Journal of Agricultural Economics doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12064 On the Allocation of Possible EU Total Allowable Catches (TAC) for the Mediterranean Swordfish: An Envy-Free Criterion and Equitable Procedure Athanasios Kampas1 (Original submitted February 2013, revision received December 2013, accepted January 2014.) Abstract This paper examines the allocation of entitlement rights for the management of common property resources. In particular, the case of allocating a Total Allowable Catch quota for the Mediterranean swordfish is examined as a case study. The proposed approach comprises three steps. First, there is a bargaining procedure between the European Union (EU) and the rest of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) countries. As soon as an initial agreement is possible, the EU considers various equitable rationing methods to allocate its share to the European Member States. These rationing methods draw upon two different streams of the literature, bankruptcy and ‘burden sharing’. Finally, the European Member States reach a fair agreement through minimising an envy-free index. The allocation rule which is defined as the weighted average of equal proportion and equal share rationales represents the best compromise solution. Keywords: Bankruptcy rules; bargaining; common property resources; envy-free indices; fairness; initial allocation; Mediterranean Sea; swordfish; total allowable catch. JEL classifications: Q22, Q34, Q50. 1. Introduction The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) of the European Union (EU) includes a variety of conservation measures, which primarily involve limits in the quantity of fish catches along with so-called ‘technical measures’.2 These ‘technical measures’ refer to 1 Athanasios Kampas is with the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, Athens, 11855, Greece. E-mail: for correspondence. The author is indebted to the three anonymous referees and David Harvey (Editor) for comments and suggestions that significantly improved the original text. Any remaining errors are those of the author. 2 EU regulation 850/98. Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society 2 Athanasios Kampas restrictions on the technology used (fishing gear), restrictions on the minimum landing sizes, by-catch rules, and closed areas and seasons (Frost and Andersen, 2006). Fish catch limitations expressed as Total Allowable Catch (TAC) represent the cornerstone of the CFP (Quin, 1983; Karagiannakos, 1996; Schwach et al., 2007). In 1982 the TAC were recognised as a regulatory instrument by the Montego Bay International Convention for the Law of the Sea, and the next year were adopted by the EU (Lequesne, 2004).3 The CFP sets the TACs through a complex process which involves interactions among numerous agents and bodies such as the European Commission, the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STEFC), the Regional Advisory Council, the European Council, the fishing industries and various Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Da Rocha et al., 2012). There are two types of TAC: (i) the analytical TAC, which are estimated on the basis of scientific data (scientific recommendations from the International Council for the Exploitation of the Sea, ICES); (ii) the estimated TAC, where the necessary scientific data are missing. The majority of TAC are estimated (Karagiannakos, 1996). It is noteworthy that there is a clear north/south and Atlantic/Mediterranean divide concerning the distribution of TAC in the EU waters. TAC prevails in the northern waters (the European part of the Atlantic) while they are almost absent in the southern waters (Mediterranean Sea). The annual setting of TACs by the European Council is a political economy exercise in which scientific rationality confronts political realities (Lequesne, 2004). The CFP de facto determines TACs on the basis of a reference point termed ‘precautionary biomass’, which is defined as 30% of the unexploited stock size (Khalilian et al., 2010). However, such scientific advice is systematically ignored by the European Ministers as TACs on average have been set 48% higher than such an advice (Khalilian et al., 2010). One explanation of such a discrepancy between the proposed and the adopted TAC is that the European Council is restricted by short-term political pressures. Hence, it is not surprising that the TAC setting is often considered as the most politicised aspect of the CFP (Franchino and Rahming, 2003), which shapes the lack of institutional success of fisheries management under CFP (Schwach et al., 2007). Since the 1990s it has been recognised that TACs are inefficient as a single instrument to control overfishing (Lequesne, 2004). Therefore, a consensus has emerged that they should be used in conjunction with other regulatory measures such as gear restrictions and/or closed fishing areas. For example, Stefansson and Rosenberg (2005) found that clear conservation benefits can be achieved by coupling a quota system with additional control measures such as closed areas. Similar conclusions were reached for the Atlantic swordfish TAC (Neilson et al., 2013). Detailed criticism of the ‘TAC machine’, a term coined by Schwach et al. (2007), can be found in Khalilian et al. (2010) and Villasante et al. (2011). Despite the severe criticisms of the ‘TAC machine’, the last CFP reform recognised the need to maintain the TAC system until the next policy reform (Da Rocha et al., 2012). Hannesson (1991) argues that the division of a TAC is a simple matter once the total catch has been agreed. On the contrary, we think that such a statement underestimates the crucial issue of the likely distributional impacts induced by different allocation methods. Suffice to say that the extent of these distributional impacts determines the perceived fairness of various allocation methods and hence shapes 3 Article 3 of EU Regulation 170/83. Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society EU TAC for the Mediterranean Swordfish 3 their likely acceptability. Thus, in line with Aranda et al. (2006), we argue that the (initial) allocation of shared stocks is arguably the most complex issue in the management of common property resources, which surprisingly has not received the proper attention in the relevant literature. Nevertheless, in other parts of the literature, where quotas (or permits) represent constraints in the production process, a typical criterion to evaluate different allocation rules is to assess the likely welfare impacts induced by various rules (Rose and Stevens, 1993; Leach, 2009; Golombek et al., 2013). The distribution of the TAC to the EU Member States is based on the notion of ‘relative stability’ under which national stocks are determined in accordance with the quantities of fish caught during a reference period. Under such a principle, each Member State could expect their fishing industry to retain its position relative to other Member States. In other words, the principle of relative stability represents a mechanism by which the status quo is preserved (Symes, 1997). Zajac (1995) argues that ‘. . .the retention of the status quo is considered a right whose removal is considered unjust’, which represents one of six propositions codified by Zajac in his attempt to define economic injustice. One of the major objections against the principle of ‘relative stability’ is that it punishes previous cessation of fishing (Serdy, 2011). Such a cessation, either voluntary or otherwise, may be a problem for a country’s re-entry to fishing. Likewise, by reversing the previous argument, it can be claimed that ‘relative stability’ rewards overfishing. If the introduction of TAC is anticipated, fishing countries have the incentive to overfish in order to obtain greater catch shares in the postTAC period. Although Morin (2000) eloquently shows that the principle of ‘relative stability’ contradicts two fundamental EU rules, namely the right of establishment and the free movement of workers, he is sceptical about its abolition since, as he argues, there is no genuine alternative. Such an argument is only valid as long as the prime decision rule for TAC allocation is the preservation of the status quo. Nevertheless, other criteria are equally legitimate, where legitimacy is defined as ‘the acceptance and justification of a shared rule by a community’ (Bernstein, 2005). Fairness represents an alternative legitimate criterion, which may apply to TAC allocation. As Lowe (2007) argues ‘fairness and realism must rank among the most important desiderata for States engaging in the search for a negotiated solution to a dispute between them’. Despite the fact that there is no general accepted compliance theory for International Environmental Agreements (IEAs) (Mitchell, 2003), fairness, according to Grossen (2004), provides the conceptual tool to manage the tension between change and order in such agreements. Moreover, it enhances the effectiveness of IEAs (Andresen and Hey, 2005). The limitations of fairness as a guiding principle for the International Law are discussed by Tasioulas (2002). The concept of fairness in this study is operationalised through the envy-free criterion, which is a purely ordinal measure of distributive justice (Arnsperger, 1994). Although it seems a common practice among economists to characterise an allocation of resources as fair if it is ‘envy free’, see for example Corch on and Iturbe-Ormaetxe (2001), Fleurbaey (2008), Herreiner and Puppe (2009) and Thomson (2011), the concept of envy free is not immune to criticism (LeGrand, 1991; Rescher, 2002). To date, there is no TAC for Mediterranean swordfish, although this is quite likely to be addressed soon. The TAC setting in the Mediterranean Sea falls within the responsibility of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society 4 Athanasios Kampas Tunas (ICCAT). ICCAT is one of the oldest regional fishing management organisations (RFMOs), and is in charge of the conservation of tunas and tuna-like species in the Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas. In 2001, the Commission adopted ‘Criteria for the Allocation of Fishing Possibilities’ to facilitate the decision-making concerning TAC allocation (ICCAT, 2001). However, the complexity of the proposed criteria is striking (McDorman, 2005), in addition to the complication that they are not legally binding (Henriksen and Hoel, 2011). For simplicity and brevity, we ignore this complexity here by following a normative approach under which ICCAT members are assumed to adopt a cooperative procedure to distribute the gains from cooperation. The likely TAC for the Mediterranean swordfish is based on a recent stock assessment by ICCAT, in which it is stated that the stock has been assessed as ‘overexploited’ (ICCAT, 2010). In addition, Oceana4 has recently called for the establishment of a TAC limit by cutting the average declared catch by 20% (Anonymous, 2010). The paper builds on the idea of a two-tier system proposed by Grafton et al. (2010) to frame a cooperative procedure of allocating a Mediterranean swordfish TAC. According to this system, ICCAT establishes a TAC through bargaining and then allocates non-transferable and permanent country shares to member countries. In turn, each ICCAT member