Bedload Sediment Transport and Channel Morphology of a Southeast Alaskan Stream by Margaret A. Estep A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed June 2, 1982 Commencement June 1983 AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Margaret A. Estep in for the degree of Forest Engineering Title: presented on Master of Science June 2, 1982 BEDLOAD SEDIMENT TRASNPORT AND CHANNEL MORPHOLOGY OF A SOUTHEAST ALA STREAM . Abstract approved: / Qci Paul Adams This study was conducted at portions of Trap Bay Creek, a mediumsized third-order stream on Chichagof Island, Southeast Alaska, to 1) quantify short-term sediment transport and channel morphology changes, 2) relate measured sediment transport rates to the major hydrologic parameters that appeared to determine the mechanisms of sediment transport, and 3) evaluate how bedload transport can influence channel morphology. Morphologic characteristics were evaluated by means of plani-metric surveys and cross-sectional measurements made in July and August of 1980 and August of 1981. Bedload and suspended sediment data were collected during..the Fall of 1980 along with data on streamflow and precipitation. Morphologic evaulations indicated that the stream. is a dynamic system and that it appeared to be widening and aggrading during 198081. Large organic debris, especially fallen trees, are important in stream morphology, especially above the zcne of tidal influence. tides, as well as human activity, probably contributed to recent The morphological changes in lower reaches of the channel. Problems involved in processing suspended sediment samples sulted in a limited amount of suspended sediment data. re- However, data that were collected from one point on the stream indicated that suspended sediment concentrations were low, usually less than and did not exceed 90 mg 1 interiyal storm event. 5 ingl1, 1 during an approximate 2 to 5-year return Under average storm conditions, therefore, sus pended sediment transport appears to be supply limited and constitutes a small portion of total sediment transport. Bedload sediment samples were collected from a short pool-riffle study reach during a total of ten storms with streaf low ranging from 0.01 to 1.26 m3s1km2. Bedload sediment transport ranged from 3.9 to 4400 kgohr1, with peak transport rates occurring during peak streamflow. Regression relationships were developed between bedload transport, gravel-sized inorganic bedload transport, coarse particulate orgariic matter transport, two particle size diameter classes (D50 and D90), and stream discharge during the ten storms. This analysis re- vealed that total inorganic- bedload transport was more strongly relat- ed to discharge than was transport of the large size category, coarse particulate organic matter transport tended to be more strongly related to streamflow than bedload discharge, and that neither of the particle size diameters had any consistent relationship to streaflow. Bedload transport during the ten storms was further evaluated in terms of the sampling sites that were used, i.e. riffles above and below a depositional area approximately 20 m in length. Transport tended to be greater, in ternis of amount transported, at the upper riffle for most of the storni events. The opposite was true during the largest storm of the season and a storm which occurred a week later. It may be that bedload sediment is transported past the upper riffle by lesser magnitude events axd is temporarily stored in the pool. Transport out of the pool requires events of greater magnitude. Sup- ply limitations also appear to determine bedload transport in Trap Bay Creek. Keywords: Helley-Smith sampler, pool-riffle sequence, armor layer, coarse particulate organic ulatter, suspended sediment, Southeast A.laska. APPROVED: Assistant Professor of Forest Hydrology in charge of major Head of Department of Forest Engineering Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Jane A. Tuor for 2 June 1982 Margaret A. Estep ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was made possible by a grant from the Pacific Northwest Range and Experiment Station through the Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Juneau, Alaska, obtained by Dr. Robert L. Beschta. Labora- tory facilities were made available by the Forestry Sciences Lab and by the Department of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis I would like to thank Bob Beschta for help in all phases of the project, including building sampling bridges. I would also like to thank all of the folks in Juneau from the Lab and from the Alaska Deparent of Fish and Game - Sport Fish Division for all of their help and encouragement. Thanks, also, to John Adams of the Region X Supervisor's Office, and to the hydrologists from the Sitka Ranger Station, Tongass National Forest. who saved me fro Special thanks to Dick Orchard the flood, and to Roy and Ede Sidle for providing housing, food and fellowship. Finally, thanks to y coittee members for their coents and criticisms of this manuscript, and especially to Paul Adams for being an excellent substitute. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION Background and objectives of study 4 LITERkTIJR.E REVIEW 6 Forest management activities and fluvial transport processes Sediment in streams Bedload measurement and prediction techniques 1 6 10 13 WATERSHED DESCRIPTION Stream characteristics 27 32 NETHODS Precipitation and streamf low Channel morphology Total suspended solids and turbidity Bedload transport measurements Bedload sample analysis Calculation of bedload discharge Organic matter 37 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Precipitation and streamf low Bed composition Channel morphology Total suspended solids Bedload discharge Bedload transport at Flynn Creek, Oregon vs.Trap Bay, Alaska 47 47 113 CONCLUSIONS 118 LITERATURE CITED 121 37 38 39 40 41 43 45 59 61 75 79 APPENDICES List of common and scientific names of plants and animals referred to in this paper Equations for predicting mean annual flow, mean monthly flows for August through November, and peak flows for storms of various return periods for Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alsaka, taken from the Water Resources Atlas for Alaska (1979) 126 127 TABLE OF CONTENTS - continued Page Relationships between bedload transport, coarse particulate organic matter transport9 two particle diameters, and streamflow which were not included in the text Morphometric characteristics of Trap Bay Creek, Chicagof Island, Alaska 128 144 LIST OP FIGURES Figure 1 2 3-10 11 Page General map of the Trap Bay Watershed, Chichagof Island, Alsaka 28 Flow chart for bedload sample analysis 47 Precipitation intensities and durations and the resultant hydrographs for the ten stornis during which bedload 48-5) sampling was conducted Stage-discharge rating curve for Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 60 12 Size distribution curves developed from random samples of surface particles in the study reach, Trap Bay Creek, 63 Chichagof Island, Alaska 13 Stream width and distance of thalweg from left bank, and thalweg depth of Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alas64 ka 14 Thalweg profile and planimetric map of the study reach along Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 15-18 19 65 Planimetric maps of the lower 1844 m (6050) of Trap Bay Creek showing changes from August, 1980 to August, 1981.67-70 Net channel changes from 14 August 1980 to 21 August 1981 within the study reach of Trap Bay Creek, Chichiagof Island, Alaska 73 20 Total suspended soilds (TSS) versus stream discharge for two time periods during the Fall of 1980, Trap Bay 78 Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 21 Total suspended solids, total suspended organics, and stream discharge over time during the storni of 24-25 September 1980, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 22 23-32 80 Total suspended solids, total suspended organics, and stream discharge over time during the storm of 30 Sept.81 1 Oct. 1980, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska Discharge (Q), bedload (BLD) and organic bedload (BLDor) in transport, and average particle diameter of bedloaa sample (D5) over time for ten storms during which bedload sampling took place, Trap Bay Creek, Chi83-92 cagof Island, Alaska LIST OF FIGURES continued Figure 33 34 35 Page Bedload, coarse particulate organic 'atter, and particle diameter vs. streamf low relationships for all data collected from Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, A1aska during the Fall, 1980, storm season.... Bedload and coarse particulate organic matter vs. streamfiow relationships for data collection from each sampling site on Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof, Alaska, during the Fall, 1980, storm season 99 100 Bedload and coarse particulate organic matter vs. streamflow relationships for rising limb and falling limb data collected from Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Islaxd, .A.lask.a......000.0..0.000606...00000 O09000 ......103 36 37 Bedload vs streamf low relationships for individual storm events for data collected from Trap Bay Creeks Chichagof Island, Alaska, during the Fall, 1980, storm season 107 Coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) vs. streamf low relationships for individual storm events for data collected from Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, during the Fall, 1980, storm season 108 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Page Percent of total load transported as bedload during peak flows for several streams in the Pacific Northwest 12 Mean percentage of total bedload in each particle size class (Y/X) and rate of change in percentage (B) as bedload transport rate changes 21 Measured peak flows and estiiated recurrence intervals for Fall, 1980, storms, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 58 Size distributions of particles selected at random from the armor layer of the study reach, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 62 Width/Depth ratios for selected stations in 1980 and 1981, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 74 Summary of total suspended solids data collected from Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, during the Fall of 1980 77 Change in sediment storage computed from cross-sectional area changes from September, 1980, to August, 1981, for Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 94 Approximate amount of sediment transported by Fall, 1980, storms, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska. 95 Relationships between bedload tranpsort, coarse particulate organic matter, two particle diameters, and streamflow for the 1980 FallS storm season at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 97 Relationships between bedload transport, coarse particulate organic matter, two particle diameters, and streamflow for each sampling site on Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, for the Fall, 1980, storm season 98 Relationships between bedload transport, coarse particulate organic matter, two particle diameters, and streamf low for the rising and falling limbs of storm hydrographs, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, during the Fall, 1980, storm season 102 LIST OF TA3LES - continued Table 12 13 Page Relationships between bedload transport, coarse particulate organic matter, two particle diameters, and streamf low for individual storm events which occurred during the Fall, 1980, storm season at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 105 Bedload (BLD) and coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) relationships for Flynn Creek, Oregon, and Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 115 APPENDIX TABLES Table 14 16-17 18-23 Page Morphometric Characteristics of Trap Bay Creek, ChiChagof Island, Alaska... ...... 144 Relationships Between Bedload Transport, Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport, Two Particle Diameters, and Streamf low for Individual Storm Events at the Upper and Lower Riffle, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, During the Fall, 1980, Storm Season 128-31 Relationships Between Bedload Transport, Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport, Two Particle Di.ameters, and Streamf low for Rising and Falling Limbs of Storm Hydrographs for Individual Storm Events at the Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, During the Fall, 1980, Storm Season 132-43 Bedload Sediment Transport and Channel Morphology of a Southeast Alaskan Stream I. INTRODUCTION edload sediment transport in streams is a natural process that removes the relatively coarse-sized products of erosion from the site of weathering and moves them through the fluvial system. bed- load particles undergo further attrition and weathering during transport and may be altered so that they enter the suspended or dissolved load portion of the total load of the stream (Swanson et al. in press). The geology and geomorphology of a watershed and the climate, as it deteriines the amount and form of precipitation characteristic of an area, are the primary factors influencing the size distribution of particles and the total sediment load. In theory, the physical sta- bility of a stream system is maintained by its characteristic fluvial sediment load (Committee on Erosion and Sedimentation, 1977). Iii- creases or decreases in sediment load can initiate adjustments in channel form by upsetting the dynamic equilibrium that exists under the natural sediment regime, thus altering the physical and biological characteristics of the system (Heede, 1975; Park, 1976). Many land-use activities that result in accelerated sedimentation are considered to act as sources of non-point pollution. Sedimenta- tion in small streams represents an important non-point water quality problem in southeast Alaska (Beschta, 1979). Forest management activities are only one of the many that may lead to accelerated erosion and alter the sediment regime of a stream system. In southeast Alaska, fish and timber are the two most 2 important resources at the present time (Meehan, 1974). The fish- eries resource is also the one most likely to be adversely affected by any increased sedimentation arising from timber harvest. Conflicts between timber harvesting and fisheries are an important problem for public land administrators (Beschta, 1979). Research on sediment transport has largely bees limited to the measurement and analysis of:suspended sediment, i.e., inorganic material transported by the turbulence of the stream and maintained in the water column This situation may reflect the relative ease of design and use, as well as the relatively high efficiency of samplers for the collection of this portion of the total sediment load. High levels of suspended sediment have been found to fill substrate interstices, and reduce cover and habitat for algae, aquatic insects, and small fish (Nuttal, 1972; Brusven, 1980). Fish ad other aquatic pop- ulations may also be reduced or altered once suspended sediment is deposited. Deposition can reduce or block intergravel flow velocities which are necessary to maintain a sufficient supply of dissolved oxygen for the respiration of fish eggs and invertebrates, and for the removal of the waste products of metabolism of these organisms (Rynes, 1970). Bedload sediment is defined as that portion of total sediment load that moves by sliding, rolling, or saltating on or near the streabed, moving at velocities that are less than that of the adjacent flow (Harris and William, 1971). This somewhat arbitrary definition makes it difficult to separate the suspended and bedload portions of total load. Rocks and gravel would fall into the bedload category, while 3 sand-size particles could be transported in either mode, depending on flow conditions and particle density. Most field research on bedload transport has been conducted within the last forty years, yet little is Iaiown about its physical and biological relationships with the stream ecosystem. Land-use activities may have an effect on either the suspended or the bedload regime. A better understanding of bed- load transport as it occurs under natural conditions is needed in order to comprehend the interactions between land use, sedimentation, and stream ecosystems. Bedload studies in the field have generally been hampered by a lack of adequate sampling devices. The International Organization for Staxidardization (ISO) has not yet established standards for bed- load samplers or for sampling methods. ISO has issued guidelines for bed material sampling, but the spacing or frequency of bedload sampling has not been specified. Very little is known about the factors that control the transverse variations of bed particle sizes at a given cross section or how these distributions vary with time and flow conditions (Nordin, 1981). The major problems involved in sampling bed- load are: (1) There is no sampler that does not alter discharge ar the streambed, or that is not selective in sampling certain particle sizes; (2) obtaining reasonable average values requires the collection of many samples because of the great temporal and spatial variations in bedload transport. A modified, hand-held, Helley-Smith pressure-dif- ferential bedload sampler was used in this study to intensively sample bedload transport during the high flow events of the Fall of 1980 in a third-order stream in southeast Alaska. Descriptions of this sampler 4 and its use are available in the literature (Drufel e.t al., 1976; Eet, 1979, 1981; Helley and Smith, 1971; Johnsone.tal., 1977; Beschta, 1981), and are discussed in the Literature Reviews' section of this paper. Background and Objectives of Study This study was sponsored by the USDA-Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Laboratory (FSL), Juneau, Alaska, and conducted in cooperation with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game - Sport Fish Division (ADF&G) and the National Oceanic ad Atmospheric Association - Nation al Marine Fisheries Service O14FS) The Trap Bay watershed was the site of research and background data collection by the aforementioned agencies in the areas of benthic invertebrate, insect, and fish populations; water temperature and quality; precipitation and hydrology; and hillslope stability. Trap Bay Creek, a medium-sized third-order stream, and its tributaries are located on the northeastern end of Chichagof Island on the southeastem side of Tenakee Inlet. The area is part of the land designated for timber harvest in the Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company 1981-86 Timber Sale. Cutting units and the main haul road have been surveyed and staked out; two small tributaries to Trap Bay Creek drain cutting units. Details of the sale are available from William P. Gee, Forest Supervisor, Chatham Area, Tongass National Forest, P.O. Box 1980. Sitka, Alaska 99835. 5 The Watershed is moderately productive for pink sa1on 1 varden char; a small number of coho salion also spawn here and Dolly Old growth Sitka spruce and western hen1ock are the major conerical timber species. Timber production is moderataly good, but much of the water- shed is composed of very steep slopes of low-lying muskeg. Sediment transport research included suspended and bedload sediment sampling on Trap Bay Creek during storm evetits from September through November, 1980. Channel characteristics were ieasured in Au- gust of 1980 and 1981. Objectives of the research were: To quantify sediment transport rates, particularly the bedload component, To relate sediment transport rates to those major hyrologic parameters which appeared to determine the mechanisms of sediment transport, To evaluate how bedload transport influences channel inor- pho logy. This study was an extension of a continuing research program on sediment transport processes in mountain streams that is being conducted by the Forest Engineering Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 1See Appendix 1 for a list of the scientific names of flora and fauna mentioned in this paper. 