Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 4(3): 308-315, 2012 ISSN: 2041-0492 © Maxwell Scientific Organization,2012 Submitted: December 02, 2011 Accepted: January 04, 2012 Published: March 01, 2012 Diversity of Halophyte Desert Vegetation of the Different Saline Habitats in the Valley of Oued Righ, Low Sahara Basin, Algeria Halis Youcef, Benhaddya Mohammed Lamine, Bensaha Hocine, Mayouf Rabah, Lahcini Ali and Belhamra Mohamed Scientific and Technical Research Center for Arid Areas (CRSTRA), BP 1682 RP, Biskra 07000, Algeria Abstract: The aim of the present study was to investigate the floristic composition and diversity of the different habitat types in the saline areas of the valley of Oued Righ, locating in the low Sahara basin of Algeria. Three distinct saline habitats were examined: saline soil habitats, subsaline soil habitats, and waterlogged habitats. A total of 67 stands along the study area were investigated using the quadrat method, and different vegetation parameters, such as cover, frequency, density, and Importance Value Index (IVI), were recorded. Differences of species diversity and richness between saline habitats were also compared. A total of 38 plant species belonging to 29 genera and 13 families were identified from the three studied habitats. Chenopodiaceae was the predominant family. The majority of the species were of Saharo-Arabian distribution. Chemaephytes had the highest contribution to the life forms spectra. Species composition in the different habitat types showed differences in species richness. Subsaline soil habitats were the most diverse, followed by saline soil habitats. Waterlogged habitats had the lowest diversity. The floristic composition and the dominant species of each habitat were presented. The potential role of the halophyte species was discussed. These findings may lead to a better understanding of the functions, requirements, and sensitivities of these ecosystems. Key words: Algeria, floristic diversity, halophyte vegetation, oued righ, Sahara desert, saline habitats and moderately saline lakes, salty and brackish swamps, streams and areas with high ground-water etc. High salinity, in combination with high temperatures, exert a strong influence over the distribution of plants in the arid and semiarid areas (Khan et al., 2001; Grattan and Grieve, 1999). Large inland salt flats (inland Sabkhat and Chotts) are found in various parts of Oued Righ. Chott Merouane is the largest of these and, after chott Melrhir in the region of Souf, the largest on the Sahara of Algeria. Chott Merouane is one of the internationally important wetlands catalogued in Algeria. It was designated as a wetland nature reserve under the international RAMSAR convention in 2001. In addition, Oued Righ is the richest part of Sahara desert of Algeria in aquatic ecosystems. The presence of various wetlands in the region, e.g., canals, irrigation and drainage networks, salt lakes and salt marshes create high suitable habitats for wildlife species, compared to the surrounding areas. The main salt lakes in Oued Righ are: Temacine Lake, Merjaja Lake, Megarine Lake, Ain Ezerga Lake, and Ayata lake. These lakes are of international conservation importance for migratory birds. Among these lakes, which have a rather rich flora and fauna, Ayata and Temacine Lakes are declared as special environment protection areas and they were declared as RAMSAR sites. INTRODUCTION The region of Oued Righ, also known as the valley of Oued Righ, is located in the northeastern Sahara desert of Algeria (low Sahara basin), occupying an area of about 600,000 km2. Climatically, this zone falls under hyperarid conditions and belongs to the Saharo-Arabian