can either use their annual allocations or trade them with other ICCAT members. A possible and feasible TAC allocation is examined here as a three-step procedure. The first step consists of the bargaining process between the EU and the non-EU Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey). The outcome of the initial agreement is that a Mediterranean TAC is allocated between the EU and the non-EU countries. This represents the cooperative procedure adopted by the ICCAT members. The EU then has to decide how to allocate its share to its Member States. The next step examines a number of ‘equitable’ allocation rules, beyond the ‘relative stability’ rule. Here, this paper combines two streams of the literature that deal with the issue of sharing natural resources. The first one originates from the bankruptcy literature, the case in which the amount of the resource to be allocated is lower than the agents’ claims. The second stream of the literature, which is burgeoning, refers to the issue of ‘burden sharing’. For example, such an issue dominates the discussions about how the costs of climate change policies can be allocated. Finally, the EU countries seek consensus in the third step by minimising an envy index as a means of selecting the appropriate (fair) rationing rule. Details of the proposed approach are presented in the next section. Modelling assumptions and the case study of the Mediterranean swordfish are given in section 3, while section 4 discusses the derived results and section 5 concludes. 2. An Approach to Allocating EU TAC The proposed method of allocating TACs comprises three steps. First, the EU acts as a single body in the process of establishing a TAC among the ICCAT countries (Karagiannakos, 1996). The collective choice through which conflicting 4 Oceana is the largest international organisation focused solely on ocean conservation, protecting marine ecosystems and endangered species ( Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society EU TAC for the Mediterranean Swordfish 5 interests are reconciled involves bargaining between the EU and the non-EU countries. Our proposed procedure is based on an analysis that is restricted to cooperative solutions (Figure 1). There are some strong grounds for presuming that a cooperative agreement is possible in this case. First, the Mediterranean Sea is semi-enclosed, within the provisions of Article 122 of the 1982 UN Law of the Sea Convention which requires close cooperation among all coastal States in the region (Frank, 2007). Second, the Mediterranean Sea involves 21 countries where only 10 of them, Algeria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey, have harvested almost all the Mediterranean swordfish stock for the last 20 years. Note that all these ten countries are ICCAT contracting parties, which are obliged to comply with agreed conservation measures. With very few exceptions, such as tuna, Mediterranean fishing is characterised by the scarcity of fleets from outside countries (Su arez de Vivero and Rodrıguez Mateos, 2002). In such a reality, major problems that dominate high seas fisheries, namely the free entry issue (Bjørndal et al., 2000) and the new member concern (Pintassilgo and Costa Duarte, 2001), become less important. A third factor which may facilitate a cooperative solution is the presence of a cooperative spirit among Mediterranean countries. The cooperative basis for the management of the Mediterranean Sea initiated in 1975 with the launch of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), which along with a number of legal instruments is collectively known as the ‘Barcelona System’ (Suarez de Vivero and Rodrıguez Mateos, 2002). Furthermore, in 1995, the EU introduced the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) arrangement, which aimed at fostering cooperation between the EU and 12 Mediterranean countries (Xenakis, 2000). More recently, a similar initiative has been launched by the Paris Summit in 2008, the Union for the Mediterranean, with the aim of promoting stability and prosperity throughout the Mediterranean region (Khatib, 2010). It is also noteworthy that the Mediterranean region was the first Programme region under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (Sands, 2003). While those initiatives can by no means be described as successful, since there is no simple answer as to whether an international regime is effective according to Frantzi (2008), these agreements reflect a rhetoric in favour of cooperation and regional integration among the Mediterranean countries. Figure 1 presents the sequence of these three steps that may be used to assess the Meditteranean countries’ TAC. As soon as a cooperative solution is possible through bargaining, a set of likely allocation methods is considered in allocating the quota to the respective countries. In turn, the choice of the best ‘compromise’ allocating method is determined via the envy-free criterion. 2.1. Step one: A cooperative solution for establishing Mediterranean TAC Let N = {1, 2, . . ., n} be a finite set of agents which includes all the fishing countries that historically used to fish in the Mediterranean Sea. A cooperative bargaining problem for the group consists of two sets of payoff profiles, S and d. The set Scomprises every possible agreement, usually known as the feasible payoff set. By contrast, the set d represents the situation where an agreement is not possible, usually referred to as disagreement or threat point. Among various cooperative solutions, Nash is the best-known bargaining rule, according to which, the Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society 6 Athanasios Kampas Figure 1. The rationale of the proposed allocation procedure Nash bargaining solution is the payoff profile that maximises agent gains from cooperation. Formally, it is defined as: max x2IðS;dÞ n Y ðxi di Þ: ð1Þ i¼1 The Nash rule requires that each bargaining partner prefers an agreement to disagreement, or formally the cooperative solution belongs to the individually rational set, I(s, d) ={x 2 S | x ≥ d}. While the majority of the textbooks on game theory define the payoffs in equation (1) in terms of utility (see for example Friedman, 1990; and Myerson, 1991), bargaining problems can be easily defined as ‘pie allocation problems’, where payoffs in such a context refer to physical quantities (Serrano, 1997; Lerner, 1998; Rasmusen, 2001; Ansink and Weikard, 2009). When bargaining partners have different bargaining powers, the Nash rule is modified as: max x2IðS;dÞ n Y ðxi di Þqi ; ð2Þ i¼1 where qi denotes the bargaining power of partner i and logðmax n Q ðxi di Þqi Þ ¼ max logð i¼1 n Q ðxi di Þqi Þ ¼ max i¼1 n P P qi ¼ 1. Given that i qi logðxi di Þ, the asymmet- i¼1 ric Nash Rule defined in equation (2) can be substituted by the following problem: Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society EU TAC for the Mediterranean Swordfish max x2IðS;dÞ n X 7 qi logðxi di Þ i¼1 w:r:t xi di ; & X ð3Þ xi ¼ TAC i The first paper which applied bargaining solutions in fisheries was Munro (1979). There is a stream of relevant literature which emphasises the use of side-payments to support cooperation, for example Munro (2009) and Calcott and Petkov (2012). However, given that such an issue is still controversial (see Finus, 2001; and Harstad, 2008) and not directly related to the objective of this paper, we opt to ignore side payments. It should be stressed, however, that other cooperative solutions are also possible. Armstrong (1998), for example, considers the Kalai-Smorondinsky and the Salukvadze solutions along with the Nash one. Recent developments of applied game theory in fisheries are covered in a thorough review by Bailey et al. (2010). 2.2. Step two: Examining possible rationing rules of allocating the European TAC It is convenient to consider the unregulated fish catches as the vector of each country’s initial claims, c, where c 2 Rnþ and the ith component of c, denoted by ci, represents the P unrestricted fish catch by country i, in the baseline year, for example, 2010. Hence, ci denotes the total unregulated fish catch or the total claims from all fishing couni2N P P tries. Consequently, the total allowable catches are TAC ¼ ri ¼ ð1 aÞ ci , while i2N i2N P ci denotes the total required reduction in the fishing quantities of the baseline a i2N year and ri stands for the regulated catch of the ith country. Table 1 Definitions of the parameters used in Stage 2 Symbol Definition ci c1 c~i ri N a ci vi ei bi mi qi h li di ^ x si qi The initial (unrestricted) fish catch of country i The lowest initial (unrestricted) fish catch The long run average fish catch of country i The restricted fish catch of country i The cardinality of the set (ICCAT Mediterranean countries) The % reduction of the unrestricted total catches The vessels share of country i The number of authorised vessels of country i The fishing employment of country i The fishing employment share of country i The minimal (fishing) rights of country i The new (fishing) rights of country i A real number h 2 [0, 1] The coastline length of country i The share of coastlines of country i The coastline share of the N countries (over the total Mediterranean) The per capita income of country i (expressed as purchasing power) The share of long run average fish catch of country i Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society 8 Athanasios Kampas The rationing of TAC to the participating countries is arguably the most crucial issue in designing a (voluntary) fishing management plan in the case of Mediterranean swordfish. The reason is that any agreement is much more likely to be stable if the involved agents perceive it as fair (Wood, 2011). To this end, the paper examines a long list of proposed ‘equitable’ allocation rules drawing from two major strands of the relevant literature: ‘bankruptcy’ (Hougaard, 2009) and ‘burden-sharing’ rules (Rose et al., 1998). According to Brams and Taylor (1996) an ‘equitable’ allocation rule does not necessarily assign equal shares to the involved agents but shares in proportion to their entitlements (needs, demands or claims). Table 1 gives the list of the symbols used in what follows. 2.2.1. Bankruptcy rules (based on current catches) The first allocation rule examined is the Equal Proportional Rule (EPR), which is probably the best known method, in which proportionality is often taken as the definition of fairness for claims problems (Thomson, 2003). Each country reduces its current catch by the same agreed proportion, so the EPR is defined as: ri ¼ ð1 aÞci : ð4Þ From the ‘bankruptcy’ literature we consider the following rules. The first rule is the Constrained Equal Award (CEA). The CEA is defined as: where x ¼ ð1 aÞ P ri ¼ minðci ; xÞ ð5Þ ci =N [ 0. The rationale of CEA is that every country receives i2N the same amount as P long as this amount does not exceed the country’s claim. Forci =N, then each and every country receives the same amount mally, if ci [ ð1 aÞ P i2N P equal to ð1 aÞ ci =N. On the contrary, if ci \ð1 aÞ ci =N then the ith country i2N i2N receives theP amount ci andP the remaining countries receive P P P rj ¼ ð1 aÞ cj =ðN 1Þ, where cj þ ci ¼ ci and r j þ ci ¼ ri . j2Nfig i2N j2Nfig j2Nfig i2N Inarra and Skonhoft (2008) examined such a rule for distributing TAC