6 II. LITERATURE REVIEW Forest Management Activities and Fluvial Transport Processes Physical and chemical erosion processes are continuously at work at the aarths surface. The products of these processes are moved dowrislope by gravity, precipitation, wind, and biological ac- tivities, where they become available for transport by streams (Swanson, 1980). Once fragmental materials enter the stream system, bedload and suspended transport processes move particulate matter through the channels. Forest vegetation strongly influences nearly afl. elements of the soil/sediment routing system on slopes and in small streams (Swanson et a].., in press). The amount of sediment that is eroded, transported, o depsited in a stream is a function of many interrelated variables, including climate, soils, topography, vegetation, and land use. In an undis- turbed steep forested watershed, solution transport, the transport of dissolved minerals, is the only perpetual transport mechanism0 Where precipitation exceeds approximately 65 cm per year9 solution trans- port can exceed particulate transport in terms of the volume of material exported per unit area (Clayton, 1981). In contrast to the generally perpetual transport of dissolved materials, periods of sediment movement range from frequent, low magnitude suspended transfer to infrequent, high magnitude debris torrent events (Swanson et a10 in press). The capacity of a stream to transport the sediment sup- plied to it is a function of the hydraulic properties of the channel (O'Leary, 1980). 7 Surface erosion (splash, sheet, rill, and gully erosion) is a result of raindrop impact, thin film flow, or concentrated surface runoff over the watershed (Satterlund, 1972). It is rarely a problem on undisturbed vegetated watersheds where the vegetation acts as a buffer, absorbing energy from raindrops, and where the incorporation of organic matter into the soil helps to improve the soil structure and increase infiltration capacities. The highly permeable soils typical of southeast Alaska ensure that drainage is primarily by subsurface flow with little or no surface flow outside of established channels (Swanston, 1974). Dense vegetation and the thick orgatiic layer present under the old growth forest are particularly effective in protecting the soil from surface erosion. The dominant geologic processes that transport the products of weathering from the hillslope to the stream channel under forested conditions in the steep terrain of the Northwest are soil mass movements (Swanston, 1974). The entire soil mantle may be subject to the set of processes termed ttcreep," which includes rheological deformation and root throw (Swanson, 1980). Debris avalanches and debris flows occur on oversteepened slopes as a result of surface loading, increased soil water levels, removal of mechanical support, or a combination of all three (Swanston and Swanson, 1976). These types of mass move- ment are the most frequently occurring types of mass failure in southeast Alaska and involve the rapid downslope movement of soil, rock, and forest litter with relatively high water content (Swanston, 1974). Soil creep may contribute to the susceptibility of soil to sliding in critical areas (Swanston, 1974). 8 Debris flows and avalanches are usually in.itiated at the heads of or within, shallow linear depressions on the valley side slopes (Swanston, 1974) These hollows serve to concentrate soil seepage and de- velop into surface drainages during major storms In some instances, debris avalanches may deposit their load at the base of a slope where sediments can be supplied to the stream in small increments over long periods of time. Debris can also be carried directly into the stream, producing a temporarily heavy sediment load or, under certain conditions, initiating a debris torrent which can scour the channel and result in a large debris darn (Swanstot and Swanson, 1976). In either case, the sediment regime of the stream will be disrupted arid sedi- ments may be deposited on and within spawining gravels where they can disrupt the flow of oxygen to fish eggs and alevins and block the emergence of fry (Chapman, 1961; Phillips, 1971). Debris avalanches generally occur in relatively shallow, cohesion- less soils in which the angle of internal friction, friction along the sliding surface, and slope gradient control internal soil strength and gravitational stress. Soil saturation and active pore-water pressure developient during major storms can substantially reduce soil strength and decrease the critical angle of stability of the slope (Swanston, 1974). Timber harvest on oversteepened slopes can affect stability in two major ways. First, tree removal increases the amount of water stored in the soil through decreased evapotranspirational withdrawals. This increases the length of time that the soil is fully saturated by reducing the amount of water necessary to recharge the soil water deficit (Harr, 1976). Soil moisture levels may significantly affect 9 seasonal rates of creep and slp-earthf low movement. Secondly, the anchoring of the soil mass to the parent material by tree roots is a major factor affecting the stability of oversteepened slopes. Maxi- mum decreases in shear strength of anchoring roots occurs three to five years after cutting, and is probably the time when slopes are most susceptible to mass failure during major storm events (Swanston and Walkotten, 1974). Sediment may also arise from the streai channel itself. The force of flowing water erodes the stream banks and bed, and this material may then be entrained, transported, or deposited by the streaiSediment is stored in floodplains, alluvial fans, point bars, f low. and in deposits associated with large organic debris (Swanson and Lienkaexnper, 1978). Bed material transport reflects channel stability and determines gravel bed composition (Milhous and K1ingean, 1973; Beschta and Jackson, 1979). The removal of large organic debris from streams, either as part of the harvest or as part of a stream-cleaning operation, can result in the release of the equivalent of up to 15 years sediment previously stored behind the debris acci.ulations (Megahan, 1975). A study conducted in western Oregon showed that road building and landing construction associated with timber harvesting can increase the occurrence of soil movement by 20 to 350 times its rate of occurrence in an undisturbed forest (Swanston and Swanson, 1976). Clearcutting can cause an increase of from 2 to 20 times over natural rates of occurrence. Increases in the sediment supply to a stream as a result of mass failures can cause changes in the diversity and productivity of 10 insect life (Brusven, 1980), changes in the suitability of gravels for fisheries production (Chapman, 1961; Hall and Krygier, 1967), and over the long term, increased sediment production may reflect a loss in the productivity of forest soils (Curry, 1973). Sediment in Streams The understanding of sediment processes is at a qualitative level (Coittee on Erosion and Sedimentation, 1977). Suspended sediment has been better quantified than has the bedload fraction of total load; suspended sediment measurement teachiques are well docuniented (Vanoni, 1975). However, both suspended and bedload transport need to be meas ured at the same time in order to adequately characterize the sediment regime of a stream. The bedload fraction may be small relative to the suspended load fraction, but its movement has a greater effect on channel characteristics. A lack of reliable sampling methods for bedload has been a major limitation in field studies; data analysis and comparison are further complicated by variations in research techniques (Edwards, 1979). Sediment transport begins when the force of streamf low acting on channel materials exceeds the critical condition for motion. This concept of a critical tractive force, t, was defined by Dii Boys in 1879 as follows: t = Y RS where, = specific weight of water R = hydraulic radius S = energy gradient. (1) 11 Material that is entrained in the flow travels either as suspended or bedload sediment. Particles are suspended if the ratio of fall vel- ocity, W, to shear velocity, , ed as bedload if the ratio W/ is less. than 0.8. They are transport- is greater than 0.8 and the Shields criterion for initial motion is met, which for fully developed flows is t/Yd 0.06 (Nordin, 1981). pgDS where, (2) p = fluid density g acceleration due to gravity D flow depth S slope of energy gradient d particle diameter (p2-p)g p2 sediment density = (t/p)½ In most streams, suspended load comprises a larger fraction of the total load then bedload. Most mountain streams are supply-limited in their suspended load, which is dependent on the amount of fines (silts, clays, very fine sands) present in or transported to the stre. The supply, in contrast, is generally greater than the stream can transport. Thus, bedload transport occurs only during periods of high flow, and then only over relatively short distances. Table 1 siimmrized the findings of several researchers on the percent of total load transported as bedload. It can be seen that for several streams in the Pacific Northwest, bedload comprises only about one to 25 percent of the total load transported at peak flows. This fraction may be somewhat larger for mountain streams and tends to 12 TABLE 1. Percent of Total Load Transported as Bedload During Peak Flows for Several Streams in the Pacific Northwest Region % bedload at peak discharge Source Idaho Batholith (Upper Salmon River) Eett, 1975 N. Coastal California (Van Duzen River) Kelsey, 1977 Oregon Coast Range (Oak Creek) Klingeman & Milhous, 1970 Oregon Coast Range (Flynn Creek) Edwards, 1979 13 increase as discharge increases (Klingeman and Milhous, 1970). Bedload transport is influenced by channel slope and roughness, particle size, and stream velocity and turbulence (Simons and Senturk, 1976). Changes in any one or several of these factors alter the trans- port capacity of the stream, and may result in aggradation or degradation of the channel. Furthermore, changes in the sediment supply due to increased erosion in the upper reaches of the watershed can result in general deposition of the sediment and aggradation alotig the lower channels (Leopoldetal., 1964). Bedload Measurement and Prediction Techniques Direct sampling atid measurement methods were used for estimating bedload tranpsort up until the early 1940's, when Einstein introduced his empirical bedload equations (O'Leary, 1980). Development of n- erous theoretical atid empirical bedload equations followed. Attempts were made to construct bedload transport equations that would predict the maximum tratisport capacity of a stream for a given set of hydraulic cotiditions and sediment characteristics (Graf, 1971; Vanoni, 1975). A number of investigators have studied the applicability of these equations (Klingeman, 1971; Haddock, 1978). The models studied were found to inadequately represent high-energy mountain streams due to the supply limitations which arise from the flushing, deposition, and armoring of the streambed (Milhous and .Klingeman, 1973; Haddock, 1978). Most empirical and theoretical equations have been developed from flume studies or for relatively constant conditions which are not character- istic of natural streams; thus they do not adequately represent the 14 the conditions under which natural sedinent transport normally occurs. These problems have prompted a return to direct sampling techniques. Of the bedload sampling devices developed prior to the 1940's, there are two categories of samplers which come close to meeting the three criteria for a ideal bedload sampler listed in the 1940 U.s. Federal Inter-Agency River Basin Report: The sampler must sample a definite portion of the moving water and solids. All the solids moving in the sampled portion must be collected. The sampler must have a secure contact with the bed surface and not disrupt upstream flow nor obstruct the entrance of particles. These two samplers are the pressure differential and the vortex samplers, although problems have been observed with each type of sampler. The vortex sampler had been found to underestimate the actual bedload transport rate. particle sizes of less than 4.75 It is especially inefficient for in diameter and becomes more in- efficient as discharge increases (Iüingeman, 1971; Hayward and 5utherland, 1974). The pressure differential sampler ay either over-or underestimate bedload tranpsort depending on which particular device is used (Hubell, 1964; Helley and Smith, 1971). An additional prob- lei with the pressure differential sampler is that its use requires moving the device, which can further disrupt flow. Good contact with the streambed may not always be possible and local scour can occur at the point of placement (Helley and Smith, 1971). 15 Use of a vortex sampler requires that the device be installed in a uniform cross section of the stream. Installation costs are high and the vortex sampler is not transportable from place to place. Pew researchers have used vortex samplers for these reasons (OtLeary, 1980). There have been .f our studies published so far in which the researcher(s) used a vortex spler: Klingeman and Milhous (1970), Hayward and Sutherland (1974), O'Leary (1980), and Edwards (1979). The latter two included comparisons of vortex and Helley-Smith pressure differential sampler efficiencies. The lack of a uniform, stable cross-section for installation, relatively high installation costs, and inaccessability of the research area made the use of a vortex sampler infeasible in this study. The Helley-Smith pressure differential sampler has been used in a number of studies of natural bedload transport and a slightly modified version of it was chosen for use in Trap Bay Creek. Pressure differential samplers theoretically equalize the entrance velocity of the sampled portion of streamflow and that of the surrounding stream through a pressure drop created by the divergence of the exit walls of the sampler. As the velocity decreases at the downstream end of the sampler, the sediment in transport is deposited. The Dutch, or Arriheim, sampler was the most widely used model prior to the develop- ment of th Helley-Smith. The Helley-Smith sampler is a modified ver- sion of the Arriheim spler and was designed for use by the U.S. Geologic Survey. It has a 7.6 cm square aperture and was designed to be used in flow velocities of less than or equal to three meters per second (m.s1) (Emmett, 1981). Efficiency tests of the Arnheim and Helley-Smith 16 overestimates by about 50% (Hubbell, 1964; Helley and Smith, 1971). The variability in sampler efficiency was originally thought to be a function of the bed material used in testing, a 1.15 = diameter sand, and the natural variability of bedload in time and spaca. In his 1971 report to Helley and Smith, Jobson1 stated that he had found that the sampler tended to slide upstream a small distance while being raised from the bed, and would thus tend to scoop up additional sand. He concluded that the scooping tendency might be reducad by using larger gravel in efficiency tests, and the sampler would then give a better estimate of transport rates. More recent studies have shown that the overestimation of transport rates is a result of increased velocities at the orifice, while underestimation is a result of the clogging of the mesh collection bag on the sampler. The hydraulic efficiency of the sampler (the ratio of the mean velocity of water through the sampler to the mean velocity of water had the sampler not been there) was found to be about 1.54 (Emmett, 1981). Emmett (1981) also states that the sampling bag can be 40¼ filled with sedi- ment which has a particle size larger than the mesh size without losing efficiency. However, smaller particles tend to plug the bag and are subsequently lost from the sample. The problem of the clogging of the sampler bag was the subject of a 1981 study by Beschta. Both Beschta (1981) and Johnson et al. (1977) observed that fine sands and particulate organic matter tend to clog the mesh of the sampling bag. 11N: Helley and Smith, 1971. This reduces the effective flow 17 through area of the sampler,creating a back pressure at the orifice and reducing efficiency. Beschta (1981) showed that trapping efficiency of a standard collection bag (surface area 1950 cm2, 0.2 = mesh size) exposed to a 0.50 = (average particle diameter) sand mixture in a flume was a function of the length of time of the sampling period. The use of a larger collection bag (6000 cm2, 0.2 = mesh) resulted in the efficiency remaining constant for sampling periods of up to eight minutes. Sampler efficiency would probably decrease for samp- ling periods longer than this, or if large amounts of particulate organic matter were in transport. Studies of bedload transport have been made using the HelleySmith sampler in the field as well. Molnau et al. (1975) used it in the Knapp and Cape Horn Creeks of the Central Idaho Batholith. streams have beds consisting of sand and fine gravel. These For Cape Horn Creek, the researchers found that bedload transport rates increased on the rising limb of the hydrograph, dropped sharply prior to the peak, and increased again on the falling limb. Molnau et al. (1975) explained this rising limb shift based on the tractive force theory1. The tractive force necessary to initiate bedload tranpsort was exceeded early in the snowmelt season,causing the increased transport on the rising limb. The drop in bedload transport was hypothesized to indicate that the stream had cleansed itself of all tttransportablet sediment, that sediment deposited on the armor layer over the previous year or time since last critical discharge. Thus, although the 1See pages 12 and 13 for explanation of tractive force theory. 18 tractive force increased further at the peak of the hydrograph, no in. crease in bedload transport could take place because of a lack of transportable sediment. In Knapp Creek, transport rates also increas- ed on the rising limb of the spring melt hydrograph, but a second sharp increase occurred just prior to the peak of the hydrograph. Molnau et al. (1975) hypothesized that discharge had increased to the point where the tractive force was great enough to dislodge the armor layer, releasing sediment that had been trapped below it. According to Beschta (personal coimnunication), Molnau et al. (1975) based their hypothesis on a relatively few samples. Much of what they saw may actually have been sampling variability. In the fol lowing study by Etett (1975), a ten-fold variation in peak bedload transport rates was cotnmon. ett (1975) used a Helley-Smith sampler to collect bedload data for three streams of the upper Salmon River basin of Idaho. Although there were too few samples taken to detect differences in transport rates prior to or after the peak discharge, bedload transport was found to increase with increasing discharge0 Measurements were taken in Slate Creek to obtain average minimum transport rates at the cross-sectional location where the maximum transport rates were observed. Over a three day period, the average rate of transport was approximately the same for the same discharge. Individual transport rates comprising these averages showed about a ten-fold variation, however0 These variations were related to some hydraulic variables, but the relationships were not consistent. Samples collected from the Snake and Clearwater Rivers in Idaho 19 were used to estimate bedload transport rates in kilograms per meter width of channel per second (, 1976). This data was plotted against stream power, as defined by Bagnold i:1977), also in kg.m1s1. This graph showed that one relationship was applicable for low values of stream power when coarse particles are not moving and fine particles are limited, and that another relationship was applicable at higher values of stre are moving. power when almost all bed materials At intermediate values of stream power, there is a break in the relationship. Eett felt that the lack of intermediate sized gravels in the bed material of these two rivers (binodal size distribution) led to this; the bed was either artored or moving. The results of a field calibration conducted on the East Fork River, Wyoming, in 1979, were presented by Eett (1981). Helley- Smith samples were compared with results obtained using a conveyorbelt sampler which was assumed to be 100% efficient. of large particles, 8 to 16 Transport rates in diameter and 16 to 32 n in diameter, were too minimal to allow calibration for particle size ranges greater then 16 . Direct comparisons with results obtained using the con- veyor belt could be made for particle sizes ranging from 0.5 to 16 m. Eet felt that the' Helley-Smith sampler was 100% efficient for the 0.25 to 0.50 less than 0.25 than 16 particle size class, but that data on particle sizes should not be used and that data on particles larger n should be treated with caution. Using data from the East Fork River, Eett (1981) quantified bedload transport in terms of the particle size classes as a percent of total load, and the rates of change of a given size class as the total - 20 bedload transport rate increased (Table 2). A least squares linear regression of the log transformed data was used to develop a power equation relating the bedload transport rate in each particle size class (Y) and the total bedload transport rate (X): (3) "b", the slope of the regression line, is the rate of change in per- centage of total bedload in that particle size class. The Helley-Smith sampler does pick up some suspended sediment, the absolute quantities of which depend upon the sizes of sediment in transport and the hydraulic conditions of flow (Eett, 1981). However, the significance of material that can be transported as suspended sediment (less than 0.50 bedload transport rate increases. in diameter) decreases as the The rate of change values (exponent b) in Table 2 for suspended size particles are less than imity, indicating that the percentage of sediment in those size classes decreases as total bedload transport rate increases. The significance of transport of particles in size classes rang- ing from 05O to 8.0 was found to be greatest and to increase as bedload transport increased (Table 2). class was 0.50 to 1.0 . The dominant particle size The greatest rates of change occur from the 2.0 to 4.0 = size class, followed by the 1.0 to 2.0 = and 4.0 to 80 size classes. At high bedload transport rates, the rate of change values combine with the mean percentage values such that the 1.0 to 20 and 2.0 to 4.0 centage of total bedload0 size classes comprise the greatest perThe median particle values or rate of change for the two coarsest particle size categories are not comparable 21 TABLE 2. Mean Percentage of Total Bedload in Each Particle Size Class (Y/X) and Rate of Change in Percentage (B) as Bedload Transport Rate Changes1'2 Particle size class, = Mean percentage of total bedload in particle size class (Y/X in %) Rate of change in percentage of total bedload in particle size class (B) 0.06 - 0.12 0.35 0.727 0.12 - 0.25 3.24 0599 0.25 - 0.50 22.80 0.698 0.50 - 1.00 26.84 1.050 1.00 - 2.00 20.07 1.213 2.00 - 4.00 10.61 1.344 4.00 - 8.00 3.45 1.193 8.00 - 16.00 0.89 0.867 16.00 -32.00 0.65 0.367 1Data adapted from E=ett (1981). x = bedload transport rate in a given particle size class. total bedload transport rate in a given particle size class. 