Book Reviews

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Book Reviews
Animal Welfare Law in Britain: Regulation and Responsibility, by Mike Radford.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp.441, £45.00 (hb), £16.99 (pb), ISBN 0 19
826251 5.
A text on animal law is greatly welcomed in an area largely overlooked by writers with
only a few exceptions. In the current climate of increasing public awareness of animal
welfare issues following BSE, foot and mouth disease and numerous animal welfare
based television programmes, it seems sensible to assume there must be a growing
market for a readable text aimed not only at lawyers, but also at those who either work
in an animal welfare area or who just have an interest in animal welfare in Britain.
The author states that his work seeks to trace the evolution of animal protection
legislation in Britain; to place that legislation in its legal, political and scientific
context; to provide a detailed analysis of the substantive law and its application; to
evaluate its effectiveness; and to suggest possible avenues for further reform. With
these aims in mind the book has been divided into five parts after an introduction:
historical development; legal and political context; cruelty; welfare; and effectiveness.
Mike Radford first looks at the traditional attitudes towards animals, starting from
the religious viewpoint that animals were made for the sake of man to treat how they
saw fit. Throughout the various developments, which ends with the call for animal
welfare legislation, the author provides many interesting early quotations regarding
man’s attitude to animals which give a fascinating, and sometimes an appalling,
insight into the early attitudes of man towards animals.
Radford then looks at the first attempts at legislating for the protection of animal
welfare, starting in the early 1800s. It is interesting to note that opposition to the Bills
against Bull Baiting ranged from the view that such legislation was ‘frivolous and
vexatious’, would deprive the poor of one of the few enjoyments left to them, and that
the Commons would be applying double standards by outlawing bull baiting when
hunting, shooting, fishing and horse racing could be judged by similar standards. The
latter echoes some sentiments expressed in the recent debate on hunting with hounds.
With the protection towards animals at this time extending only so far as the
protection of them as property and the prevention of social disorder, Radford takes us
through the various Bills proposed to protect animals from actual cruelty, most of
which failed to pass into legislation. The chapter concludes with the reasons for the
introduction of early animal protection legislation being due not only to beginning of
an awareness of animals as sentient beings, but also to a complex mix of factors such
as ‘the development of a secular morality, the increasing influence of urban middleclass values, concern for social discipline and stability, a political and legislative
system which was responsive, the individual campaigners to carry the cause forward,
and the endorsement of the higher ranks of society’ (p.590).
The chapter on extending the protection of animal welfare looks at the early
animal protection legislation and regulation, including areas such as the introduction
of and the problems posed by vivisection, the veterinary profession, animal health and
wildlife, bringing us up to the present day. Radford states that ‘the form of animal
protection legislation at the beginning of the twenty-first century remains rooted in
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that of the nineteenth. As with so many areas of law, it is only possible to comprehend
the present if one has some knowledge of the past’ (p.95).
The chapter on the ‘Continuing Need for Regulation’ discusses the legal status of
animals and comes to the conclusion that the question of the legal status of an animal
as property is ‘something of a distraction’ as far as Britain is concerned. Regulation
should recognise the needs and capacities of animals and have adequate means of
enforcement to ensure that those responsible for animals have a duty to abide by the
standards prescribed by law.
Radford also covers the relationship between Britain and other organisations and
developments, such as the World Trade Organisation, the EC, the Council of Europe,
pressure groups, the Human Rights Act and devolution in Scotland and Wales, all of
which have an impact on our domestic animal protection laws. He makes the point that
we need to look further than Westminster to understand fully the law in this area. The
law’s reform and development may now take place outside of Westminster, dependant
on the area of competence of these bodies. This is especially true regarding reform of
the law concerning animals in commercial undertakings.
