Study Title: Diabetes Alliance for Research in England (DARE) Local PCRN Contact: Jenny Lee Tel: 02476 575919 Email: Principal Investigator: Professor Andrew Hattersley Study Co-ordinator: Dr Katherine Owen Funder: Wellcome Trust Sponsor: Type of Study: Observational Intervention: The study will involve an integration of clinical information on patients from a variety of sources which will be collected on the patient after permission obtained for recruitment into the study Control: Non diabetics (not required in this geographical area) Study Aim: To create a community wide collaboration between professionals and patients to provide a research resource enabling a further study into the causes and complications of diabetes. The study will provide a platform for high quality research into DNA and develop a database of ‘research ready’ diabetes patients. Number of Patients Needed: 500 patients per year within WMS (all areas) until July 2017 (no control patients needed in our area) A combination of referral and research sites are required (see information below) Practice Involvement in the Study: Can participate at one of two levels: Level 1: Acting as participant identification centre (preferably with under 100 eligible patients) Review study documents to familiarise themselves with the trial Identification of potential patients: GP/Surgery staff search the practice database GP reviews the patient list to assess suitability GP/Surgery staff sends out invitation letter to patient Level 2: Acting as research site (preferably over 100 eligible patients) Practice required to be GCP train Complete Level 1 Activities Surgery staff receive telephone calls from interested patients and book appointments Practice nurse/HCA/Clinical Support performs patient visit (approx 40 min) includes: Taking informed consent Collecting clinical data and completing minimum dataset form Collecting blood sample Preparing and posting blood sample (to Oxford) The study team, with the patient’s consent, may ask to look at long term clinical data relating to participating patients to be collected at a time suitable for the practice. Study Team Involvement in the Study: Practice to be trained on DARE process by member of the DRN (Diabetes Research Network) team Dependent upon the practice involvement in the study but on going responsibilities in collation of further patient data. Inclusion criteria o o Male and female patients aged over 18 years Diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes Exclusion criteria o Unable to provide informed consent Reimbursement: Approximately £394.71 for practice set up (referral site) and for Level 2 participation (recruitment site £13.48 per patient for HCA and £24 for practice nurse) For further details contact: Jenny Lee Tel: 02476 575919 Email: Thank you for your interest in this study