22 to those for the smaller size categories because the largest particles move only at high transport rates. Thus, many of the low transport rims could not be included in the analysis for these size particles (log transformed regressions cannot include zero values) (ett 1981). Eiett (1981) concluded that the Helley-Smith sampler should not be used for measuring bedload transport rates for sediment of particle sizes which also are transported as suspended sediment; nor where the bag may become clogged with particles about equal in size to the size of the mesh, or with organic debris0 Sampling efficiency probably al-' so decreases as particle size appruaches nozzle dimensions. Further, the sampler should not be used when irregularities in the stream bed preclude a reasonable fit between the sampler boto and the bed0 Edwards (1979) conducted sediment transport research and used both a vortex sampler and a hand-held Helley-Smith sampler. was conducted on Flynn Creek, which drains a 2 shed in the Coast Range of western Oregon The study undisturbed water- The Helley-Smith sampler was found to be more efficient in this stream, where much of the bed- load consists.of sand-sizematerial. The Helley-Smith sampler is also compatible with standard suspended sediment sampling techniques, and it can be modified to account for local sampling conditions. This is advantageous in Flynn Creek because of the variation in transport rates and types of material in transport0 Edwards found such differ- ences existed among three sites selected for bedload sampling, mdicating that limited sampling at a single site acterize bedload transport in this area. ay not adequately char- 23 Edwards (1979) also found that bedload transport occurred in relatively discrete pulses. coincide with peak runoff. Maximi.mi bedload discharge did not always Although streamfiow was found to be the principal variable controlling sediment transport, results indicated that supply limitations exist. Suspended sediment represents the greater portion of total load in Flynn Creek, yielding from four to ten times more sediment than was yielded as bedload during a 24-hour peak flow period. Both total suspended solids (TSS) and coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) peaked early in the storm; however, pulses of CPOM discharge occurred during the recession and appeared to be related to streambed disturbances. Edwards concluded that channel morphology and in-stream obstructions may cause significant spatial and temporal variations in sediment transport. Bedload movement is important in regulating bed composition and particulate yields. Another study by O'Leary (1980) in Flynn Creek used a vortex sampler as the primary device for sampling bedload tranpsort during storms. A hand-held Helley-Smith sampler was used to obtain samples composed of several cross-sectional subsamples, which provided supplemental information about bedload transport, and provided "test samples' which were used to measure equipment efficiency or variations in transport across the channel. Samples collected with the vortex sampler in- dicated that bedload discharge increased with increasing streaniflow. Bedload transport rates also increased as the storm season progressed, even though streaniflow was less than that of previous storms. O'Leary (1980) concluded that this may have been the result of exceeding some critical discharge necessary to initiate bedload transport. Regression 24 analysis of streamflow and bedload discharge showed that significant (p - 0.01) differences existed between relationships developed for individual storms. Helley-Smith samples obtained by O'Leary (1980) indicated bedload discharge rates greater than those indicated by the vortex sampler, except for one storm. This was again attributed to the greater efficiency of the Helley-Smith for material in the sand-size particle range. Intensive sampling with the Helley-Smith sampler showed that bedload transport rates fluctuated rapidly. O'Leary (1980) also found that when large amounts of organic material were in transport, bedload transport rates as estimated by the Helley-Smith samples tended to be low. However, there was no statistically sig- nificant regression relationship between percent organic matter and the bedload transport rate. Another method that has been used to estimate bedload transport has been to measure changes in the channel morphology. This has been done by measuring cross-sectional profiles prior to and following the storm season or, in some cases, following individual storm events. Cross-sectional profiles and longitudinal morphometric surveys have been combined to show net channel changes over time (Leopold et al., 1964; Dunne and Leopold, 1978; Edwards, 1980). Various morphological characteristics have been used in attempts to predict sediment discharge (Rosgen, 1978; Marston, 1978; Dunne and Leopold, 1978). Narston (1978) used data on the morphometric charac- teristics of several streams in western Oregon to develop regression equations to predict streataflow and sediment yield. Rosgen (1978) 25 shows how sediment rating curves can be used to predict changes in sediment yield following silvicultural activities. Both of these methods have limited usefulness, however, because of the large amount of data which must be collected and because the relationships tend to be site specific. Tracers, in the form of marked rocks, have been used to relate discharge to the nunber and size of bedload particles moved during high flows (Leopold and Fnett, 1981). Rocks representing various size particle classes were collected from a streambed, marked, and replaced in a line along a riffle. The authors found that even when the computed shear stress was several times larger than the minimal value for motion as indicated by initial motion stress values derived from the Shields curve, only a small proportion of available rocks would actually be set in motion. Therefore, to move all rocks of a given size, it is necessary to have repreated flows which produce a competent shear stress. Leopold and Fett (1981) stated, "If a gra- vel riffle is an expression of a kinematic wave as suggested by Langbein and Leopold, complete replacement of rocks in a zone of concentration requires a series of flow events of sufficient energy to move those rocks." Thus, although a riffle may represent the crest of a wave of bedload transport, bedload movement itself is a function of more than the shear stress resulting from streamf low. Color-coded marbles were used by O'Leary (1980) to determine bed scour and fill, and average transport distances of bed material. Al- though the marbles were resistant to abrasion, so that the color would not come off, and they approximated bedload particles in size and density, difficulties arose in recovering them following the storm 26 season. Three sizes of marbles were used in the study; percent re- covery was significantly higher for large and medium-sized marbles than for small marbles. The method did show where bedload movement and channel changes occurred but results obtained for transport in terms of distance moved and number of marbles moved may have been biased towards the larger marble sizes (O'Leary, 1980). Problas associated with using "tracers" to determine transport distances tend to be related to recovery problems. subject to abrasion and lose their markings. Painted rocks are Even if this is not a problem, 100% recovery of tracers is often difficult. The use of materials to mark tracer particles may be one way to overcome these problems. None of the methods available to evaluate bedload transport in streams is entirely satisfactory. Theoretical and empirical equations do not adequately characterize conditions occurring in natural streams. Direct measurement techniques utilize samplers that alter streamflow conditions, which leads to an overor underestimation of bedload transport. Direct sampling techniques and measurements of chaxiges in charmel morphology are very labor intensive; large amounts of data are required to yield reliable results. However, the use of these various techniques will hopefully lead to a better understanding of sediment transport under natural conditions, and aid in the development of more suitable methods to evaluate changes in the sediment regime in streams 27 III. WATERSHED DESCRIPTION The Trap Bay watershed is located on the southern side of the Tenakee Inlet, on the northeastern side of Chichagof Island, between 57°44' and 57°45' north latitude and 135°00' and 135°02' west longitude (Figure 1). It is approximately 60 aerial miles SSW of Juneau, Alaska, and is 13.5 14ii2 2) in area. The climate is typical of the Alaska Panhandle and is a cool, moist maritime climate characterized by cloudy skies and little daily temperature variation. Cloudy skies occur on the average of 275 days per year, 43 are clear, and the remainder are partly cloudy (Harris et al., 1974). The relatively wide range in daily hours of sunshine dur- ing the year apparently reduces daily temperature fluctuations. During the ser, there is only a brief period of nightime cooling, while du.ring the winter, the low angle of the sun and reduced hours of sun- shine result in little surface heating (Harris etal., 1974). other major moderating influence on temperature is the sea. of the Inland Passage are warmed by the Alaska current. The Waters Sea temper- atures range from 12.8°C (55°F) in the ser to about 5.6°C (42°F) in the winter (Harris etal., 1974). The watershed receives about 3410 txmi (95 in) of precipitation per year, with nearly 40% occurring in October, and only 1% occurring in April, May, and June (Harris etal., 1974). Most precipitation occurs as steady, light to moderate rain, although there may be appreciable snowfall at higher elevations during the fall and winter. Maximum precipitation is usually associated with prominent low pressure systems, called Aleutian Lows, which develop in, or cross, 28 :yp, ": '\ , -.) :. . 2k-. ?' - .- j r:.-. - 7 ç- ;;i_- - 'ç - ø4/ ?w1 /ACIr' '-- .LT TAU- -cz, ' Hi-(.- -'.,'-.C - l,u'. - PIEAS4N\ C. I S.' _e.f, .,, SSLANO . PMs Lo..nj. alsic., 'Joe. 5',ouczè - 5' C, '. '- . C,,f Poh1 p.J. -..' , - i:'--. DoyCov --, ':-.N' Grc1.i iQd -' *GSV's5'- .-T - ? \' --...5/ ilendc I aue. - 'C' . . ' - -S . -4 L \\ . ./' '5_. F..L'*lV .............5' -: uIL4-\ -. .:..\ 011W S.. :: -i_.; L ADMIRALTY,u1j0 - ..ISLAND. ak, \ POffi 4: - - .'-, 4_ .q, C..Du', VL-::hI - ---------------- 34SLAND- - - '5 Figure 1. - l.. _i \ ;._ .5,. .:-Teoi. .' ovasou' r -' W.IIO : --f- (. -5 l.jon - ..j General map of Chicagof Island showing location of Trap Bay Watershed 0iflf Nooa.on 29 the Gulf of Alaska (Harris et al., 1974). These systems follow a storm track along the Aleutian Island chain, the Alaska Penninsula, and the Gulf of Alaska. These areas are exposed to most of the storms cross- ing the north Pacific. Moist air masses moving in from the sea are lifted by the Coast Mountains, which interrupt surface air circulation, resulting in the large amounts of rainfall that soak the Panhandle. Trap Bay Watershed is a glacial c±rque valley bounded by serrate ridges and a horn peak at the southern end. Elevation ranges from sea level to a maximi. Detailed mapping and of 1320 m (3870 ft). interpretation of the geologic history of southeast Alaska is still in the initial stages. In most glacial cirque valleys in the area, the bedrock plays a lesser role in soils development because it is often overlain by compact glacial till up to 451 m (1500 ft) in elevation (Harris etal., 1974). Soil formation began following the retreat of the last glaciers, which were associated ith the Wisconsin advance; most tnineral soils are derived from ablation till (Harris et al., 1974). Climate is an important factor in soil development. fall, cool temperatures, a short growing season, an High rain- moderately low soil temperatures all contribute to an accumulation of organic matter on the surface and within the soil (Harris et al., 1974). The organ- ic mat on the surface, for example, may range from 15 to 25 cm in thickness. Sidel and Swanston (1982) described the soils of a northwest facing slope on the eastern side of the watershed. Mid to upslope soils are 15 to 50 cm thick and are overlain by a wet, dense, organic 30 layer which is about 20 cm thick. The Tolstoi soil series predominates in well-drained slope positions and the St. Nicholas series occurs in more poorly drained steep sites. er and midslope reaches. The Kupreanof series occurs in low- These soils are moderately deep, well drain- ed, and overlie weathered graywacke. Soils common to s.milar areas of southeast Alaska contain approximately 1QZ organic matter and 12% iron oxides both of which strongly attract and hold water (Harris etal., 1974). Thixotrophic properties are coon in many southeast Alaskan soils as a result of the high organic and iron content in combination with high rainfall. is a reversible gel-sd Thixatrophy transformation in which the soil structure breaks down under stress. Precipitation generally exceeds calculated evapotranspiration throughout the year. This, in combination with the many glacially- caused depressions and extensive impermeable soil layers, has resulted in the formation of large areas of organic soils. These are classi- f led as Histosols and coonly called "muskegs" (Harris etaL, 1974) Muskegs cover much of the lowland area of the watershed. They are composed of sedge or sphagntnn peat, and support sedge, sphagnum, erica- ceous species, and stunted lodgepole pine and western hemlock. Muskegs may help to regulate streamf low (Harris etal., 1974). All mature mineral soils under timber have strongly spodic (Pod.' zol B) horizons (Harris et al., 1974) Spodosols have developed under the spruce forest which covers the slopes and better drained lowland areas. organic The depth of tree rooting is largely confined to the thick at and the upper 30.5 cm (12 in) of mineral soil where most 31 plant nutrients are concentrated. Vegetation is rich arid abundant everywhere in the watershed except above treeline. I observed Sitka spruce, western hemlock, and scattered red-cedar and red alder in the forest. The understory consisted of blueberry, huckleberry, ferris and numerous vascular plants. Mosses and lichens covered every available surface. Dense thickets of salmonberry, ferns, skunk cabbage, and nettles alternated with alder clones and an occasional hemlock along the streambanks and in frequently inundated areas. Devils club was also found along streams, throughout the forest, and was particularly abundant in clearings and on steeper slopes where the soil becomes thin and rocky. A variety of grasses grew along the shorline, extending inland as far as the high tide line. Descriptions and geographic ranges of most woody species of the region can be found in Alaska Trees and Shrubs (Viereck and Little, 1972). The watershed is characteristic of southeast Alaska with its steep slopes; shallow, highly permeable soils; and high rainfall. Slopes range from 5% in the valley to about 75% along the side of the ridges. The dense vegetation and thick organic layer effectively protect the soil from surface erosion. Soil drainage is primarily by subsurface flow; high soil permeabilities ensure that little surface flow occurs outside of established channels. Oversteepened slopes, those having a slope angle of greater than 30 degrees, are subject to creep which may contribute to the susceptibility of soil to sliding in critical areas (Swanston, 1974). Also, the watershed is in a zone of seismic activity, and is undergoing tectonic uplift following the 32 last glacial retreat (Swanston, personal coiiunication). Ongoing re- search which is being conducted by the Forestry Sciences Lab should provide more inforxnation on the contribution of mass failure to the sediment load of the drainage network, both under the virgin old-growth timber and following timber harvest. Stream Characteristics Trap Bay Creek is fed both by a spring originating in a cave on the eastern end of the watershed, and by a second-order stream draining the southern end of the watershed. Numerous small tributaries flow into these two branches and into the main stream itself. Several of these tributaries flow through muskegs which contribute large amounts of dissolved organic matter and result in discolored water. Peak flows in the general region occur following the recharge of the soil moisture deficit during the fall rains, and also during early spring due to rain-on-snow events (Schmiege etal,, 1974). Stream- f low is at its lowest stages during the months of July and August when evapotranspirational demands are highest and precipitation inputs are relatively small. Lag time following precipitation varies with antecedent conditions; the hydrograph begins to rise approximately six hours after the onset of precipitation. Rapid fluctuations in streamflow are probably reduced to some degree by the regulating influence of the spring in the cave and by the muskegs. In the upper reaches of Trap Bay Creek, channel form is primarily influenced by large organic debris in the channel and streamside tation. Pool-riffle sequences are generally a result of stable vege- - 33 accumulations of debris against fallen trees which create settling basins and tend to obscure any natural systemic poàl-riffle sequences. Large trees and root wads frequently create protected backwater areas that are important as habitat for fry during high flows (Swanson, 1980). Downstream reaches are not as heavily influenced by the forest, but large organic debris continues to play a significant role in channel form. Streambanks become far less stable and are subject to fre- quent sloughing during high flows where the protection afforded by tree roots is no longer present. The downstream reaches are also affected by tides which vary from less than 0.3 m (1 ft) to more than 6.1 m (20 ft). The effects of 6.1 m tides extend nearly 1280 m (4200 ft) upstream and, when they occur in combination with high flows, can result in the flotation of otherwise stable debris. Beaver activity is coon along the lower 1890 m (6200 ft) of channel. Numerous piles of debris have been constructed which usually divert flow. A network of trails and slides also occurs along th.e stream which may contribute to localized areas of bank instability. During the months of August through November, and especially dur- ing the major pink slamon run of late August, the streambed is disturbed by the spawning activities of the fish. Pink salmon redd con- struction redistributes large amounts of gravel and can change the streambed profile drastically