Bannockburn Primary School Pupil Profile 2011 Child’s name: Learner 2 Date of Birth: Gallery of photos which will be chosen by the learner. Learners’ statement on curricular learning Primary 7, the best year of my life so far. I have had several challenges and achieved many things, all of which I am proud of. I achieved my Level D in Maths, and Level E in reading. I have also achieved my Level D in writing which I am immensely proud of. I think I am an effective contributor in group tasks because I am calm and don’t get flustered with the task. I am also able to work well with people and take the lead role to give jobs to other people because we want to succeed in the task. Through studying Scottish Parliament, I think I developed lots of skills in talking to large groups of people and feel more confident in doing this. My favourite context was WW2. As part of that topic we had a Tea dance where we invited our parents and set up a performance. I feel I have achieved most of the goals I set myself at the beginning of Primary 7. Even now I am excited about different activities which are coming my way. Learners’ statement on personal achievement I have made many achievements during my time at Bannockburn Primary School and I’m very proud of them. The first of those is that I have had star pupil every year for lots of different reasons. I went to Macrobert Centre to perform a dance routine as part of a group of people. The place where I conquered my fear of falling and heights was Dalguise. I felt after Dalguise I was able to face any challenge that Primary 7 was going to through at me. I am very proud that I was made a Squaddy and Buddy to the younger children and also that I was voted House Captain and then Vice House Captain. I was also voted by my class to be School Buster for our class. I found all of these roles to be a challenge to me however I feel I have succeeded and have gained a new confidence in myself. One of my interests is designing. On the computer or free hand I like to design clothes. I have a catwalk design book that I use all the time. I have a small folder with lots of designs in it. In my Gymnastics club I have achieved every badge up to Level 6 and only two badges to go until I achieve them all. Then I get to help instead of being a student. Awards and certificates • • • • • PGL Certificate of Achievement Star Pupil awards Gymnastic badges up to Level 6 Jump to it basketball festival Tesco Great School Run Parents’ Comment This year Learner 2 has grown up a lot. She has taken responsibilities at school through house captain, Squaddy, buddy and school busters. She has also improved greatly in her school subjects, especially writing. This year will have prepared her well for high school. Learner’s progress and achievements across all curricular learning Curricular Area Literacy Level Third Numeracy Third Health and Well Being Expressive Arts Religious and Moral Education Science Second I have managed to take notes on important videos and put them into my own words as a report. I can write to a high standard and make my writing interesting and exciting for the reader. I am able to put in enough detail to make my stories come to life. I can solve problems that involve fractions and percentages confidently. I have learned about different angles and can relate this to the outside world. I have really enjoyed taking part in different aspects of PE. I thoroughly enjoyed the physical challenges on our school residential trip to Dalguise and our school sports day. I have built really good relationships this year and I am more confident in sharing my emotions. Second I have developed my skills and techniques in art and really enjoy using them within all areas of my work. I am looking forward to developing this further at high school. Second I am more aware of the importance of values such as equality, fairness, love, caring, sharing and human rights. I understand that people have different views and opinions and respect their beliefs. Second I have learned in depth about the water cycle and other areas of science which I will be able to carry on in the future. Second Through historical context I have learned how important past events were in shaping our society today and will do in the future. I have a good knowledge about the Scottish Parliament and I am very aware of my rights and responsibilities as a citizen of Scotland. Second I can use the internet effectively to search for information appropriate to the task I have been set. I am aware of the importance of plagiarism and can put information into my own words. Social Studies Technologies Including ICT Learner’s Comment Throughout the year I have been a Squaddie and Buddy for the younger children. I help them with their troubles and keep them calm in tricky situations. I listen carefully and follow instructions from SLA staff to help me do a good job. Me as a Learner I can show resilience I have showed initiative and leadership skills through my role as house and vice captain for Douglas house. I can show initiative and leadership skills. I am co-operative, respectful and committed. I can take responsibility for my own learning and have a creative attitude. I work well with others in group tasks. I participate responsibly in school life. I manage myself in all situations. As part of primary 7 I had to complete an autobiography. I had to make sure it was finished by the deadline and that it was up to a high standard to be passed onto the high school. With support Sometimes I am enthusiastic and motivated to set and achieve high standards. I am part of Bannockburn Primary School Buster group and also Tartan PIG. In my role I have organised events to raise money and photographed special/important times. Mostly For our comparative study context I worked effectively in a group of four to produce a poster. The poster contained information on Texas. The information was put on display for others to see. I communicated very well with the other children in my group.