Program Assessment Plan American University SOC: Journalism - BA

Program Assessment Plan
American University
SOC: Journalism - BA
SOC: Journalism - BA
Contact Person for Christine Lawrence
Primary Department: Journalism
Learning Outcome: Impact of Technological Change
Explain the impact that rapid, continuing technological change has on both the profession and on society.
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 11/02/2010
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
This outcome will be assessed in the spring of 2012 using papers from the course,
Writing for Convergent Media (Comm. 522.001). In this course, SOC students learn to
write for the online world as well as consider the effect of technological change on the
profession. They also learn the skills necessary to use the technology required in today's
professional settings. The students also consider online legal and ethical issues
concerning web content and delivery.
Measure Type:
Written Assignment
Students must demonstrate that they not
only understand the technological change
occurring in the field and how it affects
society, but that they also are proficient in
how to write for the online world.
This outcome will be assessed in the
summer of 2012 by a three-member faculty
Course assignments. (Direct)
To ensure students meet SOC/ ACEJMC
For each course--reviewed by division
requirements for graduation and successful faculty and discussed in syllabus and
completion of the journalism major.
curriculum reviews.
Measure Type:
Written Assignment
The faculty reviewed Writing for Convergent Media, a course that addresses some
aspects of the profession's continuing technological changes.
A 2012 exit survey of graduating seniors was also reviewed.
Measure Type:
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The faculty approved two new 300-level
journalism classes to teach more advanced
digital skills for both print and broadcast
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Student exit survey results. Analysis done of Yes
response from 2012 graduates.
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Annual data collection/ Analysis of 2012
Graduating Student Survey -- assessment of student perceptions in achieving outcomes. On average, students rate their academic
(Indirect) The 2012 exit survey results were graphed in the spring of 2013 and a report of career at least "very good" or "excellent" on results in Documents.
the results was prepared. This report is in the Documents section. The results indicated each outcome.
that overall students are satisfied with what they have learned, but they would like more The categories directly address the learning
courses focusing on digital skills. This result is being addressed through curriculum
The survey has been administered annually since 2005 to all graduating students and has
achieved response rates close to 80%. The results are tabulated and reviewed by the
Associate Dean and Division Director.
Measure Type:
Survey among internship supervisors (Indirect).
On average, internship supervisors will rate Data collection each semester/ analysis
students' performance "very good" or
every three years.
"excellent" on each outcome.
Internship supervisors (i.e. employers)
currently evaluate students. This evaluation
is reviewed by the faculty member
responsible for internships. A uniform
rating/ evaluation form will be developed in
2009-10. This form will ensure that the
ratings are directly related to the outcomes.
On average, alumni will rate their academic Every five years.
career "very good" or "excellent" on each
Measure Type:
Field Work/ Internship
A survey of 3-5 year alumni (Indirect).
To assess their transition into and preparedness for the profession. Alumni who have
been working for several years should be better able to assess their education.
Measure Type:
Alumni Feedback
Faculty Retreats and Ad Hoc Curriculum/ Syllabus Reviews (Indirect).
To be determined by faculty when the
Curriculum reveiw is ongoing.
To ensure that curriculum meets the needs of the profession.
program requires changes. In the academic
The Journalism Division is currently assessing its curriculum and uses input from its
year, 2012-2013, the faculty is reviewing
faculty (many of whom are practicing professionals), adjunct faculty (who are all
and updating the undergraduate curriculum.
professionals), and alumni (including the Dean's Advisory Council--a group of high level
alumni who are professionals in the field).
Measure Type:
Ad Hoc Research Studies -- SOC Image Study, Writing Programs Survey, Career Center To be determined by faculty when the
Survey, Alumni Focus Groups, Alumni Survey (Indirect).
program requires changes.
Surveys conducted occasionally to address specific issues.
Studies have been conducted through the Development Office and also in Research
Methods classes. Two studies in particular--the Writing Study and the Career Center
Survey--provided useful data to evaluate student perceptions toward our programs. In
Summer 2008, two focus groups were conducted with students to explore various
changes to the curriculum.
Measure Type:
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Institutional research--Student Evaluations of Teaching, Campus Climate Survey,
To add context for the evaluation of other
Graduation Census, National Survey of Student Engagement (Indirect).
The School of Communication and Journalism Division routinely analyze other data
available in order to provide the background by which to understand more specific data.