in heavily used areas. Changes in the suspended sediment load during these period may result from this spawning activity. The longitudinal profile of Trap Bay Creek closely parallels the 34 valley gradient. The lower 1372 m (4500 ft) of stream channel has a relatively steady gradient of 0.25%. Gradient decreases to about 0.18% through a 168 m (550 ft) relatively straight section, and then begins to increase. This increase in gradient begins above the tidal in fluence zone. Gradient in a reach examined in this study 1591 m to 1409 m (5218 to 5279 ft) upstream of the stream mouth, increased from 0.41% in 1980 to 0.81% in 1981 (see discussion of channel morphology in Results section). The streambed is generally composed of small to medi cobbles, gravel and coarse sands with silt and fine sands increasing in abundance in depositional areas low flows. Gravel bars are nterous and obvious at Sections of the streabed are armoured by cobbles that range in size from one to several in diameter. Sand and gravel un- derlie and fill the interstices between the cobbles. In one short and relatively straight reach of the stream (1340 to 1522 m from the stream mouth) larger stones and boulders, ranging from 5 to more than 30 cm in diameters compose part of the bed. They increase in size and num- ber in the upstream direction9 reaching a maximum in the vicinity of a USFS stream gage, which is located 1521 m (4990 ft) from the stream mouth. The primary study site was located between 1590 and 1609 m from the stream mouth, arid consisted of two riffles separated by a depositional area. It was selected because it was the only pool-riffle se- quence close enough to camp to enable manual transport of equipment and materials, and it was only slightly affected by larger organic debris There were several trees that had fallen across the stream along the 35 study reach, but all appeared to have been in the same position for several seasons. Only one of these trees, located at the upper riffle, was actually on the streambed; this log was more than half buried in gravel and there was gravel acci.ulating upstream from it, so it appeared to be stable. bankfull. The upper riffle was 13.7 m (45.1 ft) wide at The lower riffle had a bankfull width of 12.6 m (41.4 ft). The depositional area was approximately 18 m (60 ft) long and 10.7 m (35.0 ft) wide. A bridge was constructed across each of the riffles so that bedload samples could be obtained without disturbing the bed. Some riparian vegetation was cut down to acconodate construction. Bed ma- terials in the study section were typical of the stream, with an increase in the proportion of sand and silt size particles in the depositional area. Stream banksaveraged 0.76 m (25 ft) high through the primary study section, ranging from 0.17 m (0.5 ft) to 1.22 m (4.0 ft). The left1 bank appeared to be realtively stable due to the presence of the roots of saitnonberry, alder, and hemlock. Some undercutting was oc- curring below the rooting depth of this vegetation. Control Creek, a - tributary stream that entered the mainstream just below the foot of the upper bridge, had been daned by beaver activity prior to 1979 (Hub- bard, personal conunication). It now joins the mainstream at two ad- ditional places: at the foot of the lower bridge, and 30.5 m (100 ft) downstream from the lower bridge. The diversion of Control Creek has 1Left and right designate the side of channel relative to an observer facing in the downstream direction. 36 resulted in the year-round inundation of the lowland area adjacent to the mainstream and the accelerated erosion of the right bank. 37 HETHODS IV. Precipitation and Streamflow Two weighing precipitation gages (Weather-Measure Model No. P511P Remote Recording Snow Gage) were installed on the watershed in the Spring of 1980. One was located in a natural clearing on a southwest facing slope at about 150 m (490 ft) in elevation. The other was io- cated in a meadow, less than 400 m (1300 ft) from the stream, at an elevation of about 15 m (150 ft). Other studies have indicated that there may be signficant differences between precipitation falling on slopes and that received in valleys (Schmiege etal., 1974). Mechani- cal problems with the meadow gage made it impossible to determine if this might be the case at Trap Bay. A continuous record of rainfall during the sampling period was available from the slope gage, except for the rainfall of 24 September 1980, and was used to relate rainfall duration and intensity to storm runoff. A wate-level recording stream gage (Fischer-Porter Series 1540, Model No. 35-D; accuracy ± ½ count) was installed at the head of a chute, 1520 m (4990 ft) from the stream mouth, in July of 1980. This instrument recorded the water level at 15-minute intervals to the nearest 0.3 cm (0.01 ft) on a punch tape. It was set to punch at the same level as the stage indicated by a staff gage that was adjacent to it. Two additional metal staff gages were installed below each bridge to provide supplemental readings. The float-counterweight fell off the recording gage during the period from 11 October - 16 October, and during this time stage was determiaad from the staff gages. 38 A series of velocity measurements were made during September and October, 1980, using a Teledyne-Gurley Direct-Reading Current Meter. A regression equation was developed to relate stage to velocity for each of the cross-sections below the bridges0 The stage-velocity re- lationship was then combined with determinations of the cross-sectional areas occupied by water at a given stage and stage-discharge relationships were developed. Regression relationships between stage at the recording gage and the estimated discharge at each of the crosssections underneath the bridges allowed development of a stage-discharge curve for the entire stream. Although there wera insufficient on-site data available to use any of the coonly employed methods for evaluating the magnitude of storm events, equations have been developed !or estimating mean monthly, mean annual, and peak flows of various return periods, based on certain characteristics of the watershed (Water Resources Atlas for Alaska, 1979). These equations are included in Appendix 2. Channel Morphology A theodolite survey of the thaiweg was conducted during July and August, 1980, from the mouth of the stream (assumed to be sea level at station 0 at low ti4e mark on 22 July 1980) to 1646 m (6400 ft) upstream. Thalweg elevation, bankfull width, and the distance of the thaiweg from the right bank were measured at 15.2 m (50 ft) intervals. Stakes were placed on the right bank to mark the point at which the measurements were taken. The location of large organic debris, gravel bars, and pools were also recorded and referenced to the stakes. 39 These features were plotted on a USGS topographic map (Sitka (C-4) Quadraxigle, scale = 1:31,680). During August and September, 1980, cross-sectional profiles were taken at an average of one every 45.7 m (150 ft) over the same extent of the stream covered by the theodolite survey, and additional stakes were used to mark their locations. Individual cross-sections were selected to be representative of each reach of charmel. Also in August 1980, the depth of the thalweg relative to the water surface, stream width, an4 the distance of the thalweg from the right bank were nieasured at.0.6 m (2 ft) intervals along the 18.6 m (61 ft) reach where bedload sampling was conducted. Four cross-sectional profiles were taken within this reach. The August, 1981, theodolite survey was restricted to a 259 m (850 ft) section of the stream, from 1387 to 1646 m upstream (stations 45 + 50 to 54 + 00 of the first survey). Cross-sectional profiles were also taken wherever stakes from the previous study could be found. The 0.6 ni (2 ft) survey of the pool-riffle study reach was repeated. Large organic debris, pools, and gravel bars were remapped for the lower 1646 m of the stream. Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity Total suspended:solids (TSS) includes inorganic sediments and fine to very fine organic matter (0.5 - 1.0 nmi) that is tranported in suspension in the water column. TSS saniples were collected during two 28-hr periods that coincided with portions of three storis during Fall, 1980. An automatic pumping sampler (Instrentation Specialties 40 Co., Model 1392) was manually activated prior to each expected high flow event to obtain two subsamples at 30-minute intervals that were composited in each of the 28 sample bottles held by the machine. The ISCO sampler intake was located near the end of a chute, located ap proximately 1341 m (4500 ft) from the mouth of Trap Bay Creek (see Figure 18 for precise location). Samples were filtered through a 4.5 * io8 m glass-fiber filter, oven-dried at 100°C, and analyzed gravimetrically. n attpt was made to determine turbidity of the TSS samples with a Hach Nephalometer. Unfortunately, a two-hour warm-up period is nec- essary to stabilize readings on the iristrient, and this was not possible because the electrical source was a gas-powered generator. The initial attempts at turbidity analysis without a sufficient warn-up period yielded inconsistent ad highly variable results. Bedload Transport Measurements Bedload samples were collected from the bridges at the pool-riffle study reach with a hand-held Helley-Sm.ith pressure differential sampler- during ten storm events during the fall and early winter of 1980. sampler had a standard 7.6 2 6000 surface area (0.2 ard 1950 cm2 bag. The square aperture but was fitted with a mesh) collection bag instead of the stand- This larger bag has been shown to reduce clogging and, thus, improve sampler efficiency (Johnson etal., 1977; Beschta, 1981). Bedload sampling methods must account for the lateral variations in transport (Emmett, 1979). A composite sple was thus obtained by 41 taking subsamples at equally spaced positions along each bridge at the two riffles. The upper bridge was marked at ten 0.61 (2 ft) inter- vals; the lower bridge was marked at eight 0.46 m (1.5 ft) intervals. Depending on the ambient bedload discharge, the subsamnpling period ranged from 15 seconds to 1 minute. A sample was collected from a given bridge at intervals of from seven to 20 minutes during peak transport periods, depending upon hOw rapidly the sampler could be emptied and the water decanted from the samples. I was able to do this more quickly as the season progressed, and if sampling was conducted during the day. Samples were collected at hourly to bihourly intervals during the rising and/or falling limb of the hydrograph when bedload discharge was relatively low. The lower riffle cross-section was sam- pled iediately after the upper riffle cross-section had been sampled. Bedload Sample Analysis Figure 2 illustrates the bedload sample analysis procedure. Oven- dry sample weights were obtained with a Nettler P1210 top-pan balance (1200 g capacity), accurate to ± .01 g). Samples were burned at 320°C f or 24 hours to eliminate organic matter and then reweighed. Most of the samples were dried and burned at the Forest Sciences Lab in Juneau; however, about half of them were burned and weighed at the Forestry Research Lab, Oregon State Univeristy, Corvallis. and type of scale were used at both locations. The same procedure The seiving and sub- sequent weighing were done at the Forestry Research Lab. 42 Figure 2. F10 chart illustrating bedload sample analysis procedure. Calculation of Bedload Discharge Total bedload discharge in kilograms per hour (kg.hr1) were obtamed by dividing the net oven-dry weight of each composite sample by the number of minutes the sampler was in contact with the bottom, multiplying by 60 -1 , and dividing by the fraction of the stream bottom covered by the sampler orifice (i.e., 7.6 i/bottom width). Because of the temporal and spatial variability of bedload transport, the same rate of transport cannot be occurring at all points along the channel bottom at any given time. Therefore, the average of sys- tematic traverses across the channel may be a better indicator of transport rates than individual measurements (Bagriold, 1977). However, this average does not provide an indication of the cross-sectional spatial variability in transport. The subsampling procedure does in- corporate points representative of the varying transport rates across the channel and also provides an index to the average transport rate at a given discharge. Particle size fractions were obtained by seiving (Figure 2) and were plotted as cumulative distributions of grain size diameter in = versus percent of sample by weight finer than a given diameter. Seive sizes corresponded to the USDA soil-texture classification (Hillel, 1980) and this classification is used throughout this paper. Inter- polation from the graphs provided estimates of the distribution characteristics such as D50 and D90. D50, the median particle size di- ameter, has been considered to be the siniplest parameter to use in characterizing the effective grain size dieter (Bagnold, 1977). D90, the diameter equalled or exceeded by 10% of the particles in the 44 sample, is an index of the largest particle sizes in transport. E=ett (1981) considers the Helley-Smith sampler to be 100% ef ficient for particles larger than 0.25 ; therefore, the portion of each sample larger than this (medit.mi-to coarsesand and gravel) can be considered to represent total inorganic bedload in transport. The portion of material larger than 2.00 .mfl (gravel) excludes any material which might actually be suspended sediment (Edwards, 1979). Sediment-discharge rating curves were developed using a power function of the form: BLD where, aQb (4) BLD is bedload discharge in kg.hr1 Q is stream water discharge in m3s1km_2 and a and b are regression coefficients. This function was also used to develop relationships for total suspended solids. Beschta (personal counication) has found that this equation appears to relate bedload transport to discharge better than a linear regression equation. Scatter diagrams also indicated that there was a curvilinear relationship between discharge and sediment transport. This equation is similar in form to that given by Graf (1971) which re- lates sediment discharge to the actual and "critical" water discharge, except that no value of "critical ' discharge is assumed. 'Critical' discharge is that necessary to initiate sediment transport (Graf, 1971). The same type of equation was used to relate coarse particulate organic matter transport (CPON), D50, and D90 to water discharge. Rating curves of this type were developed for all data from all storms for each of these parameters. In order to examine the variability of 45 bedload transport relationships between each of the riffles, between different storm events, and between the rising and falling limbs of the storm hydrographs, additional comparisons were developed using that data collected during the time aDd/or from the site of interest. £11 of the regression equations were tested for significance using an Ftest for goodness-of-fit at alpha-levels of 0.10 and 0.05, and r2 values were computed. Regression coefficients were tested for signi ficance using the t-test at alpha-levels of 0.10 and 0.05. uses a null hypothesis of 'a' or 'b' = 0. This test Significance indicates that the coefficient(s) differ from zero (Neter and Wasserman, 1974). Organic Matter Both fine particulate organic matter (FPOM), 0 - 1.0 >1.0 , and CPOM, , which is in transport near the strebed is collected by the Helley-Smith sampler. was made. No analysis of the size of organic particles However, all organic matter is referred to as CPOM because the Helley-Sniith is efficient only for particles in the upper range of FPOM. it was not possible to use a furnace èapable of achieving the standard burning temperture of 550°C for the determination of organic matter content (American Public Health Association, 1976). The large volume of the samples niade it necessary to use a larger oven, and con- sequently a temperature of only 320°C, for a period of 24 hours. Sovie of the organic niatter may not be completely eliminated at this tempera- ture (Cins, personal counication), but some of the weight loss of 46 obtained using the 550°C temperature may be due to the loss of bound water from inorganic matter, particularly clay particles (Adams, 1980), Some bound water ay even be lost at the 320°C temperature; however I noted that it frequently appeared that not all organic matter had been completely eliminated. Both Adams (1980) and Beschta (personal com- munication), however, consider the 320°C temperatrue to be adequate for providIng an index to the relative CPOM content of sediment samples. The data presented here,therefore,do not represent absolute amounts of CPOM in transport, but can be considered to represent relative fractions Work presently being conducted by R.C. Sidle at the Forestry Sciences Lab in Juneau may provide more information on the accuracy of the analytical procedure used for determining CPOM in this study. Bed Composition Bed surface particle size-distributions were estimated from random samples of surface particles using a procedure similar to that describ ed by Dunne and Leopold (1978) Two 1 m2 areas were dslineated at each of the bridges and in the depositional area between the bridges. Sur- - f ace particles were selected by taking a step within the area, reach- ing down and picking up a particle without looking, and measuring the particle and replacing it. each area. The process was repeated 25 times within 47 V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Precipitation and Streamf low Most precipitation during the 1980 study period occurred as long duration, light to moderate rainfall which did not result in an appreciable rise in streamf low. Ten storms occurred during this study peri- od, at which time sediment sampling was conducted; data on precipitation was available for nine of these storms (Figures 3-10). Data limitations make it impossible to characterize storm events as to their relative intensity; there are no precipitation or streamf low records for this area other than those collected during this study. During the early part of the storm season, it was difficult to predict when rainfall would result in significant changes in streamflow and bedload transport. This is reflected in the fact that bedload sampling was con- ducted .during the 23 and 24 September storms, both of which were rela- tively low magnitude events (c.f. Figures 3-10). than 2.0 Peak flows of greater m3s1 were required to produce appreciable bedload movement and it was difficult to determine whether rainfall would result in peak flows of this magnitude. Peak flows generally had a lag time of about fotir hours follow- ing the onset of precipitation, depending on the rainfall intensity and antecedant conditions. Lag time varied from less than one hour to more than five hours (Figures 3-10). Storm flows had a duration of as much as ten hours and usually lasted more than six hours. This made it difficult for me to continue to collect samples over the entire event. Therefore, I made an attempt to intensively sample the peak of 48 jtotsi. prsotp. a I5.5 a .2 -.3 -1. I L .7 -8 2 I- ; . 3.5k 3. 1.0 0.5 0 1200 1I..00 1600 1800 2000 00 21.00 OO Tia., hra Figure 3. Precipitation intensity and duration and the resultant hydrograph f or the 23 Septber 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 49 o 1 - ti, hr, Figure 4.. Precipitation intensity and duration and the resultant hydrograph for the 24 Septiber 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 50 total 6.0 54.9 5.5 5.0 4.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 .1.0 0.5 1200 Figure 5. - 1400 1600 iWO 2000 2200 2400 tim., xs OO OO 0600 Precipitation intensity and duration and the resultant hydrograph for the 28 September 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 1200 1400 1603 1800 2000 2203 2400 Precipitation intensity and duration and the resultant hydrograph for the Sept. 30 - 1 Oct. 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chfchagof Island, Alaska 1000 tIne, hra 2200 23)0 2403 0203. 0!03 0600 0800 Figure 6. 0 0.5 11.0 Ii 2.0 2.5 total red . = 32.8 na 52 2 4 3 -I 3 3 C 9 7 17.02 idLY? 9.62 62 .i12 65 ' .113 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0200 Figure 7. 01.00 0600 0800 1000 1200 1430 tt, T3 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 0200 0.00 Precipitation intensity and duration aiid the resultant hydrograph for the 1 October 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 53 1 total. prcip. s 31.8 2 3 1. 5 6 9 ,, 2.5 2.0 0 1.5 1 .0 0.5 0600 Figure 8. 