American University Alumni Board Candidate Application 2011

American University Alumni Board
Candidate Application 2011
Candidate Name
School/Degree/Class Year
Company Name
City, State, Zip
Preferred Phone Number:
Please complete the following on a separate sheet of paper (type or print legibly):
What has been your involvement with AU since your graduation?
AU has a new strategic plan ( to lead us through the rest
of the 21st Century. What are your thoughts on the AU of the future?
What skills, experiences, or abilities do you think will make the greatest impact on your service to
AU’s Alumni Board as it reaches out across the community and world to better engage AU alumni?
If you have specific areas of interest (i.e. fundraising, athletics, career services, etc.), please indicate
them within this response.
There are several at-large membership seats open for the 2011 appointment process. If you are
NOT selected for the board this year, in what other areas would you enjoy serving American
University as a volunteer? (Examples include admissions, Career Center, regional/international
alumni chapters, Athletics, schools/colleges, etc.)
5. One of the responsibilities of AU’s Alumni Board is making a philanthropic commitment at the
President’s Circle level ($1,000 or more) annually. If someone asked you why it is important to give
to support AU, what would you say to them?
The Nomination Committee is chaired by AUAB member Sandra Walter-Steinberg, KSB/BS ’86, and will carefully review
all nominations submitted. Thank you for your interest and taking the time to apply. We look forward to your involvement on
the Board, or as a volunteer, in the life our university.
Please e-mail, fax, or mail your application, a current resume OR full bio, and list of three
references by Friday, October 7 to:
Raina Lenney, Assistant Vice President of Alumni Relations
Email:; Fax: 202-885-5964
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016-8002
2011 American University Alumni Board
Roles & Responsibilities
You are invited to apply for a volunteer position as an at-large member of the American University
Alumni Board (AUAB). The AUAB was established in 1993 and operates to govern the AU Alumni
Association (AUAA) and provide strategic direction, resources, and professional expertise to carry out the
university’s alumni relations objectives.
The AUAB is accepting nominations and applications for new members, with two-year terms to begin
January 2012. We are seeking bright, creative, diverse, dedicated, and enthusiastic alumni with a true desire
to support their alma mater by positively engaging other alumni in the life of AU. Board membership is a
distinct honor and is rewarding. Members will play an active role in guiding the efforts and initiatives of the
Office of Alumni Relations and serve as regional, national, and international AU ambassadors. If Board
membership is something you are interested in, we encourage you to submit an application!
Responsibilities of an At-Large AUAB member include:
o Attend and actively participate in all AUAB meetings (4/year)
o Actively participate as a member of an AUAB committee or task force
o Be a knowledgeable ambassador for AU and the Alumni Association
o Attend All-American Weekend, the Holiday Soiree, and other major university events when possible
o Attend regional Alumni Association and university events in your community/region
o Reach out and engage fellow alumni in AU programs and events including All-American Weekend
and the Holiday Soiree
o Support AU with an annual, tax-deductible gift of $1,000 or more as a member of the President’s
Circle (contributions and matching gifts can be designated to any university fund or program and
can be fulfilled in monthly, quarterly or annual installments)
Please review the Alumni Board Activity Grid (attached), which lists a variety of ways AUAB members are
expected to be involved. We utilize this document to help board members track their participation in the
life of the university beyond AUAB meetings and committees. It helps to focus board energy and serves as
a way to demonstrate the outreach of our board. Board members are encouraged to achieve 15+ points on
the Activity Grid, and to add activities that meet their particular interests in the university.
Timeline & Process:
o Along with the Candidate Application Form, we ask you to submit a full resume or bio and three
references by Friday, October 7, 2011.
o The Nominations Committee, led by AUAB member Sandra Walter-Steinberg, KSB/BS ’86, will
review applications during October and November. Applications are initially reviewed based on the
following criteria: prior involvement and philanthropic support; answers to essay questions; ability to
contribute to board’s geographic, ethnic, gender, and occupational diversity, as well as diversity by
school/college within AU.
o At the Nominations Committee’s discretion, candidates may receive a call in November from a
member of the AUAB to discuss your application.
o The Nominations Committee will present nominees to the AUAB in early December for approval.
o All new at-large members will be notified by December 15 and are expected to attend and
participate in the AUAB winter meeting on February 3, 2012.
Thank you for your interest, and taking the time to apply for the American University Alumni Boa rd!
Questions? Call 202-885-5968 or e-mail
“Leadership through Example”
American University Alumni Board
Activity Grid
The purpose of this board involvement survey is to indicate the activities of the AU Alumni Board (AUAB),
as they forward the mission of the Office of Alumni Relations. Heightened alumni visibility at events and
promotion of AU spirit will provide familiarity and encouragement for those alumni not necessarily
involved. Communication via word of mouth and the good reputation of alumni programs, services, and
events will increase alumni participation. Promotion of the AU brand and spirit will help remind other
alumni of why they love AU and plant the AU name in the minds of those who don’t know of us.
It is essential that we diligently enhance awareness on the part of all alumni, as this is a key component of
our work on the Alumni Board and as ambassadors for AU. Our responsibilities have been divided in three
categories: service, support, and social. Below are some suggested activities, but please feel free to report
any additional activities in the blank lines provided.
Volunteer for one hour during Alumni Weekend
Visit a regional or international chapters/volunteers (if your travel permits)
Encourage one high school student to attend American University
Be an advocate. Let other alumni know about all that’s going on at AU.
Encourage an alum to make his/her first contribution to AU
Nominate an alum for an alumni award/AUAB membership/AUAB committee
Contribute at a level that places AU in your top three philanthropic organizations
Take advantage of one alumni affinity program (Geico auto insurance, Alamo or
National car rentals, ZipCar discount, etc.)
Buy something on-line or in-person at the bookstore; Take advantage of the 10%
alumni discount
Submit an item to Class Notes for inclusion in American magazine
Attend Alumni Weekend
Attend one on-campus non-athletic event (e.g. concert series, lecture series, play, or
art event) annually
Attend an American University alumni chapter event
Attend at least one AU athletics event annually
Put an AU license plate holder on your car
Put an alumni sticker on your car
Outfit your travel with AU luggage tags
Use your AU grocery bag
Wear AU apparel
Sign up for the AU communities on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter
Read American magazine
Read Alumni Update (e-newsletter) and forward it to your former classmates
Additional Activities: