Invitation Letter to All University Students University of Malta

University of Malta
Msida MSD 2080, Malta
Department: Mediterranean Institute, Dance Studies Division
Course: Masters in Performance Studies (Dance)
Invitation Letter to All University Students
We would like to invite our University colleagues to participate in an interactive dance and
movement workshop offered by the students from the department of the Masters Degree in
Performance Studies (Dance).
This movement research is to explore how cultural and religious backgrounds can influence
integration, assimilation or even inequities, inequalities, and social injustice.
This workshop offers you the opportunity to discover and to learn to trust your ability to
empathize, to respond authentically, and to translate non-verbal experiences into cognitive
insights. Experiential body & mind exercises based on dance principles will be used. You will
learn how these embodied methods can help you to: be more fully present, improve your
creativity, sociability, self-esteem, and reduce stress.
The workshop will take place at the University TV Room, from Wednesday 06/04,
Thursday 07/04, to Friday 08/04. Time: From 17:00h to 20:00h.
To register and ask any further questions, please contact Ilona Masini, email address: by March 30th.
We look forward to exploring movement and dance with you!
Warm regards,
Maya, Ilona, Sandra, Nicole, and Francesca
Participant Consent Form
Title of Research Project: Dance Division – Community Dance and Movement Project
Name of Researchers: Maya Adamidou, Ilona Masini, Sandra Mifsud, Nicole Speletic,
Francesca Tranter, Master in Performance Studies (Dance), University of Malta,
Department: Mediterranean Institute.
Dates: Wednesday 06/04, Thursday 07/04, and Friday 08/04 – 2011.
Time: From 17:00h till 20:00h.
Place: University of Malta TV Room.
Reason for the research: We are studying how different cultural backgrounds including
religious and state beliefs influence our movement patterns, our behavior and our
understanding as part of our research module in the Performance Studies (Dance) course.
Understanding cultural identities in terms of dance are fundamental and important to our
research process. The fusion of particular styles of dance has enriched the performing arts in
so many possible ways. Not only has it enriched us through the physical and visual but
informs our understanding and respect of the beauty of identity and the empowerment of
being diverse. Through the influence of this module we intend to create an opportunity to
reach out to our University community. We would like to include national as well as
international students with different cultural backgrounds in order to reach our goals in finding
out how we can use this data to create through movement more understanding, trust,
communication and friendships.
This avenue of research expands the scope of understanding beyond the level of individual
identity/collective identity and investigates further the possibility of how native state beliefs
can incorporate and/or even clash with the immigrant state of beliefs. Examination of social
and economic parameters will determine a healthy balance among different religious and view
points between individuals.
Details of participation: The research involves a 3 days dance & movement workshop and a
semi – structured questionnaire. You will be asked to answer questions about your
experiences during the workshop by giving some insights about body sensations, feelings, and
ideas. You will be invited to share your thoughts at the end of each workshop day an open
space for interaction, feedback and understanding about our cultural similarities and our
differences it will be made available under the guidance of the research group.
The workshop will last three (3) days by three (3) hours per day, with fifteen (15) minutes
break in the middle of each day’s workshop. In total the workshop will last nine (9) hours.
Number of Participants: 20 maximum, 12 minimum, Age: 18 years old and above
Language: English, with Maltese translation as needed.
Additional Questions: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have any additional questions later, please contact Maya Adamidou, email address: we will be happy to answer them.
You will be offered a copy of this form to keep.
As an informed participant of this research, I understand that:
I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I may withdraw from the
research at any time, by giving an additional reason.
I am aware of what my participation will involve.
I understand that there are no risks involved in the participation of this study.
All questions that I have about the research have been satisfactorily answered.
I will inform the research group 3 days prior to the workshop of any change
which might occur regarding my participation.
I am aware that a video and a camera will be utilized to record the
I agree to participate.
Participant’s signature:
Participant’s name: ________________________________________________________
Tick this box if you would like to receive a copy of the final research project
by e-mail:
E-mail: ________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________