Cognitive status, language attainment, and prereading skills of 6-year-old very preterm children and their peers: the Bavarian Longitudinal Study Dieter Wolke* PhD Dipl-Psych; Renate Meyer Dipl-Psych; University of Munich Children’s Hospital, Bavarian Longitudinal Study, Munich, Germany. *Correspondence to first author at University of Hertfordshire, Faculty of Health and Human Sciences, Department of Psychology, College Lane, Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK. The prevalence of intellectual-, language-, and prereadingskill deficits was investigated in a geographically defined whole-population sample of very preterm children at 6 years of age in southern Germany. The sample consisted of the following: 264 very preterm children (75.6% of Germanspeaking survivors); 264 term controls (matched for sex, socioeconomic status [SES], marital status and age of mother); and a representative normative sample for Bavaria (N=311). Compared with term peers, very preterm children scored significantly lower (approximately –1 SD) on the measures of cognitive and language skills and had major cognitive deficits (<–2 SD) 10 to 35 times more often than the controls. Deficits in speech articulation and prereading skills (<10th centile) were three to five times more frequent in very preterm children. More than 18% of very preterm children had cognitive deficits in more than five areas of functioning, compared with no control children. The differences between very preterm children and controls remained highly significant when only very preterm children (N= 229) and controls (N= 261) without major neurosensory impairment were considered. Little evidence for specific cognitive deficits was found once mental processing measured in the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) was controlled for. The effect of preterm birth on cognitive abilities was found to be larger than the influence of SES. In conclusion, there was a high prevalence of long-term multiple cognitive problems in very preterm children. These persistent cognitive problems appear to be of pre- or neonatal (treatment) rather than postnatal social origin. 94 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 1999, 41: 94–109 Meta-analyses of reports on the intellectual development of very preterm or very-low-birthweight infants and children have concluded that their IQs are usually within the normal range but approximately 0.5 SD below those of term infants (Aylward and Pfeiffer 1989, Aylward et al. 1989, Escobar et al. 1991, Ornstein et al. 1991, Wolke 1993, Hall et al. 1995). Analysis of IQ scores have found significant developmental delay or learning difficulties are more common in very-lowbirthweight children (Aylward et al. 1989; Wolke 1991, 1998a). A greater variability of test scores or discrepancies between Verbal and Performance IQs have also been noted by some researchers (Vohr and Garcia Coll 1985, Breslau et al. 1988, Ornstein et al. 1991) but not others (Li et al. 1990). Other developmental disorders such as language delays and deficits (Rocissano and Yatchmink 1983, Wright et al. 1983, Byers et al. 1986, Vohr et al. 1988, Lewis and Bendersky 1989, Largo et al. 1990), articulation problems (Largo et al. 1990), and specific learning disorders such as poor reading, writing, and numerical skills and mathematics problems (Klein et al. 1989, Ross et al. 1991) have also been noted to be more common in very-low-birthweight children (Cohen et al. 1988, McCormick 1989, Friedman and Sigman 1992, Wolke 1993). It has been speculated that specific deficits may suggest either damage to, or inhibition of, normal development in specific areas of the brain (Mutch et al. 1993). However, only a few previous studies have evaluated whether these developmental or learning problems represent specific developmental deficits or could be accounted for by general IQ deficits in very-low-birthweight children (Lindgren et al. 1986, Breslau et al. 1988, Hunt et al. 1988, Klein et al. 1989, Saigal 1991, Saigal et al. 1991). There is thus still considerable uncertainty regarding the cognitive outcome of very-low-birthweight children. Definite conclusions are difficult to draw owing to shortcomings of earlier studies: many previous investigations included no control groups (Saigal 1991, Saigal et al. 1991, Gross et al. 1992); often employed variable and arbitrary criteria to define significant cognitive impairment (Wolke et al. 1994); were single-centre studies, with epidemiological studies being the exception (Bax 1983, Saigal et al. 1991, Veen et al. 1991, Robertson et al. 1992, Scottish Low Birthweight Study Group 1992, Johnson et al. 1993, Wolke et al. 1994); had no or poor documentation of those lost to follow-up (Aylward et al. 1986, Wariyar and Richmond 1989, Leonard et al. 1990, Halsey et al. 1993, Wolke et al. 1995b); and generally included only short follow-up periods ( Aylward and Pfeiffer 1989; Aylward et al. 1989; Collin et al. 1991; Wolke 1991, 1993; McCormick 1992; McCormick et al. 1992; Lukeman and Melvin 1993). Lack of attention to study design and methodological factors may have resulted in large underestimations of the adverse cognitive outcome of verylow-birthweight infants (Escobar et al. 1991, Ens-Dokkum et al. 1992, Gross et al. 1992, Wolke et al. 1994, Wolke 1997). This study investigated the intellectual abilities, language comprehension and expression, and prereading skills in a population of very preterm children, matched term controls, and a representative sample of children of the same cohort living in a geographically defined area in the south of Germany. We report the incidence of cognitive impairment of very preterm children in comparison to a matched control group. It was hypothesized that very preterm children usually have multiple cognitive problems and that specific developmental deficits are rare in very preterm children. Method THE BAVARIAN LONGITUDINAL STUDY: COHORTS AND DESIGN Details of the design of the Bavarian Longitudinal Study (BLS) have been described elsewhere (Wolke et al. 1994, 1995a,b; Riegel et al. 1995; Wolke 1997a,b) and are only briefly outlined here. All infants born alive in a geographically defined region in south Bavaria between 1st February 1985 and 31st March 1986 and who required admission to one of 17 children’s hospitals in this region within the first 10 days of birth comprised the target sample (index children). During the study period, 70600 births were registered in the region. The inclusion criterion was met by 7505 children (10.6% of all births). The population ranged from very ill preterm infants to term infants who required only brief inpatient observation for diagnostic purposes in the special care units. In addition, 916 healthy infants receiving care on the normal postnatal wards in 12 obstetric units in the same hospital centre or adjacent to the children’s hospital were recruited as control infants during the same period. POPULATIONS The following populations were assessed at 6 years 3 months of age and are the subjects of this report. Very preterm children Of the 7505 children, 560 were very preterm infants with a gestation of <32 weeks. This comprised virtually all (>99%) very preterm infants born during this period in this region (Bayerische Landesärztekammer 1985). Of the 560 very preterm children, 158 died during the initial hospitalization, seven died between discharge from hospital and 6 years 3 months of age, four parents gave no written informed consent for participation in the study, and 42 parents and children were non-German speaking. The latter group of children had been followed-up until the age of 4 years 8 months but were excluded at 6 years 3 months because the language differences precluded accurate testing of verbal abilities, language and prereading skills. The verbal and language assessments at 4 years 8 months had indicated that 80% of these children scored <–2 SD (Riegel et al. 1995). The potential sample of survivors thus comprised 349 very preterm children. Of these, 264 very preterm children (75.6%) were assessed at 6 years 3 months of age. Of the 85 children not assessed at 6 years 3 months, three could not be traced and therefore no information on their development was available. Seven families could only ever