International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014 Towards Minimal Noise Infrared Absorption Based Gas Sensing Suryakanta R. Patil1, Nadir Charniya2, Shivangi Chourasia3, Alok Verma4 1 VES Institute of Technology, Mumbai 1, 2 VES Institute of Technology, Mumbai 2 3 S.A.M.E.E.R, IIT Bombay, Mumbai 3, 4 S.A.M.E.E.R, IIT Bombay, Mumbai 4 ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose an approach to develop trace gas sensor that can be used to detect Carbon monoxide (CO) gas by using a wavelength tuned Distributed Feedback-Quantum Cascade LASER (DFB-QCL). Trace gas sensor design is based on principle of infrared absorption spectroscopy. The characteristics of wavelength tunable DFB-QCL has been analyzed. The source is capable of providing a wavelength tuning from 4.586 to 4.59μm where R (8), R (9), R (17) and R (18) rotational-vibrational bands of CO gas present. We optimised the detection limit of the sensor using variable multipass gas cell. We are studing the various noise sources present in system affects detection limit of trace gas sensor. We are improving the sensitivity and response time, and reducing the various noise present in the gas sensor using signal processing with the help of NI LabVIEW software and hardware. Keywords: Infrared spectroscopy, Quantum cascade lasers, Gas detection, Noise. 1. INTRODUCTION Carbon monoxide (CO) has an important impact on atmospheric chemistry through its reaction with hydroxyl (OH) for troposphere ozone formation and also can affect the concentration level of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, CO even at low concentration levels is dangerous to human life and therefore must be accurately and precisely monitored it in real time [1]. Infrared Absorption based gas sensing using Multi-pass Cell techniques provides high accuracy and detection limit ranges from part per billion (ppb) and part per million according to detection technique applied and gas spectral lines. Accuracy and detection limits of the chemical gases are possible due to fundamental vibrational bands in the midinfrared (3 to 24 µm regions) and selective detection due to absorption of light by rotational-vibrational transition of these bands. The large wavelength coverage of quantum cascaded LASER provides mid-infrared LASER absorption spectroscopy with ultra-high resolution and sensitivity. The high quantum cascaded LASER power allows use of advanced detection techniques improving sensing limits and decreasing complexity and size of trace gas sensor. The detection limit of Infrared Absorption based gas sensor is limited due to various noise sources, such as, flicker noise, detector noise, acquisition non-linearity. Our prime objective is to detect the noise sources and their methods of removal and determines the extent to which the noise has been suppressed using LabVIEW based systems. 2. LINE SELECTION FOR CARBON MONO-OXIDE NEAR 4.58 MICRO METER Detection of carbon monoxide in the mid-IR around 4.58 μm, R (9), allows high sensitivity measurement, not possible with near-IR CO sensors, and the potential for measurements with significantly shorter absorption path lengths. The transitions in the CO fundamental band are extremely well characterized in terms of spectroscopic parameters (line position, line strength, and line broadening parameters), which allows direct interpretation of measurements. Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Line Strength (cm-1/ molecule cm-2) Web Site: Email: ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014 Fig.1. Simulated spectra for CO at P= 1 atm, T= 300K using HITRAN (2008) database [2]. The fundamental rotational-vibrational bands are present near 4.58 μm, R (9). The Fig.1 shows the simulated spectra of different isotopes of CO using HITRAN database [2]. 3. LASER ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY LAS (LASER Absorption Spectroscopy) of target gas species, which is based on the Beer-Lambert absorption law, effectively determines real-time gas Concentrations. Beer Lambert law given by equation (1) [3], I(ν) = I0 · e−α(ν)·L (1) Where ‘I’ is the intensity of light passing through the absorbing medium, ‘I0’ is the input intensity, ‘L’ is the optical path length, ‘ν’ is the radiation frequency, and ‘α(ν)’ is the absorption coefficient of a specific target species. The product ‘α(v).L’ represents the spectral absorbance ‘A(v)’ given by equation (2), A(v) = α(v).L (2) The spectral absorption coefficient for a single rotational-vibrational transition of some specified gas ‘g’ can be written as, α(ν) = P χi Si(T) Φi (v) (3) Where P [atm] is the pressure of the medium, Si (T) [cm-2 atm-1] is the line strength, Φi (v) [cm-1] is the lineshape function, ‘χi’ is the mole fraction of the absorbing species, and the L[cm] is the path length through which the radiation passes. Hence the spectral peak absorbance for a single rotational-vibrational transition of gas can be written as: A (v)peak= P χi Si(T) L Φi (v)peak (4) Where Φi (v)peak is the peak value of the lineshape function. There are three type of lineshape function Gaussian lineshape function, Lorentzian lineshape function, Voigt lineshape function. 4. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP FOR WAVELENGTH TUNING OF DFB-QCL A schematic diagram for Wavelength tuning of DFB-QCL depicted in Fig.2. A distributed feedback Quantum Cascade LASER (QCL) operating near 4.58 μm (HHL-11-28, AdTech optics, Inc) is employed as the light source [4]. The QCL is mounted in ILX light wave LASER housing. A TEC (thermo electrically cooled) temperature controller (HamamatusC11330-01) [5] is used to tune and control the LASER temperature which is driven by a regulated DC power supply (L3205) of 24 V and 8A capable of providing a tuning from 4.586 to 4.598 μm. The QCL is driven by a high compliance LASER diode current source (ILX LDX-3232) of 15V and 4A current [6]. The variable length multi-pass cell; path length varies from 1 to 16 m in steps of 1m. Multi-Pass cell is connected to Nitrogen Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014 gas cylinder and vacuumed pump for analyzing results of detection. The transmitted output is coupled to the spectrum analyzer (Bristol-721) [7] for analyzing the spectra near the desired wavelength. LASER Diode Current Source PC DFB-QCL IR Source Multi-Pass Gas Cell TEC Temperature Controller CO Gas Spectrum Analyzer Fig.2. A block diagram for Wavelength Tuning of DFB-QCL LASER. Power (Linear) 4.1 Result of Wavelength tuning of DFB-QCL The temperature of the QCL is changed in steps of 2 oC and the wavelength is monitored by using spectrum analyzer. The wavelength tuning is found to be 0.46 nm per oC. Fig.3. and Fig.4. depicts the variation of wavelength on increasing temperature of QCL. The wavelength obtained is 4587.60 nm at 18 oC, 4588.21 nm at 20 oC. Wavelength (nm) Power (Linear) Fig.3. Plot between wavelength and intensity, peak wavelength of 4587.60 nm at T= 18 oC Wavelength (nm) Fig.4. Plot between wavelength and intensity, peak wavelength of 4588.21 nm at T= 20 oC 5. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP FOR DETECTION OF CO GAS For detection of CO gas 4587 nm wavelength is selected, where R(9) transition of carbon monoxide gas is present and DFB-QCL is tuned at 4587 nm wavelength. The output of the QCL is coupled through Chopper (MC1F10) [8] to the variable length multi-pass cell; path length varies from 1 to 16 m in steps of 1m. Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014 NI USB 6351 LASER Diode Current MCT Detector PC Source DFB-QCL IR Source TEC Temperature Chopper Multi-Pass Gas Cell Beam Splitter Spectrum Analyzer Mass Flow Meter Controller CO Gas Fig.5. Block diagram for detection of CO gas. Multi-Pass cell is connected to CO gas cylinder and vacuumed pump for analyzing results of detection of CO gas at different atmospheric pressure and different CO gas concentration. As light passes through a gas cell, fragments of the light energy will be absorbed by the gas molecules resulting in distinctive absorption bands in the absorption spectrum which enables recognition of the chemical species. The transmitted output was coupled through Beam Splitter to the spectrum analyzer (Bristol-721) [7] for analyzing the spectra near the desired wavelength and MCT (PVI-4TE-5) [9] detector of operating wavelength 5µm. MCT (PVI-4TE-5) detector signal is acquire using NI USB 6351 [10] hardware and further signals are processed by NI LabVIEW software. A block diagram for detection of CO gas is shown in Fig.5. We optimized the variable Multipass gas cell and achieved 62 ppb detection limit for CO gas. We now are aiming to reduce the detection limit below 10 ppb by eliminating various noises present in the system. 6. NOISE CONSIDERATION Various Noise sources in mid infrared region significantly reduce the selectivity of concentration measurements, such as, non-linearity in data acquisition, detector noise, other gases contributing to a broad absorption spectrum, electronic base line fluctuation. This section describes way to reduce these noise sources. 6.1 Optical Detector Noise Optical Detector Noise creates errors (Thermally excited current carriers) in the signal. To reduce optical detector noise high power signals are require. High power signal suppress background fluctuations, which are unrelated to the laser radiation, such as, electronic noise or excitation of the detectors by stray radiation [11]. 6.2 White Gaussian Noise The White Gaussian Noise distribution follows a probability density function (PDF) given by equation (5): f (x, µ, σ) = (1/ σ 2π) exp ((x-µ)2/2.σ2) (5) Where ‘σ’ is the standard deviation and ‘μ’ is the mean. When averaging a Gaussian distribution, the sample set size determines the sample standard deviation and narrows the possible region of the true mean. The sample standard deviation decreases as a function of √Hz until the other noise sources dominate. Shot noise is created due to random variation in the rate at which charge carriers are generated and combine. This noise can be reduced by keeping amplification bandwidth as narrow as possible [11]. 6.3 Johnson Noise Johnson noise is generated by thermal fluctuation in semiconductor material. It is sometimes called as Thermal Noise. It results from random motion of electrons. In random motion, electrons collide with each other resulting in small current. The sum of all these current over long period is zero but for small interval it creates Johnson Noise. Johnson Noise can be reduce by proper cooling of detector. Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014 6.4 Gas Absorption Spectrum Some Gas species have spectral absorption line in the same wavelength as the desire Gas spectral line generating Gas Absorption Spectrum base line fluctuation. To reduce Gas Absorption Spectrum base line fluctuation is to select interference free absorption line and pressure broadening should be reduced. One method to normalize the baseline is to perform a baseline fit to the wings of the spectrum where the absorption of the target gas is zero [11]. 6.5 Single-Pulse and Pulse-to-Pulse Fluctuations In LASERs due to timing jitter, temperature drift, electronic noise, vibration of optical element causes identical LASER pulses to be different. When the PDFs of these sources are convoluted, the final statistical distribution is close to a Gaussian distribution (central limit theorem). Thus, a more efficient reduction of noise is accomplished via an increase in pulse rate or an increase in the number of spectral averages [11]. 