2012 – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT
American University School of Public Affairs
Ward Building, Suite 310
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016-8022
202-885-6230 |
An equal opportunity, affirmative action university. UP14-150
Message from the Dean
Looking Behind and Ahead
Tumultuous “Occupy” Year Yields Rich Data
Study Sheds Light on Why Women Don’t Run for Office
Urban Development in Cairo Continues with Ford Grant
Substance Abuse Assistance Program Receives $1.2 Million Grant from Department of Justice
Undergrads Confront the Complexity of Crafting Global Environmental Agreement
AU Mock Trial Team Reaches New Heights
SPA Students Drive Social Action as Part of Leadership Program
Senior Executives Excel in Key Leadership Programs
Mid-Career Professionals Focus on Change in Organization Development Program
Programs And Outreach
Levine Lecture Discusses “Public Service Motivation”
Justice for Youth Summit Addresses Outcomes for Incarcerated Youth
SPA Partners with Presidential Libraries “First Ladies” Series: Tales from the East Wing
Roger W. Jones Award Winners Recognized for Outstanding Service
Spa and Consortium Explore Solutions to Caribbean Gang Violence
Political Theory Institute’s Year of Debate and Scholarship
Campaign Management Institute Celebrates Three Decades of Innovative Political Training
Symposium Explores Legacy of Public Administration Scholar John Rohr
Honors, Awards, and Appointments
Selected Student Awards
About Spa
SPA Degree and Certificate Programs 42
SPA Research Centers and Institutes 43
Graduate Admissions at a Glance
Top Undergraduate Feeder Schools
Dean’s Advisory Council
Faculty 48
Faculty Fall 2013
Selected Scholarship
Message from the Dean
American University’s School of Public Affairs is a place where knowledge
meets action. By joining scholars and practitioners around society’s
most pressing concerns, SPA creates a vibrant dynamic: scholars gain
insights from practice that shape research, and practitioners draw on
SPA’s knowledge to enhance their work. This synergy enables SPA to drive
transformational progress in policy, politics, and public administration.
Teaching at SPA is a powerful outgrowth of our research, as we prepare the next generation for
leadership. At the crux of our innovative curriculum are the latest technology, project-based
instruction, and a wealth of internships in Washington, D.C. Midcareer executives can also take
classes through specially tailored programs. SPA thrives because we attract talented, ambitious, and
focused students who are quick to apply their knowledge and skills to the real world.
Our contribution to practice includes a powerful faculty presence in D.C., whether providing Congressional testimony, serving on task forces,
accepting prestigious policy appointments, or engaging with think tanks. Each activity draws from AU’s connection to our city and carves a unique
path to influence.
Recent SPA achievements have been extraordinary. We have hit high notes in research, teaching, and public leadership in multiple fields. And we
plan even more. With an ambitious strategic plan in place, our research will be more relevant, our teaching more creative, and our reach more visible.
Our faculty will grow this year within the school’s new thematic research emphasis areas of health policy, security policy, and urban or metropolitan
governance. The addition of these individuals to our already world-class faculty will sharpen our focus by creating clusters of expertise to propel
collaborative work and advance the institution.
I hope you enjoy reviewing all that SPA has accomplished in the past two years. I am sure you will agree that the SPA network is robust and
ambitious. I encourage you to stay tuned; there is more to come.
Barbara S. Romzek
Dean, School of Public Affairs
American University
Looking Behind
and Ahead
With a mission to shape the political arena via diverse research and educational programs, SPA aspires
to be recognized as a premier national and international leader in public affairs. The shared vision for
the school is to create knowledge through research, prepare public service leaders, and influence public
policy. SPA seeks to identify and leverage both schoolwide strength and our location and connections
to our nation’s capital to influence both academic and practitioner audiences.
As dean of SPA for nearly a decade, William LeoGrande
solidified SPA’s position as a leading school of public affairs
in the United States. Full-time faculty increased from 51
to 71, and executive education programs were developed
and lauded nationally. LeoGrande’s recent appointment to
associate vice provost for academic affairs will focus on
adjunct faculty and union representation issues.
SPA faculty and students offer creative
approaches to the ideas and issues central to
democratic governance, advancing new and
effective solutions to today’s critical problems.
Professors Jennifer Lawless and Eric Hershberg participate on a
panel discussion about the 2012 presidential election.
Tumultuous “Occupy”
Year Yields Rich Data
Doctoral students surveyed occupiers in Washington, D.C., and more
than 300 Occupy Wall Street participants in Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park.
They found a strong relationship between people’s willingness to use
violence against the police and the extent to which participants viewed
the police behaving fairly.
With Maguire’s network of academic colleagues across the country,
additional Occupy sites were surveyed through research partnerships
with Sam Houston State University and San Francisco State
University, in conjunction with University of California–Berkeley and
with Arizona State University’s Center for Violence Prevention and
Community Safety.
The Occupy Wall Street and Occupy D.C. movements
The first part of Maguire’s research focused on the occupiers’
provided an opportunity for Ed Maguire, professor
perspectives. Maguire has also received a $400,000 grant from the
in the Department of Justice, Law and Society,
Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
to observe protestors and police in action. For a
(COPS) to examine how U.S. police agencies have responded to the
criminologist interested in how the police and legal
Occupy movement.
authorities handle protestors, “The Occupy Movement
provided a nice laboratory to look at interactions
between the police and protestors,” said Maguire.
“We designed a study examining the way protestors
perceive police and legal authority.”
Study Sheds Light
on Why Women
Don’t Run for Office
Despite the attention the media devote to high-level
female political figures, such as Michele Bachmann,
Hillary Clinton, and Sarah Palin, a new study
conducted by Jennifer L. Lawless, SPA professor of
government and director of the Women and Politics
Institute, and Richard L. Fox, professor of political
science at Loyola Marymount University, reveals a
continued and substantial gender gap in political
ambition among both Democrats and Republicans.
In their new report, “Men Rule: The Continued Under-Representation
of Women in U.S. Politics,” Lawless—a 2006 candidate for Congress
seeking the Democratic nomination in Rhode Island’s second district—
and Fox detail the results of a survey of nearly 4,000 lawyers, business
leaders, educators, and political activists, all of whom are well situated
to run for office. Even with the emergence of high-profile women in
politics over the past 10 years, the authors found that the gap between
women and men’s interest in running for office is the same today as it
was a decade ago.
The seven factors identified by the report as contributing to that gender
gap range from women’s perceptions of an electoral environment that
is highly competitive and biased against female candidates to the reality
that women are still less likely than men to receive encouragement and
support to throw their hats into the ring.
Urban Development in Cairo
Continues with Ford Grant
In recent years, Egypt has experienced upheaval,
Tadamun’s field work and case studies demonstrate the possibilities of
revolution, and, some say, the beginning of political
community-driven development and public-private partnerships in the
current political context in Egypt and challenge the common assumption
among Egyptians that the government is the sole provider of solutions to
Among those who are watching—and studying—is SPA Professor
urban challenges.
Diane Singerman, one of the world’s foremost experts on urban
politics in Egypt. Singerman has written or edited four books about
“In the United States, we have many different levels of governance such as
the North African nation. In 2012, she was awarded a $420,000
zoning boards, town councils, county government, boards of education,
grant from the Ford Foundation to fund the second phase of an
state government, and public hearings where citizens can have a voice
interdisciplinary project, which seeks to promote more equitable,
in planning their communities and deliberating about policies,” says
accountable, inclusive, and transparent urban governance and
Singerman. “In Egypt, this kind of public participation was seen as too
development in the Greater Cairo area. Singerman and her colleagues
threatening, but since the revolution in 2011 people are mobilizing and
at American University have been exploring lessons from housing
demanding more accountable, accessible, and responsive governance.”
activism, participatory urban development initiatives, and local
During this phase of the project, Tadamun will be launching a coalition
governance in other countries that have experienced a populist
of community members, professionals, and organizations to help further
uprising and transition from authoritarian rule and authoritarian
citizen participation in Cairo and help drive government reform at the
planning paradigms.
local level.
•Workers pave a street in the Mit `Uqba neighborhood of Cairo with
Singerman’s partners in Cairo—a group of professional architects,
assistance from the Tadamun initiative, which Singerman helps to lead.
planners, and social scientists on the Tadamun project—use public
Photo by TADAMUN: The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative, 2013
seminars, policy alerts, social media, and community workshops to
create a direct link in the public consciousness between urban and
environmental rights, democracy, and citizenship.
Associate professor and comparativist Diane
Singerman studies political change from below
and urban politics. Her work focuses on the
Middle East—mainly Egypt—and examines the
formal and informal sides of politics, gender,
social movements, globalization, public space,
protest, local politics, and urban development.
Substance Abuse Assistance Program
Receives $1.2 Million Grant from
Department of Justice
SPA’s Justice Programs Office (JPO) received a
JPO provides technical assistance, research, evaluation, and training
$1.2-million grant from the U.S. Department of
services to domestic and foreign government agencies and organizations
Justice to continue its Drug Court Clearinghouse
in the area of justice system operations. JPO projects address a wide
and Technical Assistance Project (DCCTAP). DCCTAP
range of policy, program, resource, and operational issues relating to
provides research support and on-site training and
the administration of justice, coordination of public programs, and the
technical assistance for approximately 350 courts
delivery of judicial, social, and related services. The office, affiliated with
around the country that are planning, implementing,
the Department of Justice, Law and Society, has completed more than
or expanding programs of judicially supervised
1,500 projects.
treatment for nonviolent, substance-abusing offenders
*Caroline Cooper, director of JPO, meeting with judges during the 2013
in lieu of traditional adjudication.
National Association of Drug Court Professionals Conference.
The project also publishes resource documents on creative and evidencebased practices in the conduct of drug court programs, develops training
curricula for programs to adapt, publishes an annual update on case
law relevant to the operations of drug court programs, and maintains
a clearinghouse of domestic and international materials on drug court
operations, evaluation methods, and results.
SPA students excel in scholarship and
service, achieving honors and meeting
the challenge of leadership both in the
classroom and in the field. Tomorrow’s
leaders are on AU’s campus today.
Undergrads Confront the Complexity of
Crafting Global Environmental Agreement
SPA students want to be leaders who solve
and then negotiated over a two-week period. They were asked to
problems. Students in Todd Eisenstadt’s
represent their countries’ constraints on reaching an agreement as
Comparative Environmental Politics class
well as their own desires to negotiate an accord.
managed to craft a successor agreement to the
Dan Hubbell, a senior political science major who represented
Kyoto Protocol, the international treaty that set
Switzerland, found the final proposal “painfully watered down” but
binding targets for the industrialized countries
was ultimately satisfied with what he gained from the experience.