After a comprehensive analysis of cruelty offences, Radford calls for animal
protection laws in Britain to be consolidated and puts forward various proposals to
reform certain aspects of them. Emphasis is placed on securing a level of regulation
that creates a positive duty on those who supervise or care for animals to prevent
unnecessary suffering which encompasses not only cruelty, but also the welfare of the
animal. Throughout his work he makes, in my view, a strong case for the need to
reform the law in this area to reflect the change in attitudes towards animals by society
and scientists over the last few decades.
I found this book a fascinating insight into the early treatment of animals but I
must admit, as an animal lover, to finding some of the examples of animal abuse
difficult to read, solely because of the extent of cruelty inflicted on such creatures.
Radford is right to include examples of man’s barbaric treatment of animals because it
helps the reader to understand not only the accepted attitudes of society towards
animals at that time, but also the reluctance of the judiciary to convict for customary
practices of abuse against animals and why there was a only a minority calling for
animal welfare protection in the early 1800s.
The chapters on cruelty offences are easily ‘dipped’ into for reference by the
lawyer and layperson alike, whilst other areas such as the influences on the
development of the law since the 1800s need to be read fully to do them justice.
Throughout the book the author writes in a style which is clear and informative and
succeeds in providing a broad overview of animal protection law and highlighting the
areas of weakness. As a Scot, I must also applaud Radford for his consistent
appreciation of and reference to Scottish law and devolution where applicable, so often
overlooked by authors south of the border.
I thoroughly recommend this book which has something for everyone interested in
animal welfare.
Aberdeen Business School
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Racism and Anti-Racism in Football, by Jon Garland and Michael Rowe. Basingstoke:
Palgrave, 2001. Pp.232, £14.99 (pb), ISBN 0 333 96422 5.
This excellent book by Jon Garland and Michael Rowe approaches the potentially
explosive topic of racism in football in a thought-provoking, yet accessible, manner. It
combines historical contextualisation of the subject with a theoretical overview of the
issues involved and original research with discussion and evaluation.
Extracts from interviews conducted with those connected with football and quotes
from past and present players about instances of racism that they have witnessed, or
been the subject of, appear throughout the text. This lends the book an added level of
relevance, demonstrating that this is not merely an academic problem of minor interest
but a phenomenon that is ongoing despite the best efforts of those involved with the
various anti-racism campaigns.
The book begins with an historical review of black footballers in Britain. It traces
the careers of the first black players and the changes in attitude towards them that have
occurred over the years. Of particular note is that their treatment reflected not just
overt racism, or that which is specifically designed to be abusive, but also that which
is often considered by those doing it to be just a bit of fun. Thus, everything from
Cyrille Regis’s description of monkey chants, banana throwing and threatening letters
(p.1), to the chanting of ‘He’s got a pineapple on his head’ at Jason Lee on (p.187), are
covered. This last point also highlights a recurrent theme of the book: the role of the
media in the construction of race, identity and racism. For example, the Jason Lee
chant was started on the popular TV programme ‘Fantasy Football’ as what the
presenters thought would be a bit of harmless fun.
This leads into one of the other main themes of the book, that there is a lot more
to race and racism that what ‘everyone’ knows about it – that its only done by skinheaded thugs. They discuss institutional racism, elusive racism and the racism of
stereotypes. The important point that the writers make is that it is not just the abusive
chanting of the few that needs to be addressed. Racism extends to include ideas that
Asians cannot play football, Africans are tactically inept and all foreigners are at best
poor sports and at worst cheats. The writers highlight how these misconceptions add
to the problems faced by many players who are either denied access to the sport, as
both players and spectators, or whose participation in sport is not taken seriously
because of their ethnicity.
From a lawyer’s point of view, I would have liked to have seen a greater degree of
criticism of the existing legal provisions in this area, many of which are merely
window dressing. The lack of use of, for example, section 3 of the Football (Offences)
Act 1991, which is supposed to outlaw racist chanting at football matches, is
disturbing and leaves the provision vastly overvalued as an anti-racism tool. If it does
not work, then it should be replaced. Simply not using it to control racist chanting
should not be an option. In contrast to this, the discussion of the successful anti-racism
schemes implemented by a number of clubs is both interesting and heartening. That
racism is accepted as a problem that first exists and second can and should be beaten
should lead to these schemes being held up as models of how all clubs should operate.