phytogeographical region. Along this valley, there are a number of large oases sited in depressions where ground water approaches the surface. The presence of these oases with various water ways (irrigation and drainage networks) increases the humidity and allow the growth of several vegetation types which provide habitats for large numbers of various organisms, from invertebrates to birds. However, many of these oases and cultivated areas suffer from water-logging and high salinity. The excess of soluble salts in these environments have a large influence on the ecosystem, plant growth and yield (Karimi et al., 2009). Salty habitats are the most abundant ecosystem type along the valley of Oued Righ. Saline soils of various nature and degree occupy more than 50% of the total area of the region. These include: salt-affected soils, salt flats (inland sabkhat and Chotts), saline and sandy soils, oases salt marshes, high salty and wet soils at margins of saline Corresponding Author: Mayouf Rabah, Scientific and Technical Research Centre for Arid Areas, Tel.: +213 33 73 42 14; Fax: +213 33 74 18 15 308 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(3): 308-315, 2012 Halophyte vegetation is a characteristic feature of saline lands. Halophytes are the plants capable of growing and surviving in the saline environments. A number of different mechanisms are used by halophytes to achieve osmotic adjustment, including inorganic ion accumulation, synthesis or accumulation of organic compounds and minimizing water loss (Ungar, 1991). Halophyte communities are of great importance in the valley of Oued Righ. They play crucial role in wind prevention and environmental protection. They also offer habitats for large numbers of various organisms. Many halophytes are beneficial with respect to economic aspect. They provide food products; building materials and fuel wood etc (Squires and Ayoub, 1994; El Shaer, 2008). However, the vegetation and plant diversity in the different saline habitats in the region of Oued Righ are, unfortunately, under severe threats due to environmental conditions and human impacts, and thus, there is an urgent need to document the vegetation associated with these habitats before irreparable damage is caused to these valuable ecosystems. Plant biodiversity is an important renewable natural resource, which can be harnessed for management and sustainable development. Studying the patterns of plant diversity in salty soils could be very helpful to better understand the functioning of these environments (Abd El-Wahab et al., 2008). Up to now, most of the studies on salt areas in the great Sahara Desert are just descriptive documentation of species and their classification (Quzel and Santa, 1963; Ozenda, 1977; Chehma et al., 2005; Chehma, 2006 ). No detailed examinations of the vegetation were carried out to describe various types of plant communities in different saline areas of Oued Righ. To offset this insufficiency of floristic knowledge, it is essential to determine and characterize the vegetation structure and species composition. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were to provide a contribution to the vascular flora, analysis of the structure and life forms of the vegetation, and quantitative description of different plant communities from various saline areas along the valley of Oued Righ. Within each saline area, three different habitats were identified and studied; saline soil habitats, subsaline soil habitats, and waterlogged habitats. Fig. 1: Map of the Valley of Oued Righ with the location of the research localities. 