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Of the
“The simulation took a semester’s worth of work and time to
191 nations that have signed and ratified the
orchestrate, but it was worth every second of it. I found a great
protocol, the United States is the only remaining
deal of satisfaction in watching the deal take shape and crafting
signatory not to have ratified the agreement.
something approaching a solution.”
The class introduced students to the complex matrix of factors that
*Todd Eisenstadt, professor, Department of Government, with students
every nation must consider in crafting its environmental policy,
from the difficult trade-offs between short- and long-term benefits
to a country’s self-interest versus the interests of the planet. The
simulation also gave students hands-on training in negotiations,
policy writing, political strategy, and other key skills. As part of the
class, the students were assigned country delegations to represent.
They researched their countries, wrote memos and talking points,
AU Mock Trial Team
Reaches New Heights
teams exist around the country. In 2013, nearly 500
of these teams competed in regional tournaments.
Of those 500, 192 teams, including two from AU,
advanced from the regional tournaments to National
Championship rounds.
Over the course of the season, the team garnered 33 team and individual
awards, sending AUMT to the national championships. AUMT won
big at the Columbia University Big Apple Invitational, placing first
and besting previous national champions Harvard, Maryland, Virginia,
Duke, Miami, and Yale. In April 2013, for the first time in university
AU Mock Trial (AUMT), an undergraduate team
history, the team competed at the national championships. This best-
hosted by SPA, excelled in 2013 to become one of
ever season culminated with a team honorable mention and an
the top 25 of 700 teams in the nation. Coached by
All-American attorney award for senior Eric Fleddermann.
Assistant Professor Jessica Waters, with assistance
from career litigator Don Martin, AUMT competed in
AUMT offers an opportunity for students to hone skills in presentation,
seven invitationals, two regional tournaments, and the
critical thinking, and collaboration through a simulated courtroom
opening round National Championships in Memphis.
experience. In the 2013-14 season, Don Martin will become the team’s
To give some context for the magnitude of this
head coach with Jessica Waters serving as academic director.
achievement, approximately 700 college mock trial
SPA Students Drive Social Action
as Part of Leadership Program
The SPA Leadership Program offers outstanding
undergraduates in SPA the opportunity to make a
difference in many ways. The numbers add up for
the 24 graduating seniors in the Leadership Program
(LP): 32 social action projects addressing community
concerns, 83 internships, and more than 14,000
hours of volunteer service. These students in SPA’s
four-year undergraduate leadership development
program distinguished themselves and served their
In addition, employers took note of their talents: seven students and
At AU’s 2012 commencement, several LP seniors were recognized
alumni have served as White House interns recently, and countless more
with the President’s Award, the Outstanding Service to the University
engaged in public service roles across Washington, D.C. Launched in
Community Award, and three other student honors. LP students also
1990, the LP offers undergraduates the knowledge, skills, and experience
garnered national recognition. In 2012 LP students earned a Public
to prepare them for leadership roles in public service. Their study of
Policy and International Affairs Fellowship, and Udall and Keller
leadership theories and practices in the classroom helps them have an
scholarships; two students were selected as national finalists for the
impact on the challenging issues of our times.
Harry S. Truman Scholarship.
Senior Executives Excel
in Key Leadership Programs
For nearly 40 years, the Key Executive Leadership Programs have been challenging good managers to become
extraordinary leaders by developing the skills necessary to implement public policy.
Through its certificate programs, as well as the only accredited
Administration, the Government Accountability Office, the
Executive MPA degree program in the nation, the Key Programs
Department of the Interior, the Department of Homeland
develop passionate, influential leaders who act with authenticity
Security, and the Office of the Inspector General.
and integrity.
In August 2012, Key conducted a certificate program for
Enrollment in the Key Programs during FY 2012-13 was
Vietnamese senior executives and is now pursuing global
close to 500 students, representing agencies including the
leadership development program opportunities with Colombia,
United States Department of Agriculture, the Social Security
Nigeria, Israel, South Africa, Iraq, and Brazil. Each summer, Key
Administration, the General Accountability Office, the Office
MPA students have the opportunity to complete one of their
of Personnel Management, the Department of Defense, the
course requirements in Brussels, Belgium.
Environmental Protection Agency, the Transportation Security
Midcareer Professionals Focus on Change
in Organization Development Program
AU’s Master of Science in Organization Development (MSOD) was launched through a 30-year partnership
between the university and the NTL Institute, a membership organization committed to systems change,
personal growth, and social justice.
MSOD students learn to direct change, helping mid-career
The curriculum emphasizes the foundations of theory and
professionals add to their leadership skills. The program
practice in the OD tradition of change, including international
is taught by scholar-practitioner faculty with international
residencies. Student teams studied cultural competence and
reputations in the field of OD education.
consulted with seven client systems in Johannesburg, South
Africa, in 2012.
MSOD graduates are distinguished by their ability to work
successfully within complex organizations facing rapid change.
MSOD has been recognized with the Organization Development
More than 1,400 AU MSOD alumni work in the corporate,
Network’s prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award and the
government, and non-profit sectors and provide a powerful
Segal-Seashore Fellowship and is a founding member of the
network for current students as they advance in their
Organization Development Education Association.
OD-related careers.
Programs and
SPA partners with leading organizations—
including state and federal agencies and
nonprofit groups—to present compelling
forums that explore and present meaningful
solutions to today’s most challenging issues.
Then senior administration officials Lisa Jackson (EPA administrator), Tom Vilsack
(Agriculture secretary), John Bryson (Commerce secretary), and Ron Kirk (U.S.
trade representative), speak at the Technology Market Summit in 2012.
Levine Lecture
Discusses “Public
Service Motivation”
James L. Perry, Distinguished Professor of Public &
Environmental Affairs at Indiana University, delivered
the fourth annual Charles H. Levine Memorial Lecture
in Public Administration and Policy in April 2012.
The lecture was created to honor the contributions of Charles
Levine, one of the most influential scholars in public management
and a champion of the public service. Levine was the school’s first
distinguished professor, a position he held until he passed away in 1988.
Levine was as devoted to his students as he was to his field. His famous
love of mentoring is one of the reasons the Levine lecture is followed by
conferral of the department’s annual PhD student research award.
*Associate Professor David Pitts presents Katie M. Vinopal, SPA/
PhD ’16, with the 2013 Charles H. Levine Doctoral Student Research
Paper Award at the Fourth Annual Charles H. Levine Memorial
Lecture and Awards Ceremony.
Justice for Youth
Summit Addresses
Outcomes for
Incarcerated Youth
Every year in the United States, an estimated 250,000
youth are tried, sentenced, and incarcerated in the
adult criminal justice system. In 23 states, children
as young as age seven can be prosecuted and
tried in adult court, thereby deprived of the critical
rehabilitation services the juvenile court system was
established to provide for youth who have become
involved with criminal activity.
To involve Millennials in the youth justice movement and garner support
to cut youth incarceration by 2015, SPA’s Justice Programs Office (JPO)
hosted the Justice for Youth Summit, in partnership with the Campaign
for Youth Justice. The action-oriented daylong conference offered both
personal and expert perspectives on youth justice issues with thoughtprovoking plenaries, panels, and a photo exhibit.
SPA Partners with Presidential
Libraries “First Ladies” Series:
Tales From the East Wing
Former first ladies Barbara and Laura Bush offered
directors and national archivist David Ferriero, who proposed taking
an intimate look at life at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
McBride’s show on the road. “We wanted each of the Texas conferences
at a conference cosponsored by SPA. “First Ladies:
to highlight different perspectives of a first lady’s position, but the anchor
An Enduring Vision” was the second in a series of
would be a conversation between Laura and Barbara Bush, who hold a
conferences at Texas’ three presidential libraries.
unique place in history, having lived through each other’s role as first lady,”
explained McBride. A third conference focused on Lady Bird Johnson;
Moderated by presidential historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer
it was held at the LBJ Library. The most recent conference took place in
Doris Kearns Goodwin, the discussion was one of four panels that
April 2013, focused on Betty Ford, and was held at the Gerald R. Ford
explored life in the East Wing and the influence of first ladies throughout
Presidential Library and Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
history. Speakers included historians, former social secretaries to Lady Bird
Johnson, Nancy Reagan, Barbara and Laura Bush, and a trio of White
“People are intrigued by the one person who is closest to the
House photographers.
most powerful person on Earth,” said McBride. “It’s an honor
to help tell their story.”
The first ladies series is the brainchild of Anita McBride, executive in
*Former first ladies Barbara Bush and Laura Bush were featured in the
residence in the Department of Government and former chief of staff
“America’s First Ladies: An Enduring Legacy” conferences in 2011–2013.
to Laura Bush. McBride organized the inaugural event, “The Legacies
of America’s First Ladies,” at AU’s Katzen Arts Center in March 2011.
Among those attending in 2011 were 12 of the 13 presidential library
Anita B. McBride is executive in residence at SPA’s Center
for Congressional and Presidential Studies. She directs
programming and national conferences on the legacies
of America’s first ladies and their historical influence on
politics, policy, and global diplomacy. McBride previously
served as assistant to President George W. Bush and chief
of staff to First Lady Laura Bush from 2005 to 2009.
Roger W. Jones Award
Winners Recognized for
Outstanding Service
American University’s School of Public Affairs presented its
2012 Roger W. Jones Award for Executive Leadership to Thomas
L. Mesenbourg Jr., acting director, U.S. Census Bureau; and David
Wennergren, assistant deputy chief management officer, U.S.
Department of Defense.
“The superior leadership demonstrated by Thomas L. Mesenbourg and David Wennergren
has led to the improved quality of government services to Americans. Additionally, they
have guided the careers of the next generation of federal employees, assuring that the high
performance they exemplify will carry forward into the future,” said SPA Dean Barbara
Romzek. “They epitomize dedication to public service, and we challenge our students to
strive to emulate these two outstanding individuals as they embark on their future careers.”
Former U.S. Representative Mickey Edwards (R-OK), who currently serves as vice
president at the Aspen Institute and is the author of the recently published The Parties
Versus the People: How to Turn Republicans and Democrats into Americans delivered the
keynote address, “How to Turn Republicans and Democrats into Americans.”
Since 1978, the Roger W. Jones Award for Executive Leadership has recognized public
servants in the federal government whose careers are marked by extraordinary effectiveness
in organizational development and a strong commitment to training and educating
managers and executives.