Measure Type:
Related Action Steps
* Supporting Assessment: Curriculum changes for B.A. in journalism, 2013-2014
Description: The Journalism Division has responded to concerns by undergraduate students that more courses should be available that address digital skills. As approved by the
division and the SOC faculty in January 2013, the B.A. in Journalism will now include two new intermediate-level (Comm 300) courses addressing digital and
broadcast skills. These two new courses will strengthen student skills in the use of new digital technologies. The new Online Media Theory and Practice class will
teach students how to engage and inform audiences through the development of websites, services and media platforms for communicating information. The students
will learn to create interactive experiences for both online and mobile applications. The Radio and TV: Theory and Practice course will discuss the fundamentals of
radio and TV production and how they interface with social and online media.These intermediate-level courses, which will be required for all journalism
undergraduates, will deepen their understanding and practice in digital media. The courses should be added to the curriculum in the 2013-2014 academic year.
Learning Outcome: Professional Values
Explain values, customs, laws, and practices of professional journalists.
Outcome Year: 2012-2013
Start Date: 12/15/2013
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
This outcome will be assessed in the spring of 2015 through an analysis of the papers
and exams of Communication Law (Comm 401) and Journalism Ethics (Comm 504).
The Law course, which is required for all SOC majors, requires that students gain an
of media and communication law, including libel suits, copyrights and infringement, and
the First Amendment. The students also gain a knowledge of current media law
controversies and policy issues and become familiar with legal reasoning. The students
write an in-depth research paper on some aspect of current or historical communication
legal policy. These papers and the final exam will be assessed to gain an understanding
of whether the "laws and practices" of professional journalists are understood by the
students. The Journalism Ethics course will also be assessed to determine if students
understand the ethical values required of professional journalists.(Direct)
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
Students must demonstrate that they
thoroughly understand the laws and
practices and customs and values of
professional journalists.
This outcome will be assessed in the spring Yes
of 2015.
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Course assignments. (Direct) In the spring of 2014, a faculty committee of the
Journalism Division will assess Comm 401, Communication Law. The assessments will
include written papers explaining the legal aspects of Communication policy, including
U.S. Supreme Court decisions. The assessment will also include a review of final exams
on legal and ethical issues facing the profession. The course on Journalism Ethics will
also be assessed at this time to focus on how the values and customs of a professional
journalist are taught to our students.
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
To ensure that students have a thorough
For each course--reviewed by division
knowledge of the legal and ethical practices faculty and discussed in syllabus and
and values required of a Communication
curriculum reviews.
professional. To ensure students meet SOC/
ACEJMC requirements for graduation and
successful completion of the journalism
Awards--The Journalism Division looks to several awards, both internal and external, as Only high achieving students get awards in Annual data collection/ Analysis every three Yes
measures of the achievement of outcomes. (Direct)
various categories of reporting and news
Graduating students are nominated by faculty for their work in several categories at the production.
end of each academic year.
The work is reviewed by a team that includes faculty and outside reviewers. Awards are
given to those students who demonstrate the outcome in an exemplary way.
Measure Type:
Graduating Student Survey -- assessment of student perceptions in achieving outcomes.
The survey has been administered annually since 2005 to all graduating students and has
achieved response rates close to 80%. The results are tabulated and reviewed by the
Associate Dean and Division Director.
Measure Type:
Annual data collection/ Analysis every three Yes
On average, students will rate their
academic career at least "very good" or
"excellent" on each outcome.
The categories directly address the learning
Survey among internship supervisors (Indirect).
On average, internship supervisors will rate Data collection each semester/ analysis
students' performance "very good" or
every three years.
"excellent" on each outcome.
Internship supervisors (i.e. employers)
currently evaluate students. This evaluation
is reviewed by the faculty member
responsible for internships. A uniform
rating/ evaluation form will be developed in
2009-10. This form will ensure that the
ratings are directly related to the outcomes.
On average, alumni will rate their academic Every five years.
career "very good" or "excellent" on each
Measure Type:
Field Work/ Internship
A survey of 3-5 year alumni (Indirect).
To assess their transition into and preparedness for the profession. Alumni who have
been working for several years should be better able to assess their education.
Measure Type:
Alumni Feedback
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Faculty Retreats and Ad Hoc Curriculum/ Syllabus Reviews (Indirect).
To be determined by faculty when the
To ensure that curriculum meets the needs of the profession.
program requires changes.
The Journalism Division monitors its curriculum and uses input from its faculty (many of
whom are practicing professionals), adjunct faculty (who are all professionals), and
alumni (including the Dean's Advisory Council--a group of high level alumni who are
professionals in the field).