concerning the North East Atlantic Norwegian cod. Another similar rule is the Constrained Equal Loss (CEL). The CEL is defined as: where wi ¼ ci a P ri ¼ maxf0; wi g ð6Þ ci =N [ 0. The rationale of the CEL is that every country receives i2N its claim, cP i, and the required reduction is allocated equally to all countries. Formally, if ci [ a ci =N, then each and every country receives the amount equal i2N P P ci =N. On the contrary, if ci \a ci =N then the ith country receives a r i ¼ ci a i2N i2N zero amount, ri = 0, and the remaining P rj ¼ cj ða ci ci Þ=ðN 1Þ, where j 2 N {i}. countries receive i2N Another characteristic rule from the ‘bankruptcy’ literature is the Pineles (PN). The PN is defined as: Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society 9 EU TAC for the Mediterranean Swordfish " ri ¼ ci =2 þ ð1 aÞ X ci i2N X # ðci =2Þ ð7Þ N: i2N The rationale of the Pineles rule is that each country gets half of its claim and the resulting required reduction is then distributed equally (Thomson, 2003). In turn, we consider a number of ad hoc modifications of the Pineles rule. Instead of the equal allocation in equation (7) we may use a variety of other rationales based on countries’ shares of authorised vessels or fishing employment. So, first, we have the Modified Pineles 1 (MPN1). The MPN1 is defined as: " # X X ri ¼ ci =2 þ ð1 aÞ ci ci 2 ci : ð8Þ i2N i2N The rationale of the MPN1 rule is that each country is getting half of its claim and the resulting P reduction is distributed according to the countries vessels share ci, where ci ¼ mi = mi and vistands for the number of authorised vessels of the ith country. The i2N Modified Pineles 2 (MPN2) utilises the shares of fishing employment instead of the P ei where ei stands authorised vessels, so in equation (8) instead of ci it uses bi ¼ ei = i2N for the fishing employment in the ith country. The last ‘bankruptcy’ rule is the Adjusted Proportional (AP). The AP is defined as: " # X X ri ¼ mi þ ð1 aÞ ci m i qi : ð9Þ i2N i2N The AP rule first gives each country its minimal right, mi, and then allocates the remainder according to the countries’ new claims, qi. The minimal right of country i is defined as the maximum of zero and the difference between the P amount to Pdivide and the claims of the other countries, that is mi ¼ maxf0; ð1 aÞ ci cj g, and i2N i2Nfig P the new claim of country i is qi ¼ ðci mi Þ= ðci mi Þ. The rule was initially proi2N posed and characterised by Curiel et al. (1987). The AP rule is a generalisation of the ‘contested garment’ principle from the Jewish Talmud5 (Dagan and Volij, 1993). Finally, in line with Weikard et al. (2006) we examine a convex combination of the Equal and the Proportional sharing rules (E&P). Such a method allocates a proportion h of TAC equally and the rest (1 h) according to the equal-proportional rule. The E&P is defined as: 5 Hougaard (2009) presents the ‘contested garment’ principle with the following example. Suppose two agents negotiate over the division of a good. Agent A demands the entire piece, while agent B demands half of it. According to the ‘contested garment’ principle the fair allocation should be three-fourths (to the one who demands the entire piece) and one-fourth (to the one demanding half of the piece). The rationale is as follows: Only half of the piece is contested and both agents have an equal right to this half. Consequently, the half is split in two equal pieces (yielding one-fourth of the piece to each agent). But the other half of the piece is not contested since only one agent makes a claim for this. Hence, this agent gets that half piece for herself, resulting in the allocation above described that is three-fourths, one-fourth. Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society 10 Athanasios Kampas X ! X X ri ¼ ð1 hÞð1 aÞ ci n þ h ci ci ð1 aÞ ci : i2N i2N ð10Þ i2N While there might be a variety of rationales in choosing h, in our case study we opted for h = 0.5. Jimenez-Gomez and Peris (2012) defined the scalar h as: ( " ! ! #) X X X X h ¼ max 0; ci ð1 aÞ ci Nc1 ci ci Nc1 ð1 aÞ ð11Þ i2N i2N i2N i2N where c1 is lowest claim of all countries. The resulting allocation rule obtained by plugging equation (11) into equation (10) is termed by the authors as amin Egalitarian rule (A-min). 2.2.2. Burden sharing rules The second set of the rationing methods examined in this paper draws upon the proportionality principle as applied in various international environmental agreements (see for example Ringius et al., 1998; and Kontogianni et al., 2006). Yaari and BarHillel (1984) discuss various justifications under which concerns over fairness may embrace the proportionality principle. For the purpose of our analysis we applied the proportionality principle to the main criteria listed by ICCAT (2001). One of the most obvious rules to allocate TAC is proportional to the country’s coastline (CL). It has now become well established that an essential element of maritime boundary delimitation is the calculation of the relative lengths of the relevant coastlines (Van Dyke, 1996; McIntyre, 2013). The CL rule is defined as: " # X ri ¼ ð1 aÞ c i di ð12Þ where di ¼ li P i2N li and li stands for the coastline length of the ith country. i2N Given that the total Mediterranean coastline,PMC, is longer than the P sum of the ^¼ li we define x li =MC and coastlines of the involved countries, MC [ i2N adjusted the CL rule as: " ^ ð1 aÞ ri ¼ x X # " ^ ð1 aÞ ci di þ ð1 xÞ i2N i2N X # ci bi : ð13Þ i2N The resulting rule is termed adjusted coastline rule 1 (ACL1) and its rationale is to ^ TAC according to li and the remaining quantity according allocate the amount of x to the shares of