My only minor criticism of the book is that at times it mixes discussions of football
hooliganism in general with the discussions of racism in football. Although the authors
themselves acknowledge this as a necessary evil, sometimes it can detract from the
issues at hand. Some wider context of ‘hooligan’ behaviour is important, however, and
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this is more than adequately provided by the authors. Perhaps instead they could have
contrasted the racist and race-related behaviour of football fans with that of cricket and
other sports’ fans in more detail. This would be particularly relevant in the light of the
Cricket Disorder Report of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
This book would be ideal for students of sport in any of its disciplines – law,
sociology, history, politics and media. Its easy and informative style would also make
it an interesting book for any football fan interested in the game at large. It is well set
out and the conclusion sections at the end of each chapter are particularly useful.
The final chapter brings all of the previous discussions together, dispelling some
of the myths associated with racism and anti-racism in football and proposing a way
forward for the future. It also highlights that this needs to be done throughout society
and not just in football. One of the best sports books I have read recently, it ends with
a warning against any complacency that racism is a thing of the past:
In an era in which many sections of British society are reflecting on the notion
of institutional racism there seems little sign that football clubs or the football
authorities are interested in considering the extent of unwitting racism that may
arise from the policies, practices and cultures of the game. It is to these
questions that those engaged in antiracist work must now turn (p.195).
School of Law, Manchester Metropolitan University
Governing Morals: A Social History of Moral Regulation, by Alan Hunt. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp.273, £15.95 (pb), ISBN 0 521 64689 8.
The state has a long history of involvement in moral regulation. Even recently, within
the context of the ‘New Labour’ administration in the United Kingdom, we have seen
moves to alter the way that both licensing – ‘Time for Reform: Proposals for the
Modernisation of our Licensing Law’ (2000) Cm.4696 – and gambling – Gambling
Review Report (2001) Cm.5206, and D. Miers, ‘OFGAM? OFBET? The Regulation
of Commercial Gambling as Leisure Industry’, Entertainment Law 1/1 (2002), 20–51
– are regulated and the role that the state plays within this process. Even the ability to
dance in a commercial space on a Sunday was abrogated by an adherence to an ancient
piece of legislation, the Sunday Observance Act 1780, until the advent of the
Deregulation (Sunday Dancing) Order 2000, which seemed patently absurd in the third
millennium, let alone the second. Alan Hunt’s book is a history of moral regulation
projects, movements that have as their chief concern ‘a desire to regulate everyday
Hunt’s approach in the book is to examine historical examples of moral regulation
in order that they might provide critical distance from current controversies while
hopefully adding to the debate on current issues from a different perspective. As he
notes in his ‘Preface’, ‘There seemed little point in adding another contentious voice
to the babble of current controversy over any of these moral conflicts. Instead I
decided that it might be possible to throw some light on contemporary conflicts by
undertaking a study of earlier moral reform campaigns’ (p.x). Having set out the
theoretical backdrop in the ‘Introduction’, Hunt selects a number of moral regulation
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movements for analysis. In selecting these areas, recognition was made of the
difficulties of focusing upon certain areas – for example, the consumption of alcohol
does not form part of this analysis, at least explicitly, because of the restrictions this
would place on the book as a whole, given the inherent complexities of the area and
the sheer size of such an undertaking. The chapters cover various areas or movements.
For example, Chapter 1 deals with Societies for Reformation of Manners, and Chapter
2 details ‘Moral Regulation from Above: The Vice Society’. Other chapters include
case studies on ‘Sexual Purity and Social Hygiene in Victorian Britain and the USA’
(ch.3), and look at the impact of ‘feminism dominated’ movements (ch.5).