0800 1000 1200 ti, 1 11.00 1600 1800 2000 2200 21.00 00 Precipitation intensity and duration and the resultant hydrograph for the 2 October 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 54 veage or 2.r thtenit7, -, V .Q .. N I N .2 8 v' C ' U.' 0 _g Figure 9. V W% 0 'iqs v' 0 u - Precipitation intensity and duration and the resultant hydrograph for the 5 October 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska Figure 10. 0 0.5 1.0 '.5 J2.0 r2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 1400 1PJa 21k10 22).) 2400 17.0 mrnF 020i) )4O) )6i)J tIm hrj (1&)i) IO)t) totiil jrectj.. I 1200 1OO 1600 1lO) 2000 220J 30.2 6 5 3 0 B (a I. 4 PrecipItation Intensity and duration and the resultant hydrograpli for the 7 October 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chlchagof Island, Alaska 1600 total roc1p. 56 the hydrograph, and to take samples at less frequent intervals on either the rising or falling limb. Figures 3-10 show the time of duration, average intensity and 2-hour maxim.m intensity of precipitation and the resultant hydro- graphs for the nine storms during which bedload was sampled. Data were incomplete for the event of 24 September, and there were no data available on rainfall for the 16 and 18 October events. The figures show that the peak of the hydrogaph generally occurs at two to four hours after the period of most intense rainfall. Also, because most rainfall is of light to moderate intensity, the hydrograph often begins to recede while it is still raining The great point-to-'point variation in precipitation that charac- terizes this region makes it impossible to compare or relate rainfall received in one area to that received at a nearby location. Inghram (1979) attempted to fill in missing precipitation data for the Kadashan drainage area, which is west of Trap Bay, using regression relationships developed fram the relatively complete records of the Kadashari base station and Tenakee Springs. He found that the method was un- satisfactory because of the resulting low r2 values, the variability in the number of days per month for which there was precipitation data, and the general unreliability of the data. Inghram also found that precipitation and discharge comparisons were unsuccessful. He felt that there are too many factors involved on a watershed to draw a useful correlation between precipitation and streamflow. The Water Resources Atlas for Alaska (1979) lists equations that can be used to estimate streflow based on selected watershed 57 characteristics. These equations were used to estimate expected strea.f low for various return periods and average monthly flows for August through November (Appendix II). All events except the 1 Octo- ber storm appear to have had return periods of less than two years, based on these equations, whereas the 1 October event had a return period of between two and five years (Table 3). The stream gage operated continuously for the entire month of September. Mechanical p±oblems resulted in incomplete records for the other months. The estimated mean monthly discharge for September from the equations of the Water Resource Atlas is 1.26 tn3s1 (44.4 cfs). Actual mean monthly discharge was 0.57 m3s1 (20.3 cfs). However, it is not possible to determine whether September, 1980, was relatively dry, or whether the estimate is too high. More data on both streamflow and precipitation are needed before the relative magnitude of flow events can be determined. The 1 Octo- ber event was produced by only moderately heavy rainfall (Figure 12), yet discharge exceeded that of all other events by an order of niagnitude. The flooding and channel changes accompanying this storm were much greater than those of any of the other events. Streamflow at each of the sampling sites was related to the streamgage readings by regression of the staff gage readings. (one was located downstream from each of the bridges) against the readings of the streamgage. that there was no change in the volume of water being discharged between the study reach and adjacent to the streamgage, the area occupied by water at a given stage was determined at each of the riffles and related to the stage readings at the 58 TABLE 3. Measured peak flows and estimated recurrence intervals for Fall, 1980, storms, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska Discharge Date 3-1 ms -2 lcii 3-1 Estimated recurrence interval1, years fts 23 September 0.046 21.9 <2 23 September 0.147 70.6 <2 28 September 0.417 199.5 <2 30 Sept. - .1 Oct. 0.170 81.2 <2 1 October 1.254 6004 2-5 2 October 0330 158.2 <2 5 October 0.424 203.1 <2 7 October 0.139 66.4 <2 16 October 0.664 3178 <2 18 October 0.167 79.8 <2 ) 59 streamgage. The resulting rating curve used to relate the recorded stage to voletric discharge is illustrated in Figure 11. Bed Coposition The streambed of Trap Bay Creek consists of particles derived from igneous bedrock and ablation till. Past glaciation has acceler- ated the breakdown of the relatively resistant bedrock, thus increas-' ing the proportion of bed material in smaller size classes. There is a wide range of particle sizes, the larger of which may exceed 10 cm in diameter. Larger particles are usually angular but those derived from glacial deposits are often somewhat rounded. Much of the sur- ficial material is made up of small to medit-sized particles which range frog less than one to several material is underlain by alluvi in diameter. This non-cohesive and ablation till, both of which may contain large amounts of colloidal-sized particles and silt. Results of surface-particle size distribution sampling are presented in Table 4 and Figure 12. There does not appear to be a sig- nificant difference between the riffles and the pool except that the median particle size in the pool and lower riffle was slightly larger than that in the upper riffle, with that of the lower riffle being the largest. Time of spling must be considered in interpreting these results. Sampling was conducted in late August; the armor layer could have been well-developed over the whole reach. Differences in bed composition may not have been evident in surface material because of the churning of the gravels by pink salmon, although this reach is not 60 120 105 90 45. 30 15 0 OJ0 Figure 11. 0.75' 1.00 1.25 Stage, ft. 1 e50 1.75. 2.00 Stagedischarge1rating curve for Trap Bay Creek, Chicagof Island, Alaska 1Toconvert f9m feet to meters, multiply by 0.304S, to convert from cfs to m si multiply by 0.028. 61 heavily used by fish. It is evident, however, that the largest per- centage of surface particles (about 50%) is composed of coarse sand, with most of the remainder (about 45%) being gravel. Channel Morphology The thalweg survey was only repeated for a 259 m (850 ft) section of channel in 1981; both the 1980 and 1981 surveys were conducted in mid-August. Results are presented in Figures 13 and 14. channel gradient in 1980 was 0.25%. Overall Gradient decreased from 0.24% in the resurveyed section to 0.17% from 1980 to 1981, while stream width rained about the same. The resurvey of the pool-riffle study reach, where measurements were made at 0.61 m (2 ft) intervals, showed that no major changes in bankfull width had occurred from 1980 to 1981 (Figure 14). However, gradient in this section nearly doubled, going from 0.41% to 0.81%, as a result of aggradation at the upstream end and degradation at the downstream end. The greatest changes in thalweg elevation atid location took place upstream from a chute (Figure 13), except for some aggradation and a shift of the thalweg towards the right (looking upstream) near the lower end of the chute (Station 45 + 00). This chute appears to be relatively stable, probably because of the material which underlies it. Boulder-sized material becomes apparent at about 122 m (400 ft) from the upstream end of the chute, and increases in size and abundance in the upstream direction. The tidal influence zone reaches as far up as the chute, but does not appear to reach the stream gage. The lack of extreie fluctuations due to tides may contribute to 62 TABLE 4. Class Size Size Distributions of Particles Selected at Random From the Armor Layer of the Study Reach Trap Bay Creek, Chicagof Island, Alaska no0 of particles in class Z of total cumulative D95 % finer lower riffle 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 1 2 0 3 11 6 6 2 22 12 24 48 30 42 4.00 5 10 90 8 2,43 0.44 4.30 1.66 0.44 4.40 2q00 039 480 upper riffle 0.25 O.25 0050 1.00 2.00 4.00 1 2 3 6 10 17 15 4 20 34 30 0 2 8 28 62 92 8 pool 0.25 0.25 2 1 4 2 0 4 0.50 12 10 24 20 30 17 34 16 1q00 2,00 4q00 8 6 50 84 63 100 qo 10 - 30 0 30 10 5 4 % a C c O.3 c. 0.1 Graiz size diater. cm Figure 12. Size distribution curves developed from random samples of surface particles in the study reach, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 0 . 43 . H 5 0 '4 610 16+00 20+00 iq Figure 13. i t 0.17 0.24 0.25 , 0.81 0.41 I I- * distance depth 1 0,5 1981 1980 1 586 $ 52+00 fart f'nr nTnlanatlnn nf sttinn aqtablishmant. of low tIde mark, 22 July 190 (see text). Stream width and distance of thalweg from leIt bank, (upper graph) and thalweg depth2of Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof I1and, Alaska * 854 in 32400 36+00 40+00 44400 48400 I I a 5 iO98 122p, ,1 342 976 144 stream gradient, % 1981 1980 732 I or distance from low tide mark 24+00 28+00 study reach resurveyod reao total distance surveyed 12+00 Station, ft' - I I I Control Creek 1593 1981 - - a 1597 dldtrino6 organ a debria tree plan view - - gravel 1609 ,depos1t Creek Control trout ntrwm mouth, m 1600 1606 1603 a I upper bridge I 19tO 1612 Thalveg profile and planimetric map of the poof-riffle study reach along Trap Bay Creek, Chicagof Island, Alaska (surveyed in September 1980, and August 1981) lower bridge I It 1590 Figure 14. 10 a5 a a) 1). 0 4.) ri 66 stability of the chute. The map of stream features (Figures 15-18) shows that the chute is less subject to bank sloughing and inputs of large organic debris than are upstream or downstream reaches. a result of its relative stability. This may be both a cause and Cross-sectional profiles taken in this reach (not shown) indicate little net change had taken place from 1980 to 1981. Very few salmon spawn in this reach. This may be because of the difference in streambed material composition, but it may also be due to lack of cover in the form of undercut banks and large organic debris (Eubbardt9 Alaska Dept0 of Fish and Game, personal counication) The lower reaches of the channel are subject to a great deal of morphometric change. Bank-sloughing, tree-tipping, and shifting of gravels were widespread within the tidal influence zone (Figures 1517). The meander just above the mouth of the chaimel has shifted from west to east several times in the past based on an analysis of aerial photographs, and is actively cutting its banks0 This section of channel has also been subj.ected to much human activity: trampling of the banks, removal of large organic debris, and construction of two fish weirs. The first weir was constructed in 1979 and was destroyed by high flows before it was completed. ed in July of 1980. The second weir was construct- Some of the changes in this section of the chan- nel are probably due directly to human activity. The resurvey of the poolriffle study reach showed that the thalweg elevation has increased and the channel has widened downstream from the upper riffle (Figure 14). Downstream from Station 52 + 62, 67 t. ci Jtc e.Jnt A ett , i ;+ t4. c.e*t &CtTh;Aq crn' 50-4+., %1ker%!15 S c; ètc. or Lt 3n Figure 15. Planimetric map of the lowest 923 m (2700 ft) of Trap Bay Creek showing changes from August 1980 to August 1981 68 i *f ,t *IL. eM '.. ,e.t óoi.iX% , 1% a . \e4.t. L_ o. i3U3 4M3 'Flt e. 'rA4. I%)fl. ' c.nà tG W; 'So 04 Th tsar. rm urrm Q1Y ' Keu £14. s .t. .'t' I t'3.3 .L Figure 16. Planimetric map of Trap Bay Creek frorn 823 m (2700 ft) from stream mouth to 1219 m (4000 ft) from stream mouth showing changes from August 1980 to August 1981 69 I4 Ut 3#rn. -tf. br Q%43 t Figure 17. Planimetric map of Trap Bay Creek from 1539 m (5050 ft) from stream mouth to 1844 m (6050 ft) from stream mouth showing changes from August 1980 to August 1981 70 4O4G0 AX 4 4ôed wi Q? &' 'rf. b rl 0. - ifl31 t3 tdøJ er. ;Aue. 3i.3.s ce ewv trr = t. 50 4t. trnAr GrtJ hor mi1 Grf 0 Aa&, %qS od&I'% 14 C.Ø Figure 18. Planimetric map of Trap Bay Creek from 1219 m from stream mouth to 1539 m (5050 ft) from stream mouth showing changes from August 1980 to August 1981 71 the true left (tttrue left" is relative to an observer looking down- stream) bank is being undercut and the thaiweg has shifted towards this bank. riffle. Little change in thalweg location occurred in the upper Deposition has occurred in the lower section of the pool be- tween the riffles. Scouring occurred in another pool located 30.5 m (100 ft) downstream from the pool-riffle study reach and the thalweg elevation decreased by nearly 0.3 m (1 ft). tIpstrei from Station 52 + 68 for about 61 m (20 ft), the thalweg has tended to shift towards the middle of the stream (Figure 14). Gravels have begun to acci.ulate at what was the major outlet of Control Creek and debris has acci.ulated at the true left ends of the two fallen trees near the upper bridge (Figure 18). The debris tends to channel flow into the middle of the stream while the buildup of gravel at the foot of the upper bridge tends to channel it back towards the true left bank. The cross-sectional profiles taken in the primary study reach (Figure 14) show that, although there has been an increase in the thalweg elevation, there has actually been net scour (see also Table 8). Although more material was transported out of this reach than was transported into it, there was a tendency for the maximum depth of the channel to increase because the channel bottom became more even. The survey of 1980 included 1951 m (6400 ft) of channel. The gradient of the channel from Station 53 + 00 to Station 64 + 00 was approxImately 0.80%. There was much more large organic debris in the upper portions of the channel (Figure 18) and it was difficult to find any pool-riffle sequences which were not a result of the pressure of 72 large organics. Much of the organic material in the stream above the study reach was tree-sized and relatively stable. Smaller debris can be trapped against fallen trees and debris build-ups resulted in localized scouring and deposition in many locations. Large organics are a dominant influence on channel iorpho logy. Tree-sized material, appears to generally remain where it falls for relatively long periods of time, except in the extreme lower reaches of the channel. Localized scour and deposition take place where there are build-ups of debris, disrupting any natural pool-riffle sequences in the upper reaches. Trees in the channel do not appear to block fish passage but, instead, serve as cover for spawning adults. Both large organics and undercut baxks are important as cover for juvenile salmon (Swanson, 1980). Width-depth rations were computed for all of the cross-sections which were resurvyed in 1981 (Table 5). In general, the ratios increased from 1980 to 1981, indicating that the channel is widening and/or becoming more shallow. The average stream width increased from 13.0 to 13.9 m (42,6 to 45.6 ft) and the average depth decreased from 0.91 to 0.82 m (2.99 to 2.69 ft) from 1980 to 1981 over the 914 m (3000 ft) section in which cross-sections were measured. widening and aggradation appear to be occurring. Thus, both The width and depth of cross-sections within the chute remained relatively constant from 1980 to 1981, however, again indicating that it is relatively stable. The morphological changes that took place in Trap Bay Creek from 1980 to 1981 indicate that it is an active channel undergoing aggradation and widening. Lithology is one factor determining the morphology .: width, pi Ii 0 Stothrn 5) + 15 ( 1620 * frog low til. isork) ... . width, -4... 1, r lo Ud. piork) 10 19 17g5 10 174 debrii organS.. till 1001W - ---21 Awl. 1961 14 Aug. 19I0 frous low ti. .iork) 10 frc low tida .sirk) width, - sipj.r rIft 1. I t.t1osa 52 4 79 ( 1609 2.5 pi S .14th, ii station 52 4 40 (1597 2.5 Net channel changes from 14 August 1980 to 21 August 1981 within the pool-riffle study reach of Trap Bay Creek, Chichiagof Island, Alaska 25 3t4Uou 52 * So ( i600 25 (rca lois tid. i.siik) 5tiiLio 52 * 18 (1590.4 - lotior rifil. 13 Figure 19. I) 9 width, 2,5 74 TABLE 5. Station Width-depth Ratios for Selected Stations1 in 1980 and 1981) Trap Bay Creek3 Chichagof Island, Alaska Width, 1980 Depths W/D Ratio Width, 1981 Depth, W/D Ratio m 54 53 52 52 52 52 52 51 50 49 48 46 44 43 42 37 35 34 2J + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 00 15 79 50 40 18 00 00 00 40 00 05 90 50 00 50 00 00 50 135 172 12.8 11.1 10.2 0.79 0.97 1.13 0.84 0.76 99 053 10.4 0.58 137 084 9.8 12.5 13.7 0.87 0.93 140 141 165 0.84 12.5 14.5 10.5 11.8 18,9 0.70 0.99 0.99 0.70 0.23 13.0 041 091 069 076 037 24OOi3T4 average ,7Y 17.0 136 176 17.7 13.4 11.7 10.9 10.7 11.4 13.3 134 186 18.0 16,4 112 13.4 20.0 1L8 13.7 11.3 12.5 0.68 0.79 0.91 0.82 0.52 0.61 0.46 0.55 0.76 0.85 140 139 084 14.,1 076 45.0 17.9 14.6 10.6 16e5 037 052 168 121 241 1.8 1.68 0.88 0.76 0.15 0.38 13.9 0 ..82 167 184 82.7 32.6 (p77 125 15.3 11.6 I 19.8 22.3 14.7 140 21.1 17.5 258 25.0 14.8 14.6 28.8 .049 166 184 450 24.2 9.1 13.1 15.9 158.0 41.6 5. 1Stations decrease in value in the downstream direction; see text (pp. 43-44) for explanation of station establishment ere (dcf do ). i4 / 1 II. 75 of Trap Bay Creek as is indicated by the presence of the relatively stable chute. The tides are important in the lower reaches of the channel, especially where there are few trees lining the streambanks. Channel gradient appears to be a function of both lithology and the tidal influence zone. Large organic material, especially fallen trees, interact with streamflow and sediment transport in determining chatmel morphology above the tidal influence zone. Smaller organics (branches, twigs, bark, and leaves) are also important in that they can lodge against fallen trees and gravel deposits, causing local deflection of flow. Organic material is also important in providing cover for salmonids. Total Suspended Solids Problems involved in processing the total suspended solids (TSS) samples precluded a fully accurate analysis of suspended sediment transport in Trap Bay Creek. Electricity to power the filtering ap- paratus was not always available, so the entire set of samples usually had to be transported to the FSL in Jmeau. Here, additional probls- arose because the filter discs being used were not consistent in weight and preweighing in the field was impossible. Trap Bay Creek has a relatively low suspended solids concentration even at peak flows. Filter disc weights varied by as much as a gram, which is three orders of magnitude greater than the total mass of most of the samples. Preweighing of filter discs in the lab before transport to the field gave reasonable accuracy, but was tiie-constziing and dependant on a lack of .ix-ups when the filter discs were used. Data for two 76 sets of samples covering portions of three storm events were considered reliable enough for interpretive use. The data presented in Table 6 show that TSS concentrations ranged from 0 to 86 mgl1 during flows ranging from O.O5 to 1.26 cubic me ters per second per square kilometer (m3s112). The naturally low suspended sediment regime is likely a result of the relatively high erosional resistivity of the rocks in the watershed, low intensity rainfall, rapid soil infiltration rates and subsequent lack of surface run off. Suspended sediment loads of nonglacial streams in southeast Alas- ka are generally extremely low (Schmiege etal., 1974). component of many high re1ief The bedload glacial-form watershed streams is large and this limits the lasting influence of suspended sediment in the streambed. Trap Bay Creek represents a d±fferent type of stream than those streams with high suspended to bedload ratios which have been studied in the southern U.S. It appears that most sediment transport occurs as bedload here, and that suspended sediment is relatively unimportant in this undisturbed old growth system. Sediment rating curves were developed for TSS using the equation (4). r2 values ranged from 0.18 to 0.999. port at 0.06 m3s1i2 Prediction of .TSS trans- the average annual flow according to the Water Resources Atlas for Alaska (1979), ranged from 2.1 to 26.1 mg.l (Table 6). A plot of TSS versus discharge (Figure 20) showed that, although there is a slight hysteresis effect evident for the 24-23 September data, the opposite is true for the 1 October data. A hysteresis effect is coonly seen in TSS data collected from streams in W. Oregon (Milhous and Klingeman, 1973; Beschta, 1981; Edwards, 1979). Data from one event at Trap Bay Creek do not provide a basis 77 TABLE 6. Summary of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Data Collected From Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, During Two Storms in the Fall of 1980. 