The Malta Financial Services Authority STATUS, ROLE and STRUCTURE April 2012 ( David Fabri LL.D. Director Legal and International Relations Unit Role of Regulator a) to licence and ensure high standards b) to ensure compliance with the rules c) d) e) to carry out on-site compliance visits and off-site to investigate allegations of wrong-doing to take administrative or other action as appropriate David Fabri LL.D. Malta Financial Services Authority Statement of Functions in the law: o to regulate financial services in Malta o to promote consumer protection o to promote fair competition and consumer choice o to investigate allegations of malpractices o to ensure high standards of conduct in the sector David Fabri LL.D. Malta Financial Services Authority o Single consolidated regulator for banking for insurance for securities o o o Single point of entry and single point of reference for licensing, reporting, etc Single point internationally of reference domestically Also incorporates the Registry of Companies David Fabri LL.D. and Malta Financial Services Authority Since 1997 it is also responsible for the Registry of Companies, where companies are registered and where company details are kept Registrar of Companies is a Director of the MFSA David Fabri LL.D. Malta Financial Services Authority Internal Public Structure Corporation Single Regulator for all financial services International Dimension Consumer Registry of Companies Agency David Fabri LL.D. FROM OFFSHORE TO ONSHORE 1989 - 2011 MIBA and MFSC in a changing world MIBA 24 employees MFSC MFSA 160 employees David Fabri LL.D. THE MFSA AND OTHER REGULATORS A single regulator among several single unified regulators in other countries UK GERMANY DENMARK IRELAND POLAND ESTONIA SWITZERLAND MAURITIUS SWEDEN Most are separate from the national banks, but not all. David Fabri LL.D. Single Regulatory Agency National Bank as Single Authority : Singapore Czech Republic David Fabri LL.D. Slovakia Other Regulators Twin Peaks : Australia and the Netherlands Has once more become fashionable Three Regulators : Italy, USA, China, Greece, Cyprus David Fabri LL.D. A PUBLIC CORPORATION The MFSA as a public corporation set up by MALTA COMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY MALTA STANDARDS AUTHORITY special law - other BROADCASTING AUTHORITY public corporations and consolidations in other sectors MALTA TOURISM AUTHORITY David Fabri LL.D. TRANSPORT MALTA MFSA – ORGANIZING A PUBLIC AUTHORITY Any public authority should be properly organized to ensure cohesion, efficiency and accountability David Fabri LL.D. THE MFSA STRUCTURE BOARD OF GOVERNORS BOARD SECRETARY LEGAL & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS UNIT CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE SECRETARY UNITS SUPERVISORY COUNCIL BOARD OF MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCES Consumer Complaints Manager David Fabri LL.D. ●Banking Supervision ●Securities & Markets Supervision ●Insurance & Pensions Supervision ● Authorization ●Regulatory Development THE MFSA IN A CONSUMER CONTEXT The MFSA as a consumer protection agency responding to a new context of consumer and competition legislation David Fabri LL.D. THE MFSA Consumer Complaints Function ● ● ● New post of Consumer Complaints Manager in 2002 Compliments new statutory consumer protection function assigned to MFSA An office dedicated to receiving consumer complaints and consumer education ● Has powers to investigate, report and recommend action, but has no enforcement, executive or judicial powers David Fabri LL.D. THE MFSA AND THE INTERNATIONAL DIMENSION an increasingly important aspect of financial services regulation David Fabri LL.D. International Dimension WTO European Union Maltese Law and Structures David Fabri LL.D. MFSA - the international dimension IMF World Bank European Union World Trade Organization MFSA Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) OECD IAIS UN Security Council Sanctions IOSCO David Fabri LL.D.