Putting CLD into CfE: A training resource supporting community

Putting CLD into CfE: A training resource supporting community
learning and development with delivery of Curriculum for
Curricular areas and responsibility of all
Objective: To explore the role of CLD in the delivery of BGE and the senior phase.
20 minutes
laptop (with internet access)
Method: The curriculum areas are the organisers for ensuring that learning takes place
across a broad range of contexts, and offer a way of grouping experiences and outcomes
under recognisable headings.
The experiences and outcomes describe the expectations for learning. Taken together,
experiences and outcomes across the curriculum areas sum up national aspirations for every
young person: the knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes we hope
they will develop.
Building the Curriculum 1 focuses on the curriculum areas, each of which makes its own
unique contribution to developing the four capacities. Each does so both within its own
disciplinary contexts and through connections with other areas of learning.
The eight curriculum areas are:
expressive arts
health and wellbeing
religious and moral education
social studies
Curriculum areas are not structures for timetabling: establishments and partnerships have
the freedom to think imaginatively about how the experiences and outcomes might be
organised and planned for in creative ways which encourage deep, sustained learning and
which meet the needs of their children and young people.
It is the responsibility of all practitioners to support children and young people as they
develop literacy and numeracy skills, and as they learn about looking after their own health
and wellbeing. There are separate experiences and outcomes for these three core
Curriculum for Excellence themes which are described as being the ‘responsibility of all’.
Reflective questions
How do you embed literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing into your work?
How well do you record learners' progress and achievements and share this
information with learners, parents and other teachers/adults involved in learning?
How well do learning experiences build on prior learning and use assessment
information to help inform progression?
How well do you share information with partners on the achievements of children
and young people in your programmes?