1: Chott Merouane; 2: Chott N Sigha; 3: Oued Khrouf; 4: Sidi Khlile; 5: Tindla; 6: Lake Ain Zerga; 7: Lake Ayata; 8: Lake Sidi Slimane; 9: Lake Megarine; 10: Lake Tataouine; 11: Lake Merjaja; 12: Lake Temcine 309 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(3): 308-315, 2012 March. The average annual rainfall is approximately 58 mm. The different research localities are shown in Fig. 1. ATERIALS AND METHODS Study area: The valley of Oued Righ is located in the northeastern Sahara desert of Algeria (Low Sahara basin), which occupies an area of about 600,000 km2. It extends about 160 km from El Goug in the South to Oum EL Thiour in the North with an average width ranging between 30 and 40 km in a south-north direction (Fig. 1). More exactly the study area lies between 32º53!50" to 34º10!00" north latitudes and between 5º47!50" to 6º10!00" East longitudes. The altitude of this zone varies from 70 to -27 m above mean sea level. The climate along this area is arid to hyperarid, characterized by low rainfall and high rates of evapotranspiration. Daily mean temperatures vary between 10ºC in the winter to 32ºC in the summer with August being the hottest month. Rainfall is generally low and tends to fall between November and Floristic analysis: A total of 12 sites of saline lands were surveyed along the valley of Oued Righ. The vegetation studies were carried out according to the Quadrat method by following the work of Braun-Blanquet (1932). A homogenous area, where species abundances and spatial distributions appeared uniform and where habitat conditions were constant, was used for the vegetation description. Three different microhabitats were identified and studied: saline soil habitats, subsaline soil habitats, and waterlogged habitats. Within each determined habitat, two or three representative areas (quadrats) were randomly selected for sampling. Sixty-seven quadrats were taken from different microhabitats during the period of optimal vegetation, i.e., in March and May 2010. The Table 1: List of plant species recorded in the study area with their families, life forms and floristic regions (Chorotype). The life forms are Ch: chaemaephytes; Ge: geophytes; He: helophytes; Hm: hemicryptophytes; P: Parasites; Ph: phanerophytes; Th: therophytes. The floristic regions are COSM: Cosmopolitan; EN: Endemic to Sahara desert; ES: Euro-Sibarian; IT: Irano-Turanian; ME: Mediterranean; SA: SaharoArabian Family Plant species Life forms Chorotype Astraceae Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. Ge ME Brocchia cinerea Vis. Th SA Launaea glomerata (Goss.) HooK. Th SA Launaea resedifolia O.K. Th ME Sonchus maritimus L. Ge COSM Brassicaceae Diplotaxis harra (Forsk.) Boiss. Ch ME+SA Malcomia aegyptiaca Spr. Hm SA Caryophyllaceae Spergularia diandra (Cuss.) Heldr. Th ME+SA+IT Spergularia salina J. & C. Presl. Th ES+IT+ME Chenopodiaceae Anabasis articulate Moq. Ch SA+IT Atriplex halimus L. Ch ME+SA Bassia muricata (L.) Asch. Th SA+IT Cornulaca monacantha Del. Ch SA Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb. Ch ES+SA+ME+IT Haloxylon articulatum Boiss. Ch SA+ME Haloxylon schmittianum Pomel. Ch EN Salsola tetragona Delile. Ch SA Salsola tetrandra Forsk. Ch SA Sueda fructicosa L. Ch SA Suaeda mollis (Desf.) Del. Th SA Traganum nudatum Del. Ch SA Convolvulaceae Cressa cretica L. Th ME+IT Frankeniaceae Frankenia pulverulenta L. Th ME+IT+ES Juncaceae Juncus maritimis Lam. He SA+IT Orobanchaceae Cistanche violaceae (Desf.) Beck. P IT+ME+SA Plantaginaceae Plantago ciliata Desf. Th SA Plantago coronopu L. Th SA+IT Plumbaginaceae Limonium pruinosum (L.) Chaz. Ch SA Limonium echioides L. Hm ME Limoniastrum guyonianum Dur. Ph EN Poaceae Phragmites comminus Trin. He COSM Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Ge COSM Tamaricacea