Program Assessment Plan American University

Program Assessment Plan
American University
SOC: Producing for Film and Video - MA
SOC: Producing for Film and Video - MA
Contact Person for Randall Blair
Primary Department: Film/Media Arts
Learning Outcome: Industry standard formats for treatments and scripts
Translate an original idea into industry standard format as either a screenplay or a treatment. The techniques and aesthetics of effective storytelling. The amount of detail and the proper formatting of
these documents allow for effective production management tasks as addressed in a later course.
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 09/10/2005
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Thirty minute fiction film script and treatment for a 15-minute nonfiction project
Grade of B or better
Every fall in the first year of the program
Given the final semester of the program
Measure Type:
Creative Work
Comprehensive Exam, which is a week-long project. The students are given several
Satisfactory or Distinction
topic areas for the creation of a film or video project and each student has to develop a
detailed proposal for a targeted network. Each student picks a topic area and comes up
with a creative approach to developing a storyline for the proposal. This is then
expanded into a short treatment using the proper techniques.
The proposal contains the elements common to industry standard proposals as used by
PBS, Discovery and most foundations that provide funds for film and video projects.
This includes research on target networks, target audiences, the existence and
performance of similar programs, possible funders for the program, and the potential of
income from ancillary markets. The proposal also includes a detailed production plan
with schedule and budget, an analysis of the various legal rights issues, and an insurance
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
12/15/2014 1:33 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Comprehensive Exam, which is a week-long project. The students are given several
Satisfactory or Distinction
topic areas for the creation of a film or video project and each student has to develop a
detailed proposal for a targeted network. Each student picks a topic area and comes up
with a creative approach to developing a storyline for the proposal. This is then
expanded into a short treatment using the proper techniques.
Given the final semester of the program
The proposal contains the elements common to industry standard proposals as used by
PBS, Discovery and most foundations that provide funds for film and video projects.
This includes research on target networks, target audiences, the existence and
performance of similar programs, possible funders for the program, and the potential of
income from ancillary markets. The proposal also includes a detailed production plan
with schedule and budget, an analysis of the various legal rights issues, and an insurance
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
Learning Outcome: The mechanics of financing, distribution and marketing of feature films
the marketplace for fiction films including financing, distribution and marketing. Examine the industry through the eyes of the key decision makers and/or gatekeepers. While every film is different, there
are common elements that allow for successful development of new ideas/scripts.
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 09/10/2005
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Development plan for a new fiction feature film
Grade of B or better
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
12/15/2014 1:33 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 2 of 8
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Comprehensive Exam, which is a week-long project. The students are given several
Satisfactory or Distinction
topic areas for the creation of a film or video project and each student has to develop a
detailed proposal for a targeted network. Each student picks a topic area and comes up
with a creative approach to developing a storyline for the proposal. This is then
expanded into a short treatment using the proper techniques.
Given the final semester of the program
The proposal contains the elements common to industry standard proposals as used by
PBS, Discovery and most foundations that provide funds for film and video projects.
This includes research on target networks, target audiences, the existence and
performance of similar programs, possible funders for the program, and the potential of
income from ancillary markets. The proposal also includes a detailed production plan
with schedule and budget, an analysis of the various legal rights issues, and an insurance
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
Learning Outcome: The mechanics of financing, distribution and marketing of nonfiction films
the marketplace for nonfiction films including financing, distribution and marketing. Concentrates on programs for the television markets including PBS and the cable networks but also investigates the
opportunities for educational, advocacy and corporate videos. Eexamine the industry through the eyes of the key decision makers and/or gatekeepers.
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 09/10/2005
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Proposal for a new nonfiction film project
Grade of B or better
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
12/15/2014 1:33 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Comprehensive Exam, which is a week-long project. The students are given several
Satisfactory or Distinction
topic areas for the creation of a film or video project and each student has to develop a
detailed proposal for a targeted network. Each student picks a topic area and comes up
with a creative approach to developing a storyline for the proposal. This is then
expanded into a short treatment using the proper techniques.
Given the final semester of the program
The proposal contains the elements common to industry standard proposals as used by
PBS, Discovery and most foundations that provide funds for film and video projects.