Measure Type:
No schedule identified.
Ad Hoc Research Studies -- SOC Image Study, Writing Programs Survey, Career Center To be determined by faculty when the
Survey, Alumni Focus Groups, Alumni Survey (Indirect).
program requires changes.
Surveys conducted occasionally to address specific issues.
Studies have been conducted through the Development Office and also in Research
Methods classes. Two studies in particular--the Writing Study and the Career Center
Survey--provided useful data to evaluate student perceptions toward our programs. In
Summer 2008, two focus groups were conducted with students to explore various
changes to the curriculum.
Measure Type:
Institutional research--Student Evaluations of Teaching, Campus Climate Survey,
To add context for the evaluation of other
Graduation Census, National Survey of Student Engagement (Indirect).
The School of Communication and Journalism Division routinely analyze other data
available in order to provide the background by which to understand more specific data.
Measure Type:
Learning Outcome: Role of Journalism
Describe the role of journalism in a diverse, increasingly global society.
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 11/02/2010
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Students must demonstrate in their final
Portfolios of student work including news, feature and investigative projects. This
projects an understanding of journalism's
outcome will be assessed by considering the final papers and exams in the following
courses: Foreign Policy and the Press and Global Journalism: Issues and Trends in the role not only in America, but in countries
21st Century. As these courses are not taught each semester, the assessments will be done around the world.
the next time they are taught or by the academic year 2014-2015. (Direct)
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
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This outcome will be assessed by the 2014- Yes
2015 academic year or the next time the
courses are taught.
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Course assignments. (Direct)
To ensure students meet SOC/ ACEJMC
For each course--reviewed by division
requirements for graduation and successful faculty and discussed in syllabus and
completion of the journalism major.
curriculum reviews.
Measure Type:
Written Assignment
Awards--The Journalism Division looks to several awards, both internal and external, as Only high achieving students get awards in Annual data collection/ Analysis every three Yes
measures of the achievement of outcomes. (Direct)
various categories of reporting and news
Graduating students are nominated by faculty for their work in several categories at the production.
end of each academic year.
The work is reviewed by a team that includes faculty and outside reviewers. Awards are
given to those students who demonstrate the outcome in an exemplary way.
Measure Type:
Graduating Student Survey -- assessment of student perceptions in achieving outcomes.
The survey has been administered annually since 2005 to all graduating students and has
achieved response rates close to 80%. The results are tabulated and reviewed by the
Associate Dean and Division Director.
Measure Type:
Annual data collection/ Analysis every three Yes
On average, students will rate their
academic career at least "very good" or
"excellent" on each outcome.
The categories directly address the learning
Survey among internship supervisors (Indirect).
On average, internship supervisors will rate Data collection each semester/ analysis
students' performance "very good" or
every three years.
"excellent" on each outcome.
Internship supervisors (i.e. employers)
currently evaluate students. This evaluation
is reviewed by the faculty member
responsible for internships. A uniform
rating/ evaluation form will be developed in
2009-10. This form will ensure that the
ratings are directly related to the outcomes.
On average, alumni will rate their academic Every five years.
career "very good" or "excellent" on each
Measure Type:
Field Work/ Internship
A survey of 3-5 year alumni (Indirect).
To assess their transition into and preparedness for the profession. Alumni who have
been working for several years should be better able to assess their education.
Measure Type:
Alumni Feedback
Faculty Retreats and Ad Hoc Curriculum/ Syllabus Reviews (Indirect).
To be determined by faculty when the
To ensure that curriculum meets the needs of the profession.
program requires changes.
The Journalism Division monitors its curriculum and uses input from its faculty (many of
whom are practicing professionals), adjunct faculty (who are all professionals), and
alumni (including the Dean's Advisory Council--a group of high level alumni who are
professionals in the field).
Measure Type:
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No schedule identified.
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Ad Hoc Research Studies -- SOC Image Study, Writing Programs Survey, Career Center To be determined by faculty when the
Survey, Alumni Focus Groups, Alumni Survey (Indirect).
program requires changes.
Surveys conducted occasionally to address specific issues.
Studies have been conducted through the Development Office and also in Research
Methods classes. Two studies in particular--the Writing Study and the Career Center
Survey--provided useful data to evaluate student perceptions toward our programs. In
Summer 2008, two focus groups were conducted with students to explore various
changes to the curriculum.
Measure Type:
Institutional research--Student Evaluations of Teaching, Campus Climate Survey,
To add context for the evaluation of other
Graduation Census, National Survey of Student Engagement (Indirect).
