Program Assessment Plan American University CAS: Audio Technology - BS


Program Assessment Plan

American University

CAS: Audio Technology - BS

CAS: Audio Technology - BS

Contact Person for


Ana Cetina

Primary Department: Performing Arts

Learning Outcome: Recording

Every student will demonstrate the facility to create professional quality audio recordings.

Outcome Year: 2012 or prior




Start Date: 05/11/2009

Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome

Assessment Plan

Assessment Method Target

Critique of portfolio level recording projects.

Examines the use of correct microphone placement on instruments, the use of prescribed mixing and mastering techniques, and the demonstration of proper techniques to eliminate broad band noise reduction and unwanted acoustic reflections in ATEC-450

Audio Technology Capstone.

This information is used to introduce new courses into the curriculum and make requests for improved facilities.

Measure Type:

Final Paper/ Final Project

100% of students will demonstrate the facility to create professional-quality recordings.

Alumni questionnaire.

Data collected via email and phone from an annual survey of every alumni to graduate from the program. This is accompanied by an update on the equipment, facilities, and changes to the curriculum.

Measure Type:

Alumni Feedback


Information collected annually.

75% of alumni will be satisfied with the quality of instruction, including the equipment and facilities now available for recording at American University.

80% or greater will indicate that the material covered in their audio technology courses

Information collected annually.

provided a satisfactory preparation for employment in the field of audio technology.

75% will agree that the BA program has adequately prepared them for entry-level positions in related fields.

75% will agree that the BS program has adequately prepared them for entry-level positions in technical-related fields.




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Assessment Method

Assessment of measures and tools used at other university-level recording programs.

Information is used to make comparisons in regards to the quality of facilities and equipment in relation to programs of similar size and scope at other institutions.

Measure Type:


Assessment Plan

Target Schedule/Cycle

The facilities and equipment used in the

Audio Technology program will be comparable to the median school that offers a program in audio technology.

Information collected every three years.



Related Courses

- ATEC-401 - Digital Audio Workstations II

Related Documents:


- ATEC-421 - Sound Synthesis II

Related Documents:


- ATEC-450 - Audio Technology Capstone

Related Documents:

Grading rubric


Grading rubric

Related Action Steps

* Supporting Assessment: Audio recording performance examination

Description: Students complete a checklist of 50 different skills required of professional audio engineers. This checklist describes the major learning outcomes and objectives of the ATEC-311 and 411 one year sequence.

* Supporting Assessment: Critique of student level capstone projects

Description: Students demonstrated proficiency in the creation of recording professional quality recordings and audio projects. As many students requested to work on capstone projects that are not audio recordings, the use of this tool solely as a means of evaluation was reexamined to also include an assessment fro ATEC-411.

Learning Outcome: Audio Technology

Each student will demonstrate a basic professional level of accomplishment in the core areas of audio technology including: non-linear digital audio recording and editing, analog recording, sound design for music and film/ video, and the mixing and mastering of audio projects.

Outcome Year: 2012 or prior




Start Date: 05/11/2009

Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome

Assessment Method

Assessment Plan

Target Schedule/Cycle Active

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Assessment Plan

Assessment Method Target

Critique of portfolio level recording projects.

Examines the use of correct microphone placement on instruments, the use of prescribed mixing and mastering techniques, and the demonstration of proper techniques to eliminate broad band noise reduction and unwanted acoustic reflections in ATEC-450

Audio Technology Capstone.

This information is used to introduce new courses into the curriculum and make requests for improved facilities.

Measure Type:

Final Paper/ Final Project

100% of students will demonstrate the facility to create professional-quality recordings.

Related Documents:

Program meeting 5-15-13

Evaluation of student projects and examinations in ATEC-403 and ATEC-421.

This information is used to identify possible difficulties in instruction, effectiveness of teaching methods, software utilized, and teacher expectations for students.

Measure Type:

Final Paper/ Final Project

Related Documents:

Program meeting 5-15-13

Digidesign Pro Tools User Certification Examination.

Test results are used to improve class instruction. Updates in instructional materials provided by Digidesign ensure that students will have a firm understanding of the latest concepts in non-linear digital audio workstations.

Measure Type:

Quiz/ Exam

90% of students will complete projects that are comparable to those in a professional portfolio.

80% of students will complete 210M certification.


Information collected annually.

Information collected annually.

Test results collected every semester.

Related Courses

- ATEC-101 - Fund of Audio Technology

- ATEC-102 - Audio Technology Laboratory

- ATEC-301 - Digital Audio Workstations I

- ATEC-311 - Sound Studio Techniques I

- ATEC-401 - Digital Audio Workstations II

Related Documents:


- ATEC-403 - Production Mixing & Mastering

- ATEC-411 - Sound Studio Techniques II

- ATEC-450 - Audio Technology Capstone

Related Documents:

Grading rubric


Grading rubric





Learning Outcome: Repair and Installation

Students will demonstrate professional facility comparable to entry-level professionals in the fields of acoustics, audiovisual electronic repair and installation, and electronic circuit design and repair.

Outcome Year: 2012 or prior

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Start Date: 05/11/2009

End Date: 06/01/2013

Outcome Status: Archived Learning Outcome

Assessment Plan

Assessment Method Target

Critique of portfolio level recording projects.

Examines the use of correct microphone placement on instruments, the use of prescribed mixing and mastering techniques, and the demonstration of proper techniques to eliminate broad band noise reduction and unwanted acoustic reflections in ATEC-450

Audio Technology Capstone.

This information is used to introduce new courses into the curriculum and make requests for improved facilities.

Measure Type:

Final Paper/ Final Project

100% of students will demonstrate the facility to create professional-quality recordings.


Information collected annually.

Final projects in PHYS-323 Electronics Laboratory 2, ATEC-431 Studio Management, and PHYS-305 Acoustics.

Information is used to direct projects in Studio Management and work in conjunction with the Physics department to develop course materials that are beneficial to the program.

Measure Type:

Final Paper/ Final Project

75% of students will be able to assemble a semi-professional electronic audio device, design and install a basic audiovisual system

Information collected every two years.

for a professional application, and assess the acoustic properties of a space based upon an impulse response test.




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