be interviewed on the telephone; their physicians’ reports were obtained but they did not attend any of the follow-up assessments, thus limiting the information on their development. Twenty-three children had only one previous assessment, 26 had two previous assessments, and 26 had all previous neurodevelopmental follow-up assessments at 5, 20, and 56 months of age. Control group Seven-hundred and eighteen of the 916 originally enrolled non-referred children (79% survivors; five infants had died between birth and 4 years 8 months) attended all previous follow-up assessments at 5, 20, and 56 months (Riegel et al. 1995, Wolke et al. 1995a). Of these 718 children, 689 were term (gestational age >36 weeks at birth). From this sample pool of term children, a comparison group of 264 children was group-matched to the 264 very preterm children (stratified random sampling) according to sex of child, family socioeconomic status (SES), marital status of the parents, and maternal age. The characteristics of the very preterm children and their controls are shown in Table I. Normative sample A normative sample (NC), representative of the total population of Bavarian infants born in 1985, was drawn from the complete BLS sample. Five stratification variables for constituting a representative sample were available from the Statistical Yearbook 1985 for Bavaria (Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik und Datenerhebung 1986) and the Bavarian Perinatal and Neonatal Survey 1985 (Bayerische Landesärztekammer 1985). These were sex distribution of newborn infants (51% male); size of the community the parents were inhabiting (>50000 inhabitants: 27%); educational level of mothers giving birth in 1985 (basic education: 9 years or less of schooling or no basic educational qualification, 14%; moderate education:10 to 12 years’ schooling with passed final exams/job related training, 76%; completed high school or university education: successfully completed education of 13 years or more, 10%); gestation at birth (<32 weeks’: 0.9%, 32 to 36 weeks’, 6%); and whether the infant had been admitted to a children’s hospital within the first 10 days of life (10.6%). There were 311 children in the normative sample. The normative sample (see below) was solely studied to determine cohort-specific and regional norms (i.e. means, SDs, cut-off points for determining cognitive impairment). MEDICAL AND PREVIOUS FOLLOW- UP DATA Prenatal data were obtained from the medical histories in the obstetric units, while peri- and neonatal data were collected prospectively. The information was summarized into four scales: prepregnancy (eight items), pregnancy (14 items), birth (15 items), and neonatal complications (20 items). This is similar to previously proposed optimality scoring systems (e.g. Prechtl 1967, Kyllerman and Hagberg 1983, Molfese and Thomson 1985, Michaelis and Haas 1987, St JamesRoberts and Wolke 1989) (see Riegel et al. 1995, Wolke et al. 1995a). Daily assessments of level of care, respiratory support, and feeding dependency, and neurological status such as mobility, muscle tone, and neurological excitability were conducted from the first day after birth. Each of the six variables was scored daily on 4-point rating scales (0 to 3) according to Casaer and Eggermont (1985). The ‘Duration of Treatment Index’ was computed as the number of days until the infant reached a stable clinical state (total daily scores <3 for 3 consecutive days), and the ‘Intensity of Neonatal Treatment Index’ was computed as the mean of daily ratings during the first 10 days of life or until a stable clinical state was reached, depending on which occurred sooner, multiplied by 100. Gestational age was determined from maternal dates of the last menstrual period and serial ultrasounds during pregnancy. Additionally, all infants had a Dubowitz examination of gestational age (Dubowitz and Dubowitz 1979). Where gestational age estimates from these methods differed by less than 2 weeks, maternal dates were used; where the difference between the three methods was greater than 2 weeks (e.g. with uncertain dates), then the Dubowitz examination results alone were used to determine gestational age. Parents were approached within 48 hours of the infant’s hospital admission. The aims of the study were explained to Cognitive Status of 6-Year-Old Very Preterm Children Dieter Wolke and Renate Meyer 95 them and they were asked to give written informed consent for their child to participate. Socioeconomic data were obtained by standard interviews with the infants’ parents in the first 10 days of life and at each follow-up visit. SES was computed as a weighted composite score of maternal highest educational qualification, paternal highest educational qualification, and occupation of the head of family according to Bauer (1988). As part of a full neurological and psychological assessment programme, the cognitive development was assessed at 5 and 20 months of age corrected for prematurity with the Griffiths Scales of Babies Abilities (Brandt 1983) and the Columbia Mental Maturity Scales (CMM; Burgemeister et al. 1954, Bondy et al. 1975) at 4 years 8 months chronological age. SIX-YEAR ASSESSMENTS The aim was to assess all children at 6 years 3 months (before beginning primary school in Germany). As shown in Table I, more than 94% of children were preschool at the time of assessment and those who had entered school had less than 3 months of schooling. Somatic and neurological assessments (with outcome presented below) were conducted by specially employed and trained paediatricians. Relevant information for current purposes were diagnosis of severe impairment, resulting in severe disability (Riegel et al. 1995): unchanged cerebral palsy (CP) diagnosis between 56 and 75 months of age (CP grade 3, no unaided walking but rolling or crawling possible; CP grade 4, no active mobility), major malformations Table I: Background information on the very preterm children, very preterm children who dropped out, and term control children Control children N=264 Very preterm children N=264 Very preterm drop-out children N=85 Control children versus very preterm children Very preterm versus dropout children 3407 (3351–3463) – – 1288 (1247–1330) 47.7 23.9 1350 (1282–1419) 52.9 12.9 <0.001 – – – – – 39.6 (39.5–39.7) – 29.5 (29.3–29.7) 22.7 29.8(29.5–30.1) 16.5 <0.001 <0.001 – – Small for dates (<10th centile) (%) 9.8 28.8 25.9 <0.001 – Multiple births (twins and more) (%) 4.2 23.5 21.2 <0.001 – – – – Obstetric/neonatal variables Mean birthweight (g) (95% CI) <1000–1499 g (VLBW) (%) <1000 g (ELBW) (%) Mean gestation (wk) (95% CI) ≤ 28 wk (%) Parity 1 2 ≥3 59.1 31.8 9.1 51.7 34.2 14.1 49.4 30.6 20.0 – – – – – 56.8 56.5 – – 1.1 (1.0–1.1) 0.9 (0.8–1.0) 2.2 (2.0–2.4) 0.4 (0.3–0.5) 1.4 (1.3–1.5) 2.3 (2.2–2.5) 4.6 (4.4–4.7) 9.8 (9.5–10.1) 1.2 (1.0–1.4) 2.2 (1.9–2.4) 4.1 (3.8–4.4) 9.5 (9.0–10.0) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 – – <0.01 – Mean duration of treatment index (95% CI) – 63.5 (58.8–68.2) 60.9 (52.0–69.7) – – Mean intensity of treatment index (95% CI) – 1268.7 (1224.6–1312.7) 1175.5 (1099.4–1251.6) – <0.05 Mean duration of initial hospitalization (95% CI) – 84.0 (79.3–88.8) 74.7 (66.6– 82.7) – – Outborn Complication scores (Mean 95% CI) Prepregnancy Pregnancy Birth Neonatal Demographic variables Child’s sex Male (%) 56.4 56.4 49.4 – – Socioeconomic status (%) High Middle Low 22.3 42.4 35.2 22.3 42.4 35.2 13.3 41.0 45.8 – – – – – – Maternal educational qualification (%) Basic (≤10 y) Moderate (work qualification ≤12 y) High school/university (≤13 y) 10.2 72.0 17.8 9.1 73.9 17.0 14.5 72.3 13.3 – – – – – – Marital status Single (%) 11.7 16.5 18.3 – – Mean maternal age (at birth ) (95% CI) 28.5 (27.9–29.1) 28.8 (28.2–29.4) 27.9 (26.8–29.0) – – Mean child’s age (mo) (95% CI) 74.2 (73.9–74.5) 75.0 (74.7–75.4) – <0.001 – 5.7 6.1 – – – Started school (%) VLBW, very low birthweight; ELBW, extremely low birthweight. 