Tamarix gallica Webb. Ph SA Tamarix articulata Vahl. Ph SA Zygophyllaceae Fagonia Glutinosa Delile. Ch SA Fagonia latifolia Delile. Ch SA Nitraria Retusa (Forssk.) Asch. Ph SA Zygophyllum album L. Ch ME+SA 310 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(3): 308-315, 2012 quadrat size was estimated by means of minimal area and was determined as 400 m2 (20 m×20 m) for Saline and subsaline Soils vegetation and 30 m2 (3 m×10 m) for the waterlogged habitats. For each quadrat group representing a habitat type, the quantitative account of vegetation such as cover, density and frequency were calculated. Importance Value Index (IVI) was obtained for each species that was calculated by adding relative density, relative frequency and relative cover percentages (BraunBlanquet, 1965). Species identification and floristic categories were determined according to Quzel and Santa (1963) and Ozenda (1977). The life forms were determined according to Raunkiaer (1934). Fig. 2: Spectrum of life forms for the halophyte species recorded in the study area. Ch: chaemaephytes; Ge: geophytes; He: helophytes; Hm: hemicryptophytes; P: Parasites; Ph: phanerophytes; Th: therophytes RESULTS A total of 38 halophytic species within 29 genera and 13 families of flowering plants were recorded in the various habitats of the valley (Table 1). Dicotyledons comprised 92.1% of the total (35 species in 11 families), while the remainder consisted of 3 monocotyledons species (2 families). The family with the highest number of species was Chenopodiaceae, with 12 species, followed by Asteraceae (5 species) and Zygophyllaceae (4 species). Regarding the life forms spectra (Fig. 2), chamaephytes is the predominant life-form and constitute 39.5% of all recorded species, followed by therophytes (29%), phanerophytes (10.5%), geophytes (7.9%), hemicryptophytes (5.3%), cryptophytes (5.3%), and parasites (2.5%). The phytogeographical distribution (chorotype) of the plant species is given in (Fig. 3), showing that the majority of the species are of SaharoArabian distribution (42.1% mono-regionals+21% biregionals+15.8% pluri-regionals), followed by Mediterranean species (7.9% mono-regionals+13.1% biregionals+21.1% pluri-regionals). Two species were endemic to great Sahara Desert (Haloxylon schmittianum and Limoniastrum guyonianum). Quantitative investigations were carried out to describe the various types of halophyte vegetation. In fact, natural saline areas of the valley of Oued Righ can be divided ecologically into three different microhabitats, depending on the soil salinity and water availability: saline soils, subsaline soils, and waterlogged habitat. Species composition in the different habitats showed differences in species richness. The highest species richness was recorded from Subsaline habitat. Waterlogged habitat possessed less number of species (17 species; 44.7%) as compared to the rest of habitats. For the saline soil habitats, the general coverage rate was between 25 to 45%. The vegetation of these habitats consisted mainly of perennial semi-shrubby plants 1060cm in height. This vegetation was floristically dominated with Halocnemum strobilaceum species which had Absolute frequency (AF) of 100, Absolute cover Spices frequency 50 Mono-regionals Bi-regionals Pluri-regionals 40 30 20 10 Others COSM SA+IT SA+IT SA+ME E IT ME SA 00 Chorotypes Fig. 3: Phytogeographical distribution of the plant species of the different saline habitats. SA: Saharo-Arabian; ME: Mediterranean; IT: Irano-Turanian; E: Endemic to Sahara desert; SA+ME: Saharo-Arabian-Mediterranean; SA+IT: Saharo-Arabian-Irano-Turanian; ME+IT: Mediterranean-Irano-Turanian; COSM: Cosmopolitan. Others include