*Dean Romzek with award winners, nominators, and keynote speaker
at the 2012 Roger W. Jones event.
SPA and Consortium Explore
Solutions to Caribbean Gang Violence
Charles Katz of Arizona State University and SPA Professor Ed
Maguire shared key findings from the pair’s six-year research project
in Trinidad, where they studied 10 gangs in four Trinidadian
neighborhoods that were hotspots for violent crime. The researchers
found that rationales for violence greatly varied, indicating that
theories of “root causes” of gang violence (i.e., poverty or the drug
trade) were not acknowledged motivations for gang violence. In
Trinidad, gang members killed people for reasons such as perceived
disrespect, territory, disputes about money or girls, retaliation, internal
power struggles, or revenge for providing information to police.
Imagine living in a neighborhood with 53 gang-
Anthony Harriott of the University of the West Indies–Mona Campus
related homicides in a single year—none solved.
also gave a firsthand account of the situation in Jamaica, where
Eighty-six percent of your neighbors report having
skyrocketing rates of violence over the last decade are associated with
heard gunshots in the past month, but police are of
gangs and organized crime.
little help. In February 2012, SPA hosted the InterUniversity Consortium for Caribbean Gang Research
The automatic assumption that gang violence originates from the
to engage diplomats, policy makers, and U.S. and
drug trade, “causes us to put in place solutions that don’t work,” said
Caribbean researchers in a dialogue about the causes
Maguire. “Inaccurate assumptions can lead us to adopt solutions that
and potential responses to rampant gang crime and
make the problem even worse.”
violence throughout much of the Caribbean.
Political Theory Institute’s
Year of Debate and Scholarship
The Political Theory Institute is SPA’s newest research
center. It is dedicated to the serious study of the great
questions of political theory. Its programs reveal how
theory guides and informs election year issues and
other important topics. In 2012 PTI presented these
issues in lively programs:
PTI’s Political Theory Colloquium Lecture Series featured prominent
speakers and leading scholars from across the nation. New York Times
op-ed columnist David Brooks presented “Human Beings as Social
Animals: The Natural Basis of Sympathy, Culture, and Character.”
PTI’s inaugural conference, “Whither American Education?,”
Other guest speakers addressed the compassion and the promise
featured the nation’s top thinkers on education policy, including a
of democracy, Nietzsche’s science of souls, the problem of trust in
former president of St. John’s College, the CEO of the KIPP charter
democracies, the Civil War’s legacy for political theory, and the
schools, top academics, and former cabinet officials in the Reagan
influences of Plato and Shakespeare in political theory.
and Clinton administrations.
Janus Forum, PTI’s student-organized debates, brought to campus
prominent intellectuals with diverse points of view for vibrant
discourse. Debates included “Are the Benefits of American Global
Leadership Worth the Costs?” featuring Christopher Preble (Cato
Institute) v. Jamie Fly (Foreign Policy Initiative) and “How Should
You Vote?” featuring William Kristol (pictured right, The Weekly
Standard) v. William Galston (pictured left, Brookings Institution).
Institute Celebrates
Three Decades of
Innovative Political
Three decades strong, the Campaign Management
Institute (CMI) offers a nationally recognized program
designed to train individuals for participation in local,
state, and federal political campaigns. Developed
and taught by strategists from the Republican and
Democratic parties, national campaign consultants,
and political scientists, this intensive two-week
program serves as a valuable foundation for political
activists and campaign managers.
Directed by Dr. Candice J. Nelson (pictured bottom-right),
the institute comprehensively covers campaign techniques,
strategy, and tactics with an emphasis on recent technological
developments. Participants have the opportunity to develop their
expertise by utilizing the extensive personnel and organizational
resources in Washington, D.C.
Symposium Explores Legacy of Public
Administration Scholar John Rohr
SPA’s Department of Public Administration and Policy
attracted faculty from across the country and Australia
to explore the life, legacy, and contributions of public
administration scholar John Rohr (1934–2011).
A founding member of the Center for Public Administration and
Policy at Virginia Tech University, Rohr was the author of seven books,
a Fulbright Scholar, a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International
Center for Scholars, the recipient of the American Society for Public
Administration and the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs
and Administration’s annual Distinguished Research Award, and the
prestigious Dwight Waldo Award for contributions to the literature and
leadership of public administration. His work contributed to the concept
of public service ethics, the significance of regime values in public
administrative management, and comparative constitutional analysis.
The Rohr symposium, which was organized by faculty members David
Rosenbloom and Stephanie Newbold, is part of an SPA tradition of
exploring intellectual giants in the field of public administration. In 2003,
SPA hosted a conference on Dwight Waldo, scholar and author of the
classic work The Administrative State. Papers presented at this symposium
were subsequently published in Revisiting Waldo’s Administrative State
(Georgetown University Press, 2006), edited by SPA professors Howard
McCurdy and David Rosenbloom.
SPA faculty and students continue to
receive recognition by peer scholars
and prestigious policy groups for their
achievements in scholarship and research.
Honors, Awards, and Appointments - faculty
Richard Bennett, professor, received
a 2012 Outstanding Mentor Award
for significant contributions to the
professional development of students
and colleagues from the Academy of
Criminal Justice Science.
Assistant Professor Adrienne LeBas
was named a New Voice in the Social
Sciences by the Social Science
Research Council.
The American Society for Public
Administration awarded Robert
Durant professor, with the 2012
Dwight Waldo Award. The American
Political Science Association awarded
him the 2013 John Gaus Award
and Lectureship to recognize his
contributions to public administration
and political science.
John Marvel, SPA/PhD ’11, received
the 2012 Emerging Scholar Award from
the National Association of Schools of
Public Affairs and Administration.
Professor Todd Eisenstadt received
the 2012 Van Cott Award from the
Political Institutions section of the
Latin American Studies Association
(LASA), for Politics, Identity,
and Mexico’s Indigenous Rights
Assistant Professor Taryn Morrisey
was appointed as senior advisor,
Office of Human Services Policy,
Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation (ASPE), U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services.
Assistant Professor Lewis Faulk
received dissertation awards in 2012
from the Association for Research
on Nonprofit Organizations and
Voluntary Action, Academy of
Management, and the American
Political Science Association.
The National Association of Schools
of Public Affairs and Administration
(NASPAA) presented David H.
Rosenbloom, distinguished professor,
with its 2012 Leslie Whittington Award
for Excellence in Teaching.
Honors, Awards, and Appointments - students
The Association for Research on Nonprofit
Organizations and Voluntary Action awarded
third-year doctoral student Javier Bronfman a
fellowship for the 2012 Ronald Coase Institute,
an annual workshop in institutional analysis.
Adjunct Instructor and SPA/PhD Candidate Michael
Hayes received the 2013-14 Emerging Scholars
Award from the National Association of Schools of
Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA).
The Association for Research on Nonprofit
Organizations and Voluntary Action chose
second-year doctoral student Mandi Janis
as a 2012 emerging scholar.
Deon T. Jones, SPA/BA ’14, was named a 2013
Harry S. Truman Scholar. The scholarship provides
support for students pursuing careers
in government or non-profit organizations.
The Association for Research on Nonprofit
Organizations and Voluntary Action named
doctoral candidate Jaclyn Schede Piatak
as a 2012 doctoral fellow.
Stephen Bronskill, SPA/BA ’13, received AU’s
President’s Award, the university’s highest
undergraduate honor.
William Resh, SPA/PhD ’11, received two national
awards for his dissertation, “Rethinking the
Administrative Presidency: Trust, Intellectual
Capital, and Appointee-Careerist Relations,” one of
which was the 2012 award for the best dissertation
in public and nonprofit management from the
Academy of Management.
About SPA
Founded nearly 80 years ago and
building upon a legacy of learning
and service, SPA offers unmatched
opportunities to participate in the policy
process. The top-ranked school pairs access
to Washington with groundbreaking
research on the impact of law, justice,
politics, and governance on public policies.
SPA Degree and Certificate Programs
Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs
BA in Interdisciplinary Studies
(Communications, Legal Institutions,
Economics, Government)
MA in Political Science
Undergraduate Certificate
in Advanced Leadership Studies
BA in Politics, Policy, and Law
(Three-Year Curriculum)
MS in Justice, Law and Society
BA in Political Science
Minor in Political Science
BA in Justice and Law
BA in Law and Society
Minor in Justice
Minor in Law and Society
Minor in Public Administration and Policy
BA/MS in Justice, Law and Society
MA in Political Communication
MS/JD in Justice, Law and Society
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
MPA in Key Executive Leadership
Undergraduate Certificate in Women,
Policy, and Political Leadership
Graduate Certificate in Women,
Policy, and Political Leadership
Graduate Certificate in Leadership
for Organizational Change
Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit
Master of Public Policy (MPP)
Graduate Certificate in Public Financial
Graduate Certificate
in Public Management
MS in Organization Development (MSOD)
PhD in Political Science
PhD in Justice, Law and Society
PhD in Public Administration
Graduate Certificate
in Public Policy Analysis
Key Executive Certificate Programs
SPA Research Centers and Institutes
Research centers and institutes within the School of Public
The Center for Environmental Policy aims to improve the nation’s ability to
Affairs draw on the scholarship and expertise of SPA faculty.
address environmental challenges through effective governance.
These centers offer scholarly collaboration and exchange in
The Political Theory Institute encourages the serious study of the great questions
the areas of politics, campaigns, environmental issues, public
of political theory and brings the insights of political theorists to bear on current
administration and policy, justice, and more. Their work is
issues and events.
shared with the AU and Washington communities, as well as
across the nation.
The Middle East Studies Center offers a range of programs and initiatives focused
on issues of concern to this region.
The Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies provides an integrated
teaching, research, and study program focusing on Congress and the presidency
The Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation is a unique forum
and the interactions of these two basic American institutions.
where all stakeholders in the public policy implementation system can work
together on a continuing basis to create compelling results for the public.
The Women and Politics Institute provides academic training to young women
that encourages them to become involved in the political process and facilitates
The Center for Public Finance Research offers research and education in public
research by faculty and students that enhances our understanding of the challenges
budgeting and finance, public financial management, public economics, and
women face in the political arena.
benefit-cost analysis from local to international levels.
The Justice Programs Office supports SPA’s mission of applying the tools of
The Center for Democracy and Election Management provides education,
scholarship and professionalism to the design and management of public programs
research, and public engagement on the full range of democracy issues in the
in law and criminal justice.
United States and the world.