96 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 1999, 41: 94–109 or genetic syndromes (e.g. Down syndrome), blindness (noncorrectable loss of sight in at least one eye), or deafness. All cognitive assessments were carried out by postgraduate clinical psychologists and their psychometric assistants in specially equipped assessment rooms attached to the children’s hospitals at six sites in south Bavaria (Munich, Augsburg, Rosenheim, Regensburg, Landshut, and Deggendorf). All investigators were trained in the various assessment procedures during a 3-month period before the main study. Additionally, a pilot study was conducted under study conditions with 74 children. The investigators were unaware of the infants’ neonatal course and previous test results. All assessments during the study period were videotaped and regularly checked by a specially employed supervisor (experienced clinical psychologist) and the first author. COGNITIVE STATUS The children were assessed with the German version of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC; Kaufman and Kaufman 1983, Melchers and Preuss 1991). This cognitive assessment battery is based on neuropsychological and information-processing theories of intellectual functioning. Intelligence is measured with the Mental Processing Composite (MPC; eight subtests), designed to test fundamental mental processes. The MPC is subdivided in two further subscores (also separately standardized). These are the simultaneous information-processing score (SGD; five subtests requiring the processing of several stimuli at the same time, such as arranging complex patterns from several pieces) and the sequential information-processing score (SED; three subtests requiring the processing of individual stimuli one by one, such as repeating numbers or repeating hand movements). The Achievement Score (AS) included three subtests designed to measure what has been learned by the child. Each of the subscores (MPC, SGD, SED, AS) are standardized at 100±15 (Melchers and Preuss 1991). The K-ABC is being used in an increasing number of very-low-birthweight studies (Li et al. 1990, Teplin et al. 1991, Achenbach et al. 1993, Weisglas-Kuperus et al. 1993). LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Four subtests were used from the Heidelberger Sprachentwicklungstest (HSET; Grimm and Schöler 1991), a German test battery for language development. These included the following subscales: plural-singular-rules (PS, test of grammatical rules), correction of semantically inconsistent sentences (KS, test of language comprehension), sentence production (SB, test of language comprehension and production), and understanding of grammatical structures (VS, test of grammatical rules). Each subtest is standardized as T-scores (50±10; Grimm and Schöler 1991), and a total score of the four subtests was computed standardized as T-scores (HSET total). A new articulation test was developed with a total of 34 items. The phonemes (letters) previously found to be most difficult for children at 6 years of age (Largo et al. 1990) were tested. The child was presented with drawings of objects and required to name them. The child’s formation of the target sound was noted as correct or incorrect. There were three categories for incorrect sound production: sound replaced by another sound, left-out sound, or no reply. If a child did not recognize the picture, the word was spoken by the investigator and the child required to repeat it (with the response noted as correct or incorrect). Thirteen items had the target letter (sound) at the beginning of the word (e.g. Tisch [table]) and 13 in the middle of the word (e.g. Leiter [ladder]). A further nine items tested specifically for ‘Sch’/ ‘St’/ ‘Sp’phonemes which are most difficult for 6-year-old German speakers (Largo et al. 1990). The number of correct answers was totalled to gain three subscores (word beginning, word middle, ‘Sch’ phonemes) and a total score across all subtests. Quality of speech and grammatical correctness (which also included interviews with the children) was judged at the end of the assessment day by the research team (consensus ratings). The quality of speech index consisted of five items: intelligibility of speech, voice quality, melody of speech, volume modulation of speech, and tempo. The items had one normal category and one to five alternative ‘deviant’ categories. The number of non-deviant codings was totalled. Grammatical correctness was judged according to seven items: articles omitted, errors in article use, declension or conjugation omitted, wrong declension or conjugation, wrong sentence structure, prepositions omitted, wrong prepositions. Each of the items was rated according to three categories: never or rarely, occasionally, and often or always. The number of never or rarely ratings was totalled. The research teams were required to judge the reliability (very good, good, poor, completely inaccurate) of their ratings for each child and to give reasons for poor reliability (no talking during assessments, no articulated language). Furthermore, each research team recorded whether the child and the parents were speaking High German (received pronunciation, ‘Hochdeutsch’) or local dialect. PREREADING SKILLS The ability to recognize and categorize sounds has been found to be predictive of later reading skills and difficulties (Bradley and Bryant 1978, 1983; Velluntino and Scanlon 1987; Goswami 1990; Bowey et al. 1992; Schneider 1993), even if controlled for social and environmental factors (Raz and Bryant 1990). The phone-oddity task (Bradley and Bryant 1983) involves rhymes in which three of four words share a common phoneme and the child has to detect the odd word. This can be problematic, however, because the child must retain four words in order to make a decision; a certain level of short-term memory is required. Indeed, Schneider (Schneider 1993, personal communication) found that only 26.1% of 6-year-olds have a mean memory digit span of four, thus making the task problematic for use with healthy and, in particular, at-risk children. We thus adapted a measure of phonological awareness which makes fewer requirements on memory (Jansen et al. 1986, Skovronek and Marx 1989). The rhyming task consisted of 18 word pairs, half of which rhymed. At the very beginning, four practice items were given to ascertain that the children understood the concept of rhyme and could principally distinguish between word pairs that rhymed and those that did not. The 18 word pairs were presented next (e.g. Bauch – Schlauch [rhyme]; Laub – Lauf [no rhyme]). The number of correctly identified rhyming and non-rhyming pairs was counted. In the sound-to-word-matching task, children had to repeat each given word, and then indicate if a special phoneme pronounced by the experimenter was included in the presented word. For example, the experimenter presented the word Cognitive Status of 6-Year-Old Very Preterm Children Dieter Wolke and Renate Meyer 97 ‘Auge’ and asked subjects whether it contained an ‘au’ phoneme. Four practice items were given and then 16 test items. The number of correct responses was recorded. Both the rhyming and sound-to-word-matching task items were presented from a standard prerecorded tape (female voice) to all children to control for possible differences in pronunciation by different investigators. The naming of numbers and letters assessed children’s knowledge of the alphabet and the number sequence 0 to 9. Children were instructed to read a row of letters (random order) and to indicate those they knew. Answers were judged correct if the child could name, pronounce, or say a word that began with the letter. Similarly, the digits were presented and the child asked to name them. The total number of correct answers was calculated separately for the naming of letters and numbers. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Comparisons were made between the very preterm children and matched control groups. They included parametric analyses using sequential analysis of variance for interval data assessing mean differences between very preterm children and controls, after allowing for sex and SES. For categorical analyses, outcome variables were categorized into three groups: normal performance (≥ –1SD), mild impairment (<–1SD to ≥ –2 SD), and severe impairment (<–2SD). Where data distribution deviated significantly from the normal distribution (Kolomogorov-Smirnov test, P<0.05 in the normative sample), cut-off points were set at the 10th centile (impairment score <10th centile). All cut-off points (SD classifications; 10th centile) were determined according to the distributions of the dependent variable scores in the normative sample. Area-transformed cut-off points for SD classifications were used (e.g. –1 SD at 15.9%; –2 SD at 2.3% of the score distribution). Comparisons between very preterm children and controls were carried out using the χ2 test. A number of measures were taken to determine whether very preterm children had specific cognitive and language deficits more frequently than controls. Firstly, categorical comparisons of the frequency of differences in performances between the test scores MPC and AS, SGD and SED, and AS of the K-ABC, set at >1 SD, were made to determine specific cognitive deficits. Secondly, the parametric analyses were repeated for the HSET using IQ scores (MPC) as covariate to determine whether possible differences between groups disappeared once IQ was controlled for. Thirdly, odds ratios adjusted for K-ABC IQ (MPC) were computed for the not normally distributed variables (articulation test, prereading scales, speech ratings). All children underwent repeated analysis except those children with major impairment according to medical examination. By convention, the P values reported are <0.05, <0.01, and <0.001. Results SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS AND DROP- OUTS The characteristics of the very preterm children and control children studied at 6 years of age are shown in Table I. The very preterm children and controls differed on all medical complication and biological background variables except for parity. The very preterm children had severe medical complications more frequently, and were more commonly twin or 98 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 1999, 41: 94–109 higher-order births and small for gestational age. None of the very preterm children was deaf. Nineteen very preterm children than controls had severe CP (grade three, 13; grade four, six), compared with no controls. More very preterm children had severe malformations or genetic aberrations than controls (very preterm children 12; controls, three). In the very preterm children these were microcephaly and severe growth retardation (one); hypothyroidism (four); multiple malformations (two); heart failure (aorta-valve stenosis, one); lysteriosis (one); cytomegalovirus embryopathy (one); hypoplastic kidney (one); hypoplastic-multicystic kidney and hypothyroidism (one). Among the control children, three had major congenital anomalies: aorta-valve stenosis (one), glycogenosis (one), cytomegalovirus embryopathy (one). There were more blind very preterm children than controls (one-sided, two children; both eyes, one child; controls, none). As one very preterm child had both CP grade four and was blind, there were 33 very preterm children and three control children with severe medical impairment and disability (MI). There were no differences between the very preterm children and controls on any of the sociodemographic variables (Table I). However, the very preterm children were, on average, assessed at a slightly later age (0.8 months). This was due to more frequent cancellations of appointments and journeys to the families in the very preterm children group. The difference was of little clinical significance which was confirmed by analyses using assessment age as covariate. No alterations of findings were found and thus the results not corrected for the little difference in assessment age are reported. The universality and interpretation of the results subsequently reported depends on whether those lost to follow up from birth until 6 years 3 months of age were different from those who stayed. The medical and biological background data are thus also shown for the 85 children who did not attend the 6-year-3-month assessment (Table I). Of the 14 background variables where complete data were available, there were two significant differences (Table I): the very preterm children lost to follow-up had fewer birth complications (P< 0.01) and a less intense course of neonatal treatment (Intensity of Treatment Index, P<0.05). Seventy-five of the 85 children who dropped-out had at least one previous assessment with the Griffiths Scales or CMM. The number of children assessed at each of the previous assessment points and the subsequent results are shown in Table II. There were no differences between the groups. In particular, 73 of the 85 had Griffiths assessments at 5 or 20 months (and these were combined) and no differences to those who stayed in the study were found. The group of children who dropped-out did not differ significantly in their early cognitive development from those who remained in the study. COGNITIVE STATUS The results of the K-ABC assessment are shown in Table III, first for all children and, secondly, for the group of children after those with major neurological impairment had been excluded. The findings from the normative sample are shown for descriptive purposes. The very preterm children had much poorer performance in all of the K-ABC subscale composites, with scores >1 SD below those of the controls in the MPC and AS. The lowest mean scores were found in the simultaneous information-processing (SGD) subscales (approximately 1.4 SD below the controls) while the smallest differences were found for the sequential information-processing scales (SED) (approximately 0.7 SD below the controls). The mean differences between the two groups were all very significantly different (P<0.001) according to the sequential ANOVAs controlling for sex and social class of the children (Table III). Of particular clinical interest is the relative frequency of children with mild (<–1 SD to ≥ –2 SD) or serious impairment (<–2SD) in intellectual abilities (Table III). Mild impairment was between 2 and 2.5 times more apparent in very preterm children than control children but up to 34 times more very preterm children had serious cognitive impairment. The relative risk (RR) of having serious impairment relative to no or mild impairment was 34.5 (95% CI, 8.5–139.3; P<0.001) for the MPC and 12.4 (95% CI, 5.1–30.3; P<0.001) on the AS. The exclusion of children with major impairment caused a reduction in the RR but the very preterm children still had a much higher risk for serious cognitive impairment (MPC, RR=24.9 [95% CI, 6.1–101.4], P<0.001; AS, RR=9.7 [95% CI, 3.9–24.1], P<0.001). Considering the SGD and SED components of the MPC separately, both showed highly significant differences between the very preterm children and the controls. However, while 12.1% of the very preterm children and 1.1% of the controls (RR=10.7 [95% CI, 3.3–34.4], P<0.001) had problems in sequential information processing, 34.8% of the very preterm children (1.1% of controls; RR=30.7 [95% CI, 9.8 to 95.6], P<0.001) had problems in tasks requiring the child to process stimuli simultaneously. Similar differences between SED and SGD were found when only the children without major impairment were considered (Table III; SED, RR=6.0 [95% CI, 1.8–20.4], P<0.001; SGD, RR=24.1 [95% CI, 7.7–75.7], P <0.001). The findings indicate that very preterm children have particular problems processing complex information requiring logical reasoning and spatial orientation abilities. To test for specific intellectual deficits, differences between the individual K-ABC scores (MPC, AS, SED, SGD) were computed, and it was determined whether the very preterm children group had differences between scales exceeding 1 SD more frequently than the controls (Hunt et al. 1988). The results are shown in Figure 1. No differences in the frequency of discrepancies exceeding 1 SD between AS and MPC or SGD were found between very preterm children and controls. However, the very preterm children had SGD scores which were more than 1 SD below the SED scores (35.2%; 33.8% without MI) more often than the controls (15.2%; 5.3% without MI , P<0.001). The very preterm group had lower SED scores than AS scores (6.4%; 6.5% without MI) less often than the controls (14.4%; 14.2% without MI, P<0.01). The intellectual performance scores grouped according to the SES of the subjects are shown in Figure 2. Analysis of variance entering the factors simultaneously showed clearly the effect of social class (P<0.001) and no interaction