Saharo-Arabian-Mediterranean-EuroSiberian, Saharo-Arabian-Mediterranean-IranoTuranian, and Saharo-Arabian-Mediterranean-IranoTuranian-Euro-Siberian (AC) of 0.52 and Importance value index (IVI) of 112.2 among all the observed species (Table 2). The Coassociated characteristic species in this high salty areas were Tamarix gallica, Aeluropus littoralis and Sueda fructicosa with IVI of 28.8, 21.92 and 18.12, respectively. The other associated species such as Zygophyllum album, Phragmites comminus, Limoniastrum guyonianum, Frankenia pulverulenta, and Juncus maritimis etc. had ecologically a lower significant representation in this vegetation. In the habitats of subsaline soil, the coverage rate ranged between 35 to 50%. Annual herbaceous plants 311 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(3): 308-315, 2012 Table 2:Absolute density, frequency and cover (numbers per 100 m2), their relative density, frequency, cover (%) and importance value index (IVI) of the halophyte species of the three saline habitats. Species are ranked in order of decreasing importance value. (AD: Absolute density; AF: Absolute frequency; AC: Absolute cover; RD: Relative density; RF: Relative frequency; RC: Relative cover; IVI: impotence value index). Species -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saline soil habitats AD AF AC RD RF RC IVI Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb. 1.280 100 0.520 44.5 13.5 54.2 112.2 Tamarix gallica Webb. 0.094 66 0.160 3.27 8.93 16.6 28.80 Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. 0.380 46 0.024 13.2 6.22 2.50 21.92 Sueda fructicosa L. 0.300 26 0.040 10.45 3.51 4.16 18.12 Zygophyllum album L. 0.080 60 0.050 2.78 8.11 5.20 16.09 Phragmites comminus Trin. 0.210 40 0.004 7.31 5.41 0.41 13.13 Limoniastrum guyonianum Dur. 0.020 46 0.033 0.69 6.22 3.43 10.34 Frankenia pulverulenta L. 0.090 33 0.020 3.13 4.46 2.08 9.67 Juncus maritimis Lam. 0.070 33 0.010 2.43 4.46 1.04 7.93 Limonium pruinosum (L.) Chaz. 0.030 33 0.020 1.04 4.46 2.08 7.58 Limonium echioides L. 0.010 26 0.022 0.34 3.51 2.29 6.14 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. 0.070 20 0.002 2.43 2.70 0.20 5.33 Tamarix articulata Vahl. 0.015 20 0.020 0.52 2.70 2.08 5.30 Anabasis articulate Moq. 0.012 20 0.020 0.41 2.70 2.10 5.21 Traganum nudatum De l.0.02 26 0.003 0.69 3.51 0.30 4.50 Sonchus maritimus L. 0.070 13 0.001 2.43 1.75 0.10 4.28 Atriplex halimus L. 0.010 26 0.002 0.34 3.51 0.20 4.02 Cressa cretica L. 0.010 20 0.002 0.34 2.70 0.20 3.24 Salsola tetrandra Forsk. 0.010 20 0.002 0.34 2.70 0.20 3.24 Nitraria Retusa (Forssk.) Asch. 0.010 20 0.002 0.34 2.70 0.20 3.24 Salsola tetragona Delile. 0.035 13 0.001 1.21 1.75 0.10 3.06 Suaeda mollis (Desf.) Del. 0.030 13 0.001 1.04 1.75 0.10 2.89 Spergularia diandra (Cuss.) Heldr. 0.010 13 0.002 0.34 1.75 0.20 2.29 Spergularia salina J. & C. Presl. 0.010 6.0 0.001 0.34 0.81 0.10 1.25 Subsaline soil habitats Limoniastrum guyonianum Dur. 0.820 86.7 0.250 22.84 5.83 32.5 61.17 Sueda fructicosa L. 0.540 940 0.150 15.04 0.32 19.23 34.59 Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb. 0.305 730 0.067 8.49 4.90 8.58 21.97 Zygophyllum album L. 0.310 800 0.050 8.63 5.37 6.41 20.41 Traganum nudatum Del. 0.254 800 0.035 7.07 5.37 4.48 16.92 Nitraria Retusa (Forssk.) Asch. 0.084 66.6 0.035 2.39 4.47 4.48 11.34 Brocchia cinerea Vis. 0.095 80.0 0.008 2.64 5.37 1.02 9.03 Tamarix gallica Webb. 0.080 80.0 0.090 2.22 5.37 1.15 8.74 Juncus maritimis Lam. 0.250 20.0 0.003 6.69 1.34 0.38 8.41 Malcomia aegyptiaca Spr. 0.078 60.0 0.015 2.17 4.03 1.92 8.12 Aeluropus littoralis 0.230 6.6 0.010 6.40 0.44 1.28 8.12 Bassia muricata (L.) Asch. 0.096 60.0 0.006 2.67 4.03 0.76 7.46 Salsola tetragona Delile. 