24-25 September 1980, hrs. 30 September - 1 October 1980 Discharge TSS, m3sllcxn2 mg 1-1 0.07 0.07 0 08 0010 10 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 016 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0 5 28 32 27 0 26 1 1 32 2 0 0 3 0 0 2 Time, hrs. Discharge m3s 12 mg 11 2300 2400 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 0.13 0.13 0.11 0 11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.16 0 25 0.39 48 42 44 33 25 28 21 0.71 1.09 1.26 1.06 0.71 0.49 61 63 TSS, 34 40 18 51 49 86 72 52 38 TSS rating curves1 Predicted TSS transport for the average annual discharge. Q = 0.062 all data TSS = 96.5 Q087 r2 24-25 September : TSS = 2067.2 Q236r2 rising limb TSS - 1412.7 Q2.05r2 falling limb TSS 3366.4 Q2.05r2 30 Sept.-1 Oct. rising limb falling limb TSS = 65.0 Q TSS = 64.4 TSS=68.6Q 033 r r ' 0.41 8.25 0.34 0.67 0.18 2,76 4.43 2.08 0.59 0.46 25.54 26.10 6.79 r=1.00 See text for explanation of rating curve development. Average annual discharge computed using an equation from the Water Resources Atlas for Alaska (1979). 78 90 / 'I ///1 ,,/1II 80 70 - 60 -, A:-, A P3o Sept.-'," f "I /1 Oct. -I hO p 30 p I I 20 24-25 Sept. 0.5 Figure 20. 0.5 0.65 Discharge, Q.I5 0.5 311.2 1.d5 Total suspended solids (TSS) versus stream discharge for two time periods during the Fall of 1980, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 79 for concluding that TSS hystersis does or does not occur. The 1 Octo- ber event may have resulted in TSS transport unlike that which occurs during more frequent events. The fraction of suspended load that is made up of organics is variable and can compose all or none of a given sample (Figures 21 and 22). The proportion of organics does not appear to depend on dis- charge or on the total amount of TSS in transport. It is interesting that, during the 24-25 September event, organic material makes up a relatively small portion of TSS on the rising limb of the hydrograph, but TSS samples on the falling limb were frequently coiposed entirely of organic material. In contrast, organics initially comprised 20 to 50 percent of TSS at the beginning of the 1 October event, but are essentially absent from TSS samples collected during the peak and f alling limb. This may be another indication that TSS transport during this event was not characteristic of the stream during relatively normal flows. Bedload Discharge At the lower riffle of the pool-riffle study reach, bedload discharge, including organic material, ranged frog 3.9 to 4200 kg.hr1. At the upper riffle, bedload discharge ranged from 15 to 4400 kg.hr4. The lowest measured transport rate occurred during the first storm of the season, 23 September, at the lower: riffle, and during the 7 October storm at the upper riffle. The greatest measured transport rate occurred during the 1 October event at both sites but the time of peak transport differed. Peak bedload transport occurred nearly coincident 80 100:. .1 7 .o10 80 1 S .125 E 0 .4. o40 S 0' 20 .075 1 .050 1900 Figure 21. 2400 000 1000 Ti,hrsT Total suspended organics (TSO), time during the Trap Bay Creek, 1.500 2000 scuds (TSS), total suspended and stream discharge (Q) over storm of 24-25 September 1980, Chichagof Island, Alaska 81 0 2300 Figure 22. 0400- 0900 Tixne, hrs. 1300 1800 Total suspended (TSS), total suspended organics (TSO), and stream discharge (Q) over tine during the storm of 30 Sept.1 Oct. 1980, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 82 with the peak of the hydrograph at the lower riffle, but showed wide variability at the upper riffle (Figures 23-33) Peak transport rates occurred nearly coincident with peak discharge during the 30 Sept. - 1 Oct0 and 1 Oct incomplete for the other eight events. events0 The data are Transport rates at the upper riffle exceeded those at the lower riffle during all events except that of 1 Oct., the latter part of the 2 Oct. event, and the 7 Oct event. Apparently, sediment was transported past the upper riffle and deposited in the pool during lesser, more frequent events. An event of sufficient magnitude was then required to dislodge this ma- terial and transport it past th lower riffle Once this material had been dislodged, transport past the lower riffle was accomplished by lesser magnitude events until all available sediment had been. trans- ported and the depositional area becaie essentially rearmored. Langbein and Leopold (1960) theorized that a gravel riffle is a ezpression of a kinematic wave, and that it requires repeated flows of sufficient magtiitude to transport material from one zone of concentration to the next. Bay Creek. This theory could explain what happened in Trap Lesser events are capable of transporting material to and past the upper riffle, which represents a "zone of concentration." A series of greater magnitude events was necessary to transport this material past the lower riffle to the next zone of concentration. The average change in sediment storage in the pool-riffle study reach was computed from estimates of net change in cross-sectional area from 1980 to 1981 in the cross-sectional profiles. shown in Table 7. Results are The average volume of sediment transported during 83 V 'V / C 0 C '4'V w 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 ILCO tthe, ?3 5OO 1600 1700 1$CO 1900 2000 Figure 23. Discharge (Q), bedload (BLD) and organic bedload (BLDOrg) in transport, and average particle diamter of bedload sample CD50) over time for the 30 September 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska NOTE: o indicates samples from the upper riffle x indicates samples from the lower riffle 84 C -4 C. I. a C = C C a 0 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 t, s 2000 2100 C0 2300 2h0 C00 0200 Figure 24. Discharge (Q), bedload (BLD) and organic bedload (BLDOr) in transport, and average particle diameter of bedload samples (D50) over time for the 24 September 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska NOTE: o indicates samples from the upper riffle x indicates samples from the lower riffle 85 1OO 1600 1703 Figure 25. NOTE: 13C0 t, 2000 kr 2100 2200 1900 Z.1300 2LA Discharge (Q), bedload (BLD) arid organic bedload (BLDorg) in transport, and average particle diameter of bedload sample CD50) over time for the 28 Sept. 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska o indicates samples from the upper riffle x indicates samples from the lower riffle 86 0 as 0 I.. C. 1803 19Cc 2000 21 GQ OO 2QQ ZhQ O1CO t9 b5 Q O3O O5O Figure 26. Discharge (Q), bedload (BLD) and organic bedload (BLD0rg) in transport, and average particle diameter of bedload sample (D50) over time for the 30 Sept. - 1 Oct. 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska NOTE: o indicates samples from the upper riffle x indicates samples from the lower riffle J ec.i a USLI t__L__L__I1 i.._..L_.i_ uosi o( vo,( 000 O.O061 091 VL1 091 (ci I I oc. Figure 27. I a & I I IM.c ee I 't19 000 I I C'5L1 I a I 0.9 I I oct ccii I'a CC1 en ou 001 06 I c.3c1 0L I e.oa - I c I - c o' oc ox 01 00 0 a 101 ___1 .iLI- 0i ftla. a .( a.. a 0 - R 0 S S Discharge (Q)I bedload (BLD) and inorganic bedload (BLDOrR) in transport, and average particle diameter of bedload sample '(D50) over time for tI'e 1 October 1980 storm at Trap Bay Creeks Chichagof Island, Alaska 88 a qa C C C 170 IEGO 1900 2GC 2100 -, 22 I 2300 21.0 tine, br Figure 28. Discharge (Q), bedload (BLD) and organic bedload (BLDorg) in transport, and average particle diameter of bedload sample (D50) over time for the 2 October 1980 stcr at Trap 3ay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska NOTE: o indicates samples frog the upper riffle x indicates samples from the lower riffle I 1. I 6 C igure 29. -, 2 I I) 1 'I II ii 0.5 J_iJ 0 250 I I 1.0 15 I 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 1750 2000 225() 2500 2750 3000 1 I I I 1 I 1 11 3.0 1500 I 2.5 1250 2.0 1000 I7501%I I ,I oo: I Discharge (Q), bedload (BLD) and organic bedload (BLDorg) in transport, and average particle diameter of bedload sample (D50) over time for 5October storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska I bID1 kg4ir1 o indicates samples from the upper riffle .x indicates samples from the lower riffle BLDorg kg.hr1 0 7i 0 25 NOTE: 90 1000 1100 1200 1OO 1LO 15Cc 1éO 7OV s Figure 30. Discharge (Q), bedload (BLD) and organic bedload (BLD0 ). in transport, and average particle ä.ameter of bedload sample (D50) over time for the 7 October storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska NOTE: o indicates samples from the upper riffle x indicates samples frog the lower riffle 91 0900 1000 1100 1200 10C lh.00 ti., :s 1500 16C0 Figure 31. Discharge (Q), bedload (BLD) and organic bed-. load (BLDorg) in transport, and average particle diameter of bedload sample CD50) over time for the 16 October storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska NOTE: o indicates samples from the upper riffle x indicates samples from the lower riffle 92 C 10 0 0 I, 4, 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2h0O Figure 32. Discharge (Q), bedload (BLD) and organic bedload (BLD0rg) in transport, and average particle diameter of bedload sample CD50) over time for the 18 October storm at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska NOTE: o indicates samples from the upper riffle x indicates samples from the lower riffle 93 each storm was computed at each sampling site by multiplying the average transport rate by the number of hours that significant bedload transport occurred. A su=ation of these voltmies for all storms gave an estimate of the volume .of sediment transported past each of the riffles (Table 8). The estimate based on cross-sectional areas was 10.8 tonnes (11.9 tons) of sediment transported out of the study reach from 1980 to 1981. Based on the change in each cross-section, 20.4 tones (22.4 tons) of this material was scoured and 9.6 tonnes (10.6 tones) was deposited. These figures are comparable to the estimates of 11.4 totnes (12.5 tons) of sediment transport past the upper riffle and 20.7 tonnes (22.8 tons) of sediment transport past the lower riffle. More sediment was transported past the lower riffle, which agrees with the net negative chaige in cross-sectional area here, and the positive change in area at the upper riffle (Table 7). While these figures are only rough estimates, they indicate that Helley-Smith samples ay provide a reasonable estimate of bedload sediment transport if the changes in channel cross-sectional area are considered to represent the change in bedload sediment storage in the study reach. Plots of bedload discharge > 0.25 no hysteresis was obvious. (not shown) indicated that These plots also showed that, at the lov- er riffle, the bedload transport at a given discharge during the 2 October and 5 October events was greater than it was during any other events. These wo moderate events appear to have transported most of the sediment that was made available by the 1 October event past the lover riffle. Bedload discharge during the 16 October event at a given discharge was less than that of the 1 October event even though 94 TABLE 7. Change in Sediment Storage Computed from Cross-Sectional Area Changes from September, 1980, to August, 1981, for Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska Area, m (ft) Station 1 Length, m(ft) 18(19.3) scour 0.9(10.0) scour 1.3(13.5) 0.01(0.05) scour 0.7(7.0) 1.4(15.3) scour 1,2(130) 2.7(9.0) -2.36(83.25) 7.6(270.0.) 6.1(20.0) -7.61(269.0) 0 . 02 (1. 0) - 3.2(112.0) 52 + 40 fill m3(ft3) + 2.6(90.0) 52 + 18 fill Net Chaxige2 m3(ft3) - 4.9(173.3) 52 + 00 fill Vol.mie, +3.74(132.0) 4.9(16.0) +6.9(244.0) 7.2(2535) 52 + 50 -276(97.5) 5.9(19.5) fill 07(8.0) + 44(156.0) scour 0.6(6.75) -6.2(219.4) fill 0.9(9.25) 5? + 79 9.9(32.5) +2.25(79.6) 4-8.5(299.0) Total -674(238.2) * 1.6 tonnes/m3 10,8 tones Total scour = 20.4 tomies 1 Total fill = 9.6 tonnes See text for explanation of station estab1ishnent (pp. 43-44) 2+ indicates net fill; - indicates net scour. 3Based on Hillel (1980). 3 95 TA3LE 8. Approximate Amount of Sediment Transported by Fall, 1980, Storms, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska2 Storm date Ave. trazisport rate, kg.hrl Time, hrs Sediment transported tonnes tons upper riffle 23 Sept. 33.0 4.0 0.13 0.15 24 Sept. 188.8 3.5 0.66 0.73 28 Sept. 198.6 2.5 0.50 0.55 71.1 4.25 0.30 0.33 1 Oct. 962,3 5075 5.53 6.10 2 Oct. 792.4 2.0 1.59 1.75 5 Oct. 397.4 4.5 1.79 1.97 7 Oct. 35.6 4.0 0.14 0.16 16 Oct. 322.4 0.73 Total 11.37 0.80 12.53 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 2.25 23 Sept. 5.2 lower riffle 4.0 0.02 0.02 24 Sept. 34.7 3.5 0.12 0.13 28 Sept. 47.3 2.5 0.12 0.13 50.3 4.25 0.22 0.24 1 Oct. 2402.8 5.75 13.82 15.23 2 Oct. 430.8 2.0 0.86 0.95 5 Oct. 839.2 4.5 3.78 4.16 7 Oct. 319.1 4.0 1.28 1.41 16 Oct. 229.1 2.25 0.52 Total 20.72 0.57 22.84 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1Time that significant bedload transport occurred. determined by bedload sampling with a Helley-Smith pressuredifferential sampler. 96 the peak flow of the 16 October storm was greater than that of the 2 and 5 October events. At the upper riffle, transport rates early in the storm season were comparable to transport rates at a given discharge following the 1 October storm. Transport rates increased with storm magnitude. However, the 1 October event did not produce au increase in transport comparable to the increase at the lower riffle except for the slug of material at the end of the storm (Figure 28). Transport rates during the 7 and 16 October storms were comparable to those of the 1 October storm at discharges of one-fourth and one-third, respectively, that of the 1 October eveut0 This could have been a new wave of ma- terial moving into the pool to replace the material that was transport- ed out of it by the 1 October storm. Bedload, CPOM, D50, and D90 were regressed against stream discharge using the aforemeutioned power equation (4). Equations using all data from all storms combined are suinmarizedin Table 9. The data were separated according to the site from which the samples were collected and regressions were developed for each of the riffles (Table 10). In Figure 33, the graphs for all significant relationships are presented; Figure 34 depicts the significant relationships for each riffle. Equations are depicted over the range of discharge observed. Separation of the data by sampling site indicated that there was a better correlation between discharge and bedload transport at the lower riffle than at the upper riffle. Correlation coefficients for relationships for the two bedload size fractions and CPOM were higher when only data from the lower riffle were used than when equations were 97 TABLE 9. Relationships Between Bedload (BLD) Tratisport (BLD > 0.25 and BLD 2.0 > in, Coarse Particulate Organic Mat- ter (CPOM in kg.hrl), Two Particle Dieters (D50 and D90 in mm) and Streaflow for the 1980 Fall Storm Season at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska = 132 (all storms) Equation (BLD > 0.25 mm) - 1534.12 Q1613 2 ti ,Z F' a b 0.69 ** ** ** r mm) - 877.47 Q1719 66 * * * (CPOM) - 89.15 Q1857 0.71 ** ** ** (D50) = (D90) = (BLD > 2.0 2.55Q 0.158 13.71 Q015° 0.04 * 0.7 * indicates sigificace at the 90Z level of probability; ** indicates significance at the 95% level of probability. 2significace indicates that the regression coefficient differs froi zero. 98 TABLE 10. Relationships Between Bedload (BLD) Transport (BLD > 0.25 mm and BLD > 20 mm in kg.hr1), Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM in kghr1), Two Particle Diameters (D50 and ) and Streamfiow (Q) for Each Sanipling Site on D90 in Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, for the Fall, 1980 Storm Season upper riffle (n 66) t , Equation r 2 F 1 a b (BLD > 0.25 ) - 1021 Q125 0.58 ** * (BLD > 2.0 ) - 555 Q130 0.56 * * * * (CPOM) - 70.3 Q177 0.66 (D50) - 2.12 Q°"5 0 126 Q°'°6 (D90) * 0.01 lower riffle (ii 66) (BLD > 0.25 =) - 2267 Q198 0.82 ** ** * (BLD > 20 ) - 1379 Q115 0078 ** * * 112 Q195 0.77 ** * * (CPOM) - (D50) - 3.06 Q°32 0,13 (D90) - 16.5 Q°3° 0.19 * indicates significance at the 90% level of probability; ** indicates significance at the.95Z level of probability. 2significance indicates that the regression coefficient differs from zero. I., 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.66 I- 2 3 6: 43- 1. 0.04 0.06 H H 3- 0 4.p 6: 0.2 0.4 0.6 Q. m3s-1km2 0.1 1.0 (cpoI4) = 89.2 Q16 r2 0.91 Bedload (BLD), coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM), and particle dlor D90) vs. streamfiow (Q) relationships for all data (n = 132) collected from Trap Bay Creek, Chlchagof Island, Alaska, during the Fall, 1980, storm season anieter (D5 0.2 r2 (BLD > 2.0 mm) wrY 5 (rnD >0.25 im) - 153at.i Q1161 0.69 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 - Figure 33. 3-. 4- 6: 2.. 6: 1- 2- 0 -.3 H 6-. .4 a 0.56 02 I (api) 70.3 Qh7? = 0.66 Q.4 0.6 1.0 ) 0.04 0.06 0.2 0.4 0.6 Q m3s1hr2 0.1 Lover fliff 1. 1.0 Bedload (BLD), coarse particulate organic matter (CPOH), vs. streamfiow (Q) relationships for data collected from each sampling site (n = 66) on Trap Bay Creek, Chfchagof, Alaska, during the Fall, 1980, storm season Q, m3ekia2 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 (BLD> ?Q = 555.2 QL.,O (BLO ) 0.25 1021.3 Ql.25 r2 0.58 Figure 34. ir 3 6. 2-- Upper lUffi. 101 developed from all data combined. Data were also separated on the basis of whether saniples were collected on the rising (n = 58) or falling (n = 74) limb of the hydrograph (Table 11, Figure 35). Correlation coefficients for bedload and CPOM equations were slightly greater for rising limb data than for falling limb data and the regression coefficients were slightly larger, but the general form of equations fot both rising and falling limbs was similar. In contrast, regression coefficients for the lower rif- fle equations were markedly larger than those for the upper riffle equations. These findings suggest that bedload transport may be more closely related to stream discharge at the lower riffle, and that slightly greater flows are required to produce the same rate of transport. This would be expected if, as previously stated, the pool tends to undergo aggradation between storm seasons and results in a store of material available for during only moderately high streanif low at the upper riffle. Significantly higher streamflow is required to traxis- port this material out of the pool and past the lower riffle. The lack of a difference between the equations developed for the data separated on the basis of the limb of the hydrograph again indicates that little hysteresis occurred during these storms. Correlation coefficients for D50 ax.d D90 regression equations were consistently low, so there appears to be a poor relationship between stream discharge and particle size in transport (Tables 9-11). Except for the relationships developed for the upper riffle, D50 appears to increase with increasing discharge. D90 also shows a slight 102 TABLE 11. Relationships Between Bedload (BLD) Transport (BLD > 0.25 and BLD > 2.0 in kg.hr1), Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM in kg.hri), Two Particle Diameters (D50 and D90 in mm) and Stre.f low for the Rising (ii = 58) and Palling (n 74) Limbs of Storm Hydrograplis, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, During the Fall, 1980, Storm Season rising limb ti ,2 Equation r 2 F 1 a b (BLD > 0.25 mm) - 1858 Q165 0.70 ** ** * ) = 1035 Q175 0.67 * ** * 119 Q1'84 0.79 ** ** * (BLD > 2.0 (CPOM) - 2.52 CD50) (D90) Q°14 0.03 13.3 Q°16 0.03 falling limb 1355 Q161 0.69 ** ** * 788 Q171 0.67 * * * 74 Q191 0.70 * * * (D50) 2.56 Q°17 0006 (D90) 14.1 Q°19 0.10 (BLD > 0.25 u) (BLD > 0.2 (CPOM) mm) = * indicates significance at the 90% level of probability, ** indicates significance at the 95% level of probability. 2significance indicates that the regression coefficient differs from zero. ti 0 3 4 6 2 0.2 Q 0.67 15 2 (cr4) 73.96 Q191 788.3 Q1° 0.67 1.0 w> 2,0 mm) 0.2 0.4 0,6 - QdI m)a-1-2 0.1 r - 0.69 135.2 Q'°l (BLD >' 02 mm) 0.04 0.06 H 3, a I- 4 2- 3-'H 4- 6 2-. 3-,-H 1. 6. falilu! LIth Bedload (BLD) and coarse particulate organic matter (CPON) vs. streamflow (Q) relationships for rising limb (n = 58) and falling limb (n = 74) data collected from Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 0.4 0.6 1.0 (cr014) 119.0 0.79 l04.9 (BLD ) 2. 1857.8 Q'.65 0.10 Q, tii3a'kir2 0.1 r2 (BLU > 0.25 a) 0.02 0.0( 0.06 Figure 35. 