Challenges in Climate Modelling 23rd PhD Workshop on International Climate Policy Noel Aquilina Valletta - Malta, 20-21 Oct 2011 Contents Current Climate Science Challenges WCRP IPCC Contribution from the Department of Physics The way forward? 2 3 4 The reliable detection and attribution of changes in climate is fundamental to understanding the scientific basis of climate change and? Detection of change is defined as the process of demonstrating that climate has changed in some defined statistical sense. An identified change is detected in observations if its likelihood of occurrence by chance due to internal variability alone is determined to be small (<10%). Attribution is defined as the process of evaluating the relative contributions of multiple causal factors to a change or event. The process of attribution requires the detection of a change in the observed variable or closely associated variables. To ensure a robust and consistent assessment of attribution results there is a need to clarify the different approaches to attribution of observed changes to specified causes. The use of ‘uncertainty terminology’ and the assessment of confidence levels. 5 Attribution seeks to determine whether a specified set of external forcings and/or drivers are the cause of an observed change in a specific system. For example, increased greenhouse gas concentrations may be a forcing for an observed change in the climate system. In turn, changed climate may be an external driver on crop yields or glacier mass. i. ii. iii. iv. Single-Step Attribution to External Forcings Multi-Step Attribution Associative Pattern Attribution Attribution to a Change in Climatic Conditions (Climate Change) 6 Single-Step Attribution to External Forcings Example: Application of a detection analysis to an area burnt by forest fire. The use of calculated regression coefficient of interannual variations in area burnt against regional fire season temperature allowed a relationship to estimate anthropogenically forced variations in a period. [Gillett et al, 2004] Multi-Step Attribution Example: Link between rising atmospheric CO2 and the reduced calcifying abilities of reef building of tropical corals. Decling pH and carbonate ion concentrations are linked to increasing atmospheric CO2. Second step verified experimentally. [De’ath et al, 2009] Associative Pattern Attribution Example: Assessment of 20 years of data of significant changes in physical and biological systems. Spatial pattern of observed impacts is compared with observed climate trends using statistical pattern-comparison measures. Changes consistent with known responses in the region, not influenced by other driving forces. [Rosenzweig et al, 2008] Attribution to a Change in Climatic Conditions (Climate Change) It addresses the link between impacts and the climate as driver based on the understanding of processes. 7 The World Climate Research Programme’s (WCRP) mission? ... is to facilitate analysis and prediction of Earth system variability and change for use in an increasing range of practical applications of direct relevance, benefit and value to society. The two overarching objectives of the WCRP are: i) to determine the predictability of climate; ii) to determine the effect of human activities on climate The WCRP is sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. 8 The main foci of the WCRP research are: Observing changes in the components of the Earth system. [atmosphere, ocean, land and cryosphere] Improving our knowledge and understanding of global and regional climate variability and change, and of the mechanisms. Assessing and attributing significant trends in global and regional climates. Developing and improving numerical models that are capable of simulating and assessing the climate system for a wide range of space and time scales. Investigating the sensitivity of the climate system to natural and human-induced forcing and estimating the changes. 9 Numerical models range from models of a particular process, through complex global and regional climate or earth system models. Applications? including processes studies, data assimilation and analysis, attribution, historical and paleo-climate simulation, seasonal to interannual climate prediction, future climate projections, and regional downscaling. Climate services and related information used for societal and policy purposes are largely based on the output of such models. Basic model development has recently been identified to be in decline. WCRP through its many activities is in a unique position to advance this important issue i) by formulating and implementing a new strategy for model development and ii) by promoting the importance of model development to its stakeholders and funding agencies. It is imperative that any new WCRP structure takes into account this challenge in contributing to solutions. 