The School of Communication and Journalism Division routinely analyze other data
available in order to provide the background by which to understand more specific data.
Measure Type:
Learning Outcome: Reasoning and Analysis
Demonstrate the capability for critical reasoning and analysis of complex issues in the media and society.
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 11/02/2010
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
This outcome will be assessed through an analysis of the final research projects produced Students must demonstrate the capability for This course is offered once a year. The
by the course In-Depth journalism. The course introduces students to the history,
critical reasoning while undertaking a group assessment will take place in the spring of
purposes, power, and responsibilities of investigative journalism. Also introduces
investigative journalism project.
2013 or the fall of 2014.
students to the specialized reporting and interviewing techniques of investigative
reporting and requires students to develop these skills while participating in a group
investigative journalism project. (Direct)
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
Awards--The Journalism Division looks to several awards, both internal and external, as Only high achieving students get awards in Annual data collection/ Analysis every three Yes
measures of the achievement of outcomes. (Direct)
various categories of reporting and news
Graduating students are nominated by faculty for their work in several categories at the production.
end of each academic year.
The work is reviewed by a team that includes faculty and outside reviewers. Awards are
given to those students who demonstrate the outcome in an exemplary way.
Measure Type:
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Graduating Student Survey -- assessment of student perceptions in achieving outcomes.
The survey has been administered annually since 2005 to all graduating students and has
achieved response rates close to 80%. The results are tabulated and reviewed by the
Associate Dean and Division Director.
Measure Type:
Annual data collection/ Analysis every three Yes
On average, students will rate their
academic career at least "very good" or
"excellent" on each outcome.
The categories directly address the learning
Survey among internship supervisors (Indirect).
On average, internship supervisors will rate Data collection each semester/ analysis
students' performance "very good" or
every three years.
"excellent" on each outcome.
Internship supervisors (i.e. employers)
currently evaluate students. This evaluation
is reviewed by the faculty member
responsible for internships. A uniform
rating/ evaluation form will be developed in
2009-10. This form will ensure that the
ratings are directly related to the outcomes.
On average, alumni will rate their academic Every five years.
career "very good" or "excellent" on each
Measure Type:
Field Work/ Internship
A survey of 3-5 year alumni (Indirect).
To assess their transition into and preparedness for the profession. Alumni who have
been working for several years should be better able to assess their education.
Measure Type:
Alumni Feedback
Faculty Retreats and Ad Hoc Curriculum/ Syllabus Reviews (Indirect).
To be determined by faculty when the
To ensure that curriculum meets the needs of the profession.
program requires changes.
The Journalism Division monitors its curriculum and uses input from its faculty (many of
whom are practicing professionals), adjunct faculty (who are all professionals), and
alumni (including the Dean's Advisory Council--a group of high level alumni who are
professionals in the field).
Measure Type:
No schedule identified.
Ad Hoc Research Studies -- SOC Image Study, Writing Programs Survey, Career Center To be determined by faculty when the
Survey, Alumni Focus Groups, Alumni Survey (Indirect).
program requires changes.
Surveys conducted occasionally to address specific issues.
Studies have been conducted through the Development Office and also in Research
Methods classes. Two studies in particular--the Writing Study and the Career Center
Survey--provided useful data to evaluate student perceptions toward our programs. In
Summer 2008, two focus groups were conducted with students to explore various
changes to the curriculum.
Measure Type:
Institutional research--Student Evaluations of Teaching, Campus Climate Survey,
To add context for the evaluation of other
Graduation Census, National Survey of Student Engagement (Indirect).
The School of Communication and Journalism Division routinely analyze other data
available in order to provide the background by which to understand more specific data.
Measure Type:
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Learning Outcome: Professional Skills
Demonstrate the skills necessary to successfully perform the tasks expected of a beginning reporter, editor or producer.
Outcome Year: 2012 or prior
Start Date: 11/02/2010
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
Portfolios of student work including news, feature and investigative projects in digital,
video, audio, broadcast, multimedia and print formats. (Direct)
Measure Type:
Final Paper/ Final Project
Students must demonstrate the outcomes
that are relevant to each particular piece in
the portfolio.
Annual or every two years--This direct
measure has not yet been implemented due
to resource issues (technology, faculty time,
and coordinating outside reviewers).
Course assignments. (Direct) In December 2011, a faculty committee will be assessing
the results of the course work in two upper-level Reporting courses, Advanced Reporting
(Comm 425) and Backpack Video Journalism (Comm 432). The items to be assessed
include spot news stories, profile writing, financial news stories, an issue or enterprise
story as well as broadcast news reporting and writing and preparing a newscast. Some of
the items to be assessed will be in multimedia formats to take into account changes
occurring in the professional field.
