt (3) e= 2 E sin ωt (4) Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(20): 4085-4092, 2012 (aλ + bλ ) ⇒ ( C C + C ) ( 7 ser ser + d 2λ dt 2 ) ω dt 2 ( ) 2 E cosωt = sh Table 1: Parameter value for simulation without MOSA parameters Parameter Actual value Per unit value E 275kV 1 p.u W 377 rad/sec 1 p.u Cseries 0.5nf 39.959 p.u Cshunt 1.25nf 98.962 p.u Rcore 225 M 0.89 p.u 1 dλ + R dt + 1 d 2λ 1 1 dλ + aλ + bκ 7 Rω ( Cser + Csh ) dt ω ( Cser + Csh ) (5) Voltage of transformer (perunit) 2 Cser Eω cos ωt = ( Cser + Csh ) where, T is the input supply frequency, E is the RMS input supply phase voltage, Cseries is the circuit breaker capacitance and Cshunt is the total phase-to-ground capacitance of the power system and in (1) a = 3.4 and b = 0.41 are the seven order polynomial sufficient. The state-space formulation (8 and d8/dt as state variables) is as followed: 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -1.5 ⎧ x1 (t ) = λ ⎪ x (t ) = x& (t ) ⎪ 2 1 ⎨ ⎪ v = dλ / dt ⎪⎩ x2 (t ) = v x&2 (t ) = − 3 (6) λ2 + pλ + q = 0 ) 1 ax1 (t ) + bx1 (t ) 7 + cseries + cshunt (7) ⎡ x&1 (t ) ⎤ ⎢ x& (t ) ⎥ = ⎣ 2 ⎦ 1 ⎤ −1 ⎥ R(cseries + cshunt ) ⎥⎦ (8) 0 ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ u1 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎛ ⎞ = c ⎢u ⎥ ⎢ series ⎟ ωE 2 cos(ωt )⎥⎥ ⎣ 2 ⎦ ⎢⎜ ⎣ ⎝ cseries + cshunt ⎠ ⎦ (9) y(t) = CX(t) (10) y(t) = v(t) [0 1][x1(t) x2(t)] det[8I - A] = 0 λ ⎡ 6 det ⎢ a + b( x1 (t )) ⎢ ⎣⎢ cseries + cshunt 1 (11) − p± ,q = 1.5 p 2 − 4q 2 (14) a cserie s + cshunt (15) R(cseries + cshunt ) p= 1 a ,q = R(cseries + cshunt ) cseries + cshunt (16) Table 1 shows value of the power system parameters are used to driving the simulation results while parameters are not included. By considering these values, Eigenvalue for normal operation is: 81 = -0.002 + j0.73 82 = -0.002 ! j0.73 (12) −1 ⎤ ⎥=0 1 λ+ ⎥ ( cseries + cshunt ) ⎥⎦ λ1,2 p= ⎛ ⎞ cseries ⎜ ⎟ ωE 2 cos(ωt ) c + c ⎝ shunt series ⎠ 0 ⎡ −a b ⎢ − x1( t ) 6 ⎢c + c c series + cshunt ⎣ series shunt ⎡ x1 (t ) ⎤ ⎡ 0⎤ ⎢ x ( t ) ⎥ + ⎢1 ⎥ u ⎣ 2 ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ 0 -0.5 0.5 1.0 Current of MOV (perunit) Fig. 3: V-I characteristic of MOSA 1 x2 (t ) − R(cseries + cshunt ) ( -1.0 (17) Metal oxide surge arrester model: MOSA is a highly nonlinear resistor used to protect power system equipments against ferroresonance and other over voltages. The nonlinear V-I characteristic of the MOSA surge arrester is modeled by exponential functions of the form: ⎛ I ⎞ V ⎟⎟ = Ki ⎜⎜ Vref ⎝ I ref ⎠ (13) 4087 1/α i (18) Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(20): 4085-4092, 2012 Cseries Voltage of transformer iL iCser iCshunt Cshunt e 2.5 2.0 KCL KVL iR 0 -0.5 V Ltrans R MOV -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 Fig. 4: equivalent ferroresonance circuit with MOSA 0 Table 2: Parameter value for simulation with MOSA parameters Parameter Actual value Per unit value E 275kV 1 p.u W 377 rad/sec 1 p.u Cseries 0.5nf 39.959 p.u Cshunt 1.25nf 98.962 p.u Rcore 225 M 0.89 p.u a 26 K 2.5101 = (C 1 dλ 1 ⎛ dλ ⎞ − ⎜ ⎟ Rcore dt C ⎝ kdt ⎠ + Cshunt ) ⎛ d 2 λ ⎞ ⎜ 2⎟ Cseries ⎝ dt ⎠ − 1 (aλ + bλ7 ) Cserie s 200 100 150 Current (perunit) 250 300 (19) series where, T represents the power system frequency, E is the peak value of the input voltage source as shown in Fig. 2. Table 2 shows the parameters value of the power system including MOSA. In this state, system for both cases, with and without MOSA is simulated for E = 1 and 4 p.u. The studied system has a periodic behavior for E = 1 p.u and fundamental or subharmonic resonance behavior for E = 4 p.u while by applying MOSA, system behavior remains periodic and fundamental oscillation for E = 1 p.u and E = 4 p.u. Fig. 5 and 6 show time domain simulation for these two cases that represented the sinusoidal voltage wave form with a frequency equal to the power system Voltage of transformer 3 System modelling with MOSA: Figure 4 shows system modeling which MOSA is connected in parallel to the transformer. The differential equation for the circuit in Fig. 4 can be modified as follows: ωE cosωt − 50 Fig. 5: Time domain simulation for fundamental resonance motion without MOSA effect where, V represents resistive voltage drop, I shows arrester current, K and " are nonlinearity constant and its value is dependent to the each column of the arrester. This V-I characteristic is simulated and represented in Fig. 3. Connecting MOSA to the power system including voltage transformer in Fig. 2, circuit can be modified as is shown in Fig. 4. α 1.5 0.5 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 50 200 100 150 Current (perunit) 250 300 Fig. 6: Time domain simulation for fundamental resonance motion with MOSA efect frequency, these results show the fundamental resonances in the system. SIMULATION RESULTS The nonlinear dynamic questions do not have simple analytical solution. So the equations were solved numerically using an embedded Runge-Kutta- Fehlberg algorithm. Values of E and T were assumed by 1 p.u., corresponding to AC input supply phase voltage and frequency. Cseries is the circuit breaker grading capacitance and its value directly depends on the type of circuit breaker which is used. In this analysis Cseries is fixed 0.5nF and Cshunt varies between 0.1nF to 3nf. Initial conditions are V (t ) = 2 , λ (t ) = 0 at t = 0, showing circuit breaker operation at maximum voltage. Fig. 6 and 7 show the simulation results for E = 4 p.u including MOSA. By referring to Fig. 6 and comparing it with Fig. 8, it is shown that the MOSA clamps the overvoltages and its behavior reaches to the normal condition. MOSA surge arrester successfully controlled these oscillations and limits its amplitude to 3p.u as shown in Fig. 7. By applying MOSA to the system, fundamental oscillations become smoother as are shown in Fig. 9. Without MOSA, Phase plan of the chaotic case is shown 4088 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(20): 4085-4092, 2012 Voltage of transformer 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 50 200 100 150 Current (perunit) 250 300 Fig. 7: Time domain simulation for fundamental resonance motion with MOSA effect Voltage of transformer 10 5 0 -5 -10 0 50 200 100 150 Current (perunit) 250 300 Fig. 8: Time domain simulation for chaotic motion without MOSA in Fig. 10. In this case, overvoltage’s reaches up to 8 p.u. By applying MOSA in parallel, overvoltage is decreased to maximum 3p.u according to the Fig. 9. It is clear that MOSA clamps the ferroresonance overvoltage and keep it in E = 3p.u. Due to the nonlinear behavior of the MOSA surge arrester, it doesn’t allow to the overvoltages crossing 2.2 p.u which is operating threshold of this device MOSA has operated and has damped extra oscillation to the ground. In this study, the effect of variation in the voltage of the system on the ferroresonance overvoltage in the VT was investigated and finally the effect of applying MOSA on this overvoltage by the bifurcation diagrams was shown. By using the bifurcation diagrams, Fig.11 evidently shows the ferroresonance overvoltage in voltage transformer when voltage of system increases up to 2.5 p.u. In Fig. 11 when E = 