The Washington Institute for Public Affairs Research serves as a bridge between
the academic and policy worlds, advancing scholarly research that addresses
pressing issues and concerns.
at a Glance
2012 U.S. Applicants
geographic breakdown
from the
district of columbia
from the
southern united states
from the
northeastern united states
from the
from the
midwestern united states
western united states
Top Undergraduate Feeder Schools
amherst college indiana university bloomington
university wellesley college florida a&M University
bates college william & mary texas a&M university
tufts university
university of
boston college johns hopkins university south caroy
george washington university penn state university
brandeis university
peking university
george mason university george mason university
northeastern university university
university of chicago
duke university texas a&M univer
bucknell university
ohio wesleyan university
university of chicago
vassar college
Mcgill university
pepperdine university
swarthmore college
st. mary’s college
ohio state university ithaca college
barnard college
texas a&M university
carnegie mel
william & mary brigham young george mason university
cornell college st. mary’s college
oberlin college
georgetown University
university of tokyo
johns hopkins university
penn state university
syracuse university george mason university
university of south carolina
UNC chapel h
kansas state univers
carnegie mellon university
university of pennsylvania
UNC chapel hill
university of notre dame kansas state university
texas a&M univers
princeton university
Dean’s Advisory Council
Pamela Deese, Chair
Charles P. Griffin
Arent Fox LLP
Chief Executive Officer
Custom Scoop
Gina Adams
James Hill
Senior Vice President for Government Affairs
FedEx Corporation
Managing Director
Morgan Stanley
Ken C. Biberaj
Gary M. Jacobs
Vice President and Spokesperson
RTR Funding Group Inc.
Managing Director, Health Advisory Practice
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
L. Thomas Block
Robert W. Johnson
Former Senior Vice President, Government Affairs
J. P. Morgan Chase and Co.
Chief Attorney, Environmental and Safety
ExxonMobil Corp.
John Boyer
Elizabeth Kellar
Chairman, Board of Directors
Federal Services MAXIMUS Inc.
Deputy Executive Director
International City/County Management Association
Theodore N. Carter
Betsy Mangone
Executive Managing Director
CB Richard Ellis
Former Vice President
Denver Foundation
Stephen M. Daoust
Katherine Pringle
Vice President, Legal Contracts and Compliance
Iridium Communications Inc.
Partner, Litigation Department
Friedman Kaplan Seiler and Adelman LLP
Robert Engel
David Rosenberg
Vice President, Domestic Policy
American Automotive Policy Council Inc.
The Rosenberg Foundation
Betsy Fischer
Gwendolyn Sykes
Executive Producer, Meet the Press
NBC Universal
Chief Financial Officer
U.S. Secret Service
Edward Goldberg
Nancy E. Tate
Annisa Group
Executive Director
League of Women Voters
Chair of the Dean’s Council Pamela Deese (center), and SPA Dean
Barbara Romzek meet with students during a recent reception.
SPA faculty are committed to shaping
contemporary public affairs, politics,
and policy through their innovative
research and teaching.
Professor Jon Gould and
Professor Robert Durant at SPA’s
schoolwide planning session.
Faculty Fall 2013
Distinguished Faculty
Associate Professors
David Rosenbloom, University Distinguished Professor,
Public Administration and Policy
Lynn Addington, Justice, Law and Society
James Thurber, Distinguished Professor, Government
David Fagelson, Justice, Law and Society
Karen O’Connor, Helfat Distinguished Professor, Government
Katherine Farquhar, Public Administration and Policy
Anna Amirkhanyan, Public Administration and Policy
Alison Jacknowitz, Public Administration and Policy
Scott Bass, Provost, Public Administration and Policy
Richard Bennett, Justice, Law and Society
Daniel Dreisbach, Justice, Law and Society
Robert Durant, Public Administration and Policy
Todd Eisenstadt, Government
Brian Forst, Justice, Law and Society
Jon Gould, Justice, Law and Society
Eric Hershberg, Government
Gregg Ivers, Government
Robert Johnson, Justice, Law and Society
Cornelius Kerwin, President, Public Administration and Policy
Laura Langbein, Public Administration and Policy
Jocelyn Johnston, Public Administration and Policy
Douglas Klusmeyer, Justice, Law and Society
Ruth Lane, Government
Alan Levine, Government
Daniel Mullins, Public Administration and Policy
Saul Newman, Government
David Pitts, Public Administration and Policy
Joanne Savage, Justice, Law and Society
Diane Singerman, Government
Patricia Sykes, Government
Steven Taylor, Government
Joseph Young, Justice, Law and Society
Jennifer Lawless, Government
Assistant Professors
Jan Leighley, Government
Bill Davies, Justice, Law and Society
William LeoGrande, Government
Lewis Faulk, Public Administration and Policy
David Lublin, Government
Seth Gershenson, Public Administration and Policy
Edward Maguire, Justice, Law and Society
Bradley Hardy, Public Administration and Policy
Howard McCurdy, Public Administration and Policy
Adrienne LeBas, Government
Candice Nelson, Government
Jie Lu, Government
Barbara Romzek, SPA Dean, Public Administration and Policy
Thomas Merrill, Government
Jeremy Shiffman, Public Administration and Policy
Taryn Morrissey, Public Administration and Policy
Stephanie Newbold, Public Administration and Policy
Edmund Stazyk, Public Administration and Policy
Stephen Tankel, Justice, Law and Society
Matthew Wright, Government
Antoine Yoshinaka, Government
Instructional faculty
In Residence
Tricia Bacon, Professorial Lecturer, Justice, Law and Society
Carl Barnes, Professorial Lecturer, Justice, Law and Society
Karen Baehler, Scholar in Residence,
Public Administration and Policy
Chana Barron, Assistant Professor, Justice, Law and Society
Dante Chinni, Practitioner in Residence, Government
Brad Bartholomew, Professorial Lecturer, Justice, Law and Society
Daniel Fiorino, Distinguished Executive in Residence,
Public Administration and Policy
Caroline Cooper, Research Professor, Justice, Law and Society,
Odelia Funke, Executive in Residence,
Public Administration and Policy
Kathleen Courtney, Professorial Lecturer, Justice, Law and Society
Kimberly Cowell-Meyers, Assistant Professor, Government
Patrick Malone, Executive in Residence,
Public Administration and Policy
Chris Edelson, Assistant Professor, Government
G. Borden Flanagan, Assistant Professor, Government
Robert Garrow, Assistant Professor, Government
Robert Marshak, Distinguished Scholar in Residence,
Public Administration and Policy
Susan Glover, Assistant Professor, Government
Anita McBride, Executive in Residence, Government
Jennifer Gumbrewicz, Professorial Lecturer, Justice, Law and Society
Constance Morella, Ambassador in Residence, Government
Sarah Houser, Professorial Lecturer, Government
Robert Tobias, Distinguished Practitioner in Residence,
Public Administration and Policy
Marguerite Jimenez, Professorial Lecturer,
Public Administration and Policy
Ruth Zaplin, Executive in Residence,
Public Administration and Policy
Nicholas Kahn, Instructor, Public Administration and Policy
Kathryn Kozey, Instructor, Justice, Law and Society
Margaret Marr, Assistant Professor, Justice, Law and Society
Jane Palmer, Professorial Lecturer, Public Administration and Policy
Christine DeGregorio, Associate Professor Emerita, Government
Daniel Puskin, Professorial Lecturer, Public Administration and Policy
Deirdre Golash, Associate Professor Emerita,
Justice, Law and Society
Daniel Reed, Assistant Professor, Government
Jeffrey Schaler, Assistant Professor, Justice, Law and Society
Elizabeth Sherman, Assistant Professor, Government
Harvey Lieber, Associate Professor Emeritus in Residence,
Public Administration and Policy
Laura Sullivan, Professorial Lecturer, Public Administration and Policy
Rita Simon*, Professor Emerita, Justice, Law and Society
Joseph Trotter, Research Professor, Justice, Law and Society
Sonja Walti, Assistant Professor, Public Administration and Policy
Jessica Waters, Assistant Professor, Justice, Law and Society
Faculty inform and influence ideas and
action in their fields through books and
monographs, journals, chapters, and
other scholarly works.
*Bold indicates SPA faculty
Davies, Bill. 2012.
Resisting the European Court of Justice:
Germany’s Confrontation with European
Law 1949-1979. London: Cambridge
University Press.
Durant, Robert F. 2012.
Oxford Handbook of American Bureaucracy.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Durant, Robert F. and Durant, J. R.
Debating Public Administration:
Management Challenges, Choices, and
Opportunities. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor and
Francis Group.
Gould, Jon. 2012.
How to Succeed in College While Really
Trying: A Professor’s Inside Advice. Chicago
and London: University of Chicago Press.
Cameron, M. A., Hershberg, Eric, and
Sharpe, K. 2012.
Nuevas instituciones de democracia
participativa en America Latina: Voz y
consecuencia. Mexico: FLACSO Mexico.
Translated 2012. New Institutions
for Participatory Democracy in Latin
America: Voice and Consequence. PalgraveMacmillan.
Langbein, Laura Irwin. 2012.
Public Program Evaluation: A Statistical
Guide, 2nd Edition. Armonk, NY: Sharpe
M.E. Inc.
Thurber, James A. and Nelson,
Candice J. 2013.
Campaigns and Elections American Style,
4th Edition. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
O’Connor, Karen, Larry Sabato, and
Alixandra B. Yanus. 2012.
American Government: Roots and Reform.
(2012 Election Edition) NY: Pearson.
Klusmeyer, Douglas and Papademetriou,
D. 2013.
Immigration Policy in the Federal Republic
of Germany: Negotiating Membership and
Remaking the Nation. (EBook Edition)
New York and London: Berghahn Books.
Leighley, Jan and Nagler, J. 2013.
Who Votes Now? Demographics, Issues,
Inequality and Turnout in the United
States. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Rosenbloom, David H., Norma
Riccucci, Katherine C. Naff,
and Siegrun Fox Freyss. 2013.
Personnel Management in Government:
Politics and Process, 7th Edition. Boca
Raton: Taylor and Francis.
Thurber, James A. (Editor). 2013.
Rivals for Power: Presidential-Congressional
Relations, 5th Edition. Rowman and
Littlefield Publishers.
Addington, Lynn and Perumean-Chaney, S.
“Intimate Partner Violence: What
Separates the Men from the Women
for Victimizations Reported to Police,”
Homicide Studies.
Dreisbach, Daniel L. and Hall, M. D.
Faith and the Founders of the American
Republic. Oxford: Oxford University
Edelson, Chris.
