Surname Name Title Abela Bonello Borg Bruno Buttigieg Buttigieg Scicluna Camilleri Camilleri Caruana Cassar Cefai De Gaetano Galea Gatt Gonzi Grech Laferla Mallia Mifsud Peralta Pullicino Saliba Sceberras Trigona Scicluna George Mario R. Joseph Vanni Emmanuel Noel Andre' J Silvio Walter Herbert Renato Vinvent A Louis Austin Lawrence Alfred John Michael Joseph Carol Paul Jeannette Alexander David P. Legla problems arising from the registration of trade unions The law of disherison Modern dvelopemnts in the private international law of torts The ultra vires doctrine in the context of Mlatese delegated legislation Executive titles and their execution Legal probelmes of the hotel industry Labour practices within the framework of the concept of freedom of association The relevance of conjugal love in the annulment of Canon Law marriages The problem of classification in the conflict of laws Capacity in the law of donations The anlaysis of some of the exclusionary rules of evidence The genuine link theory in dual nationality in international law Collective bargaining and the law in Malta Commercial letters of credit A comparative study of unlawful assembly and right of freedom of association in the light of the Maltese constitution Judicial review of executive discretion with particular reference to the Housing Act 1949 The nature of the right of legitim The right to a friar trial Reform of the institute of emphyteusis Carriage by air: the Warsaw Convention and subsequent international conventions Company shares and their transfer Salient points of differences between the Death and Donation Act, 1973 and previous legislation Constitutional change and the Maltese constitution The limitations of Maltese methods of treating the offender Year Degree 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D. LL.D.