fishing employment, bi. A variant of ACL1 is ACL2 in which the remaining quantity is distributed on the basis of vessel share, ci. The allocation which is proportional to agent’s affordability is very often considered as a rationale for quota allocation (Rose et al., 1998). In our context, such an allocation rule divides the total amount of the required reduction of fish catches according to the shares of the country’s income, si, under the non-negativity restriction. The ability to pay rule (ATP) is defined as: ri ¼ maxf0; pi g Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society ð14Þ EU TAC for the Mediterranean Swordfish where pi ¼ fci xi ða P ci Þg [ 0 and vi ¼ si = i2N P 11 si . i2N Another proportional rule is the allocation on the basis of the fishing employment shares (EM) (Matthıasson, 1992). The EM rule is defined as: ! X ri ¼ ð1 aÞ ci bi : ð15Þ i2N Total TAC is allocated to the involved countries according to the employment shares bi. Another proportional rule considered by Matthıasson (1992) is the one that is based on the number of vessels (VES). The VES is defined as: ! X ri ¼ ð1 aÞ ci ci : ð16Þ i2N The last allocation rule examined is the one that uses the shares of long-run average catches of the involved countries. Such a rule which uses the historical data on fish catches is defined as: ! X ri ¼ ð1 aÞ c i qi : ð17Þ P i2N where qi ¼ c~i = c~i and c~i is the long-run average fish catch of the ith country. This i2N the rationale of the relative stability used by the EU. type of rule mimics Finally, we note that both the Nash bargaining (Chun and Thomson, 1988) and the allocation rules examined in this paper are resource monotonic (Dagan et al., 1997; Moulin, 2002); that is to say that all partners are affected in the same direction when the TAC changes.6 This property ensures the stability of a solution in cases where TAC is changed. 2.3. Step three: An envy-free criterion for seeking consensus Being envy-free, according to which every agent is satisfied with their own allocation and does not prefer another’s allocation, is a central part of the economic theory of fairness (Zhou, 1992; Arnsperger, 1994; Brams and King, 2005). The rationale of the envy-free criterion can be adequately captured by two indices, namely the envious intensity and the envied intensity (Fleurbaey, 2008). The envious intensity, denoted as EV1, represents the total amount of TAC (beyond what is already allocated) that should be given to a group of countries in order to make them non-envious. The EV1 is calculated by the following steps: 1 For every possible allocation scheme and for every pair of countries (i, j) compute the number qij = ri rj which represents the lowest amount of external resource (fish) that should be given to i in order to prevent it from envying j, provided that qij < 0. When qij ≥ 0 country i does not envy country j. 2 For every possible allocation scheme and every country, computePthe number ξi = min qij and then sum over all countries to calculate the Pnumber vi . Finally, the envious intensity, EV1, is given by the number minð vi Þ. An iallocation is ranked as envy-free when it minimises the envious intensity. i 6 This point was brought to our attention by an anonymous referee. Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society 12 Athanasios Kampas Similarly, the envied intensity, denoted as EV2, represents the total amount of external resource that should be taken away from a group of countries so none is envied by the others. The EV2 is calculated P directly analogously with the EV1 when qij ≥ 0 and it is given by the number minð max qij Þ. Likewise, an allocation is ranked i as envy-free when it minimises the envied intensity. 3. Case Study and Assumptions Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) is considered as a highly migratory species and is widely distributed throughout the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean stock is considered isolated from the Atlantic stock, and the two stocks are different in terms of growth rate and sexual maturity (Anonymous, 2009). Catches of Mediterranean swordfish have stabilised around 15,000 tonnes in the last 15 years, primarily caught with surface drifting longlines. The progressive decrease in mean size and mean age of catches reflects the fact that swordfish is overfished (Lleonart, 2008). The catching of swordfish, both as a targeted fishery and as by-catch, is prohibited by ICCAT in the Mediterranean during the period between 1 October and 30 November each year (FAO, 2010). Until recently, apart from the 2 months closure, there was no specific management regime for Mediterranean swordfish although various technical measures, such as minimum landing size and fishing licence control systems, have been institutionalised to ease fishing pressure on the stock (Tserpes et al., 2009). The need for a sustainable Mediterranean swordfish management plan has become more urgent since the Mediterranean stock has been assessed as overexploited (ICCAT, 2010). The main priorities of such a management plan are: first, to establish a total allowable catch limit by cutting the total unregulated catches by a specific proportion, a, and second, to allocate the TAC to the fishing countries. Oceana have suggested that a value of a = 20% represents a prudent management scenario (Anonymous, 2010). The disagreement point in the bargaining process is taken to be a 6-month closure of fishing. Even though such a scenario results in important initial losses in annual landings, it is shown to be quite beneficial in the long run for the spawning stock biomass (SSB). Tserpes et al. (2009) have estimated that with a 6-month closure, the swordfish stock will attain maximum sustainable yield levels within a period of 20 years. However, such a measure would result in a 35% reduction in fish landings in the first year of its implementation (Tserpes et al., 2009). So if the Mediterranean countries fail to reach an agreement concerning the Oceana scenario of 20% catch reduction, then a 6-month closure should be introduced to alleviate the harvesting pressure on swordfish stock. For our purposes, individual threat points can be taken as a 35% reduction of the unregulated fish catches. It can also be assumed that the shares of authorised vessels of the EU countries determine their relative bargaining powers. While there might be other ways to determine the relative bargaining powers, we follow the ICCAT suggestion that the countries’ shares of authorised vessels satisfactorily capture the interests, the fishing patterns and the fishing practices of the involved countries (ICCAT, 2001). According to the latest ICCAT stock assessment (ICCAT, 2011), the countries examined in this paper (Table 2) harvest 99.9% of total catches. Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society 998 28,225 12 $8,320 624 826 648 1,126 17 $21,962 31 86 Cyprus 13,676 30,196 819 $27,580 1,494 1,325 Greece 645 25,459 317 $29,619 78 20 France 7,600 60,700 6,625 $21,004 6,022 7,605 Italy 253 539 584 $4,628 423 156 Malta 584 70,000 481 $29,661 1,610 1,915 Morocco 2,714 100,000 90 $34,341 1,792 1,318 Spain Sources: *Coastline: EU countries: Su arez de Vivero and Rodrıguez Mateos (2002); non-EU countries: Sea around Us (2012). † Fishing sector employment: EU countries: Regional Advisory Council (2008); non-EU countries: Earth Trends (2012). ‡ Authorised vessels: Anonymous (2010). § Gross National Income per capita (expressed as purchasing power): United Nations Development Programme (2009). ¶ Catches: ICCAT (2011). Coastline Km* Fishing sector employment† Authorised vessels‡ Gross National Income per capita§ Swordfish catches (2010)¶ Swordfish catches average (1982–2010)¶ Algeria Table 2 Mediterranean fishing countries’ profile 1,148 53,000 397 $7,979 1,016 395 Tunisia 5,326 110,230 201 $13,359 334 317 Turkey EU TAC for the Mediterranean Swordfish 13 14 Athanasios Kampas Table 3 Bargaining results between EU and non-EU countries Bargaining partners EU Algeria Morocco Tunisia Turkey Total Quota allocation % 8,170.4 407.6 1,151.1 746.9 261.3 10,737.6 76.1 3.8 10.7 7.0 2.4 4. Results and Discussion The result of the bargaining procedure among the ICCAT Mediterranean countries is given in Table 3. The results were obtained by solving the nonlinear programming problem defined by equation (3) using the dataset from Table 2 and assumptions about the disagreement discussed in the previous section. As is clear from Table 3, the EU gets the majority of the Mediterranean fishing quotas. The share of quotas allocated to the EU through bargaining equals 76.1%. Such an outcome leaves the EU better off both in comparison to the current year situation, where the EU’s share is 73.2%, and also in comparison to the long-run average catches (1982–2010) where the EU’s share amounts to 75.1%. As soon as the initial allocation of fishing quotas has been arranged between the EU block and the rest of the (non-EU) Mediterranean countries, the question is how the European countries will decide to allocate this share between them. To this end, we assume that it is quite reasonable to examine a variety of rationing rules described in section 2 and the results are given in Table 4. The situation depicted in Table 4 is that no single allocation rule is preferable to all countries. Cyprus and Malta are likely to prefer the allocation rule which is the weighted average of the equal proportion and the equal share methods (E&P). Greece is in favour of the allocation rule which is proportional to coastlines. France and Spain would favour the allocation rule which is proportional to fishing employment, while Italy finds itself better off under the allocation rule which uses historical data. So, at first glance, EU countries find themselves with divergent maximal claims as defined under the various allocation rules examined in Table 4. Nevertheless, a mutual decision concerning the preferable allocation rule of rationing the EU fishing quotas involves a compromise. This simply means that the countries may be willing to set aside their maximal demand and agree upon a ‘second best’ choice, as soon as this choice satisfies some minimum requirements. The rationale being that a group decision is possible if the envy between the members of the group is minimised. To this end we examine the indices of envious intensity,EV1, and envied intensity, EV2, described in section 2. Table 5 and Table 6 present the estimated envy-free indices. An interesting result emerges from Tables 5 and 6. The allocation rule which is defined as the weighted average of the equiproportional and equal shares is the rationing method that achieves minimum envy allocation. It is noteworthy that the E&P rule represents the weighted average of two focal rationales in the sharing problems. The first rationale put forward by the equal shares method can be seen as a ‘leftist’ approach since it modifies the existing relative Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society Cyprus Greece Italy France Malta Spain Total Country 25.7 1,240.5 5,000.2 64.8 351.2 1,487.9 8,170.4 EPR 31.0 1,494.0 4,352.4 78.0 423.0 1,792.0 8,170.4 CEA 0.0 1,103.9 5,631.9 0.0 32.8 1,401.9 8,170.4 CEL 557.2 1,288.7 3,552.7 580.7 753.2 1,437.7 8,170.4 PN 22.0 1,062.0 5,558.8 160.9 436.1 930.6 8,170.4 MPN1 34.5 1,356.5 3,786.3 450.6 