Emergency Presidential Power: From the
Drafting of the Constitution to the War
on Terror. Madison, WI: University of
Wisconsin Press.
Rosenbloom, David H.
Federal Service and the Constitution, 2nd
Edition. Washington, DC: Georgetown
University Press.
Rosenbloom, David H., Kravchuk, R.
and Clerkin, R.
Public Administration: Understanding
Management, Politics, and Law in the
Public Sector. NY: McGraw-Hill.
Refereed Journal
Amirkhanyan, Anna, Kim, J. and
Lambright, K. 2012.
“Closer than ‘Arm’s Length’:
Understanding the Factors Influencing
the Development of Collaborative
Contracting Relationships,” American
Review of Public Administration.
Cooper, Caroline S. 2012.
“Failure in the Context of Substance User
Interventions: Drug Treatment Courts,”
Substance Use and Misuse .
Davies, Bill. 2012.
“Pushing Back: What Happens When
Member States Resist the ECJ: A MultiModal Approach to the History of
European Law,” Contemporary European
Davies, Bill and Rasmussen, M. 2012.
“Toward a New History of European
Law: An Introduction,” in Contemporary
European History.
Durant, Robert F. and Legge, Jr., J. S.
“Stem Cell Research, Regulatory
Regimes, and the ‘Calculus of Consent’
in the European Union: A Test of Three
Hypotheses,” Public Organization Review.
Faulk, Lewis, Edwards, L. H., Lewis, G.
B. and McGinnis, J. A. 2012.
“An Analysis of Gender Pay Disparity in
the Nonprofit Sector: An Outcome of
Labor Motivation or Gendered Jobs?”
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Fiorino, Daniel. 2012.
“Matching Solutions to Problems:
Strategies for Nanotechnology Oversight,”
Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science,
and Technology.
Gershenson, Seth. 2012.
“How Do Substitute Teachers Substitute?
An Empirical Analysis of Substitute
Teacher Labor Supply,” Economics of
Education Review.
Gould, Jon. 2012.
“Mind the Gap: The Place of Gap Studies
in Sociolegal Scholarship,” Annual Review
of Law and Social Science.
Johnson, Robert. 2012.
“Thoughts on Convict Criminology,”
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons.
Johnston, Jocelyn M. and Girth,
Amanda M. 2012.
“Government Contracts and ‘Managing
the Market’: Exploring the Costs of
Strategic Management Responses to Weak
Vendor Competition,” Administration and
Girth, Amanda H., Johnston, Jocelyn M.
and Warner, M. 2012.
“Outsourcing Public Service
Delivery: Management Responses
in Noncompetitive Markets,” Public
Administration Review.
Lu, Jie. 2012.
“Varieties of Electoral Institutions in
China’s Grassroots Democracy:
Cross-Section and Longitudinal Evidence
from Rural China,” China Quarterly.
Lublin, David. 2012.
“Dispersing Authority or Deepening
Divisions? Decentralization and Ethno
regional Party Success,” The Journal of
Kuhns, J. B. and Maguire, Edward R.
“Drug and Alcohol Use by Homicide
Victims in Trinidad and Tobago, 20012007,”
Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology.
Marshak, Robert J. 2012.
“Tao of Change Redux,” OD Practitioner.
Morrissey, Taryn. 2012.
“Health Reform and Child Health:
Progress, Cautions, and Future
Directions,” Child Development
Mullins, Daniel. R. and Mikesell, J. L.
“Reforms for Improved Efficiency
in Public Budgeting and Finance:
Improvements, Disappointments and
Work-in-Progress,” Public Budgeting and
Nelson, Candice J. 2012.
“Independent Learners as Policy Partisans:
An Examination of Party Identification
and Policy Views,” The Forum.
Newman, Saul. 2012.
“Between Optimism and Pessimism:
Israeli Attitudes Toward Conflict
Resolution in the Post-Oslo Era,”
Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.
O’Connor, Karen, Yanus, A. B. and
Weakley, J. L. 2012.
“Mind the Gap: Notes on Political
Science Education in Community
Colleges,” Community College Journal of
Research and Practice.
Roch, C. H. and Pitts, David H. 2012.
“Differing Effects of Representative
Bureaucracy in Charter Schools and
Traditional Schools,” American Review of
Public Administration.
Romzek, Barbara, LeRoux, Kelly and
Blackmar, Jeannette M. 2012.
“A Preliminary Theory of Informal
Accountability among Network
Organizational Actors,” Public
Administration Review.
Rosenbloom, David H. 2012.
“Dealing with Non-mission Based Public
Values in Contemporary Performance
Oriented Public Management,” Public
Administration and Policy Review.
Rosenbloom, David H. 2012.
“The Status of Non-mission Based Public
Values in Contemporary PerformanceOriented Public Administration,” Fudan
Public Administration Review, 9 5-20.
Rosenbloom, David H. and Rene, H.
“‘How Can a ‘Real American’ Love
OSHA?’ John A. Rohr’s Audacious Project
to Legitimate the U.S. Administrative
State,” Administrative Theory and Praxis.
Ferguson, C. and Savage, Joanne. 2012.
“Have Recent Studies Addressed
Methodological Issues Raised by Five
Decades of Television Violence Research?
A Critical Review,” Aggression and Violent
Nellis, A. and Savage, Joanne. 2012.
“Does Watching the News Affect Fear
of Terrorism? The Importance of Media
Exposure on Terrorism Fear,” Crime and
Moran, Allisyn C., Kerber, Kate, Pfitzer,
Anne, Morrissey, Claudia S., Marsh,
David R., Oot, David A., Sitrin, Deborah,
Guenther, Tanya, Gamache, Nathalie,
Lawn, Joy E., and Shiffman, Jeremy.
“Benchmarks to Measure Readiness
to Integrate and Scale-Up Newborn
Survival Interventions,” Health Policy and
Shiffman, Jeremy and Quissell, K. 2012.
“Family Planning: A Political Issue,” The
Berlan, David and Shiffman, Jeremy.
“Holding Health Providers in Developing
Countries Accountable to Consumers: A
Synthesis of Relevant Scholarship,” Health
Policy and Planning.
Wright, Matthew and Bloemraad, I.
“Is There a Tradeoff Between
Multiculturalism and Immigration? Policy
Regimes and Immigrant Incorporation in
Comparative Perspective,” Perspectives on
Addington, Lynn. 2013.
“Who You Calling Old? Measuring
‘Elderly’ and What It Means for
Homicide Research,” Homicide Studies.
Thurber, James A. 2012.
“Agony, Angst, and the Failure of the
Supercommittee,” Extensions.
Davies, Bill and Barak, Maya P. 2013.
“Peer-led Reading Groups Boost
Engagement and Retention.” Faculty
Thurber, James A. 2012.
“The Contemporary Presidency:
Changing the Way Washington
Works? Assessing President Obama’s
Battle with Lobbyists,” Presidential Studies
Durant, Robert F. and Ali, Susannah
Bruns. 2013.
“Repositioning Public Administration?
The New Governance, Civic Society,
and the Disarticulated State,” Public
Administration Review.
Wright, Matthew, Citrin, J. and Wand,
J. 2012.
“Alternative Measures of American
National Identity: Implications for the
Ethnic/Civic Distinction,” Political
Fiorino, Daniel. 2013.
“Explaining National Environmental
Performance: Approaches, Evidence, and
Implications,” Policy Sciences. [Reprinted
in Comparative Public Policy, Michael
Hill, Editor. SAGE Library of the Public
Citrin, J., Johnston, R. and Wright,
Matthew. 2012.
“Do Patriotism and Multiculturalism
Collide? Competing Perspectives from the
U.S. and Canada,” Canadian Journal of
Political Science.
Fiorino, Daniel and Liang, J. 2013.
“The Implications of Policy Stability for
Renewable Energy in the United States:
1974-2009,” Policy Studies Journal.
Hanley, J., Salamone, M. and Wright,
Matthew. 2012.
“Reviving the Schoolmaster: ReEvaluating Public Opinion in the Wake of
Roe v. Wade,” Political Research Quarterly.
Forst, Brian. 2013.
“Studying Discretion in the Processes that
Generate Criminal Justice Sanctions,”
with Shawn D. Bushway, Justice Quarterly.
Johnson, Robert, McGunigall-Smith, S.
and Callahan, C. 2013.
“Can I Get a Witness? Thoughts on
Viewing Executions,” The Prison Journal.
LeBas, Adrienne. 2013.
“Violence and Urban Order in Nairobi,
Kenya, and Lagos, Nigeria,” Studies in
Comparative International Development.
Levine, Alan M. 2013.
“Hancock on the Responsibility
of Reason: Between Strauss and
Christianity,” Perspectives on Political
Lublin, David. 2013.
“The 2012 Latvia Language Referendum,”
Electoral Studies.
Cao, L. and Maguire, Edward R. 2013.
“A Test of the Temperance Hypothesis:
Class, Religiosity, and Tolerance of
Prostitution,” Social Problems.
Marshak, Robert J. 2013.
“Leveraging Language for Change,” OD
Marshak, Robert J. 2013.
“The Controversy Over Diagnosis
in Contemporary Organization
Development,” OD Practitioner.
Marshak, Robert J.
and Bushe, G. R. 2013.
“An Introduction to Advances in Dialogic
Organization Development,” OD
McCurdy, Howard. E. 2013.
“Learning From History: Low-Cost
Project Innovation in the U.S. National
Aeronautics and Space Administration,”
International Journal of Project
Newbold, Stephanie. 2013.
“A Good and Faithful Servant: John
Rohr’s Contribution to the Intellectual,
Constitutional, and Professional
Advancement of Public Administration,”
Administrative Theory and Praxis.
Newman, Saul. 2013.
“Faith and Fear: Explaining Jewish and
Unionist Attitudes Towards Compromise
in Israel and Northern Ireland,” Peace and
Resh, W. G. and Pitts, David H. 2013.
“No Solutions, Only Tradeoffs?
Evidence about Goal Conflict in Public
Organizations,” Public Administration
Rosenbloom, David H. 2013.
“Reflections on ‘Public Administrative
Theory and the Separation of Powers,’”
American Review of Public Administration.
Rosenbloom, David H. and Gong, Ting.
“Coproducing ‘Clean’ Collaborative
Governance: Examples from the United
States and China,” Public Productivity and
Management Review.
Savage, Joanne, Ellis, Stephanie K., and
Kozey, Kathryn. 2013.
“A Selective Review of the Risk Factors for
Antisocial Behavior across the Transition
to Adulthood,” Psychology.