The case studies themselves are well chosen and thoughtful. For example, Hunt
illustrates in Chapter 1 how movements such as this should be understood as part of,
or linked to, social movement theory, and his analysis makes use of contemporary
examples to illustrate this. These Societies ‘projected a generalised fear of a profound
national crisis whose origin lay in the immorality of the people’ (p.34), with the sins
they decried including such everyday sins as neglect of public worship and failing to
set a good example at home. An excellent table details the range and type of relevant
prosecutions under this broad umbrella during the period 1694–1738, citing examples
such as sodomy, drunkenness and Sabbath-breaking.
Prosecutions for ‘lewd and disorderly behaviour’ are by far the most prevalent,
very possibly as a result of this covering the activity of street prostitutes. The chapter
details the propaganda machine that underpinned the movement and provides a
detailed historical excavation of the roots and rationale for the movement, including
critiques such as that of Daniel Defoe, who castigated such movements for their
working-class bias; the upper classes were seemingly absolved from censure,
notwithstanding their own ‘corrupt appetites’, on the basis that their transgressions
were more likely to be behind closed doors and therefore deemed less pernicious.
Such a class-based distinction can be seen in approaches to a number of other areas
in which the activities or proclivities of society have been regulated. Perhaps the area
of blood sports provides a neat analogy here, with widely differing approaches to the
high culture (fox hunting) rather than the low (badger baiting). Again interestingly, this
also provides a link into current thinking and prevailing attitudes, with the current
moves towards banning or at least restricting fox hunting and the responses of bodies
such as the Countryside Alliance with their claims of interference with their livelihood
and rights. Here, Defoe’s point concerning who becomes the focus of the law – ‘These
are all Cobweb laws, in which small flies are catch’d, and the great ones break through
… ’Tis hard, Gentlemen, to be punished for a Crime by a man as guilty as ourselves’
(p.52) – seems particularly apposite, notwithstanding any moral reprehensibility at
such activities that society might have about all such forms of ‘sport’.
As Hunt had noted in his ‘Introduction’, he hoped that his analysis might cast
some light on recent developments and movements. Hunt succeeds in this with ease.
His final chapter begins to look at the developments within moral politics and
regulation towards the present day, via new social campaigns and political
valorisation of family values. Interestingly, at the time of writing this review, one
such campaign, the Conservative Party ‘Back to Basics’ policy formulated under
John Major in the early 1990s, is coming under the spotlight a decade later because
of the affair between the then Prime Minister and Edwina Currie. It is almost trite to
note that an understanding of the past helps develop our understanding of the present
and how we might engage with issues in the future, but this well written and
superbly constructed book does just that and illustrates the value of adapting a
theoretical standpoint with which to interrogate future developments. As Hunt
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himself concludes: ‘Contests over projects of moral regulation will continue to
provide a significant part of the social and political agenda; the best that we can hope
is to restrain the worst excesses while we continue to grapple with the intractable
conditions of social life that generate the impulse to subject the conduct of conduct
to moral governance’.
School of Law, University of Westminster
The Internet, Law and Society, by Yaman Akdeniz, Clive Walker and David S. Wall
(eds.). Harlow: Longman, 2000. Pp.388, £32.99 (pb), ISBN 0 582 35656 3.
The Internet represents the greatest technological development of recent times,
breaking down communication boundaries, presenting opportunities for commercial
and economic growth while creating an ever-changing medium open to abuse and
criminal activity. Alongside the thundering development of technology, established
legal frameworks need to adapt and develop in order to accommodate the blurring of
international jurisdictions, the empowerment of the individual and the expansion of
commercial activities. This book does not focus upon ‘case materials’ for the study of
Internet law but it is an accessible investigation into how the Internet, the law and our
society co-exist and how they can and should interact and develop together.