234.8 2,307.6 8,170.4 MPN2 21.4 1,029.1 5,502.4 53.7 291.4 1,272.4 8,170.4 AP 693.7 1,301.1 3,181.0 713.2 856.5 1,424.8 8,170.4 E&P 31.0 1,241.0 4,985.9 69.9 355.2 1,487.4 8,170.4 A-MIN Allocation rules 191.7 4,327.0 2,635.6 184.3 56.6 775.3 8,170.4 CL 139.0 3,303.3 2,384.1 495.8 57.3 1,791.0 8,170.4 ACL1 Possible allocation rules for the European swordfish quotas Table 4 127.5 3,032.1 4,016.0 229.0 242.6 523.2 8,170.4 ACL2 0.0 1,095.0 5,593.5 0.0 119.1 1,362.9 8,170.4 ATP 47.8 1,532.2 1,949.0 1,034.7 58.6 3,548.3 8,170.4 EM 16.4 791.7 6,404.3 306.4 564.5 87.0 8,170.4 VES 64.5 1,038.4 5,850.5 20.2 132.2 1,064.6 8,170.4 HIS EU TAC for the Mediterranean Swordfish 15 Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society 4,649.0 3,512.3 21,830.9 Malta Spain Total 0.0 4,935.5 France Italy 4,974.5 3,759.7 Greece EPR Cyprus Country 17,944.0 2,560.4 3,929.4 4,274.4 0.0 2,858.4 4,321.4 CEA 25,542.7 4,230.0 5,599.0 5,553.9 0.0 4,528.0 5,631.9 CEL 13,146.0 2,115.0 2,799.5 2,972.0 0.0 2,264.0 2,995.5 PN 25,182.3 4,628.2 5,122.7 5,397.9 0.0 4,496.8 5,536.7 MPN1 14,547.7 1,478.8 3,551.5 3,335.7 0.0 2,429.8 3,751.9 MPN2 24,844.2 4,230.0 5,211.1 5,448.7 0.0 4,473.4 5,481.1 AP 10,915.5 1,756.1 2,324.5 2,467.7 0.0 1,879.9 2,487.2 E&P 21,745.0 3,498.4 4,630.7 4,916.0 0.0 3,744.9 4,954.9 A-MIN Allocation rules 17,791.7 3,551.7 4,270.5 4,142.8 1,691.4 0.0 4,135.3 CL The index of envious intensity EV1 Table 5 11,649.3 1,512.2 3,246.0 2,807.5 919.2 0.0 3,164.3 ACL1 15,925.8 3,492.8 3,773.4 3,787.0 0.0 984.0 3,888.5 ACL2 25,390.4 4,230.6 5,474.4 5,593.5 0.0 4,498.5 5,593.5 ATP 13,119.2 0.0 3,489.7 2,513.6 1,599.3 2,016.1 3,500.5 EM 30,255.2 6,317.3 5,839.7 6,097.8 0.0 5,612.6 6,387.8 VES 26,932.8 4,785.9 5,718.3 5,830.4 0.0 4,812.1 5,786.0 HIS 16 Athanasios Kampas Ó 2014 The Agricultural Economics Society Cyprus Greece Italy France Malta Spain Total Country 0.0 1,214.8 4,974.5 39.0 325.5 1,462.2 8,016.0 EPR 0.0 1,463.0 4,321.4 47.0 392.0 1,761.0 7,984.4 CEA 0.0 1,103.9 5,631.9 78.0 32.8 1,401.9 8,248.4 CEL 0.0 731.5 2,995.5 23.5 196.0 880.5 4,827.0 PN 0.0 1,039.9 5,536.7 138.9 414.1 908.6 8,038.2 MPN1 0.0 1,322.0 3,751.9 416.1 200.3 2,273.1 7,963.4 MPN2 0.0 1,007.7 5,481.1 32.4 270.0 1,251.1 8,042.3 AP 0.0 607.4 2,487.2 19.5 162.7 731.1 4,008.0 E&P 0.0 1,210.0 4,954.9 38.9 324.2 1,456.4 7,984.4 A-MIN Allocation rules CL 135.1 4,270.5 2,579.0 127.7 0.0 718.7 7,831.0 The index of envied intensity, EV2 Table 6 81.7 3,246.0 2,326.8 438.4 0.0 1,733.7 7,826.5 ACL1 0.0 2,904.6 3,888.5 101.5 115.1 395.7 7,405.5 ACL2 0.0 1,095.0 5,593.5 0.0 119.1 1,362.9 8,170.4 ATP 0.0 1,484.4 1,901.2 986.9 10.9 3,500.5 7,883.9 EM 0.0 775.3 6,387.8 290.0 548.1 70.6 8,071.8 VES 44.3 1,018.2 5,830.4 0.0 112.1 1,044.4 8,049.4 HIS EU TAC for the Mediterranean Swordfish 17 18 Athanasios Kampas inequalities of the countries’ entitlements. By contrast, the proportional sharing can be interpreted as a ‘rightist’ approach since it preserves such relative inequalities. The terms ‘rightist’ and ‘leftist’ are due to Kolm (1976). The above result simply stresses the fact that a fair compromise solution to allocating rights or entitlements for a local common has a straightforward meaning. A normative acceptable solution requires a fine balance between the ‘rightist’ and ‘leftist’ rationales. Notwithstanding the substantive content of a fair compromise, it must be understood within the framework of the power balance in a region. Fairness is not something that can be accomplished in a vacuum. Fair outcomes to become operational must be accepted by the powerful and be satisfactory to the weak (Louka, 2006). However, in reality, it is commonly supposed that power relationships between the involved states are, very often, the major determinant of resource allocation outcomes (Henriksen and Hoel, 2011). 5. Conclusions This paper has examined the important issue of the initial allocation of fishing quotas for the management of common property resources. As an example, the allocation of fishing rights for the Mediterranean swordfish is examined as a case study. Our approach comprises three steps. First, there is a bargaining procedure between the EU and the rest of the fishing countries. As soon as an initial agreement is possible, the EU considers various equitable rationing methods to allocate its share to the European Member States. Finally, the European Member States reach a fair agreement through minimising envy. The main result obtained is that the preferred allocation rule is identified as the weighted average of equiproportional and equal share rationales. In other words, the minimum envy criterion selects the allocation rule which compromises the two polar cases: a) the egalitarian rationale (equal shares), and b) the preservation of the status quo (equal proportional reduction). In addition, the selected allocation rule is easy to implement and characterised by the resource monotonicity property (it is unaffected by changes in the total TAC). Finally, we need to acknowledge one important limitation in this research. It examines exclusively cooperative solutions, which appears to reflect the nature of potential negotiations about Mediterranean swordfish catches. This point merits further analysis. Our analysis, nevertheless, is not restricted to fishing but can easily be applied to other common property resources, such as communal land and water, only with minor adjustments. Previous literature either focuses on game theoretic approaches (see, for example, Mukhopadhyay, 2004; and Van den Brink et al., 2012) or on sharing rules (see, for example, Matthıasson, 1992; and D’Exelle et al., 2012). 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