Dr. Derek Lutterbeck - Selected Publications Articles “Wearing the Outside In: Internal Deployment of the Armed Forces in Germany and Italy”, Zeitschrift Friede und Sicherheit, vol. 28, no.2 (Summer 2010): 88-94. “The West and Russia in the Mediterranean: Towards a Renewed Rivalry?”, Mediterranean Politics, vol. 14, no. 3 (November 2009): 385-406. “Arming Libya: Transfers of Conventional Weapons, Past and Present”, Contemporary Security Policy, vol. 30, no. 3 (December 2009): 505-528. “Migrants, Weapons and Oil: Europe and Libya after the Sanctions”, Journal of North African Studies, vol. 14, no.2 (June 2009): 169-184. “Small Frontier Island: Malta and the Challenges of Irregular Immigration”, Mediterranean Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 1 (winter 2009): 119-144. “Policing Migration in the Mediterranean”, Mediterranean Politics, vol. 11, no. 1 (March 2006): 59-82. “Policing the EU’s Mediterranean Borders: The Human Security Implications”, in: Peter Seeberg (ed), EU and the Mediterranean. Foreign Policy and Security (University Press of Southern Denmark, 2007). “Coping with Europe’s Boat People. Trends and Policy Dilemmas in Controlling the EU’s Mediterranean Borders” ISPI Policy Brief, February 2008. “Blurring the Dividing Line: The Convergence of Internal and External Security in Western Europe”, European Security, vol. 14, no. 2 (June 2005): 231-253. “Between Police and Military: The New Security Agenda and the Rise of Gendarmeries”, Cooperation and Conflict, vol. 39, no. 1 (March 2004): 45-68. “The EU and its Southern Neighbours: Promoting Security Sector Reform in the Mediterranean Region and the Middle East”, in: Philipp Fluri and David Spence (eds), The European Union and Security Sector Reform. Geneva: Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (John Harper Publishing, London, 2008). “Looking East and South: Looking East and South: Promoting Security Sector Reform in the EU’s Neighbourhood” in: Thanos Dokos (ed.), Security Sector Transformation in Southeastern Europe and the Middle East (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007). Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies (MEDAC), University of Malta, Msida, MSD 2080, MALTA Tel: +356 23402821 Fax: +356 21483091 E-mail: dlutt01@um.edu.mt “Catching the EC-Train. Switzerland and Austria in Comparative Perspective” (co-authored), European Journal of International Relations, vol. 5, no. 2 (June 1999): 189-224. “Der ‚weiche Unterleib’. Das Grenzkontrollregime an der Meeresenge von Otranto“, Bürgerrechte und Polizei, 2001(3): 74-79. Switzerland and Cooperative Threat Reduction, GCSP Occasional Paper No. 43, Geneva, 2004. Books Migration, Development and Diplomacy. Perspectives from the Southern Mediterranean (Ed.), (Red Sea Press, 2010). 2