2- 4. HiIng Lhb 104 increase with Increasing discharge, but none of the relationships is very strong. The data were also separated on the basis of storm event and relationships for Individual events were developed (Table 12, Figures 36 and 37). Although there is an overall trend for bedload transport to increase with increasing discharge evident in Figure 38, there is considerable variation betweet the relationships for different storms. In fact, the relationships developed for the 23 September storm were so far below the scale of those for the other stores, that they could not be included on the graphs. There are no equations for the 18 Oc- tober event because there were only two data points. Regression coefficients for the same parameter vary by several orders of magnitude for different storms (Table 12). considerable variation among the test statistics. There is also The r generally decreased when the data were stratified. 2 and F-values Some of this de- crease may be attributed to the smaller rnmiber of data points used to develop the equations, but it also indicates that bedload trans- port is a highly unsteady process that is likely to be influenced by a number of factors in a relatively complex iarmer. No single equation examined here adequately characterizes bedload transport. The realtionships obtained for D50 and D90 exhibit no definite trend, either increasing or decreasing. F-values for these equations were very rarely significant,indicating a poor fit of the power equation. "t-values" were occasionally significant for the "a" coefficient (y-intercept). This may mean that there is some "threshold required to set a given particle size in motion. discharge However, the vari- ability in the "a" coefficients indicates that there is more involved 105 TABLE 12. Relationships Between Bedload Transport (BLD > 0.25 = and BLD > 2.0 in kg.hr1), Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM inkghr1), and Two Particle Diameters (D50 and Dg0 in ui) and Streamfiow (Q) for Individual Storm Events Which Occurred During the Fall, 1980, Storm Season at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska r 2 F 1 ti2 a b 23 September (n = 6) (BLD > 0.25 =) (BLD > 2.0 (CPOM) (D50) (D90) 5.7*1017Q115 6.0*106Q111 6,6*10 Q58 = 1.3*10 Q32 ) = - 8.5*1012Q8.2 24 September (n 10) (BLD > 0.25 5440 Q146 491 Q291 864 Q_15 2.2 ) (BLD > 2.0 =) (CP0M) (D50) (D90) = = - 0.07 - 1.54 Q 28 September (n (BLD > 0.25 (BLD > 2.0 ) (CPOM) (D50) (D90) 0.29 0.16 0.69 0.55 0.37 ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 10) 0.48 ) 0.14 0.08 0.38 0.02 0.13 - 185.1 Q022 - 60.3 Q174 109.3 - 0.84 Q07 3.16 Q 0.07 0.01 0.58 0.12 0.18 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 30 Sept. - 1 Oct. (n = 14) (BLD > 0.25 (BLD > 2.0 (CPOM) (D50) (D90) 1 October (n ) - 1950 ) = 1476 Q193 = 67.3 Q048 = 4.47 Q = 9.84 Q 9 ** 32) (BLD > 0.25 =) = 1632 1.53 (BLD > 2.0 ) = 1075 Q154 (CPOM) = 101 Q048 (D50) = 3.26 Q (D90) 0.57 0.45 0.53 0.02 0.06 = 15.1 Q°21 0.59 0.58 0.60 0.26 0.13 ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * - 106 TABLE 12. - Continued t1 ,2 r n) - 42254 3037 (BLD > 025 (BLD > 2.0 14368 ) (cPOM) 0.74 2.09 Q 64.5 - (Pso) (D90) 5 October (n (BLD > 0.25 (BLD > 2.0 1 a b 061 ** ** ** 0 50 0.26 0.01 0.12 ** * ** ** 0.35 0.43 0.58 0 27 0 21 ** ** ** 20) 10588 13183 1230 m) m) (CPOM) 2.99 - 858 (D50) (D90) = 319 Q ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0.69 0.61 0.16 0 09 0 81 ** ** ** ** * ** ** * ** ** ** 0.40 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 12) (11 (BLD > 0.25 (BLD > 2.0 F 14) 2 October (n 7 October 2 966050 163305 2285 m) m) (CPOM) (D50) (D90) 7,4 - 5. 7. o 91 0001 16 October (n - 14) (BLD > 025 m) (BLD > 20 (CPOM) 717.8 t) - 403e5 2L0 1q61 041 0006 = = = CD50) (D90) 2q41 8.73 Q O.6 0 0.09 ** indicates significance at the 0.90% level of probability; ** indicates sigtiificance at the 0.95Z level of probability. 2significance indicates that the coefficient differs from zero. NOTE: The 18 October event was not evaluated because there were only two data points. 2 .MH 3 H f.4 0 6 NOTE: Figure 36. 0.2 30 Sept. (1.9 7 OiL. 0.4 0.6 20 Sept. 16 5 Oat. 1 t. 0 1 0t. H H I 2. 1 2 - 2- L 28 I 0.04 0.06 0.1 ///7Oat. Sept. 16 Oat. a 0.2 0.4 06 24 Sept. j'30 Sept. 2 Oat. lU)> 2.0 i;o Oat. 3ir'ksr Relationships are depicted only over Ihe range of streamfiow observed. The 23 Sept. and 18 Oct. events are not depicted. (see text). Plotsalso inclucje some relationships that were not statistically significant (see Table 12). Q q, 3,-1-2 Bedload (BLD) vs. treamf low (Q) relationships for individual storm events for data colected from Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, during the Fall, 1980, storm season 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 24 Sept. bill > U.'5 108 Figure 37. Coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) vs. streamflow (Q) relationships for individual storm evexlts for data collected from Trap Bay Creek, C1iichagof Island, Alaska, during the Fall, 1980, storm season NOTE: Relationships are depicted only over the range of streainflow observed0 The 23 Sept. and 18 Oct. events are not depicted see ext Plots also include some reltIonships that were no statistically significant (see Table 12). 109 in determining what particle size will be set in motion than discharge alone. The data were also examined to see if stratification by sampling site, hydrograph limb, and site and hydrograph limb combined for each storm to see whether correlations between streamflow and the parameters being exiined would improve. 3. These equations are included in Appendix In general, test statistics for relationships for the two size fractions of bedload and CPOM improved when the data were stratified by spling site for each storm. 0.25 Total bedload transport (BLD > ). was highly correlated with streamf low during the 1 October event at the lower riffle Cr2 - 0.96), but very poorly correlated with streamflow at the upper riffle during this storm Cr2 = 0.06). BLD > 2.0 =, CPOM, D50 and.090 were also fairly well correlated with discharge during the 1 October storm at the lower riffle. Bedload trans- port remained fairly well correlated with streamflow during the two events following the 1 October storm, 2 October and 5 October. The relationships developed for all other events at the lower riffle had relatively low correlation coefficients. In contrast, correlation coefficients for relationships developed for the upper riffle were highest for the three storms preceding the 1 October event, 24 September, 28 September, and 30 Sept.-1 Oct., and were relatively high for the 7 and 16 October events. Possibly, bed- load transport and streaflow are more strongly related during lesser agriitude events at the upper riffle than at the lower riffle because of supply limitations. Material may be available for transport past the upper riffle during low magnitude events, but it is deposited in 110 the pool and is not readily available for transport past the lower riffle. Lower magnitude events may thus result in a build-up of material in the pool but only transport material past the lower riffle sporadically, so there is not a good realtionship between dis- charge and bedload transport at the lower riffle during these events. Material transported to depositional areas during lower magnitude events may than become available for transport past the lower riffle only during the following events of sufficient magnitude, such as the 1 October storm at Trap Bay. This storm may have initiated transport of material out of the pool and made the remaining stored material available for transport during the following two events. charge could th Dis become the dominant factor in bedload transport be- cause the lower riffle was no longer supply limited. The poor relationship between discharge and bedload transport at the upper riffle during the 1 October event may indicate that there was little sediment available for transport. The estimated amount of sediment transport past the upper riffle was much less than that for the lower riffle during this storm, and estimated sediment transport at the lower r.iffle only exceeded that at the tipper riffle during the 1 and 7 October events (Table 8). A lack of available sediment for transport past the upper riffle during the 1 October storm could have resulted in both a poor relationship between transport and streamf low, and in a low amount of transport. CPON relationships did not show the same trends as did the bedload transport relationships. In general, CPON was more strongly related to discharge than bedload transport, possibly because CPON 111 supply is more directly related to streaaflow, while bedload supply can be limited by the size and arrangnent of particles on the bed. Relationships developed for the data when they were stratified by rising vs. falling limb on a storm by storm basis are also included in Appendix 3. r2-values for these relationships were higher for rising-limb relationships for all parameters than they were for falling-limb relationships. That there appears to be a stronger relation ship between bedload and CPOM transport and streamf low during rising limbs than during falling limbs was not obvious when all the storms were considered together. This may be a result of the greater ni.ber of data points for falling limbs (n - 74) than for rising limbs (ri = 58) or it may be that there is less storm-to-storm variation in the falling limb data. Finally, data were stratified according to storm, sampling site, arid hydrograph limb (Appendix 3). The relationships were generally similar to those developed using various composites of the data. Test statistics were significant for the relationships for bedload and CPOM for the same events that had significant relationships when composites of the data were used (24 September, 1 October, and 5 October). There is considerable variation among regression coefficients for different storms and between rising and falling limbs of the same storm. There is also variation in regression coefficients for relationships developed for the same hydrograph limb between the upper and lower riffles. Variations in relationships tended to be considerably greater for falling limbs than for rising limbs. Obviously, the natural spa- tial and temporal variation in bedload transport probably precludes 112 the development of a single general equation which will apply during all storms. Correlation coefficients for equations developed for the larger size fraction of inorgauic bedload (BLD > 2.0 ) tended to be slightly lower than those for relationships of BLD > 0.25 and streaf1ow. Apparently, transport of larger particles (medium to coarse gravel) is not as strongly related to discharge. 2.0 "a" coefficients for (BLD > ) relationships were generally about half as great as those for (BLD > 0.25 .greater. ) relationships, while 11b" coefficients were generally Thus, about half of the material transported at a given discharge was composed of ediu to coarse sand and gravel, while the remainder was composed of larger particles. The mass of larger par- ticles in transport tended to increase at a slightly greater rate with increased discharge than did the total mass in transport. CPOM relationships tended to have significant test statistics for the same events for which bedload relationships were significant. However, different processes appear to control the supply arid trans- port of organic and inorganic particulate matter, even when both are related to streaflow. This is evident if regression coefficients for bedload and CPOM relatioships for the same storm, sampling site, and hydrograph limb are compared. Organic material enters the system sporadically in the form of coarse particulates (leaves twigs, needles, and bark). This material is broken down to fine and very fine particulates by aquatic organisms and by mechanical processes, and then becomes available for transport in suspension. CPOM must first be colonized by bacteria and fungi 113 before it becomes a good food source for aquatic organisms (Cummins, 1974). Deciduous plant material is more readily utilized as a food source by these organisms than is evergeen plant material; thus it is reduced to fine particulate form more quickly (Cnins, 1974). Therefore, several factors are important in determining the supply and ultimate partitioning of the organic load of the stream, including the ate and type of material entering the stream, the rate of consption of organics by aquatic organisms, and the availability of the material for transport (size and location). Even during the fall, when organic inputs are greatest, Trap Bay Creek appears to be supply-limited in organic material available for transport because so little shows up in suspension. Data collected using the Helley-Smith sampler indicated that during the 1980 Fall storm season at Trap Bay Creek, streamf low was only one of the factors determining bedload transport, that there was a general increase in material transported with increasing discharge, and that transport appeared to occur in pulses or "waves." Particle size diameter did not appear to be related to discharge, nor did there appear to be any relation between particle size diameter and the total mass of material in transport. Bedload Transport at Flynn Creek, Oregon vs Trap Bay, Alaska Flynn Creek is a small second order stream in the Alsea River Basin of Western Oregon. Sediment sampling facilities were installed in 1976; several researchers have conducted bedload sediment transport 114 studies there since 1976. Both the Flynn Creek and Trap Bay Creek Watersheds receive most of their precipitation in the form of light to moderate intensity, long duration frontal storms, wIth 90% or more occurring from Novber to May. The total precipitation and average tperature of the two areas are very similar. In contrast to Trap Bay, however, soils at Flynn Creek are relatively deep and are derived from sandstone bedrock. (Pseudotsuga overstory. Douglas fir e.nziesii) and red alder (Ai.nus rubra) dominate the The drainage area of Flynn Creek is 218 ha (O'Leary, 1980) while that of Trap Bay is 1355 ha0 The average elevation of Flynn Creek is 320 m and the relief ratio is 0.13, while these parameters for Trap Bay Creek are 590 m and 0.24, respectively. Flynn Creek is about one-third as long, one-tenth as wide, and one-ninth as deep as Trap Bay Creek. Thus, there are several differences be- tween these two streams which must be kept in mind when comparisons of sediment transport are made. Table 13 lists bedload and CPOM transport relationships developed for Flynn Creek for the 1978 (O'Leary, 1980) and 1979 (Edwards, 1979) water years. These relationships were developed using the same power equation that was used in developing relationships for Trap Bay Creek. The data presented by O'Leary (1980) were collected with a vortex sampler. Data presented by Edwards (1979) were collected with a vortex sampler at the fishtrap and with a Helley-Smith sampler with a large collection bag at the riffle site. It is at once obvious that the realtionships developed from data collected at the riffle site at Flynn Creek are more similar to those 115 TABLE 13. Bedload (BLD) and Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) Relationships for Flymi Creek, Oregon, and Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska Site of collection Flynn Creek, Fish Trap Date 11/24-25 1978 12/ 2-3 1978 12/13-15 - 1978 Flynn Creek, Riffle Site 2/7 [1979 1979 WY 2/ 6-8 Flynn Creek, Fish Trap Trap Bay Cr., data from both riffles - 2/7 1979 Equation BLD > 0.25 = BLD > 0.25 = 110 98 Q824 r2 Source 0.66 0' Leary, 1980 Q141 BLD > 0.25 2.46 2 64 =1536 BLD > 2.0 mm = 770 Q 1.98 BLD > 0.25 mm 137 2 80 CPOM = 571 Q BLD > 0.25 10/1 1980 BLD > 0.25 BLD > 2.0 CPOM represents streaflow in 131 Q = 250 BLD > 0.25 BLD > 2.0 CPOM 4.13 5 27 i = 766 BLD > 2.0 = CPOM 0.32 694 Q543 0.55 BLD > 025 1979 WY 1980 storm season 1 Q255 1.53 i =1632 Q173 =1075 Q1 101 Q =1534 m3sici2 877 Q186 89 Q ' 0.79 0.71 Edwards, 1979 0.90 0.90 0.93 0.92 0.96 0.59 0.58 0.60 0.69 0.66 0.77 Edwards, 1979 116 developed for Trap Bay Creek than are those developed from .data collected at the Fish Trap. There are two reasons why this is to be ex- pected: (1) A vortex sampler was used at the Fish Trap while a HelleySmith sampler was used at the riffle site, (2) Sand-sized particles are the dominant particles in transport at the Fish Trap while gravels tend to to dominant at the riffle (Edwards, 1980). In general, "b" coefficients for the equations for Flynn Creek are significantly greater than those for relationships for Trap Bay Creek, indicating that transport tends to increase more rapidly with discharge at Flynn Creek. The "as' coefficients for Flynn Creek re- lationships tend to be somewhat less than those for Trap Bay Creek. This probably reflects the difference in the average particle sizes of bed material in these two streams, with that of Trap Bay Creek being somewhat larger and more angular (personal observation). Relationships developed for the peak flow event of 1979 at Flynn Creek, 7 February, and the peak flow event of 1980 at Trap Bay Creek, 1 October, are similar for the riffle site at Flynn Creek. Edwards (1980) reported an estimate of inorganic sediment yield of 2.6 tonnes and sri organic sediment yield of 1.5 tonnes at the Fish Trap for the 24-hour period on 7 February 1979, the annual peak flow event. This storm had a peak discharge of 0.75 m3skm2. For the riffle site at Flynn Creek for the same time period, inorganic sediment yield was estimated to be 13.0 tomies and organic sediment yield was estimated to be 1.7 tonnes. For Trap Bay Creek during the 1 October event which 3-1 1i -2 had a peak flow of 2.56 m s , based on the relationships develop- ed for this storm (Table 12) and using data from both riffles, total 117 inorganic sediment yield was 8.0 tonnes and total organic sediment yield was 0.5 tonnes. This is not what the difference in the size and discharge between the two streams would lead one to expect. The low total sediment yield for Trap Bay Creek probably again reflects the difference in the size and shape of bedload particles between the two streams The major factor in influencing the size and shape differences in bedload sediment is the geology of the watershed. The sandstone bedrock underlying the Plyn Creek watershed is relatively easily weathered and breaks down to form an abundance of sand-sized particles (O'Leary, 1979). Thus, most of the bedload sediment yield consists of sand-sized particles (Edwards, 1980). Granitic parent material sup- plies some of the material transported as bedload by Trap Bay Creek. This material is relatively resistant and, when broken down, the particles may compose a large proportion of the armor layer and tend to orient themselves to flow in such a way as to resist transport. Thus, a greater discharge is necessary to initiate bedload transport at Trap Bay Creek than at Flynn Creek because of the larger size and the orientation of the armor layer particles. The low total sediment yield at Trap Bay Creek probably reflects the fact that more nergy is required to dislodge and maintain transport of these larger, angular particles. 118 VII. CONCLUSIONS Based on general observations and a planimetric survey of the low- er 1890 m of the strea9 the channel morphology of Trap Bay Creek is largely influenced by inputs of large organic debris in conjunction with flows ad bedload transport. Tree-sized material serves to trap small debris and sediment, can result in localized deposition and scour, contributes to batik stability, and serves as cover for salmonid s. Because of the lithology of the watershed, during average storm events, more sediment is transported out of the system in the fort of bedload than is transported as suspended sediment. Both suspended and bedload transport appear to be supply limited, however, so that any increased availability in sediment is likely to result in increased transport rates. Although suspended sediment transport appears to be normally much less than bedload transport, any future research on suspended sediment transport in this stream in Trap Bay Creek, should include modification of analytical procedures and equipnLent to alleviate problems en countered in this study. These modifications might include the ad- dition of an accurate weighing scale (for filter discs) and a longrunning power source (for turbidimeter warm-up) at the field installation. 