Measure Type:
Written Assignment
To ensure that students are being well
prepared for a career in journalism and to
prepare them for the requirements of a
changing news environment. To ensure
students meet SOC/ ACEJMC requirements
for graduation and successful completion of
the journalism major.
Each core course of the Journalism Division Yes
will be assessed by May 2014. For each
course--reviewed by division faculty and
discussed in syllabus and curriculum
Awards--The Journalism Division looks to several awards, both internal and external, as Only high achieving students get awards in Annual data collection/ Analysis every three Yes
measures of the achievement of outcomes. (Direct)
various categories of reporting and news
Graduating students are nominated by faculty for their work in several categories at the production.
end of each academic year.
The work is reviewed by a team that includes faculty and outside reviewers. Awards are
given to those students who demonstrate the outcome in an exemplary way.
Measure Type:
Graduating Student Survey -- assessment of student perceptions in achieving outcomes.
The survey has been administered annually since 2005 to all graduating students and has
achieved response rates close to 80%. The results are tabulated and reviewed by the
Associate Dean and Division Director.
Measure Type:
Annual data collection/ Analysis every three Yes
On average, students will rate their
academic career at least "very good" or
"excellent" on each outcome.
The categories directly address the learning
Survey among internship supervisors (Indirect).
On average, internship supervisors will rate Data collection each semester/ analysis
every three years.
students' performance "very good" or
"excellent" on each outcome.
Internship supervisors (i.e. employers)
currently evaluate students. This evaluation
is reviewed by the faculty member
responsible for internships.
Measure Type:
Field Work/ Internship
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Assessment Plan
Assessment Method
A survey of 3-5 year alumni (Indirect).
To assess their transition into and preparedness for the profession. Alumni who have
been working for several years should be better able to assess their education.
Measure Type:
Alumni Feedback
On average, alumni will rate their academic Every five years.
career "very good" or "excellent" on each
Faculty Retreats and Ad Hoc Curriculum/ Syllabus Reviews (Indirect).
To be determined by faculty when the
To ensure that curriculum meets the needs of the profession.
program requires changes.
The Journalism Division monitors its curriculum and uses input from its faculty (many of
whom are practicing professionals), adjunct faculty (who are all professionals), and
alumni (including the Dean's Advisory Council--a group of high level alumni who are
professionals in the field).
Measure Type:
No schedule identified.
Ad Hoc Research Studies -- SOC Image Study, Writing Programs Survey, Career Center To be determined by faculty when the
Survey, Alumni Focus Groups, Alumni Survey (Indirect).
program requires changes.
Surveys conducted occasionally to address specific issues.
Studies have been conducted through the Development Office and also in Research
Methods classes. Two studies in particular--the Writing Study and the Career Center
Survey--provided useful data to evaluate student perceptions toward our programs. In
Summer 2008, two focus groups were conducted with students to explore various
changes to the curriculum.
Measure Type:
Institutional research--Student Evaluations of Teaching, Campus Climate Survey,
To add context for the evaluation of other
Graduation Census, National Survey of Student Engagement (Indirect).
The School of Communication and Journalism Division routinely analyze other data
available in order to provide the background by which to understand more specific data.
Measure Type:
In the spring of 2014, the Journalism Division invited alumni to a session that evaluated
and reviewed specific courses. The intent was to gain their insight into the relevancy of
the journalism curriculum in today's professional world. Here are their comments
evaluating the digital skills classes: There was some question about whether having
students produce audio slideshows really has merit since so few news organizations do
this kind of storytelling. Although audio slideshows are used as a way to train students in
taking still photos, learning to sequence shots, as well as framing and composition - all
things that relate to also shooting video. Students also need to learn how to identify what
is acceptable when using sound.
There was an appreciation for the technical skills being developed in shooting and
editing photos, audio and video. The alumni thought we do those aspects well. However,
they would like to see more compelling story content; stories with more impact and those
that make people care. It was discussed whether this is possible in an entry-level course
being used to give students a glimpse into multimedia storytelling.
The alums all agreed on the need for data journalism courses, working with Excel, over
those of HTML, CSS, although having some basic coding skills is seen as a plus.
Measure Type:
Alumni Feedback
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Related Courses
- COMM-380 - Public Communication Research
- COMM-437 - Public Relations Portfolio
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