0.035 60.0 0.006 0.97 4.03 0.76 5.76 Salsola tetrandra Forsk. 0.027 46.6 0.004 0.75 3.13 0.51 4.39 Cornulaca monacantha Del. 0.018 46.7 0.004 0.50 3.14 0.51 4.15 Launaea resedifolia O.K. 0.014 46.7 0.004 0.38 3.14 0.51 4.03 Launaea glomerata (Goss.) HooK. 0.028 40.0 0.004 0.77 2.68 0.51 3.96 Phragmites comminus Trin. 0.070 20.0 0.002 1.94 1.34 0.25 3.53 Plantago ciliata Desf. 0.022 33.3 0.003 0.61 2.23 0.38 3.22 Anabasis articulate Moq 0.012 33.4 0.003 0.33 2.24 0.38 2.95 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. 0.008 33.3 0.003 0.22 2.23 0.38 2.83 Atriplex halimus L. 0.005 33.4 0.003 0.13 2.24 0.38 2.75 Suaeda mollis (Desf.) Del. 0.013 26.6 0.002 0.36 1.78 0.25 2.39 Frankenia pulverulenta L. 0.013 26.6 0.002 0.36 1.78 0.25 2.39 Plantago coronopu L. 0.008 26.6 0.002 0.22 1.78 0.25 2.25 Haloxylon articulatum Boiss. 0.007 26.6 0.002 0.19 1.78 0.25 2.22 Limonium pruinosum (L.) Chaz. 0.017 20.6 0.002 0.47 1.38 0.25 2.10 Diplotaxis harra (Forsk.) Boiss. 0.002 26.7 0.002 0.05 1.79 0.25 2.09 Sonchus maritimus L. 0.015 20.0 0.002 0.41 1.34 0.25 2.00 Fagonia latifolia Delile. 0.005 20.0 0.001 0.13 1.34 0.12 1.59 Cistanche violaceae (Desf.) Beck. 0.007 20.0 0.002 0.19 1.34 0.25 1.78 Haloxylon schmittianum Pomel. 0.006 13.3 0.001 0.16 0.89 0.12 1.17 Tamarix articulata Vahl. 0.003 13.3 0.001 0.08 0.89 0.12 1.09 Spergularia diandra (Cuss.) Heldr. 0.002 13.4 0.001 0.05 0.90 0.12 1.07 Limonium echioides L. 0.001 13.3 0.001 0.002 0.89 0.12 1.01 Waterlogged habitats Phragmites comminus Trin. 7.420 100 0.71 49.5 14.5 51.1 119.1 Juncus maritimis Lam. 5.710 93 0.55 38.1 13.5 39.5 91.10 Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb. 0.865 74 0.06 5.77 10.3 4.31 20.41 Aeluropus littoralis 0.625 62 0.01 4.16 9.10 0.71 13.97 Tamarix gallica Webb. 0.070 66 0.02 0.46 9.59 1.43 11.48 312 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(3): 308-315, 2012 Table 2: (Countinue) Zygophyllum album L. Sueda fructicosa L. Sonchus maritimus L. Limonium echioides L. Cressa cretica L. Limoniastrum guyonianum Dur. Spergularia salina J. & C. Presl. Frankenia pulverulenta L. Suaeda mollis (Desf.) Del. Atriplex halimus L. Tamarix articulata Vahl. Spergularia diandra (Cuss.) Heldr. 0.090 0.097 0.040 0.037 0.012 0.006 0.005 0.010 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.002 40 40 40 33 33 26 20 20 13 13 60 60 0.010 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 were mainly found in this vegetation type. The dominant species were L. guyonianum and S. fructicosa which had AF of 86.7 and 94, AC of 0.25 and 0.15 and IVI of 61.17 and 34.59, respectively. The co-dominant characteristic species were H. strobilaceum, Z. album, Traganum nudatum, and Nitraria Retusa with IVI of 21.97, 20.41, 16.92, and 11.34, respectively. Many other species were associated within these vegetation type such as Brocchia cinerea, Salsola tetragona, Juncus maritimis, Malcomia aegyptiaca, Aeluropus littorali, Bassia muricata, Tamarix gallica, Salsola tetrandra and Cornulaca monacantha etc with IVI ranged between 9.03 to 1.01 during the period of study (Table 2). The waterlogged areas (aquatic macrophytes) were characterized by a dense vegetation cover (75 to 85%). Phragmites comminus and Juncus maritimis were the dominant species (Table 2). They attained the highest values of AF (100, 93), AC (0.71, 0.55) and IVI (119.1, 91.1) among the recorded species. The associated characteristic species were H. strobilaceum, A. littoralis, T. gallica, Z. album, S. fructicosa, Sonchus maritimus and Limonium echioides with IVI of 20.41, 13.97, 11.48, 7.12, 6.73, 6.35 and 5.25, respectively. Other associated species were rarely found among the dominant plants such as Cressa cretica, L. guyonianum, Spergularia salina, Frankenia pulverulenta, Suaeda mollis, Atriplex halimus, Tamarix articulate, Spergularia diandra. 