Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 4(1): 99-104, 2012 ISSN: ©Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: August 11, 2011 Accepted: September 25, 2011 Published: January 01, 2012 Radiochemical Pollutants Concentration in Ghanaian Cement by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis and (-Ray Spectrometry 1 D.O. Kpeglo, 1H. Lawluvi, 1A. Faanu, 1A.R. Awudu, 1C.C. Arwui, 1P. Deatanyah, S. Wotorchi-Gordon, 1,3E.O. Darko, 1,3G. Emi-Reynolds, 2N.S. Opata and 2I.K. Baidoo 1 Radiation Protection Institute, 2 National Nuclear Research Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Box LG80, Legon-Accra, Ghana 3 Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences, University of Ghana, Atomic-Campus, P.O. Box AE1, Atomic Energy, Ghana 1 Abstract: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) has been used to identify and quantify concentrations of eighteen major, minor and trace elements (Ca, Fe, Al, Sc, Na, K, Ti, Mn, Cr, Zn, Co, As, Cd, Hg, V, La, U and Th) in five different brands of Ghanaian cement samples used in the building and construction industry. The (- spectrometric and INAA techniques used for the determination of U, Th, and K complemented each other very well in this study. Generally, concentrations of toxic elements determined in the five brands were low. However, the continuous inhalation or ingestion by occupational staff makes the smallest concentration of these toxic elements a potential risk to their health. Key words: Major elements, minor elements, portland cement, risk, trace elements, white cement INTRODUCTION Rigorous infrastructural development is a common phenomenon in a developing country like Ghana. The activities of this sector results in the pollution of the environment and subsequent inhalation of dust containing metal pollutants which may pose serious health risk to persons working directly within this industry and the entire population at large. Environmental contamination by many pollutants is one of the most serious problems in this century. Cement one of the most important materials in the construction industry may be a source of large amounts of dust polluting the air with heavy metals which are more or less, toxic to humans and animals. Cement dust spreads along a large area through wind, rain, etc., and are accumulated in and on plants, animals, and soil and can have very negative effects on human health (Ayvaz, 1992; Is2kl2 et al., 2003). Portland cement dust may be a source of environmental pollutants with a well defined toxic pathology. Especially known are the toxic effects of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and thallium (Domingo, 1994; Chang, 1996). Aluminium, berillium, chromium, copper, manganese, nickel, and zinc, among others, have been also identified in theemissions from cement plants. While some of these elements are essential for humans, at high levels they can also mean a toxicological risk (Domingo, 1994; Chang, 1996). Portland cement dust is a gray powder with an aerodynamic diameter ranging from 0.05 to 5.0 :m (Kalacic, 1973a). This size is within the range of sizes of respirable particles, and, therefore, exposure to Portland cement dust has long been associated with respiratory symptoms and varying degrees of airway obstruction in people who work with Portland cement (Bazas, 1980; ElSewefy et al., 1970; Kalacic, 1973a, b; Noor et al., 2000; Oleru, 1984; Saric et al., 1976; Shamssain et al., 1988; Yang et al., 1996) Various analytical techniques have been used in the elemental analysis of Portland cement. Common among them are Wet Chemical Analysis, Radioisotope x-ray fluorescence analysis, Atomic Absorption, XRF,WDXRF, EDXRF, and INAA (Kristmann, 1977; Sarkar, 1978; Muhyedeen et al., 2001). INAA is a powerful analytical technique that is based on nuclear reactions and capable of detecting many elements at extremely low concentration. INAA is cost effective and affordable for small and large sample quantities and offers superior sensitivity to many elements. It is essential to know the elemental content of materials producing dust as this is an important determinant of air quality because of the potential toxicity of these metal pollutants to humans and the environment. The aim of the study therefore was to determine the major, minor and trace elemental concentrations of cement samples used in Ghana and to compare the concentrations Corresponding Author: D.O. Kpeglo, Radiation Protection Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Box LG80, LegonAccra, Ghana 99 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(1): 99-104, 2012 of U, Th and K determination using instrumental neutron activation analysis and gamma spectrometry. system) at a pressure of 0.6 Mpa. At the inner pneumatic(GHARR-1) facility. GHARR-1 is a 30KW tank-in-pool irradiation sites, the samples are irradiated with a thermal flux of 5×1011 nc/m2s when the reactor operated at half full power of 15 Kw. Irradiation times ranged from 10 s to 1 h according to the half-lives of the elements of interest. For elements with relatively short half-lives such as Ca, Al, Mn, Ti, and V, with half-lives between 2 minand 15 h, irradiation time was 10 s and counting time was 10 min. The samples were analyzed using irradiation schemes by optimizing irradiation time (ti), decay time (td) and counting time (tc) based on the t1/2 of respective elements. After the irradiation, radioactivity measurement of induced radionuclides was performed by a PC-based (-ray spectrometry set-up. It consisted of an n-type high purity germanium (HPGe) detector Model GR 2518 (Canberra Industries Inc.) coupled to a computer based PCA-MR 8192 Multi-channel Analyzer (MCA) mounted in a cylindrical lead shield (100 mm thick) and cooled in liquid nitrogen with a resolution of 1.8 KeV (FWHM) for 60Co gamma-ray energies of 1332 KeV and a peak-to-Compton ratio of 55:1. The detector operated on a bias voltage of -3000V with relative efficiency of 25% to NaI detector. A Microsoft Soft window based software ORTEC MAESTRO-32 was used for the spectrum analysis. The analytical photopeaks used for the determination of the various elements have been summarized in Table 1. Validation of the technique for the experimental setup was carried out by irradiating a standard reference material (IAEA Soil -7) for the same period of time as the samples, with comparator and the sample in the same location within the reactor. The analysis of the standard reference materials in Table 2 shows good agreement of measured values with the certified ones. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was carried out at the Ghana Research Reactor -1 Centre (GHAAR-1) and Radiation and waste safety Department of the Radiation Protection institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission from April, 2010 to December, 2010. Sampling and sample preparation: Five different brands of cement samples manufactured and used in the construction industry of Ghana were collected from different cement suppliers for the measurement of elemental concentrations. The cement samples were used without any processing since they are already in a powdered form. The samples were dried in a temperaturecontrolled furnace at 110ºC for 24 h to remove moisture. After moisture removal, these samples were cooled in moisture-free atmosphere and pulverized into fine powdered form. Three replicate samples, about 100 mg each, were weighed and sealed into polythene bags. Equal weights of GBW07106 and IAEA Soil 7 reference materials were also weighed and sealed into polythene bags for the quantitative analysis of the elements in the cement samples and validation of the analytical tool, respectively. The sealed bags were then packed into plastic rabbit capsules labeled by a marker, and heat sealed using a soldering iron. Irradiation and counting: Samples and standard reference materials were irradiated in the inner pneumatic irradiation sites of the Ghana Research Reactor-1 reactor using light water as moderator and coolant. The fuel source is highly enriched Uranium (90.2%-Al alloy) with metal beryllium as reflectors. The reactor is cooled by natural convection. Samples were transferred into irradiation sites via pneumatic transfer system (rabbit Calculation of metal concentrations in samples: Collision of thermal neutrons with a nucleus during irradiation of a sample may result in a number of reactions and useful among these reactions in NAA is Table 1: Nuclear data of elements used in analysis Element Radioisotope Energy (keV) 51 Titanium (Ti) Ti 320.1 52 Vanadium (V) V 1434.1 60 Cobalt (Co) Co 1332.2 51 Chromium (Cr) Cr 320.0 59 Iron(Fe) Fe 1098.6 140 Lanthanum (La) La 328.8 1596.2 28 Aluminium (Al) Al 1778.9 56 Manganese (Mn) Mn 1810.7 46 Scandium (Sc) Sc 889.3 1120.5 42 Potassium (K) K1 1524.7 239 Uranium (U) Np 277.7 233 Thorium (Th) Pa 311.9 65 Zinc (Zn) Zn 1115.5 197 Mercury (Hg) Hg 77.4 115m Cadmium (Cd) In 336.3 76 Arsenic (As) As 559.1 49 Ca Calcium 3084.4 100 Half-life 5.8 min 3.76 min 5.2 7y 27.72 y 44.5 d 44.5 d 40.23 h 2.24 min 2.58 h 83.8 d Irradiation time 10 s 10 s 1h 1h 1h 1h Counting time 10 min 10 min 2h 2h 2h 10 s 10 s 1h 2h 10 min 10 min 2h 12.36 h 2.35 d 27.0 d 243.8 d 64.1 h 53.5 h 26.3 h 8.7 min 1h 1h 1h 1h 1h 1h 1h 10 s 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 10 min Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(1): 99-104, 2012 Table 2: Analysis of standard reference material by INAA (IAEASOIL-7) (in mg/kg) Element Measured value Certified value Ti 3002 3000 V 66 66 Co 8.8 8.9 Cr 59.2 60 Fe 25701 25700 La 27.5 28 Al 4703 4700 Mn 630 631 Sc 8.4 8.3 K 12105 12100 U 2.4 2.6 Th 8.1 8.2 Zn 102 104 Hg 0.03 0.04 Cd 1.2 1.3 As 13.2 13.4 Ca 162998 163000 where, Csam is the unknown concentration of the element in the sample, Cstd is the known concentration of the element in the standard, Asam is the activity of the sample and Astd is the activity of the standard. Comparison of instrumental neutron activation analysis and Gamma ray spectrometry: The concentration of U, Th, and K where determined by INAA while radioactive 238U, 232Th, and 40K was also determined by gamma ray spectrometry and have already been reported in our previous study (Kpeglo et al., 2011), and are shown in Table 4. Considering the fact that these primordial radionuclides (238U, 232Th and 40K) exhibits a constant atomic abundance in nature, it is possible to convert the specific activities of 238U, 232Th, and 40K into massic elemental concentrations of U, Th, and K respectively in order to compare the two techniques using the following formula: radiative capture which can be represented by the equation (Landsberger, 1994). n + AZ ÷ A+1Z* ÷ A+1Z + ( A CE = (T1/2 . R . Ma . Asp)/(Pa . NA. ln2) (1) where, CE is the elemental concentration in sample, Ma is the atomic mass (kg/mol), T1/2 is the half-life (sec), Pa is the fractional atomic abundance in nature (%), NA is Avogadro’s constant (6.023×1023 g/mol), Asp is the measured activity concentration (Bq/kg) of the radionuclide considered (238U, 232Th, or 40K), and R is a constant with a value of 1,000,000 for U and Th (concentration in :g/g) or 100 for K (concentration in % of mass fraction). A+1 where; Z is the target nucleus, Z* is a compound nucleus in an excited state which de-excites with the emission of gamma ray called prompt gamma, A+1Z is the product after irradiating the target nucleus which is radioactive. By the comparator method using the same geometry, equal weights of both sample and standard, with the same irradiation, decay and counting times, the concentration of the metals in the samples was determined by the expression: Csam = Cstd (Asam/Astd) (3) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Eighteen Major, minor and trace elements including U, Th, and K were determined for 5 different brands of (2) Table 3: Calculated mean metal concentrations in the different brands of cement samples by INAA Concentration( :g/g) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elements CM I CM I I CM I I I CM IV CMV Ti 0.26±0.02 0.13±0.01 0.31±0.02 0.24±0.03 0.11±0.01 V 76.32±6.40 54.31±5.10 48.31±4.10 27.48±3.30 24.16±1.30 Al 50193±285 48094±312 41982±209 38568±620 39772±515 Mn 392±53 345±49 238±38 204±29 286±41 Ca 109587±4991 99587±3372 64341±1884 53912±1472 32454±920 La 952±110 697±103 580±46 420±21 610±89 Cd 0.30±0.04 0.23±0.02 0.13±0.01 0.11±0.01 0.15±0.02 As 2.10±0.12 1.60±0.16 1.2±0.07 0.6±0.05 0.3±0.04 Na 4594±121 3881±64264 0±59 1309±19 1889±28 K (%) 2.0±0.1 0.5±0.1 0.6±0.1 0.4±0.1 0.3±0.02 U 3.0±0.2 4.2±0.3 2.7±0.2 2.5±0.3 3.1±0.4 Th 9.1±0.8 6.5±0.6 5.2±0.6 4.3±0.5 5.3±0.6 Sc 34±2.10 28±2.2 40±3.5 24±1.7 30±4.2 Fe 4211±1003 3644±809 2450±542 1830±480 1920±462 Co 27±1.8 34±8.4 10.8±1.3 19.4±1.6 24±2.1 Cr 7.4±1.8 4.1±0.5 6.3±1.7 1.9±0.2 3.5±1.1 Hg 0.12±0.03 0.10±0.02 0.14±0.01 0.20±0.08 0.15±0.04 Zn 18±3.2 12±2.5 9±2.0 10±3.7 4±0.6 *CM I: Portland limestone cement; CM II: Portland limestone cement; CM III: Ordinary Portland cement; CM IV: White cement (Tile adhesive cement cole); CM V: White cement (Tile adhesive cement) 101 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(1): 99-104, 2012 CMIV and Zn from 18 to 4 :g/g for CMI and CMV respectively. The Hg concentration ranged from 0.10 to 0.20 :g/g. The concentration of Cd ranged from 0.30 :g/g in CMI to 