10 Modelling is central to almost all WCRP activities and there are a number of well established working groups that deal with several aspects: Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) Working Group on Seasonal to interannual Prediction (WGSIP) Working Group on Ocean Models Development (WGOMD) GEWEX Modelling and Prediction Panel (GMPP) WCRP – CORE PROJECTS SPARC – STRATOSPHERIC PROCESSES AND THEIR ROLE IN CLIMATE GEWEX – GLOBAL ENERGY & WATER CYCLE EXPERIMENT CLIVAR – CLIMATE VARIABILITY CLIC - CLIMATE & CRYOSPHERE 11 What does the IPCC suggest for the upcoming AR5? What is sought in the new generation of climate models ? Heterogeneity An increasing emphasis on estimates of uncertainty in the projections raise questions about how best to evaluate and combine model results in order to improve the reliability of projections both at the global and the local scale. Important for future scientists using results from model intercomparison projects What is the potential for, and limitations of, combining multiple models for various applications? What are the criteria for the decision making concerning model quality? performance metrics? model weighting? and averaging? Which are the methods used in assessing the above? 12 How should climate models be evaluated? Performance Metrics (quantitative-a statistical measure of agreement between a simulated and an observed quantity) Diagnostics (qualitatively-spatial maps, time series, frequency distribution) Model Quality Metric A measure designed to infer the skill or appropriateness of a model for a specific purpose obtained by combining performance metrics that are important for a particular application. Model Quality Index May take into account model construction, spatio-temporal resolution or inclusion of certain components in a subjective way 13 Ensemble A group of comparable model simulations. This gives the possibility of a more accurate estimate of a model property through a larger sample size (climatological mean of frequency of a rare event). Variation of results across the ensemble members gives an estimate of the uncertainty. Multi-model ensembles include the impact of model differences. Perturbed-physics parameter ensembles are those in which model parameters are varied in a systematic manner to produce a more systematic estimate of a single model uncertainty. 14 Multi-model mean (unweighted) An average of simulations in a multi-model ensemble, treating all models equal. Several realizations of a single model (changing only the initial conditions) might be averaged before averaging with other models. Multi-model mean (weighted) An average across all simulations in a multi-model ensemble that does not treat all models equally. Weights are generally derived from some measure of the model’s ability to simulate the observed climate (model quality metric /index). In climate model projections the determination of weights should be a reflection of a defined statistical framework Projections in the IPCC 5th Assessment Report (AR5) - CMIP5 of the WCRP, in which the research and modelling community have agreed on the type of simulations to be performed. 15 Recommendations for Ensembles When analysing multi-model ensemble results it is important to consider: To form an ensemble and interpreting it for a particular purpose requires an understanding of the variations between model simulations and model set-up. To try to identify differences between same model simulations and perturbed physics ensembles. The latter are an added complexity. [Different models for different configurations] In using CMIP5 it is important to recognize differences in forcing scenarios. A single’s model ensemble should not give an inappropriate weight to a given model in a multi-model ensemble. There is currently no ‘best approach’ to the combination of interdependent ensemble members and no unique way to characterize model dependence. 16 Other Initiatives – MedCLIVAR – MEDiterranean CLImate VARiability The development of the MedCLIVAR program was endorsed by CLIVAR. The implementation of MedCLIVAR included the establishing scientific liaison with relevant organizations and existing programmes. Presently MedCLIVAR includes about 70 participating scientists and 50 supporting institutions from 16 countries. Issues that remain challenging as a result of MedCLIVAR Resolution over small islands [complex topography] Atmosphere-ocean interactions [river flows, straits, inland seas] Depth of ocean and circulation [not particularly well parameterised] At Regional scale, the AO models required further development [aerosols, coupled GCM-RCM for both atmosphere and ocean] 17 Investigating relationships between Teleconnections around the Mediterranean Sea and their influence on aerosol transport using a RCM RegCM4 [unpublished work by James Ciarlo`] Scope: To investigate the behaviour of Teleconnections around the Mediterranean, with respect to: Their influence on aerosol transport Interaction between individual patterns Reproducibility within RegCM4 Teleconnections: Two or more distant points of atmospheric pressure that vary with a negative relationship with respect to each other. 