between social class, group status, or sex of child was found. No overlap of scores between the very preterm children and controls could be detected. Indeed, not even the control children with low SES scored, on average, lower than the very preterm children of high SES. Figure 2 also illustrates, as already demonstrated in the analyses above, the different patterns in performances in SED and SGD between the very preterm children and controls in all social groups. The very preterm children performed particular poorly when infor- mation presented simultaneously had to be processed. We further analysed how SES affected the incidence of normal intellectual performance, mild, and severe cognitive impairment in the very preterm children and control group. The results are shown in Figure 3 for the two groups excluding those children with major medical impairment. In the control group, the incidence of mild impairment more than twice the rate for the children of low SES when compared with those of upper or middle SES. Only control children of low SES were found to have severe impairment in the MPC (N=2) and AS (N=5) of the K-ABC. The SES effects were highly significant for both the MPC and AS (Fig. 3). The effect of SES on cognitive performance differed for the MPC and AS in the very preterm children group. No changes in the number of children with mild impairment were found on the AS according to SES. However, the number of those with serious impairment almost doubled with each drop in level of SES (e.g. upper SES, 7.8%; middle SES, 15.2%; low SES, 29.6%). The χ2 test (df 2) of the overall changes was significant at P<0.05 and testing how many very preterm children had serious impairment compared with others (≥ 2 SD), the SES effects were highly significant (df 1; P<0.01). The SES effects were less evident for the MPC. The Table II: Cognitive development status of the very preterm children who stayed and of the children who dropped out at 5, 20, and 56 months of age. Very preterm children (compiler) N=264 Very preterm children (drop-outs) N=8 Griffiths General Development Quotient 5 mo Number assessed 262 Mean (95% CI) 95.5 (92.8–98.2) Mild delaya (%) 13.0 Serious delayb (%) 23.3 69 93.8 (88.0–99.5) 14.5 24.6 20 mo Number assessed Mean (95% CI) Mild delay a (%) Serious delayb (%) 261 90.7 (87.9 – 93.6) 19.2 29.5 51 90.0 (83.8 – 96.1) 25.5 31.5 Griffiths DQ at 5 or 20 moc Number assessed Mean(95% CI) Mild delay a (%) Serious delayb (%) 261 90.7 (87.9 – 93.5) 19.2 29.5 73 88.9 (83.2 – 94.6) 24.7 31.5 Columbia Mental Maturity Scale Number assessed 262 Mean(95% CI) 82.7 (79.6 – 85.8) Mild Impairmenta (%) 18.3 Serious Impairment (%) 22.5 32 87.2 (77.7 – 96.6) 21.9 15.6 a <–1SD to >–2SD categorization according to prospectively studied normative sample; normal, mild, and serious delay expressed as percentage of children b <–2SD c two further drop-outs without Griffiths Tests had a CMM at 56 months within the normal range (CMM-IQ: 94, 96). Cognitive Status of 6-Year-Old Very Preterm Children Dieter Wolke and Renate Meyer 99 number of cognitively impaired children increased in those with middle SES and the number of children with serious impairment increased largely in the low SES group (df 2; P<0.05). However, testing whether SES predicted serious impairment only (<–2 SD compared with others) just failed significance (df 1; P<0.06). Categorical analyses of SGD and SED, the two composites of the MPC, showed no significant association between degree of cognitive impairment and SES in the very preterm children but significant associations in the control group (SED, P<0.05; SGD, P<0.01). LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT The results of the HSET language test are shown in Table IV. Seventeen children in the very preterm children group could not be assessed because of severe cognitive impairment. These children had a mean MPC intelligence score of 46.8. Excluding these children would have biased the HSET results and therefore a score below the lowest test score reached by a tested child was assigned. One child in the very preterm children group with intellectual performance within the normal range (MPC≥ –2SD) could not be tested because of severe behaviour problems (test refuser); and one child each in the very preterm children and control group (both with normal IQ) could not take the test because of time constraints. There were thus test results missing for two very preterm children and one control child. The very preterm children had significantly poorer language abilities in all subtests. In particular, they had problems with grammatical rules and detecting semantically incorrect sentences. More very preterm children had language impairments than the controls according to the HSET total score (Table IV). While there were few differences between the groups regarding mild impairment, many more very preterm children (All, RR=18.1 [95% CI: 4.4–74.3], P<0.001; without MI, RR=13.1 [95% CI: 3.1–54.8], P<0.001) had serious language impairment than their term peers. None of the tests reported in the following was normally distributed and thus the frequency of children <10th centile according to the normative sample was computed. Group differences were tested with χ2 (df 1). The very preterm children had more problems articulating words (total score: very preterm children, 24.1%; controls, 4.9%, P<0.001) (Table V). Table III: Mean performance and classifications of normal IQ, mild and severe impairment in intellectual abilities according to K-ABC Normative sample N=311 Control group All N=264 Mental Processing Composite (MPC) Mean (95% CI) 99.5 (98.2 – 100.8) 99.7 (98.4 – 101.1) Mild impairment (<–1 to ≥ –2SD) Cut-off point 87/88 Frequency (%) 13.2 12.5 Serious impairment (<–2SD) Cut-off point 76/77 Frequency (%) 1.6 0.8 Simultaneous Processing Scale (SGD) Mean (95% CI) 103.0 (101.4 – 104.6) 103.2 (101.6 – 104.9) Mild impairment Cut-off point 87/88 Frequency (%) 13.2 11.4 Serious impairment Cut-off point 77/78 Frequency (%) 2.3 1.1 Sequential Processing Scale (SED) Mean (95% CI) 96.1 (94.6 – 97.5) 96.0 (94.5 – 97.6) Mild impairment Cut-off point 81/82 Frequency (%) 10.9 10.6 Serious impairment Cut-off point 68/69 Frequency (%) 1.9 1.1 Achievement Scale (AS) Mean (95% CI) 100.5 (99.0 – 102.1) 100.9 (99.2 – 102.5) Mild impairment Cut-off point 86/87 Frequency (%) 10.6 10.6 Serious impairment Cut-off point 72/73 Frequency (%) 2.9 1.9 Very preterm children All Without MIb N=264 N=231 All P χ2 Without MI P <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 a 84.8 (82.7 – 86.9) 87.5 (85.5 – 89.5) 23.5 26.0 26.1 19.0 83.7 (81.3 – 86.7) 87.0 (84.6– 89.4) 22.3 24.2 34.8 27.7 86.9 (84.7 – 89.1) 89.0 (86.9 – 91.0) 24.6 26.0 12.1 6.9 84.6 (82.2 – 87.0) 87.2 (84.9 – 89.6) 25.0 25.1 23.5 18.6 a χ2 comparisons of normal, mild, and severe impairment between VPI and controls (df=2) are reported. The comparisons of severe impairment (<–2 SD) vs others (≥ –2SD) were all also highly significant (P<0.001; df=1) b All mean differences (VPI versus controls) after controlling for sex and SES P<0.001. 