This includes research on target networks, target audiences, the existence and
performance of similar programs, possible funders for the program, and the potential of
income from ancillary markets. The proposal also includes a detailed production plan
with schedule and budget, an analysis of the various legal rights issues, and an insurance
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
Learning Outcome: Essential legal concepts pertaining to producing
intellectual property and copyright, contracts, and the rights of privacy and publicity. Intended to give the producer the tools to effectively communicate with an attorney on matters that pertain to the
project the producer is developing.
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 09/10/2005
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Final exam on legal concept
Grade of B or better
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
12/15/2014 1:33 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Comprehensive Exam, which is a week-long project. The students are given several
Satisfactory or Distinction
topic areas for the creation of a film or video project and each student has to develop a
detailed proposal for a targeted network. Each student picks a topic area and comes up
with a creative approach to developing a storyline for the proposal. This is then
expanded into a short treatment using the proper techniques.
Given the final semester of the program
The proposal contains the elements common to industry standard proposals as used by
PBS, Discovery and most foundations that provide funds for film and video projects.
This includes research on target networks, target audiences, the existence and
performance of similar programs, possible funders for the program, and the potential of
income from ancillary markets. The proposal also includes a detailed production plan
with schedule and budget, an analysis of the various legal rights issues, and an insurance
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
Learning Outcome: The structure and processes behind the development of commercial television programming
the world of commercial television from the point of view of the network development executive and programmer. Include network financing, ratings, advertising and promotion, and relationships with
the creative community. Also the ancillary markets including international television, home video/DVD, and the emerging digital markets such as VOD and internet downloading/streaming.
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 09/08/2007
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Midterm and final exam on concepts
Grade of B or better
Grade of B or better
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
Paper on the structure and development processes used by a particular commercial
television network
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
12/15/2014 1:33 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 5 of 8
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Comprehensive Exam, which is a week-long project. The students are given several
Satisfactory or Distinction
topic areas for the creation of a film or video project and each student has to develop a
detailed proposal for a targeted network. Each student picks a topic area and comes up
with a creative approach to developing a storyline for the proposal. This is then
expanded into a short treatment using the proper techniques.
Given the final semester of the program
The proposal contains the elements common to industry standard proposals as used by
PBS, Discovery and most foundations that provide funds for film and video projects.
This includes research on target networks, target audiences, the existence and
performance of similar programs, possible funders for the program, and the potential of
income from ancillary markets. The proposal also includes a detailed production plan
with schedule and budget, an analysis of the various legal rights issues, and an insurance
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
Learning Outcome: Basic elements of a production plan
includes a schedule and a budget and how a producer deals with locations, hiring a crew, unions and guilds, insurance, and more.
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 09/10/2005
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Final exam including practical application of scheduling and budgeting concepts
Grade of B or better
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
12/15/2014 1:33 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 6 of 8
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Comprehensive Exam, which is a week-long project. The students are given several
Satisfactory or Distinction
topic areas for the creation of a film or video project and each student has to develop a
detailed proposal for a targeted network. Each student picks a topic area and comes up
with a creative approach to developing a storyline for the proposal. This is then
expanded into a short treatment using the proper techniques.
Given the final semester of the program
The proposal contains the elements common to industry standard proposals as used by
PBS, Discovery and most foundations that provide funds for film and video projects.
This includes research on target networks, target audiences, the existence and
performance of similar programs, possible funders for the program, and the potential of
income from ancillary markets. The proposal also includes a detailed production plan
with schedule and budget, an analysis of the various legal rights issues, and an insurance
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
Learning Outcome: Basic elements of small business entrepreneurship in film and video
the variables for creating and managing a small enterprise, including personnel, accounting, taxes, insurance, and more
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 09/10/2005
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Creation of a business plan for a proposed new venture
grade of B or better
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
12/15/2014 1:33 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 7 of 8
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Comprehensive Exam, which is a week-long project. The students are given several
Satisfactory or Distinction
topic areas for the creation of a film or video project and each student has to develop a
detailed proposal for a targeted network. Each student picks a topic area and comes up
with a creative approach to developing a storyline for the proposal. This is then
expanded into a short treatment using the proper techniques.
Given the final semester of the program
The proposal contains the elements common to industry standard proposals as used by
PBS, Discovery and most foundations that provide funds for film and video projects.
This includes research on target networks, target audiences, the existence and
performance of similar programs, possible funders for the program, and the potential of
income from ancillary markets. The proposal also includes a detailed production plan
with schedule and budget, an analysis of the various legal rights issues, and an insurance
Measure Type:
Quiz/ Exam
12/15/2014 1:33 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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