5.80 5.81 5.81 4.79 4.79 3.77 2.90 2.90 1.88 1.88 0.87 0.80 10.7 0.28 0.28 0.21 0.21 0.14 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 17.12 6.73 6.35 5.25 5.08 3.95 3.07 3.01 1.96 1.96 0.95 0.88 addition, few ephemerals are also observed growing in these habitats like Brocchia cinerea, Bassia muricata, Launaea glomerata, Launaea resedifolia, and Malcomia aegyptiaca. These ephemerals come up during the rainy season, complete their life cycle before the advent of summer. Phytogeographical relations have a significant influence on species diversity as they largely determine the stock of species available in the past and present for inhabiting the area (Abd El-Wahab et al., 2008). Analysis of the floristic data revealed that the Saharo-Arabian elements are more common than the other floristic elements in the research area. This is due to the fact that the study area is located in the Algerian Sahara which is a part of the Saharo-Arabian phytogeographical region (Zohary, 1973). Furthermore, information regarding the life form of plant species may help in assessing the response of vegetation to variations in environmental factors (Ayyad and EI-Ghareeb, 1982). In the present study, chamaephytes is the predominant life-form. The high percentage of chamaephytes may be related to their ability to resist drought and salinity (El-Bana et al., 2002). Several studies on the correlation between the soil characteristics and the vegetation composition had discussed the significant relationship between the soil physicochemical characteristics and the species composition (Youssef et al., 2009). The variation in density, frequency and abundance between the species may be attributed to habitat differences and species characteristics for adaptation (Youssef and Al-Fredan, 2008). Overall, salinity, pH, moisture and available nitrogen are the major soil factors responsible for variations in the pattern of halophytic vegetation. Thus, halophytic vegetation could be used as an indicator for soil salinity, water content and nutrient content in saline areas (Li et al., 2008). The results of this study confirm that the distribution of halophytic vegetation types is most strongly correlated with soil salinity and moisture. The vegetation of saline soils which covers the heavily saline areas are characterized by very open halophyte vegetation, mainly with the extreme halophyte Halocnemum strobilaceum. The low species diversity of this vegetation type is related to the high salt concentration. The vegetation of subsaline soils is well- DISCUSSION This study is presented to describe the biodiversity of natural Saline Habitats of the valley of Oued Righ. Three distinct microhabitats were recognized based on the soil characteristics as follows: C C C 0.600 0.640 0.260 0.250 0.080 0.040 0.030 0.067 0.013 0.013 0.006 0.013 Saline soil habitats Subsaline soil habitats Waterlogged habitats with the exception of the submerged aquatic macrophytes, which characterized by a relatively dense and uniform vegetation cover, halophyte vegetation of Oued Righ region is sparse consisting mainly of dwarf shrubs and perennial herbs capable of salinity and drought resistance. Trees are few and scattered. Tamarix articulata is the tallest of tree with maximum height attained 4-6m. In 313 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(3): 308-315, 2012 Ayyad, M.A. and R.E. EI-Ghareeb, 1982. Salt marsh vegetation of the western Meditteranean desert of Egypt. Vegetatio, 49: 3-19. Braun-Blanquet, J., 1932. 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