100 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 1999, 41: 94–109 They had particular problems with the ‘Sch’ sounds (<10th centile: very preterm children, 25.7%; controls, 7.6%, P<0.001) and significantly more, although not so marked, problems with sounds placed at the beginning (<10th centile: very preterm children, 18.0%; controls, 7.6%, P<0.01) or in the middle of word <10th centile: very preterm children, 18.0%; controls, 4.2, P<0.001). More articulation problems were still found when those with major impairment (MI) were excluded (Table V). Eleven very preterm children had no articulated language at all (with MPC-IQs well below –2 SD; mean, 45.3), one very preterm child did not speak at all during the assessments (elective mutism). For these 12 children a score of 0 was assigned for the quality of speech and grammatical correctness index. One very preterm child (MPC-IQ=82) had no completed form and was excluded. The reliability of ratings for the very preterm children was judged by the investigators to be poor for 16.7% of very preterm children and 9.1% of the controls (P<0.01). However, once the children with MI were excluded, the examiners did not judge the reliability of their consensus ratings as poorer for the very preterm children and controls (13.9% versus 9.2%, ns). Of the very preterm children group, 30.7% of the children and 28.6% of the accompanying parents spoke High German; in the control group the figures were 25.7% of children and 24.7% of parents (not significantly different). The speech quality (P<0.001) and the grammatical correctness of expressive language (P<0.001) was much poorer in the very preterm children (Table V) independent of whether all or only those without MI were considered (P<0.001). PREREADING SKILLS Many more very preterm children, regardless whether all or only those without MI were considered, had significant deficits (<10th centile) in all the prereading tests (Table V). As previously discussed (Table I), 16 very preterm children and 15 controls had already started school at time of testing. The analyses were thus repeated excluding these school children, resulting only in very minor alterations. All differences between the groups remained very significant (P<0.001). MULTIPLE COGNITIVE DEFICITS It was evaluated whether very preterm children had problems in more areas of cognitive functioning than their controls. For this purpose, the number of children in each group with scores below the 10th centile (according to the normative sample) was calculated in the following seven assessments: K-ABC MPC, K-ABC AS, HSET total score, rhyming task, sound-to-word-matching task, quality of speech index, and grammatical correctness index. Children could thus have a potential multiple cognitive problem score between 0 and 7. Figure 4 shows that very preterm children had deficits in more than one of the cognitive assessments more frequently. Only 31.9% of very preterm children (34.8% without MI) had no cognitive problems at all (controls, 67.8%) and 18.3% (without MI, 14.0%) had cognitive deficits in five or more cognitive tests (controls, 0%). The Mann–Whitney U test was highly significant (P<0.001), independent of whether all very preterm children or those excluding the children with MI were considered. Applying a <10th centile cut off for this multiple cognitive problem index itself, 38.0% of very preterm children (without MI, 32.6%) had cognitive deficits in three or more areas, compared with only 7.6% of the control children (χ2 test, df 1; P<0.001). SPECIFIC DEFICITS : CONTROLLING FOR IQ To test whether the differences between very preterm children and their controls in the HSET language were maintained if controlled for general intelligence, all analyses of variance were repeated entering the MPC of the K-ABC as a covariate. The analyses were made for all children and repeated excluding those with MI. Furthermore, the analyses were repeated a third time, but including only those very preterm children and control children with an IQ according to the MPC ≥ –2SD. This was done to exclude any exaggeration of the regression of IQ on the dependent variable because we had dealt with missing language or prereading skills score for 17 children who had severe cognitive impairment (IQs well below –2 SD) by setting their value at or below the lowest score of any tested child. 40 Figure 1: Discrepancies between the four K-ABC subscores: very preterm children versus control children. ❏ Very preterm children ■ Control children a P<0.001 b P<0.01 Percentage 30 20 10 0 All Without MI AS>MPC Alla Without MIa SED>SGD Allb Without MIb AS>SED All Without MR AS>SGD Cognitive Status of 6-Year-Old Very Preterm Children Dieter Wolke and Renate Meyer 101 Secondly, the effect of very preterm birth on cognitive abilities was found to be much larger than the effect of socioeconomic factors. Thirdly, there was seldom an isolated problem: very preterm children had multiple cognitive problems much more frequently than controls. Fourthly, very preterm children were found to have a specific deficit in the processing of simultaneous information (SGD) to solve tasks (i.e. visual spatial recognition, pattern building and memory, logical reasoning). The risk of a simultaneous information processing deficit was 31 times greater in very preterm children compared with term controls. Finally, most differences in achievement and language abilities between very preterm children and controls disappeared when we controlled for mental processing differences. Specific developmental deficits were rare and only found for speech articulation, quality of speech, and numeracy. The findings of this study, in indicating that very preterm birth is associated with deficits in a wide range of abilities, are consistent with previously reported findings (Portnoy et al. 1988, Klein et al. 1989, Saigal 1991, Saigal et al. 1991, Halsey et al. 1993, Weisglas-Kuperus et al. 1993, Riegel et al. 1995). Even when children with major neurosensory impairment or IQ scores below normal were excluded from the analyses, the IQ, language, and prereading test scores of the very preterm children were lower, and more very preterm children had mild to serious deficits than term children matched for age, sex, SES, maternal education, and marital status. A number of our results deviate from reports of cognitive development of very preterm children in previous work. The mean scores of the very preterm children in the various tests are lower, and the incidence of serious impairment found in our sample is higher than in most previous reports. The very preterm children performed, on average, around 1 SD below the term controls and had serious deficits 10 to 35 times more frequently than the term controls. These findings compare unfavourably to previous metaanalyses findings of the cognitive outcome of very preterm children or very-low-birthweight children (e.g. Aylward et al. 1989, Ornstein et al. 1991). They indicated that very-low-birthweight children have, on average, IQs approximately 0.5 SD below the mean. These differences The analysis of covariance had the effect that all differences between the groups disappeared in the four subtests of the HSET and the HSET-total score (i.e. were all not significant), independent of whether all children, excluding those with MI or those with an MPC ≥ –2SD were analysed. The regression of the covariate was in all cases highly significant (P<0.001). For example, while the observed HSET-total mean score for all very preterm children had been 47.0 and 51.1 for the controls (Table IV) and significantly different, the IQ-adjusted scores were 49.9 for the very preterm children and 49.5 for the controls and not significantly different. For the non-normally distributed articulation tests, language ratings, and prereading skills tests, odds ratios between very preterm children and controls adjusted for K-ABC MPC were computed. All differences between very preterm children and controls in specific articulation problems (word beginning, word middle, ‘Sch’ sounds), grammatical correctness ratings, and phonological prereading skills (rhyming task, sound-to-word matching, naming of letters) disappeared once controlled for mental processing abilities (MPC). This was found to be independent of whether all, or only children without MI or IQs in the normal range (>–2 SD) were considered. For example, while the unadjusted odds ratio for sound-to-word-matching was 5.1 (95% CI, 3.1–8.33) this reduced to an adjusted odds ratio of 1.7 (95% CI, 0.96 –3.04) in the group of all very preterm children and was no longer significant. Three significant differences between very preterm children and controls remained once adjusted for mental processing: total score differences in articulation, differences in quality of speech, and in the naming of numbers (Table VI). The significant adjusted odds ratios were, however, generally small in magnitude. Discussion The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows: firstly, compared with term peers of the same age, 6year-old very preterm children scored significantly lower on all measures of cognitive and language abilities, including assessments of general intelligence, language comprehension, and expression, articulation and prereading skills. Table IV: Results of the assessments of language development: very preterm children versus controls All P (df) χ2 Without MI P (df) 50.3 (48.8–51.7) 46.5 (45.3–47.7) 46.1 (45.1–47.2) 47.5 (46.0–49.0) 47.8 (46.7–48.8) – – – – – – – – – – 12.2 13.1 – – 13.7 10.0. <0.001 (2) <0.001 (2) Normative sample N=308 Control group All N=263 51.7 (50.6–52.8) 51.2 (50.2–52.3) 48.9 (48.0–49.8) 51.9 (50.8–52.9) 51.1 (50.3–51.9) 52.4 (51.3–53.6) 51.4 (50.3–52.5) 48.8 (47.8–49.7) 52.2 (51.1–53.3) 51.3 (50.5–52.2) 49.4 (48.0–50.9) 45.8 (44.7–46.9) 45.8 (44.8–46.8) 46.5 (44.8–48.0) 47.0 (46.0–48.1) Mild impairment Cut-off point Frequency (%) 42/43 10.1 10.3 Serious impairment Cut-off point Frequency (%) 37/38 1.9 0.8 HSET a Total score, mean (95% CI) PS, plural-singular KS, semantics SB, sentence production VS, grammatical structure HSET-Total score a Very preterm children All Without MI N=262 N=229 Mean differences between VPI and controls were significant at P<0.001 after controlling for sex and SES. 102 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 1999, 41: 94–109 year. Where losses occur, they are often selective and therefore findings on the compliant sample are often biased, i.e. underestimate impairment rates (Wariyar and Richmond 1989, Halsey et al. 1993, Wolke et al. 1995b). We showed that those lost to follow-up were not different in most medical characteristics and had the same social characteristics. Most importantly, those lost to follow-up did not differ in their early cognitive development (5 to 56 months) from those who stayed. The losses in our sample were random and can thus be generalized to the whole cohort of very preterm children in Bavaria. Thirdly, we included a closely matched control group of children born in the same region and during the same period. Additionally, we studied a large representative sample of children of the same cohort to determine SDs and classifications of cognitive impairment. These were determined according to the area under the curve of the score distributions. We found that the means or SDs deviated from the standard scores cited in test manuals, even for recently standardized measures (e.g. may be best explained by methodological shortcomings in many previous studies (Lloyd et al. 1988, Aylward and Pfeiffer 1989, Aylward et al. 1989, Abel Smith and Knight-Jones 1990, Escobar et al. 1991, Ens-Dokkum et al. 1992, Wolke et al. 1994, Wolke 1998a). Firstly, our study followed up children from a geographically defined area and, unlike many previous studies, included very preterm children from more than one single hospital centre treating large numbers of very preterm children. It has been demonstrated that treatment (Avery et al. 1987, Hack et al. 1991) and associated outcome between different hospital centres in the same (Wolke and Söhne 1997) and different regions (Wolke 1997b, 1998b) varies greatly. Other geographical studies have also reported higher levels of impairment than single centre studies (Veen et al. 1991, Hille et al. 1994). Secondly, our drop-out rate was low, with less than 25% of surviving children lost to full face-to-face assessment at 6 years 3 months. Aylward et al. (1989) noted that most developmental studies have a 10% drop-out rate per Ñ ▲ Upper 120 Figure 2: K-ABC subscores according to SES in very preterm and control children. Ñ ● Middle 110 ▲ ● ▲ 100 ● IQ + 90 80 ● ▲ ● + + ▲ ▲ ● + + ● + Lower ▲ + Control children ▲ ▲ ● + ● + Very preterm children 70 MPC Figure 3: Serious and mild cognitive impairments in the K-ABC mental processing and achievement subscores according to SES. SED SGD AS ■ Serious impairment ❏ Mild impairment 60 50 a P<0.05, b P<0.01, c P<0.001. Percentage 40 30 20 10 0 Upper Middlea Low Upper Middleb Low Very preterm children Control children Mental processing composite Upper MiddleaLow Upper Middleb Low Very preterm children Control children Achievement Cognitive Status of 6-Year-Old Very Preterm Children Dieter Wolke and Renate Meyer 103 German version of the K-ABC; Melchers and Preuss 1991). For example, the standard scores for the K-ABC MPC was 99.5±11.6 in the normative sample rather than 100±15 (test manual). This had important implications for setting the cutoff point for serious impairment (<–2 SD) which was at 76/77 rather than <70 if done according to the test-manual norms. Applying our concurrent norms and classifications, 26.1% of very preterm children had serious impairment, a figure reduced to only 17.4% if determined according the test-manual norms published in 1991. These underestimations of cognitive impairment become more likely as the time period since the tests were standardized increases (Flynn 1984, Flynn 1987, Murphy 1987, Fuggle et al. 1992, Gross et al. 1992, Halsey et al. 1993, Wolke et al. 1994). Fourthly, the assessments of all children were videotaped and subject to constant supervision by one clinical psychologist, and regular feedback seminars were conducted. Finally, the follow-up period extended into the late preschool years, allowing for more certain judgments of long-term problems than assessments in infancy (Hindley and Owen 1979, McCall 1981, Escobar et al. 1991, Colombo 1993, McCall and Carriger 1993). The study thus meets and exceeds demands for methodologically sound follow-up studies (Mutch et al. 1989, Escobar et al. 1991, Ornstein et al. 1991, Saigal 1991, Saigal et al. 1991, Harrison 1993, Lukeman and Melvin 1993, Siegel 1994, Wolke 1998a). Our findings cannot be explained by lack of reliability of assessments or measures. GENERAL INFORMATION PROCESSING DEFICIT One result of particular relevance is that very preterm children have a specific deficit in simultaneous information processing, and once MPC-IQ was controlled for statistically, most differences in language performance and other cognitive tasks between very preterm children and controls disappeared. It suggests that the ability to perceive, process, and integrate different stimuli at the same time may be fundamental to the multiple cognitive problems that very preterm children experience. We found some, but generally little, evidence that very preterm children encounter specific developmental disorders or learning difficulties. Rather, language comprehension, Table V: Language abilities and prereading skills of very preterm children and their controls Articulation test (N) Word beginning (N=13) Cut-off point <10th centile (%) Word middle (N=13) Cut-off point <10th centile (%) Sch-sounds (N=8) Cut-off point <10th centile (%) Total score (N=34) Cut-off point <10th centile (%) All P (df) χ2 Without MI P (df) 14.0 <0.001 (1) <0.05 (1) 18.0 14.0 <0.001 (1) <0.001 (1) 25.7 23.1 <0.001 (1) <0.001 (1) <0.001 (1) <0.001 (1) Normative sample Control group All Very preterm children All Without MI 310 264 261 229 11/12 9.7 7.6 18.0 11/12 7.4 4.2 6/7 9.0 7.6 29/30 8.7 4.9 24.1 21.0 Language ratings a Quality of speech (N=5) Cut-off point <10th centile (%) Grammatical correctness (N=7) Cut-off point <10th centile (%) N=310 N=264 N=261 N=230 2/3 8.1 6.8 26.2 23.5 <0.001 (1) <0.001 (1) 2/3 7.4 7.6 25.1 21.7 <0.001 (1) <0.001 (1) Prereading skills a Rhyming task (N=18) Cut-off point <10th centile (%) Sound-to-word-matching (N=16) Cut-off point 10th centile (%) Naming of letters (N=26) Cut-off point 10th centile (%) Naming of numbers (N=11) Cut-off point <10th centile (%) N=306 N=262 N=261 N=228 9/10 9.5 9.2 30.3 24.6 <0.001 (1) <0.001 (1) 5/6 11.2 9.2 34.0 30.3 <0.001 (1) <0.001 (1) 0/1 10.5 11.1 31.9 27.6 <0.001 (1) <0.001 (1) 2/3 9.2 8.0 35.0 31.1 <0.001 (1) <0.001 (1) a Scores were missing for the following reasons: behaviour problems (test refuser: two very preterm children, one control), time constraints (one very preterm child, one control). 