4 Bedload transport is a dynamic process which is generally rela- ted to stream.flow. Based on sampling conducted during Fall 1980 at a pool-riffle sequence on Trap Bay Creek, events with a magnitude of less than one year return period appeared mainly to transport material 119 to the pool where it was temporarily stored. Transport through the pool-riffle sequence occurred when the magnitude of the storm event was great enough to transport material out of the pool and past the riffle. Transport of material dislodged by greater magnitude events may continue during successive low to moderate storms until some form of armoring takes place in the pool or some other form of supply limitation begins to dominate the transport process. Rating curve relationships indicated a general increase in bedload transport with Increased discharge, but relationships developed for individual events show considerable variability. Rating curve rela- tionships developed for this study period appear to be site and storm specific for Trap Bay Creek. Over the range of streamflows dur1n which sampling took place, particle size diameter did not appear to be related to discharge, nor did it appear to be related to the total amount of material in transport. Bedload transport during the study period appeared to be more strongly controlled by stream discharge on the rising limb of the hydrograph than on the falling limb. Supply limitations or partial rearmoring of the streambed may have influenced transport on the falling limb. CPOM transport is generally more strongly related to dis- charge than is bedload transport. The difference in the geology and lithology of Trap Bay and Flynn Creek, as well as watershed and stream size differences, apparently resultsin some interesting contrasts in sediment transport between these two systems. Suspended sediment is a much larger portion of 120 total sedimetit transport in Flynn Creek, atid smaller particle sizes characterize the bedload portion relative to bedload in Trap Bay Extreme spatial and tporal variability iii bedload transport is characteristic of both streams Total sedimetit yield, however, Creek. appears to be greater for Flynn Creek ad transport appears to increase more rapidly here with increasitig streamflow than in Trap Bay Creek. This may reflect the differences in the size and shape of bedload particles between the two streams, which are ultimately a restilt of the geologic differetice between the two watersheds. 100 The hatid-held Helley-Smith sampler provided a means of collecting bedload transport data iii a relatively inaccessible area. Samples obtaitied using the He1ley-Sith do not incorporate all of the tenpor- al and spatial variation in bedload tratisport, but they do appear to provide a useful index to relative transport rates. 121 VIII. 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Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross Publishing Co., Stroudsburg, Pa. Swanston, D.N., and W.J. Walkotten. 1974. Tree rooting and soil stability in coastal forests of southeastern Alaska. Study No. FS-NOR-1604:26, PNW Range and Exp. Sta., Forest Sciences Lab., Juneau, Alaska. Vanoni, V.A. (ed.). 1975. Sedimentation Engineering. Civil Eng. Publ., New York, N.Y. 745 pp. Amer. Soc. Viereck, Leslie A. and E.L. Little, Jr. 1972. Alaska Trees and Shrubs. Agric. Handbook No. 410. USDA Forest Service, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 265 pp. Water Resources Atlas for Alaska. Region X, Juneau, Alaska. April, 1979. USDA For. Serv, APPENDICES A.PPEI1DIX 1. List of Conon ad Scientific Names of Plants and Animals Referred to in This Paper 126 Plants Sitka spruce Western hemlock , . Picea sitchensis (Bong.). Carr. Tsuga heterophylla (Raf0) Sarg. . Red alder Alnus rubra Bong. Lodgepole pine Pinus contorta Dougl. Western redcedar . Thuja plicata Doun. Blueberry Vaccinium alaskaense Howell. Huckleberry V. parvifolium Sm. Salmonberry Rubus pectabilis Pursh. Devils club Oplopanax horridus (Sm.) Miq. Skunk cabbage Lysichitum americanum Hult. and St. John Sedge Carex L. Nettles TJrtica Lyallii S. Wats. Animals Beaver Castor canadensis L. Pink salmon ....... . Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walbaum0 Coho salmon O Dolly varden char Salvelinus malma Walbaum. kisutch Walbau. APPENDIX 2. Equations Flows for Storms of Chichagof For Predicting Mean Annual Flow, Mean Monthly August Through November, and Peak Flows for Various Return Periods for Trap Bay Creek, Island, Alaska, Taken from the Water Resources Atlas for Alaska (1979) 127 1 113 103 A - .0312 P = 29.45 cfs an 90% C.I. - 25-34 Mean annual flow, Mean August flow, A 0.97 .0013 Pm 1.43 A952 V°181E671C'179= 36.7 cfs = 0.96 90% C.I. = 18-42 mean monthly precip. P 7.6 in. 44.35 cfs P107 A99 E'34 2154 Mean September .0564 flow, R2 = 0.97 90% C.L P 114 in. m Mean October Qo flow, - 1.26 m981 A1°5 C169 - 38.8 cfs R2 = 0.97 90Z C.I. 14.25 in. P 25-57 m - 4.03 m838 A1°5 T°°18 Mean November flow, R2 - 0.97 90% C.I. 10.45 in. 2-year peak flow, Q 2 5-year peak flow, Q = 124 L24 17.8 902 25-year peak flow, 19.8 E =S2Ocfs 375=910 0.461 E P12° A907 -.346 L 703cfs 470-1080 P115 A898 L352 R2 - 0.93 90% C.I. 23.7 -.477 -V.337 R2 = 0.93 90Z C.I. 10-year peak flow, Q 10 22.0 cfs 14-27 L A R2 = 094 90% C.I. P 362= C E -.417 =84Ocfs 535-1145 P12 A905 L355 E408 =946 cfs 0.93 90Z C.I. 595-1490 -.356 371 1079cfs 50-year peak flow, Q 50 26.2 P1"'09 A903 L 100-year peak 30.3 P1°6 A904 E°371 = 1196 cfs - 0.91 90% C.I. = 710-1890 flow, R 2 = 092 90Z C,I. E 640-1650 P = mean axnual precipitation from map - 95 in. A - basin area = 5.23 sq.mi. L - proportion of basin in main channel lakes - used 1% to avoid negative logarithni. E = mean basin elevation: E + E + .324(E. E 1254 ft. in aye in ) 4 of basin aDove treeline = 3.74 T C south distance to Gulf of Alaska = 277.5 mi. . APPENDIX 3. Relationships Between Bedload Transport, Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport, Two Particle Diameters, and Streamflow Which Were Not Included in the Text 128 TABLE 16. Relationships1 Between Bedload Transport (BLD > 0.25 = and BLD > 2.0 nm), Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport (CPOM), Two Particle Diameters (D50 and D90), and Streamf low2 for Individual Storm Events at the Upper Riffle, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, During the Fall, 1980, Storm Season Storm n equation r2 BLD > 0.25 =, 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 5 5 6 16 7 10 6 7 3.10 884505 Q252 23742 Q127 1316 Q193 1846 Q03 966 A426 119058 Q204 28128Q80 2,5*10 927 Q BLD > 2.0 23 24 28 30 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 5 5 6 16 7 10 6 7 -1 83 0.03 0.82 0.44 0.76 0.06 0.84 0.20 0051 ' , kg.hr1 7*106 1302 Q1049 1142 Q2'1 1464 Q 567 Q., 12015 48439Q1 8 2.7*10 516 Q ' 0.06 0.70 0.54 0.64 0.07 0.48 0.36 0,70 0.59 CPOM,'4 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Setp.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 5 5 6 16 7 10 6 7 s*io14 835 Q147 59 Q061 71 Q032 80 8 1.6 Q 2399 Q 0.1 25 Q 0 0.07 0.81 0.60 0.61 0.08 0.14 0.61 0.00 0.28 F3 a 129 TABLE 16. - continued Storm n equation r 2 F 3 t a b D50, 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 12 2.7*10 3 5 8.12 Q21 0.02 Q020 3.94 Q039 5 4.81 Q02 2.50 Q13 6 16 0.36 Q216 7 10 16.93 4.10 2272.20 Qo 22 2.43 Q 6 7 0.45 0.83 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.17 0.52 0.21 0.06 ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** D90, 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 5 5 6 16 2.9*1012 7 14.41 1.00 9.27 8.60 7.77 -o.2 3.21 Q043 o.i9 10 17.18 Q425 6 7 17093.10 0 4 7.77 Q 0.50 0.81 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.21 -.09 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 1No equations were developed for events represented by less than three data points. 2 . 3-1 Streamf low, Q, is in m s -2 kin indicates significance at the 90% level of probability; ** indicates significance at the 95% level of probahility. 130 TABLE 17. axid Relationships1 Between Bedload Transport (BLD > 0.25 BLD > 2.0 nun), Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport (CPOM), Two Particle Diameters (D50 and D90), and Streamflow2 for Individual Storm Events at the Lower Riffle, Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, During the Fall, 1980 Storm Season Storm U equation r2 , 2.5*106 3.95 1288 BLD > 0.25 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Setp.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 5 6 3715 2583 Q349 7 26384 4.o3 42970 0.09 i 26 504 Q 10 6 7 BLD > 2.0 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. F6 Oct0 l6Oct. 074 061 023 0.03 Q131 0.10 214 Qo8 030 16 7 10 6 7 3 5 5 6 16 7 10 6 7 Q241 Q212 Q406 Q468 Q419 0.01 i 31 290 Q b ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * 1 3 4 1503 1720 27326 37775 a * ** ** ** 0.32 5 5 6 CPOM, 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 0.14 0.52 0.13 0.21 0.96 p2.57 i.90 16 F3 1 ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** 0.14 011 0.95 0.70 054 012 ** ** ** ** 0.25 kghr1 13408 3.20 3.i4 1025 Q197 189 Q159 35 Q162 127 Q32 0.3 Q375 1057 Q48 0.0002 18Q o 04 0.47 0.71 0.59 0.14 0.65 0.43 0.72 0.03 0 ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** * ** * 131 TABLE 17. - continued Storm n equation r 2 a b D50, 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 -9.9 5.6*1015 Q_14 Q_02 Q059 3.90 Q152 0.31 0.19 1.77 5 5 6 16 7 1202 Q097 10 6 4.09 Q04 0.64 2.49 7 o 03 Q 0.58 0.23 0.37 0 0.36 0.12 0.10 0.01 ** ** ** * 0. D90, = 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 200.90 2.72 Q12 5 5 6 16 7 10 6 1.05 Q07 1.17 57.27 16.29 179.34 o.8o Q032 2.o7 0 0.11 0.31 0.06 0.27 Q_oo3 0.40 0.03 Q181 0.13 0.06 164.06 Q0 11.05 7 Q 0.08 * ** ** ** ** ** * ** 1No equations were developed for events represented by less than three data points. 2 3-1 -2 Streamflow, Q, is in m s indicates significance at the 90% level of probability; ** indicates significance at the 95% level of probability. 132 TABLE 18. Relationships1 Between Bedload Transport (BLD > O25 and BLD > 2.0 mm), Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport (CPOM), Two Particle Diameters (D50 and D90), and Streamflow2 For the Rising Linibs of Storm Hydrographs For mdividual Storm Events at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, During the Fall, 1980, Storm Season Storm n equation r 2 F3 a b ** ** * BLD > 0.25 mm, 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 8345 185 5 10 187 6 14 1689 128345 2 38 4677 Q 9 12 BLD 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 5 10 6 14 9 12 2.51 2.0 0.58 0.07 0.15 0.74 0.81 0.45 * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** , 760 60 Q116 102 1095 Q42 52119 Q31 4764 Q 0.36 0.01 0.06 0.72 0.78 0.52 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** O82 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0,2O O.75 ** ** ** * * ** ** * CPOM, 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 5 10 6 14 9 12 3.41 2728 Q174 109 Q438 13772 Q220 107 1.4 2463 Q 4 70 O85 0.58 0.70 D50, 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 5 10 6 14 9 12 0.06 0.17 o 68 10.69 Q007 3.54 3.99 Q119 3.68 Q 0.68 0.12 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.20 133 TABLE 18. - continued t3 Storm n equation r2 p3 a b D90, 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 5 L13 10 3.16 0 6 48.14 Q03 14 1658 QQL4 9 12 . 81.66 24.60 Q0 0.76 0.18 0.17 025 0.21 O16 ** * ** ** ** * * * 'No equations were developed for events represented by less than three data points. 2 3-1 -2 Streamfiow, Q, is in m s 1 indicates significance at the 90% level of probability; ** indicates significance at the 95% level of probability. 134 TABLE 19. Relationships1 Between Bedload Transport (BLD > 0.25 = and BLD > 2.0 nun), Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport (CPOM), Two Particle Diameters (D50 and D90), and Streamflow2 for the Falling Limbs of Storm Hydrographs For Indi vidual Storm Events at Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska During the Fall, 1980, Storm Season Storm n equation BLD > 0.25 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct0 , 4 3948117 Q9 5 6 18 5 8 15 12 14 1424 1451 3337 222844 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 4 5 6 18 5 8 12 14 4 5 6 18 5 8 12 14 a 0.03 0.01 0.60 0.27 0.05 ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** b 0.07 040 kg.hr1 , 992 Qj 1075 893 75617 166805 15066 F3 015 ° 718 Q 0 0.. 03 82 Q105 Q518 Q633 Q388 Q165 0.47 024 0.23 0.14 0.08 0.41 404 Q CPOM9 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. Q086 Q175 Q602 Q322 11337 Q11 BLD > 2.0 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 6 i r2 -1 * k.hr1 0.27 19896 3 Q209 61 Q035 78 Q20, 254 Q4 1216 0.0006 Q0 o 21 Q ° 0 . 0.77 0.14 0.96 0.13 0.01 0.06 D50, mm 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 4 4,27 Q°1 0 5 0.22 Q06 6 4.74 Q051 18 3.13 Q99 5 8 45.29 Q083 12 14 51.59 Q9 0.09 0.07 0.20 0.10 0.02 0.05 4.89 Q1°99 2.41 0 - 135 TABLE 19. - continued t Storm n equation r2 a b D50, 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 4 5 6 18 5 8 12 14 7*1010 6.80 Qo.59 21.36 Q_03 7.70 oio 14.26 Q11 2*10° Q078 31.26 Q311 1949.2 0o.6 8.73 Q 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.02 0.40 0,03 0.12 0.09 * No equations were developed for events represented by less than three data points. 2Streamlow, Q, is m3s1icn2 indicates significance at the 90% level of probability; ** indicates significance at the 95% level of probability. 136 TABLE 20. Relationships1 Between Bedload Transport (BLD > 0.25 and BLD > 2.0 mm), Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport (CPOM), Two Particle Diameters CD50 and D90), and Streamf low2 for the Rising Limbs of Individual Storm Events at the Upper Riffle of Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, During the Fall, 19809 Storm Season Storm n equation BLD > 0.25 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 3 5 3 7 5 6 n, 24 Sept 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct 3 708 5 11.42 3 2570 7 687 5 27290 3175 6 , 092 054 3 3 7 Q149 Q256 Q014 Q357 2 88 Q 5 6 1039 Q147 59 Q6.055. 1303166 116 Q03 Q15 3 Q5 4227 3 5 3 7 5 6 0 Q Q142 Q072 Q09 2 70 Q __________ a ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0.90 0.54 0.81 0.03 ** ** * ** 086 0.89 ** ** ** ** ** ** * 0.82 0.60 0.90 0.01 0.11 0.86 ** ** ** 0.86 0.04 0.11 0.09 0.23 0.87 ** ** ** **. * * = -2.0 003 Q020 3.94 46.24 2.62 0.62 37.06 3 kghr1 1.36 CPOM, 0.82 5 F 0 Q D50, 24 Sept. 28 Sept 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 0.99 0.44 0.99 Q50 BLD > 20 2 kg.hr1 2.23 11220 Q128 1316 Q191 1288 Q01 1175 174582 Q0 1641 r 137 TABLE 20. - continued Storm n equation TI 90' 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 3 5 = -1.1 0.46 Q_03 9.27 Q086 3 66.07 7 15.24 Q092 31.41 Q007 5 6 O 46 15.45Q r2 F3 a b 0.86 0.05 0.54 0.05 0.12 0.02 No equations were developed for events represented by less than three data points. 2Streamflow, Q, is in m3si2, indicates significance at the 90Z level of probability; ** indicates significance at the 95% level of probability. 138 TABLE 21. Relationships1 Between Bedload Transport (BLD > 0.25 = and BLD > 2.0 ),Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport (CPOM), Two Particle Diameters (D50 and D90), and Streaznflow2 for the Rising Limbs of Individual Stori Events at the Lower Riffle of Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, A1aska During the Fa1l 1980, Stori Season Stori n equation BLD > 0.25 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 5 35 Q° 53 Q187 7 2646 Q4°14 66221 12647 Q 6 5 3 7 4 6 0.13 0.05 0.95 0.96 0.50 %5o BLD > 2.0 28 Sept0 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 2 ti F3 a b , 3 4 r ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 039 ** ** ** * * ** * kg.hr1 , 0 8 5 Q005 8 Q193 0.14 1829 Q506 0.97 0.99 112460 3 32 5834 Q 0 ** * * CPOM, 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 5 189 0.59 ** 3 152 Q233 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 126 093 088 035 077 ** * ** ** ** ** ** . 4 6 8 0.5 Q3 68 1178 Q D50, = 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 5 0.19 Q' 0.37 3 2.10 Q0 0 7 4 6 427 Q271 6457 0 3 0.71 Q 0.10 0.29 0.03 ** 139 TABLE 21. - continued Storm n equation r 2 t P 3 a b D90, = 28 Sept. 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct0 5 3 7 4 6 1.15 36.78 17.38 392.64 -1.2 4571 Q 0.31 0.03 0.41 0.55 0.70 ** * * ** ** ** No equations were developed for events represented by less than three data points. 2 3-1 -2 Streamf low, Q, is in m s Icu indicates significance at the 90% level of probability; ** indicates sigiiificance at the 95% level of probability. 140 Relationships1 between bedload transport (BLD > 0.25 = and TA3LE 22. BLD > 2.0 mm), Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport (CPOM), Two Particle Diameters (D50 and D90), and Streanflow2 for the Falling Limbs of Individual StQrm Events a.t the Upper Riffle of Trap Bay Creeks Chichagof Island, A1aska During the Fall, 1980, Storm Season - t-3 Storm n equation , 1.65 1479 Q -0.5 824 Q 52722 Q751 BLD > 0,25 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 9 4 6 7 926 3 9 1115 460 1.82 Q07 Q900 6 1116863 Q11 2.7*109 Q 7 516 4 0.68 0.15 0.15 0.51 0.48 Q mm, kghr Q190 F3 a b 1 25*10 BLD > 2.0 30 Sept.- 1 Oct0 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. r2 ** ** * ** ** * ** 1 * 0.53 017 0.17 0.70 0.59 ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** CPOM, 30. Sept.- 1 Oct. 3 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct, 9 4 6 7 56 63 Q2 96 Q 01 Q082 25 Q D50 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 9 4 6 7 4073 2.36 119.90 2269.90 2.43 0.98 0.20 0.26 0.,21 006 ** = 0.45 Q04 Q445 4.10 o 22 Q 0.13 0.20 0.26 0.21 0.06 ** 141 TABLE 22. - continued Storm n equatioii r2 F3 a 0.03 0.23 0.88 0.21 0.09 ** ** ** b D90, =1 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 -0.2 7.77 Q_o.3 9 13.40 Q472 4 6 1202.28 17100.15 Q_0,5 7 7.76Q * ** 1No equations were developed for events represented by less than three data points. 2 Streamflow, Q, is in 3-1 s -2 1 iiidicates significance at the 90% level of probability; ** indicates significance at the 95% level of probability. 142 TABLE 23. Relationships1 Between Bedload Trausport (BLD > 0.25 and BLD > 2.0 uim), Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Trausport (CPOM), Two Particle Diameters (D50 and D90), and Streamflow2 for the Falling Limbs of Individual Storm Events at the Lower Riffle of Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska, During the Fall, 1980, Storm Season Storm n equation BLD > 0.26 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 9 4 6 7 , Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 9 4 6 7 2553 783610 Q 504 Q 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct0 16 Oct. 3 , b a * 0.23 0.32 ** ** ** * ** * ** ** ** ** kg.hr1 017 3.7*L05 1729 Q62 301995 0.01 Q1 290 Q 2 0.95 0.83 0.12 0.25 ** * 0.95 0.47 0.72 0,03 ** ** ** kg.hr1 2.7*1018Q461 Q70 9 4 103 3133 Q 6 1.9*104 Q,. 18 Q"° 7 t3 F3 0.36 0.97 092 009 Q16 CPOM, 2 1 4.7*106 Q94 BLD > 0.2 30 r ' ** * ** * ** ** * ** 0 D50, = 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 3 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 9.12 4.11 4 0.92 Q04 0.01 0.76 0.25 6 l6Oct. 7 064 Q0 03 2.49Q 0 C 1 ** 143 TABLE 23. - continued Storm n equation r2 P3 a D90, = 30 Sept.- 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 6.58 Q° 3 59.29 2.40 164.06 Q 11.05 Q 9 4 6 7 0.64 0.23 0.31 * ** 006 0.08 1No equations were develped fo* events represented by less than three data points. 2 3-1 -2 Streamflow, Q, m s 1 indicates significance at the 90% level of probability; ** indicates significance at the 95% levl of probability. b APPENDIX 4. I4orphometric Characteristics of Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Island, Alaska 144 TABLE 14. Morphometric Characteristics of Trap Bay Creek, Chichagof Is laud, Alaska T'ap Area 5.23 ml2 13.55 Perimeter - 9 ml - 14.5 1 Max. elev. = 3780 ft 0 ft Mean elev. 1935 ft Basin relief = 3400 ft Relief ratio = 0.24 Miii. elev. Total no. stres = 26 1 3rd-order, 5 2nd-order, 20 1st-order area of basins mean 1st-order 2nd-order 3.0 34 0.15 0.68 .2 3rd-order 5 23 ml2 5.23 7.2 ml length 2.1 mi 4.8 ml mean 0.36 0.96 2.1 total stream length = 14.1 ml = 22.7 I relief mean 20650 ft 1033 5000 ft 1000 2510 ft 2510 Drain density = 2.7 mimI2 Constant of channel maintenance = 1/DD = 0.37 mi2/mi Stream frequency = 4.97 j2 Relative density = 0.68 SF/DD2 Mainstream slope = relief/length - 0.17 ft/ft Length to basin center Mean slope 1st-order 0.54 ft/ft - 1.63 mi Mean slope 2nd-order = 0.20 ft/ft Basin length = 2.69 ii Basin width = 2.75 mi Bifurcation ratio 4.47 Basin area ratio = 0.17 Stream length ratio = 0.41 Stre relief ratio = 0.64 Stream slope ratio = 1.78 SLR/B = 10.78 (B) (BAR) (SLR) (SRR) (SRR) Length of flow (5280/2*DD)= 978 ft Lemniscate (BL2/4-A) = 0.35 Basin elongation ((A/3.14)½ - 2/BL) = 0.96 Compactness coefficient = 1.11 Circularity = 0.81 Form Factor 1 (A/BL2) = 0.72 Form Factor 2 (BL/BW) = 0.98 Texture-Slope Product (DD*RR) = 0.65 Watershed Topography Factor (B*SSR/SLR) = 6.92