The Internet, Law and Society encompasses contributions from experts in the field
covering the areas of: the governance of cyberspace; the Internet’s impact on legal
institutions and professions; and ‘legal controversies’ surrounding the Internet, such as
defamation and the dissemination of child pornography. This examination of the social
and political implications of the Internet is drawn together by Yaman Akdeniz,
member of the Cyberlaw Research Unit at the University of Leeds, Professor Clive
Walker and David Wall, both also of the Department of Law at the University of
In its treatment of the issues surrounding the governance of the Internet, the book
presents a clear, concise examination of how public and private institutions stand side
by side in any attempt to regulate this media, breaking away from the traditional strata
of governance and moving towards a multi-layered approach. A similar stance is taken
in the investigation of how the Internet can be policed, with the need for many
agencies to work together whilst also promoting a system of accountability.
The book professes to be a study of ‘law in action’ and lives up to this remit by
paying attention to how the development of technology has impacted upon the legal
profession. It is argued that the modern lawyer has a continuing need to adapt and keep
ahead of the opportunities and threats created by the information technology boom.
Although this section cannot be treated as a ‘how to’ manual, it does give the legal
practitioner an excellent overview of developments and pitfalls in this area. In a
separate chapter strong argument is advanced for the greater use of IT within the
criminal justice system to simplify and demystify processes and to create a broader
base for citizen participation.
Walker’s investigation of the issues surrounding ‘cyber-constitutionalism and
digital democracy’ offers a thought-provoking, in-depth analysis of the impact that our
ever-expanding ability to communicate through IT could have on democracy and
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democratic institutions, the attitudes of governments and the drawbacks and
advantages of the citizen’s relatively new-found voice. The discussion touches upon
many different facets of this ever-changing situation. The difficulties posed to
authoritarian nation-states of control of new technologies can lead to the promotion of
democracy through the global sharing of information and the empowerment of the
citizen in the face of repression. A further democratising effect of new technology is
the ability to provide vast amounts of governmental information in a relatively easily
accessible format. This should lead to an increase in governmental accountability but,
as the author holds, the UK’s opportunity to increase accountability has been diluted
as the use of new technology has been advocated in the name of modernisation, not
the transformation of the nature of democracy.
The author of this chapter presents new technology as a method for increasing
informed engagement and participation in political issues. In the current climate of
disenchantment with the political process and the recent low election turnouts,
enhancing the link between the citizen and the government, or political parties, could
reinforce waning popular involvement in the democratic process. While advocating
this increased popular involvement the author does signal some drawbacks, such as the
tendency for political debate through new media, as a sphere dominated by leisure
services, to be provided as a kind of ‘entertainment’, a mere distraction with its real
message and importance being lost.
This is an excellent, broad-based introduction to the main issues surrounding
cyber-constitutionalism. However, the whole notion of enabling the citizen by
providing a voice can be expanded to examine democratic theory and the tension
between equality and rationality. By engaging each citizen in informed political
discussion through the Internet, there is the possibility that in place of a democratic
consensus, a sphere is fostered in which increased political debate leads to increased
polarisation and social fragmentation.
The main issues surrounding the policing of the Internet are examined by David
Wall, beginning with an examination of the various ‘harmful behaviours’ which have
developed with the expansion of the Internet, such as ‘cybertheft’ and ‘cyberviolence’,
the latter seen to encompass activities ranging from harassment to hate speech. The
chapter covers responses to the need to impose order in such a shifting environment,
showing a multi-layered approach, encompassing input from individual users, user
groups, interest groups, service providers and public sector organisations. It is
suggested that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will increase in their legal
accountability due mainly to their profit making status, thereby providing the most
likely starting point from which order could be imposed. The discussion of the main
issues here is measured and very well researched and although the situation is everchanging, this chapter stands as an excellent general introduction to the increasingly
complex area of policing the Internet.
Akdeniz has produced or collaborated upon the majority of the chapters in the final
section, entitled ‘Legal Controversies in Cyberspace’. As the founder and director of
the civil liberties organisation Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK), it is unsurprising
that he presents a strong case for the protection of the right to free speech on the
Internet, criticising, for example, governmental attempts to impose controls on
sexually explicit material. Other chapters discuss issues such as whether the often
hysterical, media-fuelled reaction to the Internet as a medium for the dissemination of
child pornography merely serves to enhance a rationalisation of Internet censorship
while detracting from the ‘real world’ problem of child abuse. The book also covers
subjects such as defamation, hate speech, privacy rights and e-commerce.