104 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 1999, 41: 94–109 grammatical rule application and knowledge, and phonetic understanding were related to a central information- processing deficit. Differences between very preterm children and controls remained, even after IQ was controlled in oralmotor-skill-related tasks such as articulation and quality of speech, suggesting that these may be specific motor-related deficits of very preterm children (Largo et al. 1990, The Scottish Low Birthweight Study Group 1992). Naming of numbers was also only partly explained by MPC-IQ. Klein et al. (1989) previously found that once controlled for, IQ differences between very-low-birthweight and controls disappeared in auditory mediated skills (e.g. reading) but those in maths skills remained. They concluded that this may be due to particular deficits in visually mediated tasks apparent in very-low-birthweight children. Hunt et al. (1988) found evidence for specific learning difficulties (e.g. visual motor and language problems) in very-low-birthweight children. However, the use of tests standardized at different times (e.g. the IQ score of the very-low-birthweight was 110.3 in their sample, 10 points above the norm) and the lack of differences found between the very-low-birthweight children and controls may have led to an overinterpretation of significant differences between general IQ and specific achievement tests. Further follow-up at school age is necessary to reassess the issue of specific learning difficulties. The finding of a specific deficit in simultaneous information processing also requires replication at a later or earlier age in very preterm children and in other samples. Our Table VI: Speech problems of very preterm children versus controls after adjustment for children’s IQ (adjusted odds ratios) Unadjusted OR 95% CI Figure 4: Relative frequency of multiple cognitive deficits of very preterm and control children. OR Adjusted 95% CI Articulation test total score All children Children without MI Normal IQ children (>–2SD MPC) 6.14 5.06 3.00 3.29–11.48 2.66–9.61 1.50–6.01 2.20 2.53 2.63 1.08–4.47 1.25–5.12 1.27–5.43 Language rating: quality of speech All children Children without MI Normal IQ children (>–2SD MPC) 4.86 4.14 2.98 2.80–8.44 2.35–7.31 1.63–5.45 2.08 2.16 2.32 1.11–3.88 1.15–4.06 1.23–4.37 Naming of numbers All children Children without MI Normal IQ children (>–2SD MPC) 6.18 5.13 3.34 3.70–10.33 3.03–8.68 1.89–5.90 2.18 2.28 2.36 1.21–3.92 1.26–4.11 1.29–4.30 Control children All very preterm children Very preterm children without MI 70 60 Percentage 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 <5 Nr of cognitive deÞcits (<10th centile) Cognitive Status of 6-Year-Old Very Preterm Children Dieter Wolke and Renate Meyer 105 findings of a generalized deficit in integrating complex information may suggest that they are not related to lesions in specific areas of the brain but rather to aberrant cortical development. Atrophy or thinning of white matter, late or incomplete migration and myelination, and thus poorer connectivity between different parts of the brain have been found in very preterm infants (Klein et al. 1989, Cioni et al. 1992, Fujii et al. 1993, Skranes et al. 1993, Goto et al. 1994). These may be consequences of injuries to the white matter (subcortical ischaemic/infarctive brain lesions) (Whitaker et al. 1996, 1997) or a result of impaired brain growth in those infants who require long neonatal treatment and show little catch-up growth. The effects of early nutrition and head growth on IQ development in both preterm and term children have been documented (Hack et al. 1991, Lucas et al. 1992, Skuse et al. 1994, Morley and Lucas 1997). Both imaging techniques such as (functional) MRI or PET and investigations of the effects of early head (and brain) growth may provide important clues to the pathogenic pathways. SOCIAL FACTORS In recent years, awareness has increased that the long-term effects of prematurity should be considered within the context of sociodemographic and environmental influences (Sameroff and Chandler 1975, Drillien et al. 1980, Saigal 1991, Saigal et al. 1991, Bendersky and Lewis 1994). Previous studies and reviews on high-risk infants born in the 1960s (mainly lowbirthweight or term sick infants rarely requiring NICU care nowadays) suggested that social factors can compensate for reproductive casualty and that the relation between SES and reproductive risk is likely to be interactional, that is the risk for poor cognitive outcome is intensified (disproportionally high) for those of high biological and social risk (e.g. Sameroff and Chandler 1975, Escalona 1982, Werner 1993, Bendersky and Lewis 1994). Similarly, recent research on ex-special care babies (term or preterm) indicates that sociodemographic factors have a far greater effect on long-term cognitive outcomes than biological risk factors as the children grow older (Wolke 1993; Censullo 1994; Forfar et al. 1994; Levy-Shiff et al. 1994; Cohen 1995; Hack et al. 1995; Wolke 1997a, 1998b). Our results show that SES was related to all cognitive and language scores. Children from families of higher SES, regardless of whether they were controls or very preterm children, obtained higher scores than those of the middle SES, who in turn obtained higher scores than those of the lower SES. However, the effect sizes for the influence of prematurity were still much higher than those of SES at 6 years. Furthermore, the effects of prematurity and SES were independent from each other and thus additive (double jeopardy). Thus infants who were very preterm at birth and came from the lower SES performed most poorly (additive effect) but they did not perform disproportionally worse than low SES controls (no interactive or potentiating effect). This confirms our findings on the same sample at 5, 20, and 56 months of age (Wolke 1993, Wolke et al. 1994, Riegel et al. 1995) and is in agreement with recent other longerterm follow-up studies of very preterm children (Eilers et al. 1986, Lloyd et al. 1988, McCormick et al. 1989, McGauhey et al. 1991, Saigal 1991, Saigal et al. 1991, Levy-Shiff et al. 1994). The evidence thus underlines the importance of social adversity factors for all children whether at biological risk or not. However, different from low-birthweight or term infants (low 106 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 1999, 41: 94–109 to moderate biological risk), very preterm birth and the associated intensive neonatal treatment received (Wolke 1987, 1997; Silverman 1992; Als et al. 1994; Wolke 1998a,b; Wolke and Eldridge1998) may have caused CNS insults which set limits to the plasticity of the CNS even in very preterm children without severe neurological deficits. In particular, the ability to take advantage of environmental stimuli requiring complex information processing may be more often impaired in very preterm children. Corroborative evidence is available from the large-scale Infant Health and Development Programme (Ramey et al. 1992). Brooks-Gunn et al. (1994) and McCarton et al. (1997) reported that changes in the care-taking environment (intense multimodal intervention in the first 3 years of life) had no long-term positive effects (at 5 or 8 years of age) on the cognitive development for infants <2000 g. In short, the comprehensive program had no effect on those infants at greatest risk for mental retardation (Baumeister and Bacharah 1996). Hack et al. (1995) also concluded that ‘enrichment programs for low-birthweight children seem to be most effective for the moderately-low-birthweight child who comes from a lower socioeconomic group’ (p 176). Further follow up and comparisons to larger preterm and term ex-neonatal-special-care children will help to clarify whether a highly increased number of very preterm children have suffered specific long-term insult to information processing which can only partly be compensated for by environmental factors (Levy-Shiff et al. 1994). If this is the case, appropriate prevention has to start before or at birth (Baumeister and Bacharach 1996). Neonatal care approaches which reduce treatment invasiveness (Jacobson et al. 1993, Wolke 1997b) and provide individualized gentle care (Wolke 1991, 1997b, 1998b; Als et al. 1994) may reduce neonatal complications and help prevent long-term cognitive sequelae. Acknowledgements The research was supported by the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik (Federal Government of Germany, Ministry of Science and Technology) program grants PKE 4 and JUG 14 (FKZs 0706224; 0706564 and 01EP9504) to K Riegel, D Wolke, and B Ohrt. Thanks to the 17 special-care baby units in south Bavaria, the highly committed psychologists and psychometric assistants who carried out the assessments, and the parents and children who continue to participate in the Bavarian Longitudinal Study. Accepted for publication 27th July 1998. References Abel Smith AE, Knight-Jones EB. 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