18 Level of Pattern 500 hPa 700 hPa SLP 19 Example: North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) 20 Validation: Spatial Bias and Subregional Analysis 21 Validation: Sub-regional Analysis Sea Level Pressure Annual Cycle RegCM4.0 NCEP/NCAR 1020 1015 1005 1000 Sea Level Pressure Annual Cycle 995 RegCM4.0 NCEP/NCAR 1026 990 Icelandic Low Area 1024 985 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct1022 Nov Pressure (hPa) Pressure (hPa) 1010 Dec 1020 1018 1016 1014 Azores High Area 1012 1010 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 22 Validation: Sub-regional Analysis Sea Level Pressure Annual Cycle RegCM4.0 NCEP/NCAR 1035 1030 1020 1015 Sea Level Pressure Annual Cycle 1010 RegCM4.0 W. Mediterranean 1005 NCEP/NCAR 1035 1030 1000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct1025 Nov Pressure (hPa) Pressure (hPa) 1025 Dec 1020 1015 1010 1005 E. Mediterranean 1000 995 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 23 Inter-pattern Relationship NAOI CACOI -0.109 EAI 0.514 MOI 0.266 NCPI 0.167 SCAI -0.165 SENAI 0.865 WeMOI -0.110 24 Influence on Transport 25 Evaluation of the different versions of the Land Surface Model – MOSES in PRECIS over Australia [unpublished work by Deandra Cutajar and Jessica Falzon] MOSES - Met Office Surface Exchange Scheme 26 Evaluation of the different versions of the Land Surface Model – MOSES in PRECIS over Australia [unpublished work by Deandra Cutajar and Jessica Falzon] MOSES1 and MOSES2.2 overestimated the evaporation compared to the Reference data. MOSES1’s overestimation exceeded that of MOSES 2.2 for Jan–Sep, but this changes for Sep–Dec, leading MOSES 2.2 to be less accurate. Hence during the summer period (Dec–Feb), one would expect that the evaporation rate is higher than the rest which is what both LSMs showed. The change between a high rate and a low rate of evaporation was not strongly shown in the Reference data unlike the model data. Higher deviations in summer. Evaporation, in MOSES2.2, depends on the conductivity of the soil at the surface which depends on the temperature. MOSES 2.2 uses a tiled representation, this tends to result into higher temperatures than the aggregated representation used in MOSES 1. This explains that during the summer period, the conductance at the soil surface is high due to high temperatures which explains why MOSES 2.2 simulated high rate of evaporation than MOSES 1. 27 MOSES1-Reference The overestimation of MOSES 1 over Reference data is significant in the Oceanic Islands Underestimation of rate of evaporation in the desert areas 28 MOSES2.2 ˗ MOSES1 The overestimation of MOSES 2.2 over MOSES 1 occurred mostly at the central part of Australia, the desert where the formation of clouds is minimum to null. Desert is an area with high atmospheric pressure. In such areas cold air descends, and warms as it gets closer to the ground, however instead of being released as precipitation, the ground heat flux evaporates the water, increasing the rate of evaporation. 29 The CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (Phase 5) WCRP agreed to promote a new set of coordinated climate model experiments. CMIP5 will notably provide a multi-model context for assessing the mechanisms responsible for model differences in poorly understood feedbacks associated with the carbon cycle and with clouds, examining climate “predictability” and exploring the ability of models to predict climate on decadal time scales, near term (out to about 2035) and long term (out to 2100 and beyond),and, more generally, determining why similarly forced models produce a range of responses. New models will be HETEROGENOUS with the inclusion of interactive representations of Biogeochemical cycles (carbon and nitrogen) Gas-phase chemistry Aerosols and Secondary Organic Aerosols Ice sheets Land use Dynamic vegetation Full representation of the Stratosphere 30 Human decisions?? CORDEX - COordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment CORDEX will produce an ensemble of multiple dynamical and statistical downscaling models considering multiple forcing GCMs from the CMIP5 archive. Multiple common domains covering all (or most) land areas in the World have been selected (with initial focus on AFRICA). 31 References WCRP – Observations & Analysis: IPCC, 2010: Meeting Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Expert Meeting on Assessing and Combining Multi Model Climate Projections [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. IPCC Working Group I Technical Support Unit, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, pp. 117. 32 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION CONTACT DETAILS NOEL AQUILINA E: T: (+356) 2340 3036 W: 33