0.11 :g/g in CMIV. It can also be seen that by comparison the concentration of the trace elements were lower than that of the minor and major elements. The concentrations of the major elements were within the range of the international standard specification. However, the variations and low concentration among the minor and trace elements do not affect the quality. The variations in the level of trace elements in the cement products is dependent on both the primary raw materials (calcium carbonate in the form of chalk or limestone, and alumina and silica in the form of clay or shale) and secondary raw materials (Gypsum, phosphogypsum, pozzolanas, fly ash, blast furnace slag, iron oxide, and spent catalysts), and fuel (coal, petroleum coke, used oil, and scrap tires) used in the manufacturing of particular brand of cement.The levels of trace elements concentrations in portland cement obtained in this study compares well with data from other published work (Muhyedeen et al., 2001; PCA, 1992). Trace elements are very important for environmental pollution control because of their potential toxicity. Dust from the use of cement and subsequent inhalation or ingestion by occupational staff in the construction industry is inevitable in developing part of the world and hence metal toxicants in these cement brands may constitute potential health risk. Generally, concentrations of toxic elements determined in the five brands were low. However, concerns may be raised on the part of workers who use these brands of cement for construction and building and are exposed to the particulate matter almost all day all their lives. The continuous inhalation or ingestion makes even the smallest concentration of such toxic elements a concern to their health. These are because; the effects of exposure to any hazardous substance depend on the route of the exposure (skin, inhalation, and ingestion), how long the exposure lasts, and how high the exposure is. In any person, the effects also depend on the person’s health history, cement samples used in the construction industry of Ghana. Table 3 presents the average elemental concentrations in the varieties of cement products using INAA. The elements determined in all the five brands of cement samples were Ca, Fe,Al, Sc, Na, K, Ti, Mn, Cr, Zn, Co, As, Cd, Hg, V, La, U, and Th. From Table 3, it was observed that, in general concentrations of the elements in Portland limestone cement were higher than that found in which (tile adhesive cement). The analysis of major elements (Fe, Ca, Al) show that, Ca concentration is very high in all the brands with CMI registering the highest concentration (109587 :g/g) and CMV the least concentration (32454 :g/g). Concentration of Al ranged from 50193 to 38568 :g/g for CMI and CMIV respectively. Amongst these major elements Fe recorded lower concentration ranging from 4211 to 1830 :g/g for CMI and CMIV respectively. The concentration of minor elements such as Na, Ti, Mn also exhibited a wide variations. Whiles Ti recorded very small concentrations in the range of 0.11 to 0.31 :g/g for CMV and CMIII, respectively, concentrations of Mn varied from 392 :g/g in CMI to 204 :g/g in CMIV. Na on the other hand recorded concentrations in the range of 4594 to 1309 :g/g for CMI and CMIV respectively. The concentration ranges of trace elements in the Ghanaian cement varied from product to product. As concentration ranged from 0.3 to 2.1 :g/g with CMI registering the highest concentration and CMV the lowest compared. A similar order could be said for Cr and Zn with Cr varying from 7.4 :g/g in CMI to 1.9 :g/g in Specific activity of 238U, 232Th and 40Kfrom samples of different brand of Ghanaian cement (Kpeglo et al., 2011) Mean specific activity (Bq/kg) ---------------------------------------------------------------238 232 40 U Th K Sample ID* CM I 35±0.8 38±0.9 655±3.5 CM II 51±1.2 27±0.8 124±2.9 CM III 32±0.7 22±1.1 209±6.4 Table 4: CM IV 28±0.6 18±0.8 99±3.2 CM V 34±0.5 22±0.4 68±1.8 AVE±SD 36±0.8 25±0.8 233±4.0 *CM I: Portland limestone cement; CM II: Portland limestone cement; CM III: Ordinary Portland cement; CM IV: White cement (Tile adhesive cement cole); CM V: White cement (Tile adhesive cement) Table 5: Comparison of elemental concentrations of U, Th, and K in cement samples as determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis and gamma spectroscopy Neutron Activation Analysis Gamma Spectroscopy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Th (:g/g) K (%) U (:g/g) Th (:g/g) K (%) Sample ID* U (:g/g) CMI 3.0±0.2 9.1±0.8 2.0±0.1 3.1±0.1 9.4±0.2 2.1±0.01 CMII 4.2±0.3 6.5±0.6 0.5±0.1 4.4±0.1 6.6±0.2 0.4±0.01 CMIII 2.7±0.2 5.2±0.6 0.6±0.1 2.8±0.1 5.4±0.3 0.7±0.02 CMIV 2.5±0.3 4.3±0.4 0.4±0.1 2.4±0.1 4.4±0.2 0.3±0.01 CMV 3.1±0.4 5.3±0.6 0.3±0.02 3.0±0.04 5.4±0.1 0.2±0.01 AVE±SD 3.1±0.3 6.1±0.6 0.8±0.1 3.1±0.1 6.2±0.2 0.7±0.01 *CM I: Portland limestone cement; CM II: Portland limestone cement; CM III: Ordinary Portland cement; CM IV: White cement (Tile adhesive cement cole); CM V: White cement (Tile adhesive cement) 102 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(1): 99-104, 2012 personal traits and habits, and whether other chemicals are present. The level of toxicity found may not be problem in the short term but in the long term it raises concerns. The mean elemental concentrations of U, The and K varied in the range of 2.5-4.2 :g/g, 4.3-9.1 :g/g, and 0.3-2.0%, respectively. In Table 5, the concentration of U, Th and K determined by INAA and (- spectrometry are compared. The (- spectrometric analysis results in Bq/kg (Table 4) were converted to :g/g using Eq. (3). It can be seen that the two techniques are in very good agreement. The good correspondence of the primordial radioelement’s concentrations is an indication of a good equilibrium between 238U, 232Th and their short-lived daughter nuclides and also a good calibration and validation of the analytical techniques. are exposed to the particulate matter almost all day all their lives. The continuous inhalation or ingestion makes even the smallest concentration of such toxic elements a concern to their health. This is because; the effects of exposure to any hazardous substance depend on the route of the exposure, how long the exposure lasts, and how high the exposure is. In any person, the effects also depend on the person’s health history, personal traits and habits, and whether other chemicals are present. The level of toxicity found may not be problem in the short term but in the long term it raises concerns. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to cement retail contractors for their useful contributions in terms of materials and to the staff of the Ghana Research reactor -1 centre of the National Nuclear Research Institute, and Radiation and waste safety Department of the Radiation Protection institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission for their technical support. CONCLUSION The elemental concentrations of eighteen major, minor, and trace elements as well as U, Th, and K in five different brands of Ghanaian cement has been investigated using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis technique. The analytical techniques INAA and (-spectrometry have also been compared by the determination of the elemental concentration of U, Th and K using the two nuclear analytical techniques. The (spectrometric and INAA techniques complemented each other very well in this study. The elements determined in all the five brands of cement samples were Ca, Fe, Al, Sc, Na, K, Ti, Mn, Cr, Zn, Co, As, Cd, Hg, V, La, U, and Th. It was observed that, in general concentrations of the elements in Portland limestone cement were higher than that found in white (tile adhesive cement). It can also be seen that by comparison the concentration of the trace elements were lower than that of the minor and major elements. The ranges of concentrations for major and minor elements, which are responsible for high quality, are in good agreement with international British standards of specification. The concentrations of trace elements for this work compared well with data from other countries. The variations in the level of trace elements in the cement products is dependent on both the primary raw materials (calcium carbonate in the form of chalk or limestone, and alumina and silica in the form of clay or shale) and secondary raw materials (Gypsum, phosphogypsum, pozzolanas, fly ash, blast furnace slag, iron oxide, and spent catalysts), and fuel (coal, petroleum coke, used oil, and scrap tires) used in the manufacturing of particular brand of cement. Generally, concentrations of toxic elements determined in the five brands were low. However, concerns may be raised on the part of workers who use these brands of cement for construction and building and REFERENCES Ayvaz, Z., 1992. 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