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The work contains extensive footnotes, many with links to the relevant material on
the web, and it is also supported by its own website. The fast moving evolution of the
Internet presents a problem for anyone seeking to publish work in this area. However,
The Internet, Law and Society admits to being a ‘snap-shot of work on the subject’,
and as such is an essential, accessible handbook for anyone, student, law professional
or interested party, seeking a critical discussion of the socio-legal situation
surrounding the development of cyberspace and an examination of the main policy
School of Law, Manchester Metropolitan University
Sport, Physical Activity and the Law, by Neil Dougherty, Alan Goldberger and Linda
Jean Carpenter. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 2002. Pp.260, $49.95 (pb),
ISBN 1 571 67492 6.
To most non-lawyers, the thought of reading a legal text is enough to make their minds
go numb and put them to sleep. This is because most legal textbooks are geared either
to the practising attorney or to the law student. Therefore, in order to understand the
material in the book, the reader already has to have a sound understanding of the law
and how the legal system works. Another problem with most legal textbooks is that
some authors, in an effort to demonstrate to the reader how smart they are, use so much
legal jargon that the reader is quickly lost. It was, therefore, really refreshing to read
Sport, Physical Activity and the Law by Neil Dougherty, Alan Goldberger and Linda
Jean Carpenter. The authors, three widely acknowledged legal experts in their fields,
are able to present the material in a simple format that is well organized and easy to
One of the reasons Sport, Physical Activity and the Law is so easy to read is that
the common organisational pattern of the chapters facilities study and review of the
material. First, the text is divided into five distinct and separate areas: the legal system;
constitutional guarantees; personal rights and expectations; programme management
and contract; and legal responsibility for participant safety. The authors then divide the
five areas into 16 chapters, ranging from an overview of the US legal system and risk
management all the way to contract and constitutional issues. Each of the chapters
begins by presenting a brief scenario to illustrate the nature of the chapter’s main topic
area. The authors follow each scenario by listing the objectives and key elements
found in the chapter. In an effort to assist the reader, the authors also highlight each
new concept and term as it is introduced.
Many chapters contain management sections that show sport administrators how
to turn the legal concepts and requirements discussed into proactive tools that build
better programmes. At the end of the each chapter is a summary of the key concepts
followed by several case studies that demonstrate real-world applications of the legal
concepts addressed. The case studies are presented in a simple and easy to understand
narrative, rather than a more technical legal format, that makes it easy for the nonlawyer to follow and comprehend. The case studies are followed by a list of key terms
and several questions to aid the reader in reviewing the key points of each chapter.
Finally, in the reference section that follows each chapter, the authors include in many
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of them the citations for suggested additional readings for anyone who would like to
research the particular area in more detail.
While enjoyable and certainly educational, the book also has some faults. For
example, in most chapters the resource material used is rather dated. While all the
material presented is legally sound and correct, because the law, especially in the areas
of constitutional law and even risk management, has changed over the past few years
the authors could have used more up-to-date references. Most of the resources used,
even in the new chapters, are over ten years old. In addition, people in the United
Kingdom or outside the United States should also know that the book deals almost
exclusively with the US legal system and laws. The only reason I mention this fact,
since neither the book nor the authors ever pretend to cover European law, is because
Entertainment Law is published in the United Kingdom.
Overall, I would recommend Sport, Physical Activity and the Law to anyone
interested in the legal issues surrounding sport and physical activity in the United
States. The book is well written and provides some very helpful information. In
addition, the book should prove very useful to any athletic administrators interested in
developing a safe and legally sound sport and physical activity programme. If however
you are more interested in the legal issues of sport outside the United States, there are
a number of other sport law books available that would prove much more useful.
J O H N T. W O L O H A N
Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York