0.25 p.u, voltage of VT has a period-1 behavior, in E = 1 p.u, period-3 appears and in E = 3 p.u, its behavior is similar to the one of Period-5 oscillation. Fig 12, show the controlling effect of MOSA on the nonlinear oscillation of the same voltage of transformer. By applying MOSA, system behaviors coming out from chaotic region and MOSA clamps the nonlinear overvoltage, it is also shown subharmonic resonance of the previous case is damped and in the worst case of over voltages period-5 oscillation is appeared. In Fig. 13 while E = 0.25 p.u, voltage of VT has period-1 behavior but when E gets 0.95 p.u value, one jump in the trajectory of the system happens.The behavior becomes period-3 and after this sudden voltage, crisis takes place and system behavior goes to the chaotic region, after that, when the input voltage reaches to 2.3 p.u, system comes out from chaotic region, but with too much subharmonic resonances in the system. Finally,with E between 2.3- 2.7 p.u, system remains in period-5 oscillations. After 1.5 p.u, system goes to chaotic region again.It is shown that system behavior follow period doubling bifurcation schema and there are many fundamental and subharmonic resonances in the system. Keeping system parameters, but applying MOSA leads interesting results shown in Fig. 14. Fig. 9: Phase plan diagram for fundamental resonance motion with MOSA effect 4089 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(20): 4085-4092, 2012 Fig. 10: Phase plan diagram for chaotic motion without MOSA effect Fig. 11: Bifurcation diagram for voltage of transformer versus voltage of system, without MOSA effect Fig. 12: Bifurcation diagram for voltage of transformer versus voltage of system with applying MOSA effect 4090 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(20): 4085-4092, 2012 Fig. 13: Bifurcation diagram for voltage of transformer versus voltage of system, without MOSA effect Fig. 14: Bifurcation diagram for voltage of transformer versus voltage of system applying MOSA effect Table 3: Parameter value for simulation Parameter Actual value E 275kV w 377 rad/sec Cseries 0.5 nf Cshunt 0.19nf R 222M period-1 and after 1.8 p.u, goes to chaotic region, again in 3.5 p.u it goes back to the linear region. Per unit value 1 p.u 1 p.u 39.959 p.u 15.042 p.u 0.89p.u CONCLUSION Corresponding bifurcation diagram with the same parameter in the case of applying MOSA in parallel is clearly shown in Fig. 14. According to the parameters of Table3, it is shown that by changing the Cseries from 0.1 nf to 0.19 nf, amplitude and behavior of ferroresonance overvoltage greatly changes. This plot is completely different by Fig. 11. By applying MOSA in this case, it is shown that MOSA has great effect on overvoltage and can successfully cause ferroresonance drop out. In Fig. 14 by applying MOSA to the system, overvoltage on VT has been limited to 2.5 p.u, By varying voltage of system up to 4 p.u it is shown that trajectory of system remains Studying nonlinear phenomena in voltage transformers is exhibiting fundamental frequency and chaotic ferroresonance oscillation similar to power transformers. Simulation results are indicative of a change in the value of the equivalent line to ground capacitance, circuit breaker grading capacitance and system parameters may originate different types of non-conventional ferroresonance oscillations. It is shown that if nonconventional oscillations occur, MOSA surge arrester can successfully control the amplitude of these nonlinear ferroresonance over voltages. 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