6.6 Acquisition Noise Timing jitter is another type of acquisition noise, which is important in synchronous detection schemes. With narrow detected pulses, the slope of the signal is large; therefore, if the acquisition clock has a large amount of jitter, the noise will increase. This type of noise is minimized by averaging of a larger number of pulses. However, stable timing sources are available, and as long as the jitter is much less than the width of the detected pulse, the jitter acquisition noise will be minimal [11]. 7. SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR NOISE REDUCTION The raw data is collected from MCT detector and data is acquired using NI USB 6351. Every chemical species has its own unique absorption spectrum. The presentation of the absorbed radiation at each wavelength, as a function of wavelength, is called absorption spectrum. Spectral analysis is useful for resolving the absorption spectrum of CO. The data recorded is never the true spectrum; rather, it is modified by every optical element along the light path, including lenses, the detector. Each of these elements has its own spectral response. A spectrum recorded with these components will include their instrumental artifacts. The spectra should be intensity normalized to remove the instrumental contribution. In final stage recorded absorption spectra is to be analyzed to detect the CO absorption line. The future work is to reduce above mentioned noise using different signal processing technique in NI software and to improve the response time of system. Fig.4. Flow diagram for detection of CO. 8. CONCLUSION Experiments were conducted to detect CO trace using QCL. The detection limits were optimized using Multipass gas cell. Further the various noises were studied to improve the sensitivity of the instrument. Theoretical analysis of all noise present and ways to reduce these noises in absorption spectroscopy is studied and analyzed. The further work is to improve the detection limit of system by modifying NI hardware and Lab view software, so as to achieve sensitivity up to 10 ppb (part per billion). Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: ISSN 2319 - 4847 Special Issue for International Technological Conference-2014 REFERENCES A. Krier; H. H. Gao; V. V. Sherstnev and Y. Yakovlev, “High power 4.6 μm light emitting diodes for CO detection”, Applied Physics, 32, 1-5, 1999. [2] “Spectral Analysis”, available at:, (Accessed: 2013). [3] Shivangi Chaurasia, Niyati Chetwal, Indrajit Bairagi, Alok. J. 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She has 3 years of teaching experience and her interests of area are signal processing and optics. Nadir N. Charniya was born on September 30, 1966. He received the Master of Engineering degree in electronics from Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute, Mumbai, India, in 1995 and the Ph.D. degree in design of intelligent sensors using a neural network approach from Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, India, in 2010. He has about 24 years of teaching experience. He is currently working as a Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, VES Institute of Technology, Chembur, Mumbai, India. He has papers published in refereed international journals and international conference proceedings. He has chaired various conferences and delivered expert talk on signal processing techniques and their applications at various engineering colleges. His areas of interest include intelligent sensors and systems, neuro-computing techniques, signal processing, and their applications. Dr. Charniya is a member of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, the Indian Society for Technology in Education, India, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology. He is recipient of various research and laboratory development grants from AICTE, New Delhi and Universities. He has been invited to work as a reviewer for papers submitted to the IEEE transactions and Elsevier international journals in relation to his field of interest. A project on robotics guided by him received the First Prize and the “Maharashtra State Engineering Design Award” from the ISTE, India. His Ph.D. work on intelligent sensors received the First Prize under Post P.G. category in the Maharashtra State Interuniversity Research Project Exhibition “AVISHKAR—2008”. Shivangi Chaurasiya was born on 7th September 1988. She received the Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunication from Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, India, in 2010 with first position in Branch. She received Master of Technology degree in optoelectronics from Shri Govindram Seksariya Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P), India in 2013 with first position in Branch. She has done specialization in optical communication. She joined SAMEER an R&D institute, Govt of India in 2013 as Research Scientist. Alok J. Verma received his Master' in Electronic Science from Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, UP in 1989. He then taught in a state engineering college for two years. He was associated with IIT Delhi for his research work from 1992 and received his PhD degree on Optoelectronics in 1997. He joined SAMEER an R&D institute under Ministry of Communication & IT, Govt of India in 1997 as Scientist. He has handled many projects in the areas of Development of Optical components and Photonics Packaging. His current research interests are Laser Spectroscopy for Space, Environmental monitoring, Homeland Security and Healthcare Health Care applications. Organized By: Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology