Program Assessment Plan American University CAS: Asian Studies - BA

Program Assessment Plan
American University
CAS: Asian Studies - BA
CAS: Asian Studies - BA
Learning Outcome: General Literacy in Asian Studies
Students should demonstrate that they can successfully navigate the historical and disciplinary branches of Asian Studies and different approaches, different issues that are related to the past and the
present by demonstrating: 1) An ability to locate a particular topic within the larger relevant context of Asia; 2) Critical analysis of conceptual frameworks in social, historical situations and their
interpretations; 3) Region-specific nature of the topics that students are engaged in their research; 4) Relevance of students' research in understanding contemporary Asia and Asia's position in the world.
Outcome Year: 2014-2015
Learning Outcome: Argumentation Skills
Students should display acuity and expertise in their knowledge and understanding of Asia. Students will: 1) Recognize different view on Asia and analyze how such views have been formed; 2)
Understand social and historical facts that were used in the creation of such ideas; 3) Know how to support or challenge such views by appropriately utilizing student's knowledge on Asia; 4) Construct
sound and persuasive arguments; and 5) Offer the benefits and limits of given argument in understanding the social and historical facts and understanding Asia.
Outcome Year: 2014-2015
Learning Outcome: Research Skills
Students should demonstrate the ability to effectively navigate various research tools.
Outcome Year: 2014-2015
Learning Outcome: Communication Skills
Students should display the ability to communicate complex arguments and concepts effectively, both orally and in writing. They will be able to present arguments in a clear and straightforward manner.
They will clearly identify and communicate the facts or situations and interpretive tools or methods utilized in analyzing such facts.
Outcome Year: 2014-2015
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