Hafner, T. and Shiffman , Jeremy. 2013.
“The Emergence of Global Attention to
Health Systems Strengthening,” Health
Policy and Planning.
Shiffman, Jeremy
and Sultana, Sharmina. 2013.
“Generating Political Priority for Neonatal
Mortality Reduction in Bangladesh,”
American Journal of Public Health.
Taylor, Steven. 2013.
“Whatever Happened to the Republican
‘Lock’ on the Electoral College?” The New
England Journal of Political Science.
Reeskens, T. and Wright, Matthew. 2013.
“Nationalism and the Cohesive Society:
The Interplay Between Diversity, National
Identity, and Social Capital Across 27
European Societies,” Comparative Political
Addington, Lynn and Rennison, C. M.
“Keeping the Barbarians Outside the
Gate? Comparing Burglary Victimization
in Gated and non-Gated Communities,”
Justice Quarterly.
Amirkhanyan, Anna, Kim, H.J. and
Lambright, K. T.
“Does Measurement Make a Difference?
Understanding the Factors Associated
with Different Measures of Organizational
Performance,” Journal of Public
Administration Research and Theory.
Edelson, Chris.
“In Service to Power: Legal Scholars as
Executive Branch Lawyers in the Obama
Administration,” Presidential Studies
Hardy, Bradley, and Ziliak, James P.
“Decomposing Trends in Income
Volatility: The ‘Wild Ride’ at the Top and
Bottom,” Economic Inquiry.
Johnson, Robert, Looper, M. and Barak, M.
“Riflessioni sulla dignità umana nel contesto
carcerario americano: alcune considerazioni
preliminari su una classe speciale di emigranti
e rifugiati” [Thinking about human dignity
in the American prison context: Some
preliminary reflections on a special class of
migrants and refugees], Sicurezza e Scienze
Sociali 11. [Security and Social Sciences Journal].
Langbein, Laura Irwin and Stazyk,
“Vive la Differénce! The Impact of
Diversity on the Turnover Intention of
Public Employees and Performance of
Public Agencies,” International Public
Management Journal.
Langbein, Laura Irwin and Sanabria, P.
“The Shape of Corruption: Colombia
as a Case Study,” Journal of Development
Langbein, Laura Irwin and CowellMeyers, Kimberly B.
“Measuring Women-Friendly Policy in
the American States,” Journal of Women,
Politics and Policy.
Lu, Jie.
“A Cognitive Anatomy of Political Trust
and Respective Bases: Evidence from
Urban China,” Political Psychology.
Lu, Jie.
“Acquiring Political Information in
Contemporary China: Various Media
Channels and Their Respective Correlates,”
Journal of Contemporary China.
Lu, Jie. and Zhu, J.
“One Rising China, Multiple
Interpretations: China’s 60th Anniversary
Celebration through the Lens of the
World’s Printed Media,” Journal of
Contemporary China.
Maguire, Edward R.
“Exploring Family Risk and Protective
Factors for Adolescent Problem Behaviors
in the Caribbean,” Maternal and Child
Health Journal.
Maguire, Edward R., Uchida, C. D. and
Hassell, K.
“Problem-Oriented Policing in Colorado
Springs: A Content Analysis of 753
Cases,” Crime and Delinquency.
Morrissey, Taryn W., Hutchison, L. A.
and Winsler, A.
“Family Income, School Absences, and
Student Achievement,” Developmental
Morrissey, Taryn W.
“Multiple Child Care Arrangements and
Common Communicable Illnesses in
Children Aged 3 to 54 months,” Maternal
and Child Health Journal.
Morrissey, Taryn W.
“Trajectories of Growth in Body
Mass Index Across Childhood:
Associations with Maternal and Paternal
Employment,” Social Science and
Marvel, J. D. and Pitts, David W.
“What We Talk about When We
Talk about Management Effects: A
Substantively Motivated Approach to
Panel Data Estimation,” International
Journal of Public Administration. Reed, Daniel C.
“Reevaluating the Vote Market
Hypothesis: Effects of Australian Ballot
Reform on Voter Turnout,” Social Science
Romzek, Barbara, LeRoux, Kelly,
Johnston, Jocelyn, Kempf, Robin,
and Piatak, Jaclyn Schede.
“Informal Accountability in Multi-sector
Service Delivery Collaborations,” Journal
of Public Administration Research and
Savage, Joanne, Palmer, J. and Brooks, A.
The Intergenerational Transmission of
Violence: Do Physical Discipline and
Abuse Really Cause Violence? In Journal
of Family Violence.
Singerman, Diane.
“Youth, Gender, and Dignity in the Arab
Uprisings,” Journal of Middle East Women’s
Langbein, Laura Irwin and Stazyk,
“Vive La Difference! The Effects of
Workplace Diversity on Job Performance
and Employee Satisfaction,” International
Public Management Journal.
Davis, R. S. and Stazyk, Edmund.
“Making Ends Meet: How Reinvention
Reforms Can Complement Public Service
Motivation,” Public Administration: An
International Quarterly.
Stazyk, Edmund.
“Crowding Out Public Service
Motivation? Comparing Theoretical
Expectations with Empirical Findings
on the Influence of PerformanceRelated Pay,” Review of Public Personnel
Lublin, David and Wright, Matthew.
“Engineering Inclusion: Assessing the
Effects of Pro-Minority Representation
Policies,” Electoral Studies.
Wright, Matthew and Reeskens, T.
“Of What Cloth are the Ties That
Bind? National Identity and Support
for the Welfare State across 29 European
Shellman, S., Levey, B. and Young,
Joseph K.
“Shifting Sands: Explaining and
Predicting Violent and Nonviolent Phase
Shifts,” Journal of Peace Research.
Book Chapters
Amirkhanyan, Anna. A., and Pettijohn,
Sarah. 2012.
Non-profit Perspectives on Partnerships.
In C. Greve and G. Hodge (Editors)
Rethinking Public-Private Partnerships:
Strategic Approaches in Turbulent Times.
Routledge Books.
Bennett, Richard. R. 2012.
The Police: Transitioning to Citizen
Security. In Anthony Harriott, Editor.
Caribbean Human Development Report
Dreisbach, Daniel L. 2012.
Defining and Testing the Prohibition on
Religious Establishments in the Early
Republic. In T. Jeremy Gunn and John
Witte, Jr., Editors. No Establishment of
Religion: America’s Original Contribution
to Religious Liberty. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Dreisbach, Daniel L. 2012.
Religion and the Constitutional Tradition.
In Stephen J. Stein, Editor. Religions
in America, 1790 to 1945. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Dreisbach, Daniel L. 2012.
Famous Founders and Forgotten
Founders: What’s the Difference, and
Does the Difference Matter? In Gary L.
Gregg II and Mark David Hall, Editors.
America’s Forgotten Founders. Wilmington,
Delaware: ISI Books.
Dreisbach, Daniel L. 2012.
George Mason. In Gary L. Gregg II and
Mark David Hall, Editors. America’s
Forgotten Founders. Wilmington,
Delaware: ISI Books.
Eisenstadt, Todd A. and Yelle, J. 2012.
Participation and Representation
in Oaxaca, Mexico’s Customary
Law Elections: Normative Debates
and Lessons for Latin American
Multiculturalism. In Eric Hershberg,
Editor. Participation and Representation
in Latin America. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press.
LeoGrande, William M. and Jimenez,
Marguerite R. 2012.
U.S.-Cuban Relations: Prospects for
Cooperative Coexistence. In Soraya
M. Castro Mariño and Ronald W.
Pruessen, Editors. Fifty Years of Revolution:
Perspectives on Cuba, the United States, and
the World. Coral Gables, FL: University
Press of Florida.
Eisenstadt, Todd A., and Yelle, J. 2012.
Ulysses, the Sirens, and Mexico’s
Judiciary: Increasing Commitments to
Strengthen the Rule of Law. In Roderic
Ai Camp, Editor. Oxford Encyclopedia of
Mexican Politics.
Lublin, David and Schaller, T. 2012.
Gerrymandering and the Republican
Conversion of Southern State Legislatures.
In Charles S. Bullock III and Mark
J. Rozell, Editors. The New Oxford
Handbook of Southern Politics. Oxford
University Press.
Fiorino, Daniel. 2012.
Environmental Bureaucracies: The
Environmental Protection Agency.
In Michael E. Kraft and Sheldon
Kamieniecki, Editors. Oxford Handbook
of U.S. Environmental Policy. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Hershberg, Eric. 2012.
Voice and Consequence: Direct
Democracy and Participation in Latin
America. In Cameron, Hershberg and
Sharp, Editors. New Institutions for
Participatory Democracy in Latin America:
Voice and Consequence.
Johnson, Robert. 2012.
Art and Autonomy: Prison Writers Under
Siege. In L. K. Cheliotis, Editor. The Arts
of Imprisonment: Control, Resistance, and
Empowerment. Aldershot: Ashgate.
LeoGrande, William M. 2012.
Introducción. In Guido Fernández,
Editor. El Desafío de la Paz en
Centroamérica. San José, Costa Rica: La
Editorial Costa Rica.
Oswick, C. and Marshak, Robert J.
Images of Organization Development:
The Role of Metaphor in Processes
of Change. In D. Boje, B. Burnes,
and J. Hassard, Editors. The Routledge
Companion to Organizational Change.
London: Routledge.
McCurdy, Howard E. 2012.
From Fantasy to Reality. In Cynthia J.
Miller and A. Bowdoin
Van Riper, Editors. 1950s “Rocketman”
TV Series and Their Fans: Cadets, Rangers,
and Junior Space Men: Televised Rocketman
Serials of the 1950s and Their Fans. New
York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Nelson, Candice J. 2012.
Polling in the 21st Century: Part Past,
Part Future. In Richard Semiatin,
Editor. Campaigns on the Cutting Edge.
Washington, DC: CQ Press.
O’Connor, Karen and Yanus, A. B. 2012.
Gender and Politics. In David Coates,
Editor. The Oxford Companion to
American Politics. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Roch, C. H., Pitts, David W. and
Navarro, I. 2012.
Representative Bureaucracy and Policy
Tools. In M. Godwin and J. H. Gittell,
Editors. Sociology of Organizations:
Structure and Relationships. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Rosenbloom, David H. 2012.
Reinventing Administrative Prescriptions:
The Case for Democratic-Constitutional
Impact Statements and Scorecards. In
Robert Durant and Jennifer Durant,
Editors. Debating Public Administration.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC/Taylor and Francis.
Rosenbloom, David H. 2012.
Public Administrative Theory and the
Separation of Powers. In Jay Shafritz and
Albert Hyde, Editors. Classics of Public
Administration, 7th Edition. Boston:
Thurber, James A. 2012.
Congress: The Causes and Consequences
of Partisanship Deadlock. In Peele, et al.
with Aaron Ray, Editors. Developments in
American Politics, 7th Edition. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Thurber, James A. 2012.
What’s Wrong with Congress and What
Should Be Done About It? In Iwan
Morgan and Philip Davies, Editors. Can
Government Be Repaired? Lessons from
America. London: University of London.
Yoshinaka, Antoine. 2012.
Party Building in the South through
Conversion. In Charles S. Bullock III and
Mark J. Rozell, Editors. Oxford Handbook
of Southern Politics. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Dreisbach, Daniel L. 2013.
A Peculiar People in “God’s American
Israel”: Religion and American National
Identity. In Charles W. Dunn, Editor.
American Exceptionalism: The Origins,
History, and Future of the Nation’s Greatest
Strength. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman
and Littlefield Publishers.
Forst, Brian E. 2013.
Wrongful Convictions in a World of
Miscarriages of Justice. In Ronald Huff
and Martin Killias, Editors. Wrongful
Convictions and Miscarriages of Justice:
Causes and Remedies in North American
and European Criminal Justice Systems.
New York and London: Routledge.
Marshak, Robert J. 2013.
Generative Conversations: How to
Use Deep Listening and Transforming
Talk in Coaching and Consulting. In
Handbook for Strategic HR: Best Practices
in Organization Development from the OD
Network. New York: AMACOM.
Marshak, Robert J. 2013.
The Tao of Change Redux. In Handbook
for Strategic HR: Best Practices in
Organization Development from the OD
Network. New York: AMACOM.
Marshak, Robert J. and Grant, D. 2013.
Creating Change by Changing the
Conversation. In Handbook for Strategic
HR: Best Practices in Organization
Development from the OD Network. New
Marshak, Robert J. and Katz, J. H. 2013.
Diagnosing Covert Processes in Groups
and Organizations. In Handbook for
Strategic HR: Best Practices in Organization
Development from the OD Network. New
Bushe, G. and Marshak, Robert J. 2013.
The Postmodern Turn in OD. In
Handbook for Strategic HR: Best Practices
in Organization Development from the OD
Network. New York: AMACOM.
Thurber, James A. 2013.
The Dynamics and Dysfunction of
the Congressional Budget Process:
From Inception to Deadlock. In Bruce
Oppenheimer and Larry Dodd, Editors.
Congress Reconsidered, 10th Edition.
Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Thurber, James A. 2013.
Understanding the Dynamics and the
Transformation of American Government. In
James A. Thurber and Candice J. Nelson,
Editors. Campaigns and Elections American Style,
4th Edition. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Thurber, James A. 2013.
An Introduction to PresidentialCongressional Rivalry. In James A.
Thurber, Editor. Rivals for Power:
Presidential-Congressional Relations, 5th
Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman and
Thurber, James A. 2013.
The President, Congress and Lobbyists:
Has President Obama Changed the
Way Washington Works? In James
A. Thurber, Editor. Rivals for Power:
Presidential-Congressional Relations, 5th
Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman and
Thurber, James A. 2013.
Assessing Presidential-Congressional
Relations: A Need for Reform? In James
A. Thurber, Editor. Rivals for Power:
Presidential-Congressional Relations, 5th
Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman and
Citrin, J. and Wright, Matthew. 2013.
The Politics of Immigration in a Nation of
Immigrants. In Ray LaRaja, Editor. New
Directions in American Politics. New York:
Addington, Lynn and Rennison, C. M.
National Crime Victimization Survey. In
Van Dijk, J., Weisburd, D. and Bruinsma,
G., Editors. Criminology and Criminal
Addington, Lynn.
The Development of the UCR and
NCVS and Their Contribution to
Criminology. In Dugan, L, Weisburd, D.
and Bruinsma, G., Editors. Criminology
and Criminal Justice -- The History of
Methods and Statistics.
Addington, Lynn.
Cops, Cameras, and Kids: Assessing PostColumbine Security Trends in US Public
Schools. In Glenn Muschert, Editor. The
Columbine Effect: Fear and the Expansion
of School Antiviolence Policies.
Dreisbach, Daniel L.
The Bible in the Political Culture of
the American Founding. In Daniel L.
Dreisbach and Mark David Hall, Editors.
Faith and the Founders of the American
Republic. New York: Oxford University
Dreisbach, Daniel L.
A Handbook for Republican Citizenship?
The American Founders Debate the
Bible’s Use in Schools. In Melissa
Deckman and Joseph Prud’homme,
Editors. Curriculum and The Culture Wars:
When and Where Is Religion Appropriate
in Public Schools? New York: Peter Lang
Dreisbach, Daniel L.
Creating an American Metaphor for
Liberty: George Washington’s Letter
to the Newport Hebrew Congregation.
In A Rebuke to Bigotry: Reflections on
George Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew
Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island,
Faulk, Lewis, McGinnis, J. and Young,
D. R.
Voluntary Organizations. In Bruni, L. and
Zamagni, S., Editors. Handbook of the
Economics of Philanthropy, Reciprocity and
Social Enterprise. Edward Elgar Publishers.
Fiorino, Daniel.
Sustainable Cities and Governance:
What Are the Connections? In Daniel A.
Mazmanian and Hilda Blanco, Editors.
Handbook of Sustainable Cities.
Fiorino, Daniel.
Too Many Levels or Just About
Right? Multilevel Governance and
Environmental Performance. In Inger
Weibust and James Meadowcroft, Editors.
Multilevel Environmental Governance.
Forst, Brian E.
Local Police and the War on Terror. In
Robert J. Kane and Michael D. Reisig,
Editors. Oxford Handbook on Police and
Policing. New York: Oxford University
Klusmeyer, Douglas.
Hannah Arendt on Authority and
Tradition. In Patrick Hayden, Editor.
Hannah Arendt: Key Concepts. Durham:
Lawless, Jennifer L.
Women Running for Office. In Emerging
Trends. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Lawless, Jennifer L., Fox, Richard L. and
Baitinger, Gail.
The Gender Gap in Political Ambition.
In S. Thomas and C. Wilcox, Editors.
Women in Elective Office, 3rd Edition. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Bachilla, Pamela, Leighley, Jan and
Nagler, Jonathan.
Voter Turnout in the 2012 Election.
In James A. Thurber and Candice J.
Nelson, Editors. Campaigns and Elections:
American Style, 4th Edition. Boulder, CO:
Westview Press.
LeoGrande, William M.
Cuba: Public Diplomacy as a “Battle of
Ideas.” In Geoffrey Wiseman, Editor.
Engaging Adversarial States: The Strategic
Limits and Potential of Public Diplomacy in
U.S. National Security Policy.
LeoGrande, William M. and Jimenez,
Marguerite R.
Disease, Disaster, and Environmental
Degradation: How Cuba and the United
States Can Collaborate on Common
Interests. In Catherine Krull, Editor.
Cuba in a Global Context: International
Relations, Internationalism, and
Transnationalism. Coral Gables, FL:
University Press of Florida.
Maguire, Edward R. and Katz, C. M.
Diagnosing Gang Violence in the
Caribbean. In Anthony Harriott and
Charles Katz, Editors. Gangs and Violence
in the Caribbean. Kingston: University of
the West Indies Press.
Maguire, Edward R.
Police Organizations and the Iron Cage
of Rationality. In M. Reisig and R. Kane,
Editors. Oxford Handbook on Police and
Policing. New York: Oxford University
Maguire, Edward R. and Gordon, J.
Faith-Based Interventions for Reducing
Gang Violence in the Caribbean. In
Anthony Harriott and Charles Katz,
Editors. Gangs and Violence in the
Caribbean. Kingston: University of the
West Indies Press.
Marshak, Robert J.
Consulting in-the-Moment for Change.
In D. W. Jamieson and A. Buono, Editors.
Consultation for Organizational Change,
Vol. II, Information Age Publishing.
Marshak, Robert J.
Organization Development as an Evolving
Field of Practice. In B. B. Jones, and M.
Brazzel, Editors. The NTL Handbook of
Organization Development and Change,
2nd Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/
Bushe, G. R. and Marshak, Robert J.
Dialogic Organization Development.
In B. B. Jones, and M. Brazzel, Editors.
The NTL Handbook of Organization
Development and Change, 2nd Edition. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
McCurdy, Howard E.
Building the Space Station. In Roger
Launius, John Krige, Jim Craig, Editors.
The Space Shuttle: How We Did It/What
We Learned. American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Mullins, Daniel R. and Forrester, J.
Rebudgeting: The Serial Nature of
Municipal Budgetary Processes. In Justin
Marlow and David Matkin, Editors.
Financial Management in the Public Sector:
Volume II. London: SAGE Ltd.
Mullins, Daniel R. and Joyce, P.
Tax and Expenditure Limitations and
State and Local Fiscal Structure. In Justin
Marlow and David Matkin, Editors.
Financial Management in the Public Sector:
Volume III. London: SAGE Ltd.
Newbold, Stephanie and Rosenbloom,
David H.
Looking for Answers in All the Wrong
Places: The Need to Rethink U.S. Public
Administration Doctoral Education. In
Douglas Morgan, Editor. New Democratic
Governance and the Search for Legitimacy.
New York: M. E. Sharpe.
Romzek, Barbara.
Accountable Public Services. In Bovens,
M. Goodin R.E. and Schillemans, T.,
Editors. Oxford Handbook of Public
Accountability, Oxford University Press.
Singerman, Diane.
Gender and Politics. In Michele Penner
Angrist, Editor. Politics and Society of the
Contemporary Middle East. Boulder, CO:
Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Stazyk, Edmund, and Cox III, R. W.
Enforcement of Ethics Rules: Ethics
Commissions in the United States. In
Omurgonulsen U. and M. K. Oktem
M. K., Editors. Public Service Ethics:
An International Perspective. Ankara:
Hacettepe Press.
Stazyk, Edmund, Davis, R. S., Sanabria,
P. and Pettijohn, Sarah.
Working in the Hollow State:
Exploring the Links between Public
Service Motivation, Contracting,
and Collaboration. In Y. K. Dwivedi,
M. A. Shareef, S. K. Pandey, and V.
Kumar, Editors. Public Administration
Reformation: Market Demand from Public
Tankel, Stephen.
The Militant Threat to Pakistan.
In Pakistani Labyrinths. New York:
Tankel, Stephen.
Lashkar-e-Taiba: Intent and Capabilities.
In Terrorism and Political Islam: A
Counterterrorism Textbook for the FBICTC Education Collaborative. New York:
Combating Terrorism Center.
Helbling, M., Stolle, D., Reeskens, T.,
and Wright, Matthew.
Enabling Immigrant Participation:
Redirecting our Attention to the Role
of Integration Regimes. In A. Bilodeau,
Editor. The Political Immigrant: A
Comparative Portrait. Toronto: University
of Toronto Press.
Citrin, J. and Wright, Matthew.
E Pluribus Europa? In Anthony Messina
and Andrew Gould, Editors. Regional,
National, and Religious Identities in
Europe. New York: Cambridge University
Young, Joseph K. and Findley, Mike.
Computational Modeling to Study
Conflicts and Terrorism. In Joseph
Soeters, Patricia M. Shields, and Bas
Rietjens, Editors. The Routledge Handbook
on Research Methods in Military Studies.
New York: Routledge.
Kearns, Erin and Young, Joseph K.
Military Tactics in Civil War. In The
Routledge Companion to Civil War Studies,
Editors. Edward Newman and Karl
DeRouen. New York: Routledge.
Law Reviews
Addington, Lynn and Waters, Jessica.
“Public Interest 101: Using the Law
School Curriculum to Quell Public
Interest Drift and Expand Students’
Public Interest Commitment,” Washington
College of Law.
Edelson, Chris. 2013.
“Lies, Damned Lies, and Journalism:
Why Journalists Are Failing to Vindicate
First Amendment Values and How a
New Definition of ‘The Press’ Can Help,”
Oregon Law Review.
Johnson, Robert and Miller, C. 2012.
“An Eighth Amendment Analysis of
Juvenile Life Without Parole: Extending
Graham to All Juvenile Offenders,” U.
Md. L.J. Race, Religion, Gender and Class.
Waters, Jessica. 2012.
“Testing Hosanna Tabor: The Implications
for Pregnancy Discrimination Claims
and Employees’ Reproductive Rights,”
Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil
Cooper, Caroline. 2010-2013.
National Center for State Courts
Subcontract, National Institute of
Justice/Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S.
Department of State, $102,090.
Cooper, Caroline. 2010-2013.
Adult Drug Court Training and Technical
Assistance Project 2, Department of
Justice, U.S. Department of State,
Cooper, Caroline. 2012.
National Association for Court
Management Core Competencies
Revision Project Subcontract, Justice
Management Institute, $61,560.
Cooper, Caroline. 2012.
Adult Drug Court Site Specific Technical
Assistance Program, BJA, Department of
Justice, $1,200,000.
Bennett, Richard. 2003-Present.
NIJ Criminal Justice Research
Assistantship Program. National Institute
of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice,
$70,000 per year.
Caroline Cooper. 2013.
Evaluation of Pilot Drug Courts in
Mexico, Government of Mexico to the
Organization of American States with
American University, $6,000.
Bennett, Richard. 2010-2012.
United Nations Caribbean Human
Development Program, The Police:
Transitioning to Citizen Security,
Cooper, Caroline. 2013.
Technical Assistance to Support
Indigent Defense Services. Bureau of
Justice Assistance, with subcontract to
the National Legal Aid and Defender
Association, $450,000.
Bennett, Richard. 2010-Present.
Executive Forum for the Study of
Terrorism. Anti-Terrorist Assistance
Program, U.S. Department of State,
Cooper, Caroline. 2013.
Drug Court Technical Assistance Project.
Bureau of Justice Assistance. U.S.
Department of State, $1,200,000.
Bennett, Richard. 2011-2012.
International Police Training Program:
Armenia, Subcontract with the
International Chiefs of Police through
INL, U.S. Department of State, $32,000.
Eisenstadt, Todd. 2012.
with Carl LeVan, American University
Latin American Studies Association/
Mellon Foundation, “From Parchment
to Practice: Explaining When
New Constitutions Fail to Improve
Democracy,” $21,995.
Gershenson, Seth. 2012.
with Alison Jacknowitz
“Linking Teacher Quality, Student
Attendance, and Student Achievement:
Evidence from the ECLS-K,” American
Educational Research Association,
Gershenson, Seth. 2012.
“Linking Teacher Quality, Student
Attendance, and Student Achievement,”
Spencer Foundation, $39,427.
Gould, Jon. 2010-2013.
National Institute of Justice. Principal
investigator of two-year project applying
social science methods to the study of
wrongful convictions, U.S. Department of
Justice, $450,858.
Gould, Jon. 2011-2012.
American Constitutional Society
Evaluation, Open Society Institute,
Gould, Jon. 2011-2012.
Access to Justice Project, DC Bar
Foundation, $20,000.
Hershberg, Eric. 2012.
“Elites and the Reconfiguration of Power
in Central America,” Ford Foundation,
Hershberg, Eric. 2012.
“Research Fellows Program,” Open
Society Foundations, $100,000.
Hershberg, Eric. 2012.
“AULA Blog and Multi-Media Initiatives,”
Open Society Foundations, $50,000.
Hershberg, Eric. 2012.
“Program Support,” Tinker Foundation,
Hershberg, Eric and Saez, L. M. 2012.
“Gender and Sexuality in Law,” Swedish
Foundation for Human Rights, $7,000.
Hershberg, Eric. 2012.
“AU Cuba Initiative,” Christopher
Reynolds Foundation, $20,000.
Hershberg, Eric. 2012.
“Organized Crime in Colombia: A
Case Study of the BACRIM,” State
Department, $99,000.
Jacknowitz, Alison. 2011-2012.
with Taryn Morrissey
“Food Insecurity Across the First Five
Years,” University of Kentucky, United
States Department of Agriculture,
Lawless, Jennifer. 2012-2014.
“Uncovering the Origins of the Gender
Gap in Political Ambition,” National
Science Foundation, $301,113.
Maguire, Edward. 2011.
“Opening the Black Box of NIBIN: A
Process and Outcome Evaluation of the
Use of NIBIN and its Effects on Criminal
Investigations,” Sam Houston State
University, National Institute of Justice,
Maguire, Edward. 2011-2013.
“Opening the Black Box of NIBIN,”
Maguire, Edward. 2012-2014.
“Policing Protest: The Role of
Community Policing in the Occupy
Movement,” U.S. Department of Justice,
McCurdy, Howard. 2012- 2013.
“The Economics of Innovation:
Mountaineering and the American Space
Program,” National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, $19,999.
Morrissey, Taryn W. 2011-2012.
with Alison Jacknowitz
“Food Assistance and Children’s Eating
Patterns, Food Insecurity, and Obesity:
The Influence of Local Food Prices.”
Institute for Research on Poverty RIDGE
Center for National Food and Nutrition
Assistance Research Grant, $35,361.
Morrissey, Taryn W. 2012-2013.
“A Longitudinal Analysis of Maternal
Depression and its Associations with
Child Obesity and Health Care Use,”
Maternal and Child Health Research
Program, Health Resources and Services
Administration, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, $99,991.
Mullins, Daniel. 2011-2012.
“Budgeting for Results – Key Issues of
Concern for Illinois Nonprofits,” Donors
Forum, $30,000.
Shiffman, Jeremy. 2010-2014.
“Global Health Advocacy and Policy
Project,” Gates Foundation, $1,098,461.
Shiffman, Jeremy. 2012-2015.
“Managing the Politics of Scaling-up
Sexuality Education in Nigeria and
Mississippi,” MacArthur Foundation,
Singerman, Diane. 2010-2012.
“Islam in Focus,” Social Science Research
Council, $74,999.
Singerman, Diane. 2011-2013.
“Cairo Urban Governance Structures
in Greater Cairo,” Ford Foundation,
Singerman, Diane. 2013-2014.
“Tadamun: The Cairo Urban Solidarity
Initiative,” Ford Foundation, $420,000.
Thurber, James. 2013.
Bryce Harlow Foundation Grant,
Thurber, James. 2012.
Clean Air Coalition Grant, $120,000.
Thurber, James. 2012.
American Lung Association, $60,000.
Bennett, Richard. 2012.
Outstanding Mentor Award, Academy of
Criminal Justice Sciences.
Durant, Robert. 2012.
Dwight Waldo Award, American Society
for Public Administration.
Durant, Robert. 2013.
John Gaus Award and Lectureship,
American Political Science Association.
Eisenstadt, Todd. 2012.
Van Cott Award, Political Institutions
Section of the Latin American Studies
Association (LASA), for Politics, Identity,
and Mexico’s Indigenous Rights Movements.
Faulk, Lewis. 2012.
The Gabriel Rudney Award for Best
Dissertation, Association for Research on
Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary
Lawless, Jennifer.
She Changes the World Award, Women’s
Fund of Western Massachusetts.
LeBas, Adrienne. 2012.
New Voice in the Social Sciences, Social
Science Research Council.
LeBas, Adrienne. 2012.
Best Book in African Politics, African
Politics Conference Group. For From
Protest to Parties. Party-Building and
Democratization in Africa. Oxford
University Press, 2011.
Morrissey, Taryn. 2013-2014.
Senior Advisor, Office of Human Services
Policy, Assistant Secretary for Planning
and Evaluation ASPE, U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services.
Jacknowitz, Alison, Snelling, A. M.,
Moroto, M., and Brannegan, A. 2012.
“Understanding Feeding America
Elementary School-Based Food Pantries.”
Jacknowitz, Alison, Cannon, J. and
Karoly, L. 2012.
“Preschool and School Readiness: Experiences
of Children with Non-English-Speaking
Parents.” Public Policy Institute of California.
Lawless, Jennifer L. and Fox, Richard
L. 2012.
“Men Rule: The Continued UnderRepresentation of Women in U.S.
Politics.” Washington, DC: Women and
Politics Institute.
Lawless, Jennifer L. and Fox, Richard L.
2013. “Girls Just Wanna Not Run: The Gender
Gap in Young Americans’ Political
Ambition.” Washington, DC: Women
and Politics Institute.
Rosenbloom, David H. 2012.
Leslie A. Whittington Award for Excellence
in Teaching. NASPAA.
Savage, Joanne. 2012.
Gary and Stacey Jacobs Fellowship for
Excellence in Health Policy Research.
Research Reports
Gould, Jon, Carrano, J., Leo, R., and
Young, Joseph K. 2013.
“Predicting Wrongful Convictions: A
Social Science Approach to Miscarriages
of Justice,” U.S. Department of Justice,
Washington DC: National Institute of
2012 – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT
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