“ITU-T Standardization and other key ITU Activities” Havana, Cuba 8 - 9 February 2011. “Evaluation of the QoE in NGN starting from UIT recommendations.” NGN Eng. Luis Enrique Conde del Oso. ETECSA. Cuba luis.conde@etecsa.cu Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 • Background. Current scenario of Telecom Carriers • Obsolescence of TDM Technology. • Requirements for new services and increase of the current services. - Fixed telephone service growth. - Mobile service growth - Wide development of data services. - Introduction of novel services such as IPTV. Proposal of Development • Development of Services on NGN networks with NAM (GIE). • Optimization of National Transport Network IP/MPLS. • Designs and implementation of Local and Regional Metro Networks. • Introduction of the objective quality validation of services in real time (and its extension to quality profile of telecommunications network). Beginning of the scheduled development Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 2 • The Metro Ethernet like support of the Broadband. To the Service POP Ring To the Service POP Ring To the Service POP Ring Standards defined in the T-MPLS: Source: Telecom Italia – VPDT ETECSA. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 G.8110.1 Network Architecture of T-MPLS G.8113 Requirements OAM G.8114 OAM G.8112 UNI/NNI G.8131 Lineal Protection G.8132 Rings Protection G.8121 Equipment T-MPLS G.8151 EMF G.8152 Infomodel 3 • Pseudo rings of the Provincial Metro Ethernet of Havana. Network simulations in TILAB. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 4 • Different levels of a NGN Network. IP/MPLS AR BRAS PE AR BRAS VoD Service PoP METRO REGIONAL METRO PROVINCIAL E1 STMn FE GE ADM ADM Eth/SDH ADM PE Punto 1 Validación The Operators of (Signal no Telecommunications encrypted) Platform VoD generally use unique of IPTV Service PoP network which include the return Punto 2 Validación channel, and they are IP broadband network with solutions FTTH, (Signal encrypted) Puntoand 3 FTTB FTTC and Validación last mile Technologies ADSL, ADSL2 +, VDSL, VDSL2 + and GPON. In these network protocols like PIM, IGMP and BGP should be activated. Source: VPDT. ETECSA. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 5 • Quality Profile on networks, according to the following ITU-T Recommendations G.1050, and ITU-T Y.1541. Source: UIT-T. DSL Forum's WT-126 •SD. 1 pack./loss every 30 minutes. (MLR=0.004 pack/seg) •HD 1pack./loss. every 4 hours (MLR=0.0005 pack/seg) Source: DSL Forum's WT-126 Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 6 • Quality Profile of ToIP, according to the ITU-T Recommendations . ITU-T G.114 Delay ≤ 300 mseg. (Bidirectional). Source Asistencia Técnica de Telecom Italia. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 7 • Obtaining of the information for the validation of the quality of the video signal. A video signal to be transmitted over a IP network should be compressed. The codec MPEG defines a sequence of images I, B and P, which a GOP conforms. In the header of these packets they are fields that possess outstanding information's to be able to make the validation of the quality of the video signal Source: Shenick. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 8 • Main fields of the header in Transport Stream. 8 Bytes They group in 3 levels of priority: Priority 1. Correct decoding. Priority 2. Quality Tx of the IP Package. Priority 3. It Influences in specific applications. Source: UIT-T Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 9 • QoE and QoS. Human Vision Constraints. Perceived Quality (QoE), at service level end to end. STB influence Data Metrics “Same value of PSNR” SLA Source: VPDT. ETECSA. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 SLA SLA Quality dependence of the Service Network Quality (QoS), transport packet function 10 • State of the art of validation Metrics for video quality. Subjective BT.500.11 (Images of TV). P.910 (Aplic. of Multimedia), Video Quality. P.911 (Aplic. of Multimedia), Audiovisual Quality. Metrics Correlation Metrics (VQM) Objective Metrics Data Metrics Ref. Complete. Ref. Reduced. Without Reference. Picture Metrics Analysis of Videos Decoded. Analysis of the Information visual contained. MSE PSNR (Evaluation of Packages) VHS Metric. (Aspects of the Human vision) Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 Implicit comparison (DSCQS). Explicit comparison (DSIS) Absolute valuations (SSCQE) Valuations with Absolute Category (ACR). Flows of Video Metrics Source: VPDT. ETECSA. T- Factor (Deep Inspection of the flow of the Video (TS and UDP). The impact of the disturbances of the Network depends on the Codec, the losses and its propagation (space and time). MDI (Slight Inspection of the Video flow (TS and UDP). Independent of the Codec IP Network.). 11 • Development of metrics in FreeProbe Tools. (Software open source). FreeProbe with T- Factor Metric. FreeProbe with MDI Metric. Freeprobe for Codec H.264 AVC. Source: Telecom Italia - VPDT. ETECSA. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 FreeprobeJPER (ToIP Service) 12 • Test with the FreeProbe (T-factor), simulation of the solution of Orange. This test allowed the 200 Watts evaluation of the potentialities and the weaknesses of the Not Eligible Users 2 Km. @ 512 Kbps ETECSA access network to support a service of BTV, MPEG-2, and it consisted on the design of a Hybrid Network that simulates the solution used by Orange in its Elegible Users service of IPTV, which ≤ 500 m @ 4 Mbps allows to increase the covering of a service of BTV in areas where you cannot offer an appropriate band width for this service. It Source. VPDT. ETECSA. facilitates the determination of Eligible and Not Eligible Users Here the impact of the transcodificación of the signal was evaluated due to not having the contents the same code format as well as the employment of a Hybrid solution in Havana City and its repercussion starting from the behavior of the error accountants SAE, SDE and SIE in the period of evaluation of the quality and its correlation with the subjective observation of the sign. 13 Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 • IPTV Service Testing Model applied at ETECSA test. The introduction of the metric MDI in the Freeprobe and the necessity of making experimental tests to define the necessary objective-subjective correlation and to determine the respective thresholds in each disturbance type, made necessary the design of a laboratory testing model. Source VPDT. ETECSA. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 14 • Services implemented in IPTV Platform in Testing Model. Source: VPDT. ETECSA. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 15 • Training preparation of the subjective observer. NetDisturb Video Server MOS DMOS Source VPDT. ETECSA. (5) (4) (3) UIT-T J.144R y UIT-R BT.1683. (2) Source: Telecom Italia – VPDT ETECSA. Muy Molesto Presencia elevada de errores que perjudican el audio y el video (1) Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 16 • Test results done in the testing model (Channel SD to 4 Mbps) Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 Results of the Simulations Tests. Uniform packet loss: Superior losses to 0.001% are inadequate for a service of IPTV and they have bigger impact in the audio one that in the video. Packet Loss in Burst: Bigger affectation in the video that in the audio one, however they are less annoying for the user than the uniform losses. Delay and the Jitter: Affectations are not observed in the range between 0 and 50 mseg, what demonstrates the recommendations of the WT-126 of the DSL Forum´s. 17 •Centralization of QoE Validation with FreeProbe to substitute solutions with Shadow Router. (Cisco, Tektronix, JDSU, Huawei). FreeProbe Server SNMP SNMP FreeProbe SNMP Metric MDI Pseudo ring Ethernet Serv POP 1 DWDM Pseudo ring Ethernet Serv POP 4 Serv POP 3 IPTV Pseudo ring Ethernet Metric MDI Head End Measurement point Data collect Serv POP 2 FreeProbe FreeProbe Source: Telecom Italia - VPDT. ETECSA. Metric T-Factor Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 18 • Results of the Tests of the Triple Service Play with FreeProbe (MDI). Electric Network BPL VLAN QoS VLAN 10 VLAN 20 VLAN 30 Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 ETECSA National Intranet QoS Results of the tests of a Triple Play service with the use of the FreeProbe with metric MDI in the testing model, with the services BTV (1.5 Mbps MPEG-2), Access to Internet and ToIP (G.729A) on a Network with QoS and without implemented QoS (Network BPL vs Intranet of ETECSA). Source: VPDT. ETECSA. 19 • Methodology for the measurement of the capacity of memory of temporary storage (Buffer) of the STB AmiNET110. Video Server 4 Mbps and codification MPG2 HUB (Without Packets Loss) 1.5 seg Source: VPDT. ETECSA. Methodology for the measurement of the capacity of memory of temporary storage (Buffer) of the STB AmiNET110. Capacity of Memory = 6 Mb. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 20 Conclusions. The design of the IP network of broadband in ETECSA with the implementation of protocols like the PIM, IGMP and BGP among others constitutes the fundamental pillar of the development of the Objective Network of ETECSA, allowing the expansion of the NGN and the possibility of offering novel services like the IPTV. The valuable theoretical and investigative experiences developed for the appropriate correlation of the QoS and the QoE with the employment of the probe FreeProbe, with metric T-factor and MDI, they have allowed ETECSA to have a tool personalized for the validation of the quality of the service of IPTV, which was extended, with the addition of new metric in the Freeprobe that include the validation of the service of ToIP (at the moment in test). The Platform of Services of IPTV developed in ETECSA, jointly with the laboratory testing model that incorporates a IP network emulator was an important aspects that minimized the costs of the investments of the investigative stage were and they allowed to obtain important theoretical and practical results. The proposal of use of the FreeProbe (MDI) to validate the Profile of Quality of the IP Network of ETECSA, it transforms it into an important alternative in front of the expensive acquisition of the Shadow Router dedicated to this only function. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 21 Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 22 • Windows (GUI) of FreeProbe (T-Factor Metric ) . It is based on the propagation of errors inside the GOP, among images I, P and B during the transport of the same one in the IP network, taking in consideration the behavior of the error accountants SAE, SDE and SIE, in the period of analysis of the quality, having in bill determined preset thresholds and the Metric with capacitypriority of identification defined in the of errors at level of MPEG-2 caused by obtained parameters of the head ofUDP/RTP. the packages. losses of packages SA: Service Availability. SD: Service degradation. SI: Service Impairment. Delay Jitter Metric of macro indicators SA,SD y SI Packet Loss Fuente Telecom Italia - VPDT. ETECSA. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 23 • Windows (GUI) of FreeProbe (Metric MDI) . It is based on the analysis of the behavior of the buffer, “Underflow” or “Overflow” of the same one, that which can cause the freezing of the image or the appearance of defects in the same product of excessive losses of packages, having bigger repercussion if these lost packages contain images of the type I or P. Propuesta Metric Media Delivery Index DF= Delay Factor MLR= Media Rate DF:Loss MLR A Buffer Virtual minimum 1Mb, requires which adds a retard of 266.67 mseg (1Mb / 3.75 Mbps) Delay DF:MLR DF = [VB(max) – VB(min)] / MR Fuente Telecom Italia MLR = (Prospective packagesReceived Packages) / interval of time in seconds Jitter Packet Loss Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 24 • Original video VS Original video with 1% Packet Loss Rate. • Original Video. •Video with 1% Packet Loss Rate. Source VPDT. ETECSA. Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 25