UCL MEDICAL SCHOOL Community based teaching DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY CARE & POPULATION HEALTH Women’s Health - September 2015 to July 2016 💥💥Women’s Health Placement - NOW for ONE whole day per placement (2 sessions) 💥💥 Listed below are all the possible options for each placement (1-9). Please note that students WILL NOW come in group of FOUR for ONE DAY ONLY for their placement. Occasionally, we may ask practices to take extra 1-2 students. There is a greater range of available teaching dates than in previous years. There are days in each placement when general practice teaching CANNOT take place. These are marked with e.g. bank holiday; vertical module; gynaecology teaching assistant; or intro (central medical school taught days). Please put an X in the boxes below for all the single date you can commit to teaching. Placement 1 Placement 2 Placement 3 W/C Mon Tue Intro 12/10/15 Intro GTA 19/10/15 16/11/15 26/10/15 23/11/15 W/C Mon Tue 14/09/15 21/09/15 Thur Fri 28/09/15 05/10/15 VM Placement 4 W/C Mon Tue 14/12/15 Intro Thur 02/11/15 Fri VM Placement 5 Thur Fri GTA W/C Mon Tue 09/11/15 Intro 30/11/15 W/C Mon Tue 25/01/16 Intro Thur Fri Mon Tue 22/02/16 Intro 01/02/16 11/01/16 08/02/16 07/03/16 Placement 7 W/C Mon Tue 11/04/16 Intro 15/02/16 VM Placement 8 Thur Fri GTA W/C Mon Tue 09/05/16 Intro Thur Fri Mon Tue 06/06/16 Intro 25/04/16 23/05/16 20/06/16 30/05/16 VM W/C 13/06/16 VM Fri Placement 9 16/05/16 BH* Thur 14/03/16 18/04/16 02/05/16 VM W/C 29/02/16 VM Fri Placement 6 04/01/16 18/01/16 Thur BH* VM 27/06/15 Thur Fri VM Key: *Bank Holiday; VM: Vertical Module; GTA: Gynaecology Teaching Assistant; Intro: Introductory day of module We would normally inform students of the following times: Morning sessions are from 9:30am to 12:30pm Afternoon sessions are from 2:00pm to 5:00pm If these times do not suit you please indicate the time you would prefer: Name of Practice (please print): Name(s) of tutor(s) who will be teaching Women’s Health: Signature: Date: Please return this form either by email (ola.inekuku@ucl.ac